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The Complete History of Assassin's Creed in 8 minutes
00:00 13 years and 11 main entries means there's a whole lot of stabbing and sneaking to catch
00:21 up on when it comes to the Assassin's Creed franchise.
00:24 There's definitely not enough time left to play everything before Valhalla arrives,
00:29 so here's the history of Assassin's Creed in…
00:32 8 minutes.
00:33 Unknown BCE
00:35 So it turns out there's a race of ancient aliens called the Isu.
00:38 Throughout the series they're also called the Precursor race or those who came before.
00:43 They created humans on Earth and immediately enslaved them.
00:46 75,010 BCE
00:49 Because humans don't like being enslaved, Eve nicks what's known as the Apple of Eden,
00:54 grabs Adam and escapes.
00:56 Apples of Eden are going to come up a lot - they're a type of what's known as Pieces
01:00 of Eden - ancient tech artefacts created by the Isu to control humanity and do generally
01:06 powerful things.
01:08 75,000 BCE
01:10 A solar flare strikes Earth, wiping out the Isu and most of the humans, but some humans
01:15 survive and manage to build a new world anyway.
01:18 Go humans!
01:20 465 BCE
01:22 The first known use of the hidden blade is when the assassin Darius stabs King Xerxes
01:27 of Persia.
01:28 Xerxes was one of the proto-templars, the Order of the Ancients, and Darius is the father-in-law
01:33 of Cassandra, an ancestor of Origen's heir.
01:36 "Yet for all their power, they couldn't protect you.
01:41 Not from me."
01:42 431 BCE
01:45 In Assassin's Creed Odyssey, Mistyos, Cassandra kicks a lot of Spartans across ancient Greece
01:51 and stabs people with a piece of Isu tech called the Broken Spear of Leonidas.
01:56 While sailing the Greek seas with those great biceps, she nabs Pythagoras' staff, which
02:00 has an Isu called Aletheia inside it.
02:03 49 BCE
02:04 A bit later on, Bayek and Aya murder their way through ancient Egypt as they take revenge
02:10 for the murder of their son by a member of the Order of the Ancients.
02:14 They form the Assassin's Brotherhood as they decide to take on the darkness in the
02:17 world and even get a logo.
02:20 776 BCE
02:22 Utair ibn la'Ahad rediscovers the tenets of the Creed after a botched mission to steal
02:27 an Apple of Eden, and makes his way through a to-do list of Templars that even includes
02:32 his own traitorous master.
02:34 He gets his own Apple of Eden and dedicates his life to finding out more about it.
02:39 1459-1524 CE
02:42 This Ezio Adetore de Firenze chap rocks up, becomes an assassin to avenge the death of
02:47 his family, befriends Leonardo da Vinci, beats up the Pope, finds out about an impending
02:52 end of the world, kills Templars, and then heads to Constantinople to find the keys to
02:56 Utair's library, where he speaks to Desmond in the future to tell him about the end of
03:02 the world.
03:03 1715-1726 CE
03:04 A few hundred years later, pirate Edward Kenway pretends to be an assassin after he kills
03:10 one, discovers a mysterious observatory powered by crystal skulls and vials of blood, and
03:15 is opened by an Isu human descendant called the Sage.
03:18 He saves the day, is pardoned for his piracy, and sails home to England.
03:22 Oh, and yeah, he has a son called Hatham.
03:25 More on him in a bit.
03:27 1756-1763 CE
03:30 Not long after, an assassin called Shay Cormac becomes a Templar when he picks up an Isu
03:34 artefact and accidentally sets off an earthquake that kills loads of people, so he blames the
03:40 assassins.
03:41 He kills Edward Kenway's fellow assassin Adewale, and heads to Paris where he kills
03:45 a French assassin called Charles Dorian.
03:48 1773 CE
03:50 Edward's son Hatham turns out to be a Templar, travels to New York to gain access to an Isu
03:55 temple, and while he can't get in, he ends up having a relationship and having a son.
04:00 His son Raton Harkaton, or Connor Kenway, grows up hating his father and becomes an
04:05 assassin to take revenge.
04:07 Maybe you're sensing a theme?
04:09 They don't kiss and make up, and Connor kills him.
04:13 1776-1794 CE
04:15 That French assassin that Shay killed earlier?
04:17 That's Arnaud Dorian's dad.
04:20 Arnaud becomes an assassin to avenge his death and that of his adopted Templar dad - don't,
04:25 it's too complex - and teams up with other Templar, Elise de la Serre, to uncover corruption
04:30 in Paris.
04:31 Of course, he ends up having a showdown with a Templar Grand Master wielding what's known
04:35 as the Sword of Eden.
04:37 It explodes, Elise dies, and Arnaud is sad.
04:41 1868-1870
04:42 Then, in Victorian London, Jacob and Evie Frye battle against Grand Master Crawford
04:47 Starrock by rescuing kids from workhouses and robbing trains.
04:51 They get a rope launcher from Alexander Graham Bell, discover Edward Kenway had found a Shroud
04:56 of Eden and not told anyone, and they end up fighting a Templar wearing it.
05:01 Spoiler, they win.
05:02 "Dame Evie Frye."
05:05 "Sir Jacob Frye."
05:07 "Race you to the train."
05:10 "You're on."
05:11 2012
05:12 In an even worse year than 2020, in 2012 Desmond Miles is abducted and forced to relive the
05:22 memories of his ancestor Altair.
05:24 He gets rescued by the assassins, jumps back into the Animus to relive the memories of
05:28 Ezio, and, thanks to some aliens, discovers the world is going to end.
05:33 Then he finds an Apple of Eden, is forced to kill his friend Lucy because of Juno, breaks
05:37 his brain, and ends up stuck in the Animus, only to find out when he gets out that he
05:42 has to go to New York and relive the memories of Connor to find out how to unlock a temple.
05:47 This guy really can't catch a break because when he finally does, he decides to sacrifice
05:52 himself so the world doesn't end and lets Juno the evil alien out onto the internet.
05:57 Bye Desmond.
05:59 2013
06:00 An unnamed researcher pillages the memories of Edward Kenway from within Abstergo Entertainment,
06:06 only to find the head of IT is a sage looking for a host body for Juno.
06:10 He fails.
06:12 2015
06:13 Arno's and the memories of the Frye twins come from a service called the Helix.
06:17 The assassins recruit an initiate to relive the memories to discover the location of the
06:21 Shroud of Eden before the Templars work it out.
06:24 Unfortunately, the assassins are too late.
06:27 A fight ensues, and the Templars get away with the Shroud.
06:30 Oh, and Danny Wallace's Sean Hastings stabs someone with a shock blade.
06:35 2017-2018
06:37 Things get easier when an Abstergo employee called Leila Hassan designs an Animus that
06:42 just needs DNA.
06:43 She jumps through the memories of Bayek and Aya, ends up joining the assassins and then
06:47 finding the Spear of Leonidas before experiencing the memories of Cassandra.
06:56 Cassandra arrives, hands her the staff and tells her she's the Heir of Memories, whatever
07:00 that means.
07:01 Then Cassandra, well, dies.
07:04 The staff then lets Leila experience simulations from the aforementioned Isu Alethea.
07:08 Then Leila kills her friend Victoria with the staff, defeats Master Templar Otso Berg,
07:13 and then asks the assassins to come get her.
07:16 Time for Valhalla.
07:17 "Sit tight, Leila.
07:18 We're coming for you, but it might take time.
07:19 What are you going to do?"
07:20 "Until you get here, I'm going to be here."
07:21 "I'm not going to let you go.
07:22 I'm going to be here."
07:23 "I'm not going to let you go.
07:24 I'm not going to let you go.
07:25 Until you get here, I'm going back into the Animus.
07:30 There are a lot of people to say goodbye to."
07:32 "I'm not going to let you go."
07:48 [music]