• last year
(Adnkronos) - Il portale digitale TE.R.R.A., introdotto dalla Legge 11/2024 conosciuta come "Decreto energia", è stato sviluppato da Terna per offrire accesso a informazioni strategiche e rilevanti su Territorio, Reti, Rinnovabili e Accumuli ad amministratori nazionali e locali, legislatori e soggetti proponenti. Questo strumento permetterà una programmazione territoriale efficiente e sostenibile per l'ambiente. Il portale TE.R.R.A. è stato presentato da Giuseppina Di Foggia, Amministratore Delegato e Direttore Generale di Terna, alla presenza del Ministro dell'Ambiente e della Sicurezza Energetica, Gilberto Pichetto Fratin, e del Direttore Divisione Energia di Arera, Massimo Ricci. L'evento si è svolto presso il Centro Nazionale di Controllo di Terna, il cuore del sistema elettrico italiano dove vengono monitorati e controllati in tempo reale i flussi di energia sulla rete nazionale e le interconnessioni esterne.


00:00A leading institutional communication tool for the digitalization and development of new technologies in the service of the energy transition of the national electrical system.
00:17TERNA presents TERRA, the digital portal introduced with the Energy Decree, for the consultation of strategic and relevant information on the territory, renewable and accumulated networks.
00:29Giuseppina Di Foggia, Delegate Administrator and Director General of TERNA, will present the project.
00:35Today we are here with you and with all the institutions to inaugurate the TERRA portal.
00:41You have heard of the digital portal, whose purpose is to promote an optimization of the programming, of the localization of all the infrastructures of the energy system.
00:58How do we do it? We do it by making available all the information that we have in TERNA, those present and those in projections, the information that we can develop, thinking about a short-term, medium and long-term future.
01:15In order to promote and speed up all the programming activities and, above all, as regards the localization of the infrastructures.
01:28The path of energy transition requires a common commitment at the national level to achieve the challenging goals of decarbonization, traced in Italy by the National Integrated Plan Energy and Climate.
01:41The challenge that we have, in addition to the challenge on the producers and on the modes of energy production, is that we have to modernize the network.
01:51There is a great commitment from TERNA to be as modern as possible.
01:55Modern technologies give the possibility of being much more efficient, much more rational.
02:01TERNA has investments of many billions to create new networks and adapt our networks.
02:10There are several actions in progress that must lead us to a more robust base network, which is that of TERNA, and then to a more efficient network of details.
