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El Amor no Tiene Receta Capitulo 69 HD Completo
El Amor no Tiene Receta Capitulo 70 HD Completo
El Amor no Tiene Receta Capitulo 71 HD Completo
El Amor no Tiene Receta Capitulo 69 HD Completo
02:11 I promise you, no one will touch Salmona.
02:14 Let's go.
02:16 Do you need anything, Mr. Mauro? You look sicker than usual.
02:23 No, thank you very much, Nandi.
02:25 No one can help me now. Please, go.
02:28 [Music]
02:55 Doctor, how is my son?
02:57 We're still working on stabilizing his heart rate and oxygenation.
03:01 Cyanosis and hypoxia should decrease in a couple of hours.
03:05 And do you know if he's been poisoned?
03:08 No. We did a general exam with the most common poisons and several atypical ones, but we didn't find anything in his blood.
03:16 Maybe it was something else.
03:18 Then I'm going to hire another toxicologist. I can't believe they don't do their job well.
03:23 Sir, I understand your anger, but coming to use your influences won't help.
03:29 Our lab and our doctors are the best in the country.
03:32 Excuse me, I'm just... I'm just nervous about this situation. What's the prognosis?
03:40 I couldn't tell you. We're still doing organic function tests and diagnostic images, but the boy hasn't come back to himself.
03:48 I'll keep you informed. Excuse me.
03:51 Doctor Jiménez, please come to the emergency room.
03:54 Esteban.
03:55 Oh, my boy, Eder. So... so defenseless.
04:06 I know, but I'm not going anywhere, Esteban. I assure you I didn't do anything to him.
04:11 Did you turn off your cell phone?
04:13 Yes, yes, yes, I turned off my cell phone before coming with you.
04:16 I'm sure it was Giniebra. She's taking revenge on me for not giving in to her harassment.
04:22 I thought the same, but we have to prove it somehow.
04:26 I talked to Phobo and the analysis of the juice doesn't show anything. The cameras didn't record anything out of the ordinary.
04:34 And you think Giniebra knows about us? And that's why you're taking Eder away?
04:39 I need you to go back home. Keep an eye on Sam, Monito, and Covija.
04:44 You'll feel much calmer knowing you're there protecting them.
04:47 Yes, but I don't want to leave you alone.
04:50 I know your heart is with me and Eder.
04:54 You're my strength, my soul, my love, and my everything. Eder will be saved. You'll see.
05:06 I'm sure you'll love this, Eder. Thanks for the detail.
05:10 You're like family to me.
05:12 Thank you, Gin. You're a great woman.
05:14 Have you found out anything?
05:16 I talked to some friends at the courts.
05:18 The temporary suspensions that Humberto is going through are in order, so no one is going to lock you up.
05:23 Dad, do you know anything about Eder's news?
05:27 Did they tell you anything?
05:28 They're still stabilizing him, but he's not awake.
05:31 They can't define what happened.
05:35 What if we pray for him?
05:37 Mandy, I can understand that to become a great father, I have to stop being a baby, literally, and start being a Kenzo.
05:51 I know that with your help, we're going to change the way we are, the way we think, and the way my children think.
05:56 You know that my dream is to have a united family.
05:58 And I really want to apologize for all my insecurities.
06:02 Oh, I have nothing to forgive you for. You're a great man and, of course, a great father.
06:06 And that's what I should admire.
06:08 Your children are eating with Elvia.
06:17 I came to ask if you want anything.
06:19 Tell me what you did to my son.
06:21 You put something in his juice, didn't you?
06:23 I know you're dying to know.
06:26 But you know, Esteban, there's an infinite amount of poison.
06:29 They could spend their whole lives doing tests and never know what happened.
06:33 You're a bitch.
06:36 I told you not to touch my children.
06:39 Seeing you run with Eder in your arms reminded me of something.
06:42 Do you think Eder's soul is in his son?
06:46 You're a bitch.
06:49 Either you tell me what you did to my son, or I swear I'll kill you.
06:53 Kill me. But only this bitch knows how Eder woke up.
06:58 Oh, yes, no. A bad boy, Esteban.
07:06 But that's why I'm here, to educate you.
07:08 Yes?
07:13 Oh, what a blessing.
07:15 Yes, we'll wait for you here. Thank you very much.
07:20 Your son is coming to the room. So, please, don't be so pathetic.
07:24 You're the pathetic one here.
07:26 You're so cowardly that you mess with a child.
07:28 You're the most despicable being I know.
07:32 But don't worry.
07:34 You'll get the punishment you deserve.
07:37 Lupita, I was talking to Humberto and he made me see that I went too far.
07:48 I beg you to forgive me.
07:50 I forgive you.
07:52 I don't need to hold a grudge against you.
07:55 Why are you so nice?
07:56 I wouldn't have forgiven myself.
07:59 At our age, the shadows grow longer and the days are shorter.
08:02 What's the point of not forgiving you?
08:04 You're right.
08:06 But my hands are more used to the roasts than the caresses.
08:10 You enjoyed the sun of work on the earth.
08:14 And I have a lot of experience on the asphalt.
08:18 We live in a world that changes like the seasons.
08:21 And only if we continue that change, we can make our roots last.
08:26 Lupita, your presence is like the rain that wakes up my dry lands.
08:31 My interest in you goes beyond what I can say to you with words.
08:36 Interest is a path in both directions.
08:39 Maybe we'll meet on one of your routes, Porfirio.
08:44 But for that, we have to learn to cultivate with love, patience and care.
08:50 Boss!
08:57 What's up?
08:58 That miracle you're visiting this sinner.
09:01 Oh, don't get up.
09:03 Hey, can you open the school window for me?
09:05 Well, it depends if you bring cheese.
09:08 Because then you'll understand.
09:10 Oh, what happened? You're kidding. Get in, man.
09:12 Don't complain that I smell like dirty rag.
09:15 What's up?
09:17 Did you miss me?
09:20 I was scared.
09:26 Eder was pale and his eyes...
09:29 Sometimes the best way to take care of others is to stay strong and hopeful for them.
09:35 What do you think if we do something special for Eder?
09:38 A drawing!
09:39 No, better, a thousand drawings so he knows how much we love him.
09:43 Hey, why don't we make some paper pigeons?
09:46 It would be like giving him a piece of our heart.
09:49 Did you know that the pigeons are a symbol of hope and peace?
09:53 Just like you?
09:54 Yes, I like your idea.
09:56 And so we can give a drawing to your little daughter, Max.
10:00 My girl...
10:01 I hadn't told you, but something very sad happened.
10:05 It turns out that Max is not my daughter.
10:08 [Music]
10:13 I'm sorry, but I know your little daughter Maria is looking for you.
10:18 Yes, Simon, even if you don't believe it, your little daughter will be with you.
10:22 Thank you, my beautiful children. You help me with your words. You are like my children.
10:28 So Eder and Gala and Busco are also your children.
10:33 Also.
10:34 And Kubitschek too.
10:35 Of course, if they are all my children, come here, give me a hug.
10:39 [Music]
10:44 They know what poisoned me.
10:46 Toxicological tests do not show anything specific in your body.
10:50 If there is any poison, it is undetectable.
10:53 We don't detect ghosts either.
10:55 Eder...
10:57 Eder, my life, my love.
10:59 Wake up, daddy.
11:01 I want to hear you say "ya, ya" to me, my love.
11:04 Wake up, little Eder.
11:06 Doctor, why doesn't my son recover?
11:09 The electroencephalogram shows that his brain activity has decreased.
11:13 But we can't determine why. Technically, he is healthy.
11:17 They are useless, that's what happens.
11:19 No, no, the doctor is the best in the field.
11:22 In simple terms, what is the state of my son?
11:27 Your son is in a coma.
11:29 [Music]
11:40 Give me the key to Adeveras.
11:42 Give me the key!
11:44 I'm going to catch you, Fermin!
11:48 I'm digging your grave, the one of the Robles.
11:55 Doctor, how long will it take to wake up my son?
11:59 Honestly, it's hard to know.
12:01 It can be hours, days, months or even years.
12:04 Oh God, Ivan, I need a second opinion.
12:08 I want the best specialist here, in my grandson's care.
12:12 That's what I want.
12:13 You have the right to consult the specialist you like.
12:17 Also, in the next few hours, you could transfer him to another hospital or your home.
12:24 Why? Why?
12:27 He is so little, my love, my Adever.
12:30 You don't let me live, you have to live, my love.
12:34 Please, little one, please, my love.
12:38 We don't have to let fear win.
12:43 We better put cute messages on the wings of the pigeons.
12:47 And so our love will fly to Adever.
12:49 Pazita, even if Max wasn't your little daughter Maria, we are going to be your little children.
12:55 Well, but you are already with Mrs. Ginebra, she is her mother legally.
13:00 Yes, but she hasn't been with us.
13:03 She told me she was going to adopt Monito and she hasn't done it.
13:07 Yes, Mon, and for the mothers who are not here, I had to go crazy.
13:12 Pazita, when you see the stars, do you see the face of your little daughter Maria?
13:19 Well, yes, I see her in the stars.
13:24 Because every star is an echo of love, it is a dream or a wish.
13:29 Being a mother is not just giving life, it is holding on to those dreams,
13:33 protecting them with every heartbeat of your heart, even when the road is not very clear.
13:38 And can someone learn to be a mother?
13:41 Because Monito and I were not born from you.
13:44 Being a mother goes beyond the blood, it is a promise made to the soul of another being.
13:49 It is choosing to love, guide and protect without expecting anything in return.
13:53 It is being able to see the infinite potential in the eyes of a child
13:57 and tell the world that you are going to do everything so that that shine never goes out.
14:01 How nice, Paz. Now I understand why you see us like this.
14:06 I wish it were my mom.
14:08 I have an idea.
14:10 So you don't be sad, you're going to be our mom. Not of blood, but of heart.
14:15 Yes, of course, I'm happy in life.
14:19 Get out of here. I want to be alone with my son. Get out.
14:28 Esteban.
14:29 Get out.
14:30 Esteban, what's wrong with you? That's not the way to talk to your wife.
14:32 Esteban is very tense. I'm going to give him his space.
14:35 Come with me.
14:37 [Music]
14:46 My beautiful boy.
14:48 [Music]
14:50 My baby.
14:52 [Music]
14:55 I beg you for whatever you want to do.
14:58 [Music]
15:00 Don't forget, my little one.
15:02 Don't forget.
15:04 You have a long life ahead of you, son.
15:07 [Music]
15:09 We have a lot to do. Don't leave me halfway.
15:13 No.
15:15 [Music]
15:16 You have a long life ahead of you, son.
15:19 [Music]
15:21 Long life.
15:23 [Music]
15:24 You've always been a very loving, noble boy.
15:28 Since you were little, you've always been very strong.
15:32 [Music]
15:34 I need you to be, Mom.
15:38 Mom, if you don't tell me what's wrong, I can't help you.
15:44 First of all, I want to apologize because I won't be able to be with you for much of your life, as I would like, son.
15:53 How?
15:55 Are you going to leave? My dad and you are going to get divorced?
16:00 Esteban, I'm sick.
16:03 And there's nothing I can do to heal me.
16:05 I love you, son. I love you.
16:08 [Music]
16:26 What happened? There's news from the news.
16:27 You're going to have to go to a coma.
16:32 No, no, no, no, Yair, no.
16:34 But they should be calm. They're in the best mood.
16:37 No, Yair, no.
16:38 Tell me that my little brother is going to be saved.
16:40 They can't lose him too, please, Yair, no.
16:43 We're going to do everything we can to make him feel better. Calm down, please.
16:47 I'm going to ask for a second opinion.
16:48 No, this wouldn't have happened if I had paid attention, but I was focused on my illnesses.
16:53 I should have taken care of myself.
16:55 No, Yair, no.
16:57 Please, you're not responsible for your brothers.
17:00 Besides, your health is very important to everyone, right, my love?
17:04 It's just that he was fine the last time he was here.
17:07 I was also very involved in my fights and we neglected him.
17:12 No, my love, he's fine.
17:16 [Music]
17:23 Stop.
17:26 Stop, Fermin, stop.
17:31 Get out.
17:33 What's your problem now?
17:35 Calm down, man. It's not what you were thinking. Relax.
17:39 No, relax.
17:40 How did that guy get out of jail?
17:42 And besides, what was he talking about, Fermin?
17:45 Look, dad, it's best if you forget what you saw and what you heard.
17:48 No, Fermin, we're not going to get into trouble again because of you.
17:51 That guy stabbed my grandmother. Take me to see her right now.
17:55 But now, Fermin.
18:01 Hey, ready.
18:04 Oh, what a can with this ax.
18:09 They hit me here a long time ago.
18:12 When did they hurt you, man?
18:14 Oh, Porfirio.
18:15 Sit down, sit down.
18:16 It's a long story.
18:18 And don't take it the wrong way, but just remembering this cold is giving me...
18:23 Oh, Porfirio.
18:25 As much as I try to convince myself, I'm sad that my Pedro Pablo is away from the family.
18:30 And worse, he's leaving the country.
18:33 Look how smart my boy is.
18:35 He deserves to achieve everything that we couldn't.
18:38 I'm already very proud of him.
18:40 Yes.
18:42 The same thing happened to me with Esteban when he left the town.
18:46 Although he was not only pushed by the idea of ​​growing up personally.
18:51 He chose to flee from the tragedy of his mother's death.
18:56 Oh, I understand that it is something that hurts.
18:59 But if one day you want to share the whole story with me,
19:03 here we will always have enough coffee for you.
19:08 I couldn't repeat what happened out loud.
19:12 I'm afraid of falling into that black well of sadness from which I could hardly get out.
19:19 Chaparro, you!
19:26 Grandma!
19:27 Here I am!
19:29 Grandma!
19:34 What's up?
19:35 You didn't see anyone.
19:36 What's up? I'll take you to school, my son.
19:39 What are you doing here with this?
19:41 No, you didn't.
19:42 You didn't, Porfirio. With that!
19:44 Well, nothing. Rubio left jail again.
19:46 No, no, no.
19:47 And you were right. That damn guy is the one who hurt you.
19:50 You don't turn the subject anymore.
19:52 Explain to me why Rubio was following you and what key he was talking to you about.
19:56 No, it's a key I have from a safe in the bank.
20:02 And what box can be so important that it interests that Rubio?
20:08 Ana! Don't forget that thanks to your bad head, they almost killed us in peace.
20:13 They stole my granddaughter.
20:15 Look, Mrs. Lupes, the truth is I can't tell you. I'm sorry.
20:21 [Music]
20:23 You'll see that Edel will get through this, Dad.
20:47 Thank you, kids. Thank you.
20:50 That kid is very strong, Dad.
20:53 You'll see that in an hour, even if he closes his eyes, he'll be complaining because the food is getting cold.
20:57 Don't worry.
20:58 And he's going to open his eyes and he's going to smile and he's going to light up everything again.
21:04 The three of you are my reason to be.
21:09 Because of you, I would be able to fight with anyone.
21:14 Why are you talking about fighting?
21:17 Are you insinuating that what happened to Edel was because of some enemy in the family?
21:21 No, daughter, no, no.
21:24 It's just that I would like them to be untouchable.
21:28 And nothing bad will happen to them.
21:31 That's all.
21:42 But the best thing is that we leave here.
21:44 In a little while.
21:46 Are you okay, Dad? Or why don't you call?
21:51 Oh, I just wanted to call Mr. Esteban to know how Edel is doing.
21:56 I can't get him out of my head, but I don't want to be unfortunate either.
21:59 I feel like I'm feeling butterflies in my stomach for him.
22:03 Do you love him, Dad?
22:05 Edel? Of course I do. I love him very much.
22:08 I'm talking about the boss, Mr. Esteban.
22:11 I don't understand why adults deny their love.
22:16 Is love good or not?
22:19 No, kids, you guys have a mouth full of reason.
22:23 If that's what I say to Dad, then love has nothing wrong.
22:27 Humberto, what are you doing here?
22:29 Well, I would have liked to come see you, but I really need to talk to Esteban.
22:33 I'm calling him over and over again, and he won't answer my phone.
22:36 Didn't you hear? Something very serious happened.
22:38 Edel fainted and was taken to the hospital.
22:42 I love that we have fun moments and that we're still together.
22:53 Yes, but the hardest part is that my kids have to change.
22:57 I think it's complicated to achieve that.
22:59 But I know that as soon as they get rid of that idea in their heads,
23:02 they're going to love you, Nandi. You'll see.
23:04 You think so?
23:05 Of course. If you have a personality that shines.
23:08 Oh, enough. I'm going to believe you and I'm going to install myself like this in magic,
23:11 unattainable, and I'll get her.
23:14 Genebra has no limits.
23:16 I don't understand how she ran away with Max and made her go through my daughter.
23:19 No, and I don't doubt she's behind the alleged suicide of Max's parents.
23:24 What a shame, everything that's happened to that girl.
23:27 I know.
23:28 Hey, Paz, I wanted to tell you from the bottom of my heart that
23:34 I'm very happy that Esteban and you are together again.
23:38 Thank you very much, Humberto.
23:39 Please don't leave Esteban alone.
23:42 We are sure that Genebra is behind everything that happened to him.
23:46 Paz, I don't want to sound pessimistic, but you also have to take good care of yourself.
23:50 The only advantage is that we have the enemy well located.
23:53 Yes, the family has to be united at this time.
23:57 The two of them need you and your dad very much.
24:00 Nandi, look, I bought a gift for Gala.
24:14 Let's see if she gets up a little bit, don't you think?
24:16 Oh yes, sure, sister.
24:18 You know she likes Lucian's clothes a lot.
24:21 Hey, that reminds me that I have great news for you.
24:24 What?
24:25 You know, the work, okay?
24:26 You sell beautiful clothes, shocking.
24:28 Really?
24:29 The bad thing is that I can't take the catalogs all the time.
24:31 Don't worry, sister.
24:32 We'll fix it by sending you the digital catalogs of illusion.
24:36 Let's see.
24:37 Come on, I'm going to do it, sister.
24:40 I'm sure your customers will continue to increase.
24:42 No, and also the income, because now more than ever we need money.
24:46 Hey, we have to hurry, the kids are already sleeping.
24:48 Hey, yes, yes, yes, let's go.
24:50 Come on, hurry up.
24:52 [Music]
24:55 There it is, Gala.
24:57 Oh, Salo.
24:58 Hello, hello, hello.
24:59 Look, we brought you chopped fruit, and a can of tacos, and a lot of love.
25:05 Thanks to both of you.
25:07 Everything is really crazy.
25:09 We got out of one problem and we're in another.
25:11 But you haven't let us down.
25:13 No, that's what we're here for, Gala.
25:15 To support us in the good and the not so good.
25:17 I hope your little brother gets well soon.
25:20 Thank you, Pedro Pablo.
25:21 I appreciate you very much.
25:22 And you, Salo, thank you for supporting my sister.
25:25 Look, I brought you a scarf and a jacket so you don't get cold.
25:28 Although, anyway, I'm going to stay with you, right?
25:31 Hey, I feel a lot more at ease with you.
25:34 No, well, it seems we are precious.
25:37 Together we can face anything.
25:39 Hey, so what?
25:40 Do you know why you're in a coma, Elever?
25:42 Let's see, Salo, don't be imprudent.
25:45 No, no, I think it's better to talk about it.
25:47 The truth is, the doctors don't know why it happened.
25:49 They can't imagine the moments of anguish we've been through today,
25:52 fearing for the worst.
25:54 Just like that, my mom suddenly left.
25:56 I don't want the story to repeat itself with my brother.
25:58 No, I assure you that Eder has great chances of getting well.
26:02 Have you seen him?
26:03 Just a moment, because my dad doesn't want to be apart from him.
26:07 No, but we have to talk to him,
26:09 because the people who are in a coma can continue to listen to us.
26:16 Son, here I am, my son, with you.
26:20 I know you can hear me.
26:23 Come in.
26:27 Look how my son is, tired,
26:33 not waking up.
26:35 Friend, I know there are no words that can comfort you right now,
26:41 but you know I'm here for you.
26:45 Don't worry, cousin.
26:47 Eder is a courteous boy.
26:49 You'll see that he'll wake up soon.
26:51 We're strong.
26:53 Thank you for coming and bringing my dad.
26:56 I really missed seeing him.
26:59 I know it's not easy, what I'm going to tell you,
27:03 but it's not the first time you've been through something like this.
27:07 You've already lived your mother's story.
27:09 I can't stand seeing him like this, dad.
27:15 It connects him with everything my mom suffered,
27:18 and it's a difficult moment for everyone.
27:21 Ladies and gentlemen, attention,
27:32 you are invited to shake your sadness and give it all to laugh.
27:36 Like this.
27:37 I think we can do a play for when Eder comes back,
27:41 and here we have the best team to make the best show in the world.
27:45 Yay!
27:46 I want it to arrive.
27:48 Eder won't be long, so we have to hurry to have everything ready.
27:52 We have to think of a very nice story where the whole family can participate.
27:56 Of course.
27:57 I love your idea, Pazita.
27:59 I'm going to do the costumes, because you know I paint myself and I look great.
28:03 Hey, are you all combed?
28:06 Yes, and let Pepe do the scenography.
28:08 Yes, I love the idea.
28:11 I have to tell you something very serious.
28:17 What is it, mom?
28:19 Rubio left prison again.
28:21 He's hanging out with Fermin.
28:23 I'm afraid that guy wants to get back at them.
28:26 I want you to tell me, Mrs.,
28:31 do you still think I should have died in the orphanage?
28:37 No.
28:38 Laura, the answer is...
28:41 yes.
28:44 Now I see it...
28:55 everything very clearly.
29:00 You've never loved me.
29:04 And you'll never love me like I love you.
29:07 I should have realized this much earlier.
29:11 You don't know how boring it is to make you feel sentimental.
29:15 Love is a waste of time, and, Laura, please learn it now.
29:19 Look at me.
29:21 I'm still struggling with my mistake of letting Esteban slip away like a virus.
29:26 And I can't get rid of him.
29:29 Everything about Esteban is very different.
29:34 We grew up together.
29:36 I protected you when we were kids.
29:39 We're practically the same person.
29:42 I've obeyed you in everything you've told me.
29:46 And you're paying me back with this contempt?
29:48 No, no, I'm sorry to contradict you.
29:50 Have you enjoyed the luxury, the power,
29:54 all the money we've made together?
29:56 So do me a favor.
29:58 Don't make me feel sentimental.
30:00 I'm sorry.
30:01 The new Escobilla de Cortez is the coward who raped me.
30:11 He's been hiding in his house for days.
30:13 This Sunday on "Más Deporte" we'll show you everything that happened...
30:18 Kiss me.
30:20 Sometimes silence helps us to make peace between so many worries.
30:26 If you don't want to talk to me, don't.
30:29 I'll be here by your side without saying a word.
30:31 I don't think I'll ever leave this place without telling you about my grandson.
30:36 I'd hug her if I could.
30:40 What are you doing here, Jeronimo?
30:53 I found out what happened to Edel and I just came to see if you needed anything.
30:56 You and I have broken up, Gala, but Bosco is my friend and I know you're not doing well.
31:00 Have you forgotten everything you said to me?
31:02 Either you leave or I'll pull your teeth out, Jeronimo.
31:05 Calm down, you look like a gorilla.
31:07 Don't you see that what Gala needs the least is one more problem?
31:10 But I'm glad you're consoling her now that we're over.
31:13 You have nothing to do here, so I don't want to see you.
31:15 If you catch me...
31:16 Record it and paint yourself or I'll paint you with colors.
31:20 What do you think?
31:21 I didn't know you were a painter, just like your sister.
31:23 There he is!
31:24 He's the one! He's Bosco Villa de Cortes!
31:27 He's the coward who raped me and he's been hiding in his house for days.
31:31 What's going on?
31:32 Are you going to accept that you raped Miss Giovanna Belmont?
31:34 Do you think what's happening to your brother is a consequence and punishment for what you did to Miss Giovanna?
31:40 Aren't you going to say anything?
31:42 Are you going to stay quiet?
31:44 People want to know the truth.
31:47 And...
31:49 Ta-da!
31:50 Oh, what a beautiful skirt.
31:53 You look beautiful. I would have loved to dress my daughter like that.
31:56 We had agreed on something, daddy.
31:59 What?
32:00 That I would be your daughter when Maria came back.
32:03 Oh, baby.
32:04 I love to see them like this, in communion.
32:08 Shining with that beautiful love.
32:11 It's a message from Humberto.
32:18 Humberto.
32:19 Don't be like this, my daughter. What happened?
32:27 Yes, what? Why is your heart beating so fast?
32:30 It's just that...
32:32 He...
32:34 He's in a coma.
32:36 Oh, God.
32:37 Aren't you going to say anything?
32:43 Answer me!
32:44 You can't put a man in a coma!
32:46 My nephew is not going to say anything.
32:48 We are in the middle of an investigation.
32:50 Please leave.
32:51 Many women are abused by powerful men.
32:53 Please leave, miss.
32:54 But that's not the case. My brother is innocent.
32:56 The usual. They're going to use the door to silence their crimes.
32:59 I need you to leave. We'll call security.
33:01 I need you to leave.
33:02 You need to leave.
33:03 How can you sleep peacefully after what you did to me?
33:05 I didn't do anything to you, Giovanna.
33:07 You're taking revenge on me because I didn't listen to you and I rejected you.
33:09 Let me tell you, Bosco. Sometimes men can also be victims.
33:12 Please, miss. We're going through a very difficult situation for you to take advantage of.
33:17 I'm the one who's suffering. You don't understand.
33:20 No, no, no. You're the one who doesn't understand anything, girl.
33:22 Because we're in the middle of a process and you're not respecting it.
33:25 And if you keep bothering me, I'm going to put a restraining order on you.
33:28 What do you think?
33:29 All the men in this family are taking off their dirty clothes.
33:32 Disgusting!
33:33 Let's talk about it, huh?
33:34 What the hell?
33:35 Let go of me! You're disgusting!
33:37 Let's see.
33:38 Bosco. Bosco. Relax.
33:40 Relax. Breathe. There are many people here who love you and believe in you.
33:43 Maybe I'll put a restraining order on this girl so she won't hurt you anymore.
33:47 Relax.
33:48 Thanks, man. You helped me a lot with the press.
33:50 I hate that you speak ill of us.
33:52 And to you, Jero.
33:54 Despite everything, thank you for not turning your back on me.
33:56 Not because Gale and I are done, you mean you let me care, Bosco.
34:00 Jero, son. Can we talk, please?
34:03 Dad, I remind you that you have a restraining order and you can't get close to me or my brother.
34:07 Please don't get into trouble with the law.
34:09 Jero, I'm going to report you.
34:11 Well, talk to your dad for a moment.
34:13 The Villas de Cortés are strong.
34:15 There's a long way to go to the finish line.
34:17 Don't get in my way now!
34:19 Nephew, I'm not going to let you put a foot in jail.
34:22 Listen to me. Relax.
34:24 Thanks. Thanks.
34:26 Everything will be fine.
34:28 I came here so you wouldn't steal again and not face my family.
34:31 Don't you see what's going on and how much we suffer for Edith?
34:34 Don't you see my pain, Gala?
34:35 Why should I care what happens to you if you care about something?
34:38 Enough!
34:39 Bosco is a headache, but he's not a bad person.
34:42 I don't think he raped you.
34:43 Who am I talking to?
34:44 Shut up, poor guy.
34:45 Men are always like that.
34:46 They put on the face of good kids to get what they want.
34:49 And that's sex.
34:50 I'm sure you're the same.
34:51 Or what?
34:52 Did you forget that you were with one girl at a time and you were with the other?
34:55 Be careful, Gala.
34:56 Stop insulting people.
34:58 Salomón and Bosco are not perfect, but no one deceives them.
35:01 What do you gain by making things up?
35:02 You've lied about everything.
35:04 No invention. You have the evidence.
35:06 You even had marks. Your brother did it. He's an abuser.
35:09 You should have taken advantage of Bosco with the baby you gave him.
35:12 Bosco is my brother and I know him.
35:13 He told me you were harassing him.
35:15 I thought he was exaggerating, but now I realize I should have paid more attention
35:18 and maybe you wouldn't have gone so far.
35:20 Giovanna, what you're doing affects the fight of other girls who were abused.
35:24 That's why many stop believing what the victims say.
35:27 You've always played to be your brothers' mom, huh?
35:30 But you did everything wrong.
35:31 They deserve what's happening to them.
35:33 I hope Keder dies.
35:35 -You're a monster. -No, no, no.
35:37 We're in a hospital. The answer is not violence.
35:39 You think you're so pure because you're a virgin, right?
35:41 And the truth hurts, but you have no idea of the world.
35:45 Having a camera on top should make you more responsible,
35:48 but you loved having it and saying ridiculous, meaningless things.
35:52 You're motivating someone else.
35:54 Stop it, girl. Stop it.
35:56 I was transparent with you. I opened my heart to you because I thought you were my friend.
36:00 But you just showed me how dirty your soul is.
36:03 I thought you were suffering because you were alone,
36:05 but I understood that you take advantage of the weakness of others
36:08 to feel better about yourself.
36:10 Only then can you get a little attention.
36:12 So go or I'll kick you out myself.
36:15 We're at the hospital, Gala.
36:18 Come in, come in.
36:25 Come in, girl.
36:26 Let's see, sis, we've turned off the phones.
36:28 Don't you think there are cameras and microphones everywhere?
36:30 I'm so sad to have to be everywhere with one eye on the cat and the other on the tie.
36:35 Esteban told me this is a safe place.
36:37 Eder's situation is horrible, but I know he'll get better.
36:40 He's just a kid.
36:42 Genevra...
36:44 Genevra had something to do with this, but it's going to be very difficult to prove it.
36:47 That monster is going one step ahead.
36:49 Well, the doctors and Esteban will find a way for Eder to smile again with his brothers.
36:55 I have my faith in that.
36:57 Me too, Mom, but we can't just sit around doing nothing.
37:00 The kids could be in serious danger.
37:02 Yeah?
37:03 Esteban told me something horrible that Genevra did to Sam.
37:07 Something worse than hitting her?
37:09 Yes.
37:10 No.
37:11 On the wedding day, she tried to poison her.
37:13 That's why Esteban had to find a way to bring me to the event.
37:16 Genevra demanded it in exchange for saving Sam.
37:19 Oh, that woman has no limits.
37:22 That's why we can't leave the kids alone, Mom.
37:25 Do you think you can stay with me so we can take care of Sam and Monito?
37:31 Of course, honey. I'll go with you wherever you go.
37:35 But if Esteban couldn't protect Eder, what makes you think we can do it with Genevra?
37:42 It's not an easy task, but everyone in this family has won my heart.
37:47 Gala, Eder, Bosco, Sam and Monito are like my children.
37:52 I won't let anything bad happen to them.
37:55 As soon as Esteban comes back, we have to sleep here.
37:59 Yes, of course.
38:01 Genevra, how can I wake my son up?
38:09 I give you my life in exchange.
38:11 Save him, please. Do whatever you want with me.
38:14 But save him.
38:15 Take care of him, dear.
38:17 I'm not going to kill Eder so soon.
38:21 I want him to be agonized and beg you to stop hurting him.
38:26 You want me to be merciful? I can be very merciful, Esteban.
38:31 But first, you're going to ask me for forgiveness for defying me.
38:35 You're going to beg me to forgive you for rejecting me.
38:39 [Music]
38:58 Forgive me.
39:00 Forgive me for defying you, for...
39:08 for rejecting you.
39:10 Forgive me.
39:12 But tell me how I can save my son, please.
39:15 Those apologies and nothing are the same.
39:19 Try to understand me, Esteban.
39:21 I love you.
39:22 You rejected me.
39:24 If you loved me, you wouldn't be causing me this pain.
39:27 Ask me for real forgiveness.
39:30 Beg me.
39:31 And beg me for the life of your son.
39:34 [Music]
40:03 [Music]
40:16 I'm willing to separate from my sister...
40:20 for you.
40:23 I want you to tell me everything.
40:24 Tell me why Sandro isn't my brother and tell me where you got him from.
40:27 Fermin, you want to end Rubio, don't you?
40:32 You want to get rid of Ginebra.
40:35 I'm your only option.
40:37 [Music]
