Aired (May 28, 2024): Ang pagkasawi ng puso noon ni Marianne ay humantong sa pagpapabaya niya sa kanyang sarili na tila pareho raw sa karanasan ng napili niyang searchee dahil niloko rin daw ito noon!
00:00 Right?
00:01 Do you feel like, do you believe that whatever you blamed before,
00:06 whatever you destroyed, because right?
00:08 What's annoying is that you're the kind one,
00:12 you're the one who was left behind,
00:14 and the most terrible thing is that you're the one who was destroyed and broken.
00:17 You can say, "Why is he not the one who was destroyed, he's the one who was ruined."
00:22 Right? "I wish he was the one who was destroyed, but I'm the one who's good, but why am I the one who was destroyed?"
00:26 Right?
00:28 Even if you were destroyed, do you still believe you are worthy of love?
00:32 Yes, I am.
00:33 Everyone's worthy.
00:35 Whatever sin you committed, if the Lord forgives, what more can we humans do?
00:40 Yes, you are worthy.
00:42 So worthy.
00:46 That's it. Beautiful.
00:47 So worthy.
00:48 The Lord just makes you stronger.
00:53 Yes.
00:55 How can I be good to him?
00:56 He's already risen up as a beautiful woman.
00:58 Yes.
00:59 And it's so good to see someone who's risen up.
01:02 Yes.
01:03 We're rooting for you.
01:05 That's why we're here today.
01:06 You know, right?
01:08 One in three men is right.
01:10 He will make you feel right.
01:13 Right.
01:13 He will give you memories.
01:16 You tell us the next happy person.
01:20 Joanna will be proud that you met him.
01:22 And a man that we all say, "Oh, they're so happy to meet here on Showtime."
01:26 Are you ready, Marianne?
01:28 Yes, I am.
01:29 Let's start the search.
01:31 Marianne, it's time to meet our searchees.
01:34 Here's searchee number one.
01:36 Reveal.
01:37 What's up, madlam people?
01:45 This is Ayan,
01:47 the fitness instructor and commercial model of Antipolo City.
01:51 Wow.
01:52 Ayan.
01:53 Fitness instructor.
01:54 How long have you been a fitness instructor, Ayan?
01:57 Since 2012.
02:01 Where's your gym?
02:03 For now, I do it freelancing.
02:06 I did a commercial gym before.
02:09 Can I say it?
02:10 Yes, you can.
02:12 Fitness first.
02:13 No, you can't.
02:14 No, you can.
02:15 Fitness first, anytime fitness, fitness time.
02:18 And you can also go to their house if they have a gym.
02:22 That's what I do now.
02:23 I go to their condo, gym, and their houses.
02:27 Fitness instructor.
02:29 Of course, you're good at motivating your clients.
02:32 Of course, that's the number one thing that a fitness instructor should have.
02:36 What do you say when it's their first day or last day?
02:39 First day or last day?
02:41 The number one is why are they talking to me?
02:45 What's their topic, Ayan?
02:47 Why are they talking to you?
02:50 What's their topic?
02:54 What's their topic?
02:55 I'm the one who's in the way.
02:57 I'm the one who's being talked to.
03:00 I'll share it later.
03:04 What's their topic?
03:05 Why is Vice so beautiful?
03:06 He's a fitness instructor.
03:07 He's a fitness instructor.
03:08 He's ready.
03:09 Coach, I won't be back tomorrow.
03:12 What do you say to him?
03:13 I'll go back to why he started.
03:16 Why would I explain it to you?
03:19 Just go back.
03:20 That's where you'll matter.
03:22 If you have a goal from the beginning, you need to go back.
03:27 That's your foundation to continue on with your goal.
03:31 That's it.
03:33 Like Miss Ann Curtis.
03:35 You thought I was kidding.
03:38 Why?
03:39 But it's true.
03:40 They say the most important thing in fitness is consistency.
03:44 It doesn't matter how much sweat you sweat today or how many kilograms you lost.
03:51 If you're not consistent and you stop it the next day, it's not important.
03:56 It's consistency.
03:57 And Ayan is right.
04:00 Go back to your original goal.
04:03 What's your reason for working out?
04:05 Do you want to be sexy, fit, healthy?
04:08 Why are you doing this?
04:09 It's not just your goal.
04:10 Go back to the gym.
04:11 Even if you have a goal, you can't go back to the gym.
04:14 You can't.
04:15 There, she's laughing.
04:16 She's so beautiful.
04:17 We were talking earlier.
04:18 I said, "I took a picture of Marian."
04:21 I felt bad.
04:22 I took a picture because she's so beautiful in person.
04:25 And during the times she was in a coma, I felt like she was getting ugly.
04:29 I couldn't eat.
04:31 And she didn't take a bath.
04:33 I felt like she was getting ugly.
04:35 Imagine, you're so beautiful, but you're getting ugly with a heartbreak.
04:39 You said, "Oh, this is what you imagine."
04:41 What if when you're ugly to begin with, you're heartbroken,
04:44 you're even uglier?
04:45 I said, "That's what happened to me."
04:47 I said, "No, she's beautiful."
04:49 Imagine what I looked like when I was heartbroken.
04:52 I didn't go out, I didn't take a bath, I didn't have hair, I didn't have makeup,
04:56 I didn't change my clothes.
04:58 And the smell, the smell of the perfume, the smell of the perfume,
05:02 I changed my clothes, and my room smelled bad
05:06 because you didn't turn on the air conditioner.
05:08 Your bed was sweaty.
05:10 But you were still beautiful.
05:12 Especially when Lassie came, I said, "You're still beautiful."
05:16 I called my friends and said, "Lassie, are you coming here?"
05:20 When Lassie and Chocolate arrived, I got up.
05:23 I said, "Lord, there's hope."
05:25 Oh my God.
05:26 I even chased Nekie.
05:28 I'm just kidding.
05:30 He has a pick-up line for Marian.
05:32 Marian, do you know that I'm already feeling butterflies in my stomach?
05:36 Why?
05:38 Marian, you again.
05:41 My heart is beating fast.
05:46 He's so gentle.
05:49 He's so gentle.
05:50 Gentle?
05:51 Gentle, not gentle.
05:53 Are you really gentle, Ayan?
05:55 Yes.
05:56 It's okay to be gentle.
05:58 The bad thing is that you're gentle to everyone.
06:01 That's true.
06:02 You're not like that, Ayan.
06:04 I'm gentle.
06:05 Yes, you're gentle.
06:06 But you're gentle to everyone.
06:07 Do I love you?
06:08 Yes, you love me.
06:09 But to everyone.
06:10 But you're not like that, right?
06:11 There's a level to it.
06:13 Oh, there's a level.
06:15 For example, Marian, what's the level?
06:18 So now, it's 60 to 70 percent.
06:23 Coach, what's your energy level now?
06:26 He's already had three clients.
06:29 There are some extra adjustments.
06:31 Maybe it's because of the workout this morning.
06:33 Thank you so much, Ayan.
06:35 Okay, now, searching number 2.
06:37 Reveal.
06:38 What's up, madlam people?
06:44 I'm Haji, police, nurse, and lawyer of Pasay City.
06:49 Police, nurse, and?
06:51 You're so hardworking in studying.
06:53 Police, nurse, lawyer.
06:56 You're studying for so long.
06:58 And it's hard.
07:01 Nursing is hard.
07:03 It's physical.
07:04 Law.
07:05 Correct.
07:06 You're hardworking.
07:07 How old are you?
07:08 I'm 35, sir.
07:09 Sir?
07:10 I'm sorry.
07:11 Ma'am, I'm 16.
07:12 You're fat.
07:13 You know, it's okay.
07:14 Let's not give him a big deal.
07:15 I'm okay with calling him sir.
07:17 I don't mind.
07:18 You don't mind?
07:19 Yes.
07:20 It's okay, sir.
07:21 You can call me sir.
07:23 Sir, what's the...
07:24 It's Ann.
07:26 Ann, sorry.
07:27 30.
07:28 But you can see it in his body.
07:31 Yes.
07:32 Sir Haji is always ready.
07:35 For what?
07:36 For your questions.
07:37 He's ready to ask questions.
07:43 I should've answered this.
07:45 He's always ready.
07:47 He's holding his hand to the mic.
07:49 One day, one of them was scared.
07:51 So he can hold it.
07:53 He's a coward.
07:54 Nice.
07:57 In your three professions, what do you like the most?
07:59 Police, nurse, or lawyer?
08:03 Lawyer.
08:04 Why?
08:05 For...
08:07 For...
08:09 Oh, that's how you are?
08:11 It's okay.
08:12 It's okay.
08:13 Take two.
08:14 He's a mental block.
08:15 He's a attorney.
08:16 I forgot.
08:18 You're on.
08:20 I want to defend the victims.
08:24 Like the police.
08:26 The victims of crimes.
08:31 If they're in court, we need to defend them.
08:34 Because they can't afford to get a lawyer.
08:37 Are you providing a pro bono?
08:39 Yes.
08:40 He's giving away.
08:41 Nice.
08:43 Tell the mic.
08:44 You said it's nice.
08:45 Sorry.
08:46 Oh, nice.
08:47 You said it's nice.
08:48 There.
08:49 He's nice.
08:52 If you don't say it, you're just making it smell.
08:54 Sorry.
08:55 He's like...
08:56 Nice.
08:59 You're not saying it, but it smells.
09:01 What's your pick-up line?
09:03 Haji.
09:04 Haji.
09:05 Marianne, you're on.
09:06 Hi.
09:08 Take two.
09:10 Again.
09:11 We were surprised.
09:12 Sorry.
09:13 One more.
09:14 Marianne, you're under arrest.
09:16 Why?
09:18 Because you stole my heart.
09:20 Wow.
09:22 Do I have a right to say that?
09:23 What?
09:24 Do I have a right to say that?
09:25 Round two.
09:26 Okay.
09:27 It's not a crime to love you.
09:30 I hope you'll review that.
09:34 Are you gentle?
09:38 Yes.
09:40 How many girlfriends do you have?
09:42 Actually, none.
09:43 He studies a lot.
09:45 He doesn't have time.
09:46 He's always on board exams.
09:47 Why do you blame him for studying?
09:49 Maybe he's not answering his girlfriend's questions.
09:52 Maybe.
09:54 Why?
09:55 What's the reason?
09:56 Are you a good match?
09:58 Or are they a bad match?
09:59 No.
10:00 Last time, in elementary school, I had a girlfriend,
10:03 but my cousin chose her.
10:05 Oh.
10:06 When I was in law school,
10:11 I had a classmate who I courted,
10:14 but she couldn't feel my endearment for her
10:16 because I was the one who taught her.
10:18 So she chose my classmate.
10:21 Oh, I don't like to choose you, sir.
10:24 It's always painful when you don't choose me.
10:30 Is there a reason why you didn't court again?
10:33 Yes.
10:34 I will try again.
10:36 Why?
10:40 You're lucky.
10:43 Netizens, answer this question on Twitter.
10:48 What's more painful?
10:50 The one you chose,
10:54 the one you know,
10:56 or the one you chose, but you don't know?
10:58 Oh, yes.
10:59 Because she's in the same class as the one you chose.
11:01 Your cousin chose over you.
11:04 Your classmate chose over you.
11:07 Oh.
11:08 It's painful.
11:10 It's painful.
11:11 But they're still kids.
11:13 It's painful if I'm the one who replaced your birth certificate.
11:16 You replaced it with a name tag.
11:17 Yes.
11:18 It's easy to get a birth certificate made now.
11:21 Oh, yes.
11:22 Oh.
11:23 So, there.
11:26 But you know, this is your moment.
11:28 What is your most beloved thing?
11:32 I'm kind and understanding to everyone.
11:35 I will give all my time to the person I love.
11:39 How about your time to yourself?
11:41 Because I'm already studying.
11:44 Maybe my time for myself is already over.
11:46 You haven't eaten, you haven't taken a bath, you haven't slept.
11:50 Of course, we'll be together.
11:53 What if you have a client who needs your time?
11:57 And it's your anniversary.
11:58 And there's a patient who's still peeing.
12:00 We need to catch him.
12:02 And there's a punishment.
12:04 We need to catch him.
12:05 There are a lot of scenarios.
12:06 How's that?
12:07 And we'll have a baby who's innocent.
12:11 Where are you?
12:12 Who will you go to first?
12:13 We'll go to the client.
12:16 I mean, the patient.
12:18 The patient.
12:19 What?
12:20 We'll go to the patient first.
12:22 Then?
12:23 Then, Marianne.
12:24 No, I know she really loves me.
12:26 You said you'll give her all the time.
12:29 So how's that, Angie?
12:31 Now, she'll understand that you didn't give her your promise.
12:34 You're in front of the beauty.
12:36 I'll give you the month of the stars.
12:39 I'll travel to the most obvious world.
12:43 Like that.
12:44 What happened?
12:46 You'll do that.
12:47 You love me, right?
12:49 Those who promise at the beginning and then don't even have a chance to defend themselves.
12:53 Do you want to go back?
12:56 Yes, ma'am.
12:57 That's one of the biggest lies.
13:00 It's one of the biggest lies to say that I'll give you all my time.
13:05 That is impossible.
13:07 You just adjust what you say.
13:09 You need time for your mom and dad.
13:12 For your brother and for yourself.
13:15 For your profession.
13:17 So if you say right away that I'll give you all the time,
13:20 you're already lying from the start.
13:23 I stand corrected, ma'am.
13:25 I like that.
13:28 Admitting when you're wrong.
13:30 It's quick.
13:31 Especially when not all lawyers say that they stand corrected.
13:34 Because they'll defend everything.
13:36 They'll defend everything.
13:37 Until the end.
13:38 Like a jackal.
13:40 Hachi is so kind.
13:41 Gentleman.
13:43 To say that.
13:44 Do you want to correct your answer?
13:47 Your promise.
13:51 Maybe I'll give her time.
13:54 I'll give her time.
13:56 There.
13:57 How much time does she have?
14:00 Just kidding.
14:02 Isn't that how it is?
14:07 You're a gentleman.
14:09 No, maybe because...
14:11 He also likes gentlemen.
14:13 That's why he knows...
14:14 Gentlemen?
14:16 Actually, I'm not offended by what he's doing.
14:20 He's riding a horse.
14:22 Yes, it's more offensive when someone's a jackal.
14:25 I'm not offended.
14:27 I'm not offended.
14:29 He's sleepless now.
14:32 You're a jackal for a year.
14:35 We're just like that.
14:37 Karil is watching you.
14:39 He did that on purpose so you can see his arms.
14:42 Guys, Vong's arms are beautiful.
14:44 He's in the gym.
14:46 I'm not showing that.
14:48 Who's next? Searching number?
14:50 I don't want to show it.
14:53 You're good at that.
14:54 We'll be famous.
14:55 You're so stupid.
14:57 Searching number 3, reveal.
15:00 What's up, Madlang people?
15:07 My name is William.
15:10 I'm 32 years old.
15:11 I'm the Chinitong Rocketeer of Pasig City.
15:14 Rocketeer?
15:16 What's your rocket?
15:17 I'm in events.
15:19 You're eating in catering?
15:21 That's part of it.
15:23 I assist guests, our clients.
15:28 Like usher?
15:30 I assist in queuing so we can line up properly.
15:34 We need to attend to the guests' needs.
15:37 How many girlfriends do you have, William?
15:39 Just two.
15:41 Serious or not?
15:43 Serious.
15:44 What's the longest?
15:46 Years.
15:47 He's scared to talk.
15:50 His eyes are twitching.
15:52 How many girlfriends do you have?
15:53 Just two.
15:55 What's the longest?
15:56 When loading.
15:57 This is scary.
15:59 When you're on BP, what do you feel?
16:03 Emergency!
16:05 It's cold, right?
16:06 He's just thinking but he's calling for a long time.
16:09 He's not listening.
16:10 He's just thinking but he's stretching.
16:13 He's just thinking but he's stretching.
16:15 He's thinking a lot.
16:16 About four years.
16:18 That's long.
16:19 When was the last?
16:21 Before the pandemic.
16:24 About 2019.
16:26 If we put your eyes up, what will you do?
16:29 It's too high.
16:31 What's your pick-up line, William?
16:35 Yes, pick-up line.
16:36 Marian.
16:38 Why?
16:40 Are you blind?
16:41 He's blind but he's like,
16:43 "Marian, are you a pizza?"
16:46 He's lagging.
16:48 Pizza.
16:49 "Are you a pizza?"
16:50 Why?
16:51 Because I crush you.
16:53 I like it so much.
16:57 I like that.
16:58 I like it.
17:00 Can I touch it?
17:03 Yes.
17:04 I rehearsed that earlier.
17:07 Really?
17:08 I'm really curious what it will be.
17:10 William, say it again.
17:11 Again.
17:12 Marian.
17:13 Why?
17:15 Is that it?
17:16 Yes, that's it.
17:17 One more time.
17:18 Marian.
17:20 Are you a pizza?
17:22 Why?
17:23 Because I crush you.
17:25 It's like a commercial.
17:28 I'll make Marian answer.
17:31 Hello.
17:34 Okay.
17:38 Why?
17:39 Nothing.
17:40 He's just making a comment.
17:41 I'm asking, "Are you a pizza?"
17:42 I'm asking, "Why?"
17:46 You're so cheesy.
17:47 You're so cheesy.
17:48 Can I?
17:49 Yes, you can.
17:50 You're being fooled.
17:52 What's your favorite flavor of pizza?
17:55 What's your favorite flavor?
17:56 Hawaiian.
17:58 You really like that?
17:59 With an "N".
18:00 You're passing the pizza to Erwann.
18:02 He doesn't like it.
18:04 He doesn't like Italian.
18:05 What's your favorite flavor?
18:06 Any flavor, not pepperoni.
18:09 But it's delicious.
18:10 Do you not like salami, cold cuts?
18:13 I like pepperoni.
18:14 I tried pepperoni.
18:15 I smelled it the next day.
18:17 Why?
18:19 I don't like pepperoni.
18:20 It's delicious, especially with spicy pepperoni.
18:22 The box is wrapped.
18:24 The four cheese smells good.
18:27 The four cheese.
18:29 It's delicious.
18:30 But maybe it depends on...
18:32 Is it called acquired taste?
18:34 Yeah.
18:35 It depends on your taste.
18:36 I like it, especially when it has capsicum, pepperoni, lots of cheese.
18:43 There's the capsicum.
18:45 You really thought I was buying 4 kilos of capsicum.
18:48 Alright, thank you, boys.
18:51 That's cute, William.
18:52 Thank you.
18:53 Joanne, what can you say to the boys?
18:55 It's okay.
18:57 Physically, who do you think is attractive if Marianne sees you?
19:03 I think based on Marianne's type, it's number 1.
19:07 Number 1.
19:08 But who do you think is the most reliable?
19:12 Because Marianne came from a relationship where she was the one who didn't trust the other guy.
19:19 So that's the last thing we wish for her to do.
19:22 Who do you think is the most reliable?
19:25 Number 1.
19:27 Number 1.
19:28 So number 2 doesn't trust me?
19:32 Not really.
19:34 I think number 1 is Ayan.
19:36 So, Marianne, let's ask them.
19:40 Let's talk to them first. Let's go, Marianne.
19:43 What's the first question, Marianne?
19:45 So first, how do you make up for the girl you hurt?
19:50 If you hurt your girlfriend.
19:55 Sorry, sorry, Anne.
19:56 Oh, you're hurting me.
19:58 You're making up for it.
20:01 Sweet.
20:02 Are you a pizza?
20:04 You're so cheesy.
20:07 Yes, okay. Hawaiian flavor.
20:09 Manager's choice.
20:11 Anyway, okay.
20:22 Go, Ayan.
20:24 How do I make up for the girl I hurt?
20:27 For example, Emma.
20:28 For the girl.
20:29 For me, I'll remember the things that make her happy or the things she likes.
20:35 And if we both can skate, I'll book a travel for us.
20:41 Just the two of us.
20:42 So we can have time to see each other's importance even if we make mistakes.
20:50 Because there are times when we make mistakes, we're not perfect.
20:54 And I'll make her feel how important she is to me because she's the princess of my life.
21:00 Oh, princess.
21:02 The princess of my life.
21:03 The painful thing is that there's a queen of my life.
21:05 Oh, oh, oh.
21:06 That's my mom.
21:07 Oh, oh, oh.
21:08 That's her mom.
21:09 Oh, that's right.
21:10 She has an empress.
21:11 Your mom.
21:12 Haji, Haji, Hagi.
21:14 Haji.
21:15 Haji.
21:16 Yes, what's the question?
21:18 Haji birthday.
21:19 I'll talk to her.
21:21 And then.
21:24 Sorry.
21:27 Are you pizza?
21:28 Haji birthday.
21:31 Go on.
21:32 Ouch.
21:33 Go Haji.
21:34 What I'll do is I'll talk to her and I'll admit that I made a mistake to her.
21:40 And I'll force her to correct my mistake.
21:43 Okay.
21:47 There.
21:48 That's it.
21:49 He doesn't want to promise that he won't do it.
21:51 Very good.
21:52 William.
21:53 How to make up for a girl who's hurt.
21:55 Of course, the quality time.
21:57 I mean, wait.
21:58 Sincere apology.
21:59 Of course.
22:00 When we apologize, we should be sincere.
22:03 Because sometimes, we apologize for the sake of covering up our mistakes.
22:09 But in the long run, we'll do it again.
22:12 So, when we say our apologies, it should come from the heart.
22:15 Because we should be sincere.
22:17 For sure, people will feel that you're asking for an apology if you're really sincere.
22:24 For example, you hurt Marian.
22:26 How will you apologize?
22:27 I know I did something wrong.
22:30 And I will try my best to make up to that time that I really made a mistake.
22:37 Although, I cannot promise that it will be a perfect run.
22:41 Because we're all people, right?
22:43 We are bound to.
22:45 English is hard.
22:46 I'll speak in Tagalog.
22:48 We're bound to make mistakes as a person.
22:52 You're too young to be a liar.
22:55 Because I love English.
22:57 English is too long.
22:58 It's hard.
22:59 So, I'll speak in Tagalog.
23:00 Where are we?
23:01 Showtime.
23:03 Showtime.
23:04 And, as I said, sorry.
23:05 And, when you make a mistake, make sure that you won't do it again.
23:09 As much as possible, right?
23:11 Okay.
23:12 Because the question is, how will you make up to the person you hurt?
23:16 Granting that you apologized.
23:18 The way to make up, that's why he's asking that.
23:21 What kind of person are you?
23:25 How did you discard?
23:27 What are your priorities?
23:28 How did you make up?
23:30 How did you make an effort?
23:31 That's it.
23:32 It's like getting to know it.
23:34 Aside from that, sincere apology.
23:36 Quality time, too.
23:38 You'll really go through it.
23:39 Because I believe that time is investment.
23:41 So, you'll really invest it in the person who's important to you.
23:44 So, that's it.
23:45 Quality time to talk about the things that you need to settle.
23:48 And, that's it.
23:49 Time.
23:50 Mostly.
23:51 Because I give my time and effort to the person who's important to me.
23:54 Whether family or friends or relationship.
23:56 What is your idea of quality?
23:58 Quality time.
23:59 That you're really together and you talk things through.
24:02 Because some people, when they're together, it's like,
24:04 you're together but you're far from each other.
24:10 You're just present but you're not talking about,
24:15 "Are you getting my point?"
24:17 Are you getting your point?
24:19 I'm getting your point.
24:20 So, you really need to talk things through.
24:23 Because I believe that communication is really important.
24:25 Okay, thank you.
24:26 To understand each other.
24:27 Yes.
24:28 Marian,
24:29 if ever,
24:31 when you get to know yourself,
24:34 what do you want to get back from yourself?
24:37 If ever, a man did something wrong to you or hurt you,
24:40 what do you want him to do to get it back?
24:44 Of course, the number one is the assurance.
24:47 Assurance that he won't do it again.
24:49 Assurance that he will do everything to make up for it.
24:55 Time, quality time, communication.
24:59 That's really important.
25:01 Because that's where you'll feel his sincerity, his apology.
25:05 And if he's really getting it back,
25:07 material things, it doesn't matter.
25:12 Exactly.
25:13 You'll see it in the person.
25:16 Who will you give the green flag to?
25:18 So, analyzing their answers,
25:21 I think I'll go with number one.
25:24 Ayan.
25:25 Travel.
25:26 For travel.
25:28 Right?
25:29 Because that's also quality time.
25:31 True.
25:32 They're just two.
25:33 You don't have to go far.
25:35 Sometimes, you should go to a place where you're an alien.
25:39 A ski resort.
25:40 Right?
25:41 Where you're not comfortable.
25:43 You'll do more together and you'll discover each other.
25:46 Congrats, Ayan.
25:47 Are you approved, Ms. Joanne?
25:50 Yes.
25:51 I have a slight feeling.
25:53 Question number two, Maria.
25:56 Next question.
25:57 What would you say to a woman whose heart is broken?
26:02 If you see a woman who's heart is broken,
26:08 what would you say to her?
26:11 William.
26:12 We're all bound to deal with different feelings.
26:19 We get hurt.
26:20 It's a process.
26:21 I believe you need to feel it.
26:23 And you need to understand why you feel it.
26:25 Why you're going through that process.
26:27 And based on what you talked about earlier,
26:31 What would you say to her when you see her?
26:33 Just keep being strong.
26:38 Because you need to be the one to fix yourself.
26:43 And prayers to the Lord.
26:45 Because the Lord will never fail us.
26:48 So, you need to have a strong conviction.
26:52 Because that's what we'll go through in our healing process.
26:56 We'll get hurt.
26:57 Thank you, William.
26:59 Thank you.
27:00 I thought he was done.
27:02 And you're like this.
27:03 I'll follow up.
27:04 You're not done yet?
27:07 How many times has he attempted to do that?
27:09 I'll follow up.
27:12 Is that okay?
27:14 Okay.
27:15 Okay, thank you, William.
27:17 How about you, Ayan?
27:18 If you see Karil,
27:20 heartbroken,
27:23 heartbroken,
27:25 heartbroken,
27:26 what would you say to her?
27:28 Karil, I feel you.
27:32 I've been there.
27:34 It's just natural.
27:36 It's normal.
27:37 Last year, I was like that too.
27:39 Look, I'm still here.
27:44 Because of the people who believe in me
27:47 that I can overcome this problem.
27:51 Karil, it's just normal.
27:54 It's just normal.
27:55 If you're angry,
27:56 if you want to shout,
27:57 shout.
27:58 I'll follow you.
27:59 I'm still here.
28:03 If you have something to say,
28:04 I'm ready to listen.
28:06 Because I know that it's a long process.
28:09 So,
28:11 we'll go through it together.
28:13 I'll go through your problems together
28:15 until we both smile.
28:18 He's so sincere.
28:23 We felt that.
28:24 He's so nice.
28:28 I'm also sad.
28:31 We felt that.
28:34 We're both smiling.
28:36 I'm crying from his voice.
28:37 You're crying and you're teary-eyed.
28:40 Then you said,
28:41 especially in the part where you said,
28:43 "I've been there."
28:44 At first,
28:46 it wasn't in my mind.
28:48 I just wanted to enjoy.
28:50 And aside from that,
28:51 I said,
28:53 "Why don't you give a chance for yourself
28:55 to get to know someone new?"
28:57 No one knows.
28:59 They say,
29:00 "It's just a show."
29:01 But no one knows.
29:02 Maybe God has a flip in our story.
29:07 There's a plot twist.
29:09 But he said something nice.
29:12 Because sometimes,
29:13 we pressure people to do things
29:15 so that they can move on.
29:16 But that's right.
29:18 If you want, just enjoy.
29:20 No pressure to have a girlfriend.
29:22 No pressure.
29:23 You have a boyfriend.
29:25 Just enjoy and see what happens.
29:28 Right?
29:30 Yes.
29:31 We hope you continue to enjoy.
29:33 Thank you.
29:35 Good luck.
29:36 He has a good attitude.
29:37 Thank you, guys.
29:39 Wow. Life may surprise you.
29:42 Why are you looking at him?
29:43 I'm trying to compare.
29:45 Sir.
29:46 That's the police.
29:52 Are you a Barbie?
29:56 We're talking about a wassack.
29:59 Right?
30:01 It's hard.
30:02 If you've experienced it,
30:05 you know what they're saying.
30:07 Yes, exactly.
30:08 I heard it.
30:09 It hurts.
30:10 It hurts.
30:11 It's hard.
30:12 It hurts in the head.
30:13 It hurts.
30:14 It's good that there are angels
30:16 that God gives.
30:18 Right?
30:19 Yes.
30:20 To make you happy,
30:21 to help you,
30:22 to make you feel better.
30:23 Let's continue to pray for some more angels
30:26 because we need angels around.
30:28 Amen.
30:30 Haji, what can you say?
30:32 He said everything.
30:34 Thank you, Haji.
30:35 William, what can you say?
30:36 William is done.
30:37 No, no.
30:38 You need to hear him.
30:39 He's done.
30:40 Go, Haji. You can do it.
30:41 From your heart.
30:42 How can you top that?
30:44 Okay, Haji.
30:47 Tell that to John.
30:48 What do you want to say?
30:51 Go ahead.
30:52 That's how Haji is in court.
30:54 Any further questions?
30:56 He already asked everything.
30:58 He already said everything.
30:59 I'll just adapt.
31:01 What do you want to say, Haji?
31:06 I'm just here.
31:10 I know that's not okay.
31:11 That's painful.
31:12 You know,
31:17 you can't lose them.
31:19 They are the ones who are lost.
31:21 You know, to yourself that…
31:24 He's going to cry.
31:25 Let me help you.
31:28 No.
31:30 People will come for you.
31:31 God hasn't given you permission yet
31:33 but I know that they will come.
31:35 Oh.
31:38 Beautiful. Thank you so much, Haji.
31:40 Marian,
31:42 what's your reaction to what you heard?
31:44 It's like
31:45 the story of number one is familiar.
31:47 Especially number two.
31:49 Because the answer of number two,
31:56 of two and three,
31:58 it's also amazing because
31:59 I'm a church person.
32:01 It's different for me when it comes to the Lord.
32:03 But to number one,
32:05 I think we can relate to each other.
32:08 So I'll go with number one.
32:12 Oh!
32:14 And then,
32:17 the battle…
32:18 And then the battle.
32:19 Because when you experience what she experienced,
32:21 you know how you will give sympathy and empathy.
32:25 You will have a good understanding.
32:27 Beautiful. Congratulations, Ayan.
32:29 I hope you're happy.
32:31 Ms. Joanne, where did you choose to go?
32:33 Yes.
32:34 She's still walking.
32:35 Yes.
32:36 Let's go and meet them.
32:37 So here are the searches that you didn't choose.
32:40 Searching number two.
32:42 Haji.
32:43 Haji, it's your birthday.
32:44 Please introduce yourself.
32:45 Haji, Haji, Cha!
32:51 Maybe he's just like that.
32:54 Good luck.
32:55 I hope you'll be happy.
32:57 Thank you.
32:58 Thank you, Haji.
33:01 And here's Wil.
33:02 You didn't choose yet.
33:03 Marian, please introduce yourself.
33:05 I'll pray for you.
33:14 I'll pray for you.
33:15 I'll pray for you.
33:16 I'll pray for you.
33:17 Oh, you didn't speak.
33:18 Because you were talking a lot earlier.
33:20 Oh, there's a mic.
33:21 Sorry.
33:22 Again, again.
33:23 What did I say?
33:24 Ayan, I'll pray for you.
33:25 Just keep the faith and go on in life.
33:27 And for sure,
33:28 you two seem to be a good fit.
33:30 Thank you.
33:31 Thank you.
33:32 Thank you.
33:33 Miss Joanne, best friend Joanne.
33:36 What would you like to say to Marian?
33:39 Bring that.
33:43 There's a bell there.
33:44 You're a ring bearer.
33:45 Hi, Dai.
33:50 I wish that you find the love that is calm and peaceful
33:58 because you deserve it.
34:00 I'll always be here.
34:03 I love you.
34:04 Thank you.
34:08 I told you,
34:10 through ups and downs,
34:12 I'll be here for you.
34:14 No matter what, we'll be together.
34:16 Just like before.
34:18 And thank you.
34:19 Thank you for everything.
34:20 You've been so supportive of me in everything I've done in life.
34:24 You're my number one fan.
34:26 Thank you.
34:28 Thank you.
34:29 Marian, do you have something to say to Joanne?
34:36 The head writer already spoke.
34:39 He said, "No."
34:40 I was held by the head writer.
34:42 Alex said, "It's not easy for Marian to speak."
34:46 Thank you.
34:47 Miss Joanne, what would you like to say to Ayan?
34:55 [Piano music]
34:59 Hello.
35:01 Marian is very smart.
35:06 She has a lot on her mind.
35:09 I hope you understand her thoughts.
35:11 And she deserves to be happy.
35:14 I hope you'll always be there for her.
35:16 Thank you.
35:17 Thank you, Joanne.
35:19 She's crying.
35:20 Karyl, why are you crying?
35:22 Do you have something to say to Marian?
35:25 Stay strong.
35:26 And break a leg in the performance.
35:28 There are two of them.
35:29 Ayan, put Marian aside.
35:33 [Cheering]
35:35 [Piano music]
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