• 7 months ago
(Adnkronos) - Tecnologia e innovazione nella transizione energetica, questo il filo conduttore del concorso EvolveArt, promosso dalla Fondazione MAIRE in collaborazione con l’Associazione Amici della Biennale dei Licei Artistici (ABiLiArt) e la Rete Nazionale dei Licei Artistici.

Il concorso ha coinvolto oltre 280 studenti provenienti da 50 licei artistici di 18 regioni italiane e la premiazione si è svolta nel suggestivo scenario del Parco Archeologico del Colosseo. Le 28 opere selezionate da una giuria di esperti sono state esposte sulla Via Sacra a Roma, mentre le otto vincitrici saranno pubblicate sulle copertine della rivista internazionale EVOLVE di MAIRE.


00:00 [music]
00:04 Technology and innovation of the energy transition, this is the thread of the Evolva Art contest, promoted by the Maire Foundation.
00:11 The contest involved more than 280 students from 50 artistic high schools in 18 Italian regions
00:18 and the awarding took place in the suggestive scenario of the Archeological Park of the Colosseum.
00:23 The 28 works selected by a jury of experts were exhibited on Via Sacra in Rome,
00:29 while the 8 winners will be published on the covers of the international magazine Evolve di Maire.
00:35 The event represents an important initiative to bring the world of energy transition closer to culture and school,
00:41 offering students opportunities for growth and professional guidance in the field of sustainability.
00:47 The jury of the Evolva Art contest, composed of experts in the field,
00:51 has recognized the talent and creativity of the young participants,
00:55 awarding them the best works that combine art and sustainability.
00:59 "It is important to provide students with the necessary tools to face environmental challenges
01:03 and understand the meaning of sustainable development",
01:06 explained Fabrizio Diamato, president of the Maire Foundation.
01:09 Culture, ingenuity, transferred through reading, through the expression of these young people,
01:19 who will then be the leaders of the future.
01:21 This is our ambition, the Maire's ambition, to give, but above all to receive,
01:29 indications and tips, because they are the ones who interpret and will be the main actors of these changes.
01:38 Satisfaction for the quality of the works presented was then expressed by Maria Grazia Dardanelli,
01:43 honorary president of the National Network of the Artistic CEE and the AbiliArt Association.
01:48 About 300 works have arrived here and these 28, which are here to be awarded, are really happy and enthusiastic.
01:58 The theme has been carried out in a very interesting and, I would say, in-depth way,
02:04 so it means that we have stimulated them to think about the problems of ecology,
02:11 of the well-being of the Earth, of the well-being of the population.
02:14 Initiatives like this demonstrate how art and culture can play a fundamental role
02:19 in the training of future professionals, contributing to the energy transition
02:24 and to the creation of a more sustainable society.
