The program has gained a strong following due to its light-hearted and entertaining style, offering viewers a break from the more serious news segments. It airs on weekends and is popular for its sharp satire and fun-filled atmosphere. "Hoshyarian" is loved for providing comedy while subtly reflecting on important social issues.
00:00Assalam-o-Alaikum viewers, I am Haroon Rafiq and you are watching Hoshiyariyan.
00:06Friends, many times in life, we get stuck in a problem and try to solve it first.
00:15Then we will take out the remaining time and meet our friends and family.
00:20We will also meet other people, but first solve the problem.
00:24So, know one thing that problems never end in life.
00:29Never let a problem become a reason for not meeting anyone.
00:36Remember, children grow up, no matter how close your friends are, they go far away.
00:40And when your children grow up, they become their own personality, their own problems begin.
00:46Then those children do not realize that their parents are going to leave the world.
00:50So, solving important problems in life is not the solution.
00:54Rather, you have to see that your priority should not be the problem of your life right now.
01:00Your biggest priority should be the people who are with you in your life.
01:05Because problems will not be solved, but they will go far away.
01:08And you realize when someone has gone.
01:10Come, let's start today's show with this message.
01:13Today, let's take you to Mr. Chaudhary's house and see what Mr. Chaudhary is doing.
01:18First of all, uncle, you are always late, otherwise you would have come to my house today.
01:23Mr. Chaudhary.
01:24And Haroon, I did not understand one thing.
01:26Yes, yes.
01:27How long has it been since the light has gone?
01:29They say that there is a lot of light in our country.
01:32It was not morning.
01:33In this country, Mr. Chaudhary, there is money.
01:36There is no tax.
01:37Everything is present in this country.
01:40But there is no practice, there is no system.
01:43So the electricity is also complete.
01:45In fact, it is more.
01:46But there is no system.
01:47There is no system.
01:48Then first I will get the meter cut and change the system.
01:52Mr. Chaudhary, how much electricity bill do you get?
01:54I get a bill of 60,000-70,000.
01:58You live alone.
01:59One AC must be running.
02:00Why do you get so much bill?
02:01Your question is valid.
02:04But there are two ACs in my room, one and a half tons.
02:09And the days run, one runs at night and then both run.
02:11Why do two ACs run at night?
02:13Because you know that at night…
02:17Okay, when you dance…
02:18When I dance, I sweat a lot.
02:22Chaudhary, I can't see your face.
02:23Turn on the light.
02:25I can still see you.
02:29The light is on.
02:30The light is on.
02:31It didn't come here.
02:34Sir, our light is on.
02:36Despite that, it is so hot.
02:38Why don't you come to the village sometimes?
02:41What is the temperature in your village?
02:43Because in our area, the temperature is around 46-45 degrees.
02:47God forbid, in the cities, it is around 45-46 degrees.
02:52How hot is it in your village?
02:53In our village, it is very hot.
02:5643 degrees.
02:57This is not less.
02:58A person can get burnt at 43 degrees.
03:01And there is no difference between 46 and 43.
03:04How do you keep yourself cool in such hot weather?
03:07Do you drink Tukhmalanga?
03:08Do you drink lemon water?
03:10Or do you go to the river at night?
03:13Do you have any problem?
03:16I don't know why you don't have any problem.
03:17You wake up at night and say,
03:18I have a tuberculosis.
03:19You think you have a tuberculosis.
03:23What happened to Ricky today?
03:24Sir, you have a very bad habit.
03:26What is it?
03:27You listen to songs all the time.
03:30Then you dance and sing.
03:32Remove this.
03:33Remove this.
03:35He says, remove this.
03:47Mr. Chaudhary, I have started watching films.
03:51And I have given the hero to the heroine.
03:53Yes, yes.
03:54And no one is a bad person.
03:57And your stupidity and stupidity, I don't like it.
04:01I think you should also get married.
04:04You will feel like staying at home.
04:05He is right.
04:07Look at your picture in the back.
04:08You have so much glow in it.
04:10Now you are dead.
04:11Get married.
04:12Get married, Mr. Chaudhary.
04:13Mr. Chaudhary, you agree.
04:15And I have kept the bag outside.
04:16I will bring it now.
04:18The thing is that you are stubborn.
04:21Everyone is stubborn.
04:23Everyone is stubborn.
04:24I am saying this for the first time.
04:27Uncle, you don't understand.
04:28Everyone is saying that.
04:29And you don't leave anything.
04:32I haven't said anything yet.
04:35The thing is that Haroon doesn't want to get married.
04:40She is dead.
04:41I have ruined her life.
04:43I don't want to get married at all.
04:47From where?
04:48From here.
04:51Greetings, Mr. Chaudhary.
04:52God bless you.
04:54May God give you a lot.
04:57May God give you a lot.
04:58May God give you a lot of mansions.
05:00I have come to greet you.
05:02How did you come?
05:04I came to you when I came.
05:05I didn't come at a difficult time.
05:07Go back to where you were.
05:08Mr. Chaudhary, I have come to bring glow in your mansion.
05:13You have come to bring glow or to bring firecrackers in the mansion?
05:17Mr. Chaudhary, Rakhay and I had spoken.
05:20Is there any match?
05:21Is there any match?
05:26I will teach him a lesson.
05:32I mean, Mr. Chaudhary, do you have any match?
05:35Otherwise, I will tell you.
05:36No, I don't have any match.
05:40Okay, Mr. Chaudhary, I am leaving.
05:41I don't want to get married.
05:42Listen to me.
05:44They won't let me live.
05:47Tell me if there is any match.
05:49There is a match, Mr. Chaudhary.
05:51Mr. Chaudhary, the next village is 745.
05:55The next village is 745.
05:58The next village is Chauri.
06:00She has a sister.
06:02No, they are very good people.
06:05They won't let me live.
06:09Mr. Chaudhary, your aunt is here.
06:11Hey, you.
06:12Come in front of your aunt.
06:14Come on.
06:15Greetings, uncle.
06:17Come here.
06:18Come here.
06:19Sit here.
06:20Sit here.
06:21Come on.
06:23How are you, aunt?
06:24I am fine.
06:30He is playing with her.
06:33How are you, aunt?
06:34I am fine.
06:35Thank you, uncle.
06:36Are you sure that you don't lack anything?
06:38No, I don't lack anything.
06:39You have given me everything.
06:42God knows.
06:43My aunts are the best.
06:45Yes, we saw one last time.
06:48I have considered them my uncles all my life.
06:51And I have never let them lack anything.
06:54I have given them everything.
06:55What does he do?
06:56He wakes up early in the morning.
06:58He feeds two goats.
07:00He makes goat meat and gives it to them at home.
07:04Butter, milk, curd, sugar, everything.
07:09He gives it to them on time.
07:11Now he has bought wheat.
07:13He has sold it at home.
07:14Now he goes to his aunt's house.
07:18The other aunt has also come.
07:19She must be angry.
07:20She has come, madam.
07:21She is behind me.
07:22Be careful.
07:23Be careful.
07:24Come, aunt.
07:26Come, mother.
07:29Say Bismillah.
07:31How are you, son?
07:32Thank God, aunt.
07:33You are alive.
07:34How are you?
07:35I am fine.
07:36Aunt, I want to meet you.
07:37I want to wax.
07:38I am fine.
07:39God bless you.
07:40God bless you.
07:41God bless you.
07:42God bless you.
07:43God bless you.
07:44God bless you.
07:46Come here.
07:47Sit there.
07:48Are you okay?
07:49Sit here.
07:50Keep it here.
07:51Eat from there.
07:52Come, aunt.
07:53I want to ask you.
07:54Where is the aunt who came last time?
07:56She has passed away.
08:01I heard everything.
08:03She is very strong.
08:04She is not weak.
08:05She is strong.
08:06She is strong.
08:08She is strong.
08:09She is strong.
08:10She is strong.
08:11She is strong.
08:12She is strong.
08:13Look, there was a stone in Guru's pocket.
08:15I found out the time before that.
08:16Okay, okay, okay.
08:18Uncle, listen to me.
08:19Yes, sir.
08:20There was some delicious food in the mansion.
08:24Now, I'll cook it at home.
08:26I won't come to you.
08:28I'll be very sad if I come to you.
08:29What happened?
08:30Now, I'll go somewhere else and fill my stomach.
08:33What happened?
08:34I'll tell you.
08:35I'll do this.
08:36I'll cast a spell on you.
08:37No, you do it.
08:39No, leave me.
08:39I'll stay.
08:40What will you do?
08:41When I wake up in the morning,
08:43I see bloodstains on my shoulders.
08:47Oh, okay.
08:49I see bloodstains on my shoulders, too.
08:52That's why I feel like crying every day.
08:55I feel like crying every day.
08:58I don't know if I'll be able to cook or not.
09:02Those who have done it, they know.
09:05There are bloodstains on my shoulders.
09:07There are bloodstains on my shoulders.
09:08I'll kill you.
09:09I'll kill you.
09:09I'll kill you.
09:10I'll kill you.
09:11I'll kill you.
09:11I'll kill you.
09:12I'll kill you.
09:12I'll kill you.
09:13I'll kill you.
09:13Leave my neck.
09:20Even you can't do it.
09:26By the way, Haroon.
09:33I swear, I feel like I'm getting a magic spell from him.
09:38How are you so energetic at this age?
09:40You're a soft-hearted man.
09:43Can't you give me a duty the next day?
09:47Look, mothers' abuses, scoldings, and insults
09:52make life easier for them.
09:55If we don't have any complaints from these people,
09:59we'll never be deceived.
10:02You should have told me what your problem is.
10:05I know what your problem is.
10:08I know what your problem is.
10:09Come on.
10:10My son is very sensible.
10:11He understands everything.
10:12Yes, my son.
10:14He does black magic.
10:16He does black magic.
10:17I look good when I do black magic.
10:20Haroon, I've found a solution.
10:23There's a man from our village.
10:24What do you call him?
10:25Amal Baba.
10:26I see.
10:26Yes, he does a lot of black magic.
10:27Let it go, sir.
10:28Let it go.
10:29All of them are liars.
10:32These Amal Babas.
10:32They pretend to be liars.
10:34He does black magic.
10:36Babas know him.
10:38I've also met a Baba.
10:40Greetings, Jeera.
10:41Greetings, Meera.
10:45You both had called a Baba.
10:47I've brought a Baba.
10:49I won't let you bring a Baba here.
10:51Go and bring your Babas.
10:53No, no, no.
10:54Please forgive me.
10:56He's a good man.
10:57What is he going to do?
10:59Whatever he says, happens.
11:00Whatever he says, happens.
11:02Baba, come here.
11:10The queen of this mansion is dead.
11:11And the fourth one is getting married again.
11:13What do you mean?
11:15Did you see?
11:16Yes, I saw.
11:17I saw, son.
11:17Did you see?
11:18Did you hear what he said?
11:19Did you hear what he said?
11:21Mr. Haroon.
11:22He's not a fake Baba.
11:23He's a fake.
11:24I can see that he's a fake.
11:25If he's a fake,
11:26then why does he do such things?
11:28What has he done till now?
11:31He doesn't climb mountains.
11:33If he's a tractor, he doesn't climb mountains.
11:36I'm a smart man.
11:38Then tell me, why doesn't a tractor climb mountains?
11:40Why doesn't it climb mountains?
11:42I've been driving it for 10 years.
11:45Then he called Baba.
11:47Baba brought a mechanic with him.
11:51It took him an hour and a half.
11:52The tractor climbed the mountains.
11:54What's so great about Baba?
11:56He's not a mechanic.
11:57He's not a mechanic.
11:58He's a tractor driver.
12:01Baba, I want to tell you something.
12:03It's magic.
12:04It's magic.
12:04My house is on the side street.
12:06Two lanes.
12:07It's magic.
12:08Two lanes.
12:09It's magic.
12:10It's not magic.
12:11It's reality.
12:13When I wake up in the morning,
12:15I see blood stains on my house's walls.
12:18It's magic.
12:19What magic?
12:20It's red inside.
12:21It's red.
12:22It's magic.
12:22Baba, should I bring a snake from my house?
12:25It's magic.
12:27First, put a snake on it.
12:29No, Baba.
12:30There are snakes on my roof every day.
12:33I've brought a snake.
12:34Yes, Baba.
12:35Your son-in-law is magic.
12:39Tell me.
12:40Tell me clearly.
12:41Who is my enemy?
12:42Babaji, tell him who is my enemy.
12:46There is a woman who is your enemy.
12:49Her salt and pepper wall is white.
12:53And she has torn her dress like this.
12:57And my enemy tore my dress.
13:00He tore it and tore it.
13:01That's enough.
13:01Where did you tear it?
13:02I will kill you.
13:03I will kill you.
13:04No, no, no.
13:06Stop it.
13:06Stop it.
13:09Stop it.
13:11Stop it.
13:14I can't bear it anymore.
13:16Babaji, give me another order.
13:19What is this, Baba Akmal?
13:21Babaji, you are wearing joggers.
13:23I am a health conscious old man.
13:24Sir, food is here.
13:26Give me that.
13:28Give me my son.
13:29Give me my son.
13:30Give him.
13:30Give him bread.
13:31Aunt, you are eating food here
13:34and we didn't cook food at home.
13:35Who is he?
13:37He is my son.
13:38Why didn't you cook food at home?
13:39Because everything reaches your home.
13:41Brother, he hasn't served us meat and vegetables yet.
13:45He didn't cook food in my house as well.
13:47Tell me.
13:48Why did the girls wake up?
13:50Why didn't they reach home?
13:52Sir, I am tired of listening to songs.
13:56I have kept two goats in the shed.
14:00Did you forget to save them?
14:01I forgot, sir. I am tired.
14:03Listen to me.
14:05Listen to songs as much as you want.
14:07If you do any mischief in your work,
14:09I will beat you up.
14:11Sir, I don't want to eat meat now.
14:13Hey, you are old enough to listen to songs.
14:16Mother, didn't you tell Babaji
14:19that someone throws a stick at our roof every day?
14:22It's either a box or a plant.
14:24It's magic.
14:25Brother, it's been a week.
14:28I haven't seen him sleep.
14:30Yes, your eyes are telling that.
14:33Save me.
14:34It's magic.
14:35We are in the same situation.
14:37It's in my hand.
14:39Very good.
14:40But it will cost you a lot of money.
14:42We don't care about money.
14:44It will cost you Rs. 12,33,000.
14:46Baba, are you doing magic or are you taking me out?
14:51You will get half the money after half the work.
14:53I will give it to you, son.
14:55I will give it to you as well.
14:56I will give it to you as well.
14:57Who will give money to you?
14:59Why don't you understand?
15:01You are all liars.
15:03You can't do anything with this.
15:04Son, you are scaring me.
15:06I will give it to you.
15:07It will be done.
15:15Come here.
15:17Don't do this.
15:19He has made the whole wall dirty.
15:22What's in these envelopes?
15:23It's meat, sir.
15:25Do you give meat like this every day?
15:28Yes, sir.
15:29Do you earn money by giving envelopes?
15:31Yes, sir.
15:33What do you do with the head?
15:34Sir, there are so many empty heads.
15:36I earn money and leave it behind the envelopes.
15:39Your son..
15:41Here you go.
15:42This was it?
15:43Yes, this was it.
15:44He throws the head like this.
15:45And he also throws the holes on the wall like this.
15:52Son, I was asking you.
15:55Why are you wearing a jogger?
15:57Son, I didn't fight with you.
16:04I am sorry, son.
16:05I didn't want to fight with you.
16:07It's his fault.
16:09He is responsible for it.
16:11Get up.
16:12Mr. Chaudhary has started lying down to get beaten up.
16:16Lie down.
16:17Not today.
16:21She hits me hard.
16:22You will have to lie down.
16:24It's your fault.
16:25I was joking.
16:27I didn't do this.
16:30He did.
16:31The constable did this.
16:33He did.
16:36Mr. Chaudhary, there is a small break.
16:38We will meet after the break.
16:40Mr. Chaudhary, I have started watching movies.
16:44I have started listening to songs.
16:46I don't like you.
16:48Marry me now.
16:54Welcome back, viewers.
16:55In this break, we have AC and cooler with us.
16:58They are fighting with each other.
17:00They are claiming that they are better than you.
17:02Let's end their fight.
17:06You are definitely a cooler.
17:08Can't you see?
17:09Even if you don't wear this, you are a cooler.
17:13Sir, you..
17:13I am like air and you are like water.
17:16You are an AC.
17:19What is your temperature?
17:21I don't know but I am feeling cold.
17:24Mr. Cooler, why did you fight?
17:26You can guess.
17:27How much is it?
17:28How expensive is it?
17:29It has doubled in price.
17:31I am hearing that it will increase in price
17:33after the budget.
17:34Is it in the poor's range?
17:36It is in the poor's range.
17:38Yes, it is true that it is in the lower and middle range.
17:41It is a cooler.
17:42It is true.
17:42There is another issue.
17:43It loses its gas.
17:45That is also an issue.
17:46She is wearing gas and phone.
17:47She is losing her gas.
17:49What kind of gas will she lose if she is sitting next to me?
17:53She is losing her gas.
17:55Believe me, I have checked myself.
17:57I am not leaking.
18:00You are very expensive.
18:02Secondly, you spend a lot.
18:03It is not a small expense.
18:04It is a big curse.
18:06Sir, there is a lot of space.
18:07I can eat food for two months.
18:09What is your status?
18:10You have been hanging around all your life.
18:13What is your status?
18:13I am telling you that you will get water.
18:14Do you have a moustache?
18:16Look at your status.
18:18You have been hanging around for a year.
18:20Bring her back after a year.
18:23She looks like she is going to be buried in the forest.
18:26Mr. Arooj, look at the inverter.
18:28It will be useful for the whole year.
18:29It will be useful in winters as well.
18:30That's it?
18:31What about the cooler?
18:32The cooler will be with you for two to three months.
18:35Why two to three months?
18:36When the winters will come.
18:38I will empty it and keep the fan in it.
18:42By the way, there is no respect for the cooler.
18:44It has wheels.
18:45The world is beating him up.
18:47He is being made fun of.
18:48Look at his condition.
18:50Do you have a cooler at home?
18:54You don't even have a hand fan.
18:57But Mr. Haroon, I think AC is better than the cooler.
19:01Because the cooler takes the cooling with it.
19:04But it doesn't take the AC.
19:06Yes, when you turn on the AC..
19:09Someone is giving the AC.
19:10You have a problem with the cooling as well.
19:12The cooler is such a thing that it has an AC.
19:16When it doesn't have an AC, it stays with us.
19:19The sound of the cooler is very irritating.
19:22It irritates us a lot.
19:25You should get a Gulam Ali cooler.
19:29Okay, how do you feel about the cooler?
19:30People love it a lot.
19:32And no one even talks to you about it.
19:33No, no.
19:33If you take out the ratio, I am more of a salesman.
19:37Yes, this is true.
19:38Coolers are sold a lot.
19:39But there is another problem with the cooler.
19:40If there is a wooden furniture or a wooden item at home
19:44then moisture comes out of it.
19:45It gets spoilt.
19:46The doors don't close.
19:47There are noises coming out of it.
19:49All that moisture spreads.
19:52It reaches everything.
19:53The smell comes from the utensils in the kitchen.
19:55No, I don't spray it on the streets.
19:58No, the moisture comes out of you.
20:00Sir, this is the advantage of the cooler.
20:03It can cool down the AC as well.
20:05Okay, let's do this.
20:06Yes, how?
20:07Let's take out a special frame for it.
20:09Let's put ice collars in it.
20:10And it will give cold air as well.
20:12Let's put mangoes in it as well.
20:13But don't put it in my house.
20:15I will drown in it.
20:19Coolers are harmful.
20:21If the switch is broken
20:24then the nozzles will burst.
20:27That's true.
20:28It's nothing.
20:29If a child touches the button
20:30the nozzles will burst.
20:33Why did you say that?
20:34Your remote doesn't work all night.
20:37That's true.
20:38Sir, the gas from the AC also comes out.
20:41That's a big problem.
20:42Yes, the problem with gas is
20:44that the pipes that are installed
20:45in Pakistan
20:47are considered good.
20:50They give you the lowest rate of installation.
20:52That I will do it in this much.
20:54The pipes are so cheap and thin
20:57that they leak very fast.
20:58When you drive
21:00you keep staring at everyone.
21:03What do you do?
21:04Sir, don't involve me.
21:06Fix the man sitting there.
21:12How does it feel to have a cooler?
21:15I didn't get married to your aunt.
21:22The fight between AC and cooler won't end.
21:25Let's go to the audience.
21:29My name is Saif Ali Khani
21:30and I will sing a Ghazal in Tarannum.
21:34Sir, please sing.
21:36After meeting you, I changed a little.
21:42I started reciting poetry.
21:45I started humming.
21:48After meeting you, I changed a little.
21:53I started reciting poetry.
21:56I started humming.
21:59Earlier, my seriousness was famous.
22:05Now, whenever I see you, I start smiling.
22:13Very good.
22:14Very good.
22:14Well done.
22:15Very good.
22:15Very good.
22:16When did I feel like meeting people?
22:22When did I feel like partying?
22:27For you, I did this.
22:33I started walking to meet you.
22:36I started coming to meet you.
22:41Very good.
22:42Very good.
22:43Very good.
22:44Very good.
22:45Very good.
22:46You sang very well.
22:47You should know how well you sang.
22:50Even the electronic season is praising you.
22:54Greetings, sir.
22:57My name is Fizan.
22:58I have come from Okara.
22:59Yes, Fizan.
23:00I have a question for you.
23:02Today's time is very fast.
23:05What do ordinary people need to succeed?
23:10This is a very good question.
23:13This is not a simple question.
23:17What do you need to succeed?
23:19In any field, any passion, any hobby,
23:24you just have to start working.
23:28And you have to keep learning.
23:29Keep one thing in mind.
23:31There will never be a day in your life
23:34when you are ready to do something.
23:37Learn everything, study everything,
23:39and then come to that job.
23:40That will never happen.
23:42Get down to the field.
23:44Don't think of any job as small.
23:46Don't think of any job as bad.
23:49Don't think of any job as lowly.
23:53It should be a lawful job.
23:54It should be a legitimate job.
23:56Keep doing everything.
23:58In life, you will come to know that
24:00this is the job in which God will give me respect.
24:05My God will give me excellence.
24:07And then you will gain knowledge in that.
24:09But the real thing is,
24:11don't listen to people who say
24:13that no one has done this.
24:14Tell them, I will do it.
24:15It takes a person many years
24:19to do something for the first time.
24:20And the world will stop you
24:22from doing something for the first time.
24:25People say that no one has done this before.
24:27Someone has to do it first.
24:29Then you can set an example for the second time.
24:32Keep going.
24:34With passion.
24:35With faith.
24:36And believe me,
24:37the one who has to give me a goal,
24:39every goal is in his hands.
24:41He can give it to me whenever he wants.
24:43Keep going.
24:44With a clear intention.
24:46Get down to the field.
24:47Go for it.
24:49God will give you success.
24:55Ladies and gentlemen, it's time for a short break.
24:56Don't go anywhere.
24:57We will meet you after the break.
24:58Before the budget, I have a request to you.
25:07Before the budget, I have a request to you.
25:15Don't give any heavy punishment in the budget.
25:22Beware! Beware!
25:25Welcome back, viewers.
25:26We have Chunni Begum with us in this break.
25:28And we have a special guest with us.
25:30So, let's talk to him.
25:32What has he got for us today?
25:34You must be aware that the budget is coming up.
25:37Yes, it's coming up in a few days.
25:38That's why we have brought something for you.
25:41The reason is that the budget gives hope to the people.
25:45We give hope to the people
25:47as if we are going to get the budget.
25:50But this happens in the budget.
25:51One thing is decided.
25:52What's going to happen in the next year?
25:54What's not going to happen?
25:55I'm glad to hear that.
25:58The thing is that if a patient is not feeling well,
26:02what do you do?
26:03You change the medicine.
26:04If you are not feeling well even after changing the medicine,
26:06you go to a doctor or a physician.
26:09So, the economic problems in Pakistan
26:12are usually said that
26:13we are only 70-75 years old.
26:17Our neighboring country is also that old.
26:20So, what's the difference?
26:22What's the disease?
26:22What's the real problem?
26:24We should find out what the real problem is.
26:27The problem is that
26:28you and I
26:31like it a lot
26:33when we say to someone
26:34that this happened because of him.
26:36We don't mention our names.
26:37We like it a lot.
26:38But we are not ready to accept it.
26:40The thing is that
26:41you and I
26:43are mostly working on cash in Pakistan.
26:48The cash economy
26:49is a deadly poison
26:52for the economy of Pakistan.
26:53Let me tell you something interesting today.
26:56You have seen that there are many stores in Pakistan
26:58and more are opening up.
27:00Wholesalers are sitting in big markets
27:03in Lahore, Karachi, Peshawar, Islamabad, Pindi.
27:06Apart from this, all the retail stores
27:09give 71 billion rupees.
27:12And the employees
27:13who take the salary,
27:15we give 300 billion rupees.
27:17Oh my God!
27:19Imagine the loss of tax.
27:23And if you think that
27:2520-30 thousand people
27:27from the FBR will come
27:28and collect tax from the whole of Pakistan.
27:30This will never happen.
27:32The one who is paying the most tax in Pakistan
27:35is the salaryman.
27:36After that is the industrialist.
27:38All the wholesalers,
27:39all the shopkeepers,
27:40all the businessmen
27:42are not ready to pay any tax.
27:45Everyone is filling their pockets.
27:46And it feels good to say
27:48that they ate,
27:49the corrupt people ate.
27:51They ate this and that.
27:52What are you giving me?
27:53You go to the market right now.
27:55Cash also works, right?
27:56The money in your pocket and in my pocket
28:00is so much,
28:01there is so much cash in the pockets of Pakistan
28:04that if it gets routed once through the banks,
28:07Pakistan's economy will be established next year.
28:10Imagine that we are doing what we are doing.
28:12But the problem is that they don't pay tax.
28:14And you see this,
28:1523%, let me tell you one more thing.
28:17Your son earns in your house,
28:19your father earns,
28:20you earn yourself,
28:21your brother earns.
28:22If you add everyone's earnings,
28:24then it will be called your GDP.
28:26How much are you producing?
28:28You are producing this much in a month.
28:31How much is your salary from that?
28:33And how much is your business?
28:35And what are you giving home?
28:36Now your salary is 10 lakhs.
28:38And you are giving 2000 rupees at home.
28:41And one's salary is 100,000.
28:42He is giving 80,000 rupees at home.
28:45So the one who is paying the salary,
28:47he is giving more.
28:48The businessmen,
28:50you know, especially agriculture.
28:53The agricultural brothers,
28:55have 23% of the total GDP.
28:57And they are giving 0.3%.
29:00Sir, this...
29:01Then you come again some other day.
29:06Let me tell you one more strange thing.
29:07You know,
29:08you are often confused about this.
29:09See where the petrol is going.
29:11Yes, sir.
29:11You are confused, right?
29:12Where did the petrol go?
29:13You are deliberately confused.
29:17That you will keep crying for petrol.
29:20You will keep crying.
29:21Petrol has gone up.
29:22Dollar has gone up.
29:23Brother, you don't have petrol.
29:25It has to come from outside.
29:26That is because of you.
29:27The real thing is that
29:28when you are buying things from the market,
29:29it is written below that it is sales tax.
29:31So the spectacle of life hidden from your eyes
29:35is actually hidden
29:38their own spectacles are there.
29:40But this time I hope
29:42that now because we have reached that stone
29:44which is at the bottom of the sea.
29:46We have come down so much
29:48in this downfall
29:50that now we have only one way
29:52and that is to go up.
29:53So it is better to have good expectations from this budget.
29:56So what happened?
29:57Madam Chunni has fainted.
29:58Oh my God.
29:59This guy has stopped talking.
30:01She faints when he talks.
30:03Now continue the speech, sir.
30:06Okay, sir.
30:07Give the Qawwali.
30:08I would like to say that
30:12even a disloyal person is loved.
30:17No matter how handsome he is,
30:19a rich person is loved by everyone.
30:24Even a prince is useless if he has an empty pocket.
30:30This is the opposite system, brother.
30:33A person falls sick because of pure milk.
30:37If you look at the last budget,
30:40a common man is the victim.
30:46Very good.
30:47A box has a box, a box has a box.
30:50A box has a box, a box has a box.
30:52There are countless expectations.
30:58Don't give them a water jar.
31:02Don't ruin our budget this time.
31:07So this time we join our hands
31:10and tell our rulers before the budget
31:45Before the budget, I have a request to you.
31:54Before the budget, I have a request to you.
32:02Don't give a heavy punishment in the budget.
32:09Before the budget, I have a request to you.
32:17Before the budget, I have a request to you.
32:25Don't give a heavy punishment in the budget.
32:30It's cold in the summer.
32:35It's cold in the summer.
32:40Don't give us such a budget.
32:45It's cold in the summer.
32:50It's cold in the summer.
32:55Don't give us such a budget.
33:00It's cold in the summer.
33:05It's cold in the summer.
33:10Don't give us such a budget.
33:17Before the budget, I have a request to you.
33:24Before the budget, I have a request to you.
33:32Empty rooms are not allowed.
33:37The heart is a stranger's name.
33:42The heart is a stranger's name.
33:47Empty rooms are not allowed.
33:52The heart is a stranger's name.
33:57The heart is a stranger's name.
34:02The water tank is full.
34:07The motor runs day and night.
34:12The motor runs day and night.
34:17Don't give us such a budget.
34:24Before the budget, I have a request to you.
34:31Before the budget, I have a request to you.
34:38The poor wear branded shoes.
34:43The boss is his car.
34:48The boss is his car.
34:53The poor wear branded shoes.
34:58The boss is his car.
35:03The boss is his car.
35:08The one who eats bread,
35:13eats four burgers.
35:18Eats four burgers.
35:22Don't give us such a budget.
35:30Before the budget, I have a request to you.
35:37Before the budget, I have a request to you.
35:44Before the budget, I have a request to you.
35:50Before the budget, I have a request to you.
35:56Before the budget, I have a request to you.
36:02Before the budget, I have a request to you.
36:08Before the budget, I have a request to you.
36:19This was today's show.
36:21We will meet you in the next show.
36:23Take care.
36:25Allah Hafiz.