• last year
Leftist fractions and parties from across the EU are ready to join forces in a new parliament group to compete with the far right on appeasement with Russia, working-class rights and migration, Euronews Super Poll reports.
00:00The next European Parliament could show increasing fluidity among parties and alliances.
00:09According to Euronews polling, some current groups may struggle to survive, as new ones
00:15could be formed both on the left and the right.
00:20One of those groups is the leftist populist Saar-Wagenknecht Alliance.
00:27Its leader, Saar-Wagenknecht, previously split from Germany's Die Linke party in order to
00:32form her own.
00:36The former MEP has described herself as a left-wing conservative politician.
00:43Her party could potentially win at least seven seats in the upcoming European elections in
00:49We need to make sure we're focused on our workers first.
00:53We need to make sure we're focused on making sure that people have livable wages and such
00:59like that.
01:01And in doing so, there is, well, how do we make sure that this gets done?
01:07Wagenknecht seems to be targeting voters of the far right by campaigning to address the
01:12cost of living crisis in Europe.
01:14Her policies include calling on the German government to stop supplying arms to Ukraine,
01:19ending the oil and gas embargo against Russia, and raising the minimum wage.
01:25Wagenknecht hopes to appeal to culturally conservative and economically left-wing voters,
01:30such as those who are part of the Slovak Prime Minister's SMER party.
01:35Robert Ficho's left-leaning populist and Eurosceptic party was suspended last October from the
01:42SND, the centre-left EU Parliament's pro-European group.
01:4823 MEPs from seven countries is the EU Parliament's minimal threshold to create a group.
01:54According to analysts of the Euronews poll centre, the potential projection figures meet
01:59this criteria.
02:01Post-electoral negotiations will say if the dissident populist left group will have enough
02:05votes to become a prominent new political group in Strasbourg and Brussels.
