00:00:00 [Générique]
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00:00:17 Je peux juste me cacher ici tout le jour et regarder les nuages se passer.
00:00:21 Si vous utilisez votre imagination, vous pouvez voir beaucoup de choses dans les formations de nuages.
00:00:27 Que pensez-vous que vous voyez, Linus?
00:00:29 Eh bien, ces nuages là-haut me ressemblent à la carte de l'Hondura britannique, sur le Caribé.
00:00:35 Cette nuage là-haut ressemble un peu au profil de Thomas Eakins, le célèbre peintre et sculpteur.
00:00:42 Et cette équipe de nuages là-bas me donne l'impression de la carte de Stephen.
00:00:46 Je peux voir l'apostole Paul, en tant que seul.
00:00:49 Ah oui, c'est très bien. Que voyez-vous dans les nuages, Charlie Brown?
00:00:54 Eh bien, je voulais dire que j'ai vu un chien et un chien de cheval, mais j'ai changé d'avis.
00:01:00 [Musique]
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00:09:17 All right Charlie Brown, let's get our signal straight.
00:09:23 One finger will mean the high straight ball,
00:09:27 two fingers will mean the low straight ball.
00:09:29 What about my curve ball?
00:09:31 And my slider? And my knuckle ball?
00:09:33 And my sidearm? And my submarine pitch?
00:09:35 One finger will mean the high straight ball,
00:09:38 and two fingers will mean the low straight ball.
00:09:41 Hey, what's this?
00:09:45 What in the world are all these dandelions doing on the pitcher's mound?
00:09:49 They grew there, and the girls on our team won't let me cut them down.
00:09:54 They say they're pretty, and they say I look cute standing here among them.
00:09:58 They're right, you do look kind of cute standing there.
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00:10:45 Charlie Brown, Charlie Brown,
00:10:49 it's taking you too long to get dressed after every pitch.
00:10:53 If you can't get dressed a little faster, we'll never get through the first inning.
00:10:57 [Musique]
00:11:00 Wait!
00:11:06 Hmm, rush this guy back Charlie Brown, give him the old bean ball.
00:11:12 Non, je ne peux pas faire ça, ce ne serait pas bien.
00:11:15 Ce ne serait pas bien?
00:11:17 Ecoutez qui a tout de suite fait de nous des moraux.
00:11:20 Ce petit chien ici est trop moral pour se faire un bean ball.
00:11:24 Qu'est-ce que vous pensez des étudiants d'ancien temps qui se sont traités comme des indiens?
00:11:27 Et qu'est-ce que vous pensez des films qu'on voit aujourd'hui?
00:11:30 Vous avez vu l'incident, et Harper's Ferry a été confondu avec la moralité?
00:11:35 Notre système de freeways est un parfait exemple de ce que je veux dire.
00:11:40 Et comment vous pensez à cette situation de conservation?
00:11:43 On ne gagne jamais de jeu de balle, mais on a des discussions intéressantes.
00:11:47 [Musique]
00:11:50 Qu'est-ce qui s'est passé?
00:11:57 Charlie Brown a été attiré par Alain Drive.
00:12:00 Est-ce que tout le monde ici connaît la première aide?
00:12:02 C'est probablement pas sérieux. La deuxième ou la troisième aide le fera.
00:12:07 Je vais aller à la fontaine de boisson et mettre un couteau d'eau froide.
00:12:10 T'es en train de me faire rire. Avec un visage comme Charlie Brown, tu vas avoir besoin d'un lit.
00:12:18 Je meurs. Et tout ce que je entends sont des insultes.
00:12:21 Qu'est-ce qui s'est passé?
00:12:23 Tu as été attiré par Alain Drive, Charlie Brown.
00:12:26 Je ne comprends pas.
00:12:28 J'étais capable de dépasser Alain Drive.
00:12:30 Quand tu viens de vieillir, tes réflexes s'allument vraiment.
00:12:35 [Musique]
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00:12:56 [Cri de la foule]
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00:13:41 [Cri de la foule]
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00:14:28 - Au revoir, Charlie Brown. - Tu es déprimé, n'est-ce pas ?
00:14:36 - Je suppose que tu as oublié que nous avons perdu un autre jeu de balle.
00:14:39 - Je ne l'ai pas. Le jeu de cette fois a fait notre 99ème vainqueur sans victoire.
00:14:43 - Ce n'était pas un très bon jeu aujourd'hui, Charlie Brown.
00:14:49 - Je le sais. Je suis fatigué de perdre tous ces jeux de balle.
00:14:53 - Et c'était notre année de plus. L'année où on avait l'impression de gagner notre première course.
00:14:58 - Je pense que ce serait un peu amusant de gagner une fois par mois.
00:15:04 - La victoire n'est pas tout. - Mais la perdure n'est rien.
00:15:09 - Regarde-la de cette façon, Charlie Brown. Nous apprenons plus de perdre que de gagner.
00:15:13 - Je suppose que cela me rend la plus intelligente dans le monde.
00:15:16 - Je pense que tu t'es juste mis à parler de notre vainqueur, Charlie Brown.
00:15:21 - Je ne crois pas vraiment à ce business de certains gens qui sont nés perdants.
00:15:25 - Si tu continues à faire des choses différentes, tu vas gagner.
00:15:29 - Juste autant que tout le monde.
00:15:31 - Reste à l'esprit, Charlie Brown. Ne t'en fais pas.
00:15:33 - Tu vas gagner ton partage de jeux de balle.
00:15:35 - Je ne pense pas que c'est possible pour quelqu'un de perdre tout le temps.
00:15:39 - Un jour, tu vas gagner.
00:15:41 - Je vais gagner.
00:15:44 - Je vais gagner.
00:15:47 - Je vais gagner.
00:15:50 - Je vais gagner.
00:15:53 - Je vais gagner.
00:15:56 - Je vais gagner.
00:15:59 - Je vais gagner.
00:16:02 - Je vais gagner.
00:16:05 - Je vais gagner.
00:16:07 - Je vais gagner.
00:16:10 - Je vais gagner.
00:16:13 - Je vais gagner.
00:16:16 - Je vais gagner.
00:16:19 - Je vais gagner.
00:16:22 - Je vais gagner.
00:16:25 - Je vais gagner.
00:16:28 - Je vais gagner.
00:16:32 - Je vais gagner.
00:16:35 - Je vais gagner.
00:16:38 - Je vais gagner.
00:16:40 - Je vais gagner.
00:16:42 - Je vais gagner.
00:16:44 - Je vais gagner.
00:16:47 - Je vais gagner.
00:16:50 - Je vais gagner.
00:16:53 - Je vais gagner.
00:16:56 - Je vais gagner.
00:16:59 - Je vais gagner.
00:17:02 - Je vais gagner.
00:17:05 - Je vais gagner.
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00:18:45 "I think I need help !... Hmm... everything I do turns to failure ! I guess you know I've never succeeded at anything in my whole life !"
00:18:54 "Charlie Brown, it's true ! I recognize your frailties, your weaknesses. You need me to point out your faults, Charlie Brown. It's for your own good. Besides, I can do it for you better than anyone else ! My system is unique !"
00:19:10 "What's so unique about it ?" "Come and sit down, Charlie Brown. I'll explain my unique system. Make yourself at home, Charlie Brown. I'll set up my equipment. See what I've done ? I put all of your faults on slides. We're going to project your faults onto a screen !"
00:19:30 "Good grief ! Project my faults onto a screen ?"
00:19:40 "Now, watch carefully. Here we see your failure to observe the world in upright position. Here we see your lack of coordination, Charlie Brown. And here we see your lack of style. Now, onto your physical faults. These slides will show your tendency toward fatness. Look at that stomach ! Even your nose is fat ! And your legs ! Why, I'll bet if the truth were known, even your toes are fat !"
00:20:09 "Now, we're really going to get down to business. The next batch of slides will show your biggest and most damaging faults. This could take about an hour to show !"
00:20:21 "No ! No ! Ugh ! Turn it off ! I can't stand it any longer ! I can't stand to watch ! I can't stand it ! I can't stand it !"
00:20:37 "One moment there, Charlie Brown. Relax here a while, Charlie Brown. We'll solve this problem together."
00:20:46 "I'm going to get my phone back. I'm going to get my phone back."
00:20:51 "I'm going to get my phone back."
00:20:54 "I'm going to get my phone back."
00:20:57 "I'm going to get my phone back."
00:21:00 "I'm going to get my phone back."
00:21:03 "I'm going to get my phone back."
00:21:06 "I'm going to get my phone back."
00:21:09 "I'm going to get my phone back."
00:21:12 "I'm going to get my phone back."
00:21:15 "I'm going to get my phone back."
00:21:18 "I'm going to get my phone back."
00:21:21 "I'm going to get my phone back."
00:21:24 "I'm going to get my phone back."
00:21:27 "I'm going to get my phone back."
00:21:30 "I'm going to get my phone back."
00:21:33 "I'm going to get my phone back."
00:21:36 "I'm going to get my phone back."
00:21:39 "I'm going to get my phone back."
00:21:42 "I'm going to get my phone back."
00:21:45 "Ce blanc est une nécessité."
00:21:47 "Il me protège de me faire tomber."
00:21:50 "Il peut être regardé comme un tourniquet spirituel."
00:21:53 "Sans ce blanc, je ne serais rien."
00:21:56 "Un bateau sans moteur."
00:21:58 "Pas de bonne souffrance."
00:22:01 "Un bateau sans moteur."
00:22:04 "Pas de bonne souffrance."
00:22:07 "Un bateau sans moteur."
00:22:10 "Pas de bonne souffrance."
00:22:13 "Un bateau sans moteur."
00:22:16 "Pas de bonne souffrance."
00:22:19 "Un bateau sans moteur."
00:22:22 "Pas de bonne souffrance."
00:22:25 "Un bateau sans moteur."
00:22:28 "Un bateau sans moteur."
00:22:31 "Un bateau sans moteur."
00:22:34 "Un bateau sans moteur."
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00:28:01 "Un bateau sans moteur."
00:28:04 "Un bateau sans moteur."
00:28:07 "Un bateau sans moteur."
00:28:10 "Un bateau sans moteur."
00:28:13 "Un bateau sans moteur."
00:28:16 "Un bateau sans moteur."
00:28:19 "Un bateau sans moteur."
00:28:22 "En revanche, si la lenteur est maintenue, page 43, alors E doit être gardée après C."
00:28:29 "Vous voulez dire avant le terme Able ? C'est ça qui garde le mot stable."
00:28:33 "Donc c'est pourquoi..."
00:28:35 "Bien sûr, essayons !"
00:28:37 "Noticeable, serviceable, embrassable, replaceable, peaceable, enforceable, pronounceable, intraceable."
00:28:44 "Slay, stein, Fahrenheit."
00:28:47 "Acceptable, fiery, hierarchy, hieroglyphic."
00:28:51 "EI est aussi utilisé dans les mots spéciaux qui méritent une étude prudente."
00:28:56 "E avant I après C."
00:28:59 "Siegeur, miser, siege, quatre, neer, heiser, miser, ogie, casme."
00:29:06 "Siege, cependant, est écrit IE."
00:29:09 "Au contraire, on utilise IE pour fief, belief, phénice, fiel, brief, grif, cachier, achieve, yiel."
00:29:17 "Un seul mot dans la langue finit en SEDE, superséde."
00:29:22 "Les trois autres finissent en CED, excede, procède, succède."
00:29:27 "Les autres finissent en CDDE, excède, concède, intracède, précède, recède, secède."
00:29:34 "E avant I après C."
00:29:37 "Quand un mot finit en C, comme frôle, cognac, mimique, insère un K avant de mettre le suffixe."
00:29:44 "Quand un mot finit en C, comme frôle, comme mimique, insère un K avant de mettre le suffixe."
00:29:49 "Comme frôle, comme mimique, insère un K avant de mettre le suffixe."
00:29:52 "Comme frôle, comme mimique, insère un K avant de mettre le suffixe."
00:29:55 "Comme frôle, comme mimique, insère un K avant de mettre le suffixe."
00:29:58 "Comme frôle, comme mimique, insère un K avant de mettre le suffixe."
00:30:01 "Comme frôle, comme mimique, insère un K avant de mettre le suffixe."
00:30:04 "Comme frôle, comme mimique, insère un K avant de mettre le suffixe."
00:30:07 "Comme frôle, comme mimique, insère un K avant de mettre le suffixe."
00:30:10 "Léger, seizure, C, G, protein."
00:30:14 "Weird, either, neither, Cody, caffeine."
00:30:18 "Use I, E in beef, belief."
00:30:21 "Theme, feel, breathe, read, yield, achieve, cashier."
00:30:24 "Except, after, see, as in exceed, proceed."
00:30:28 "Succeed, exceed, concede, intercede, proceed, recede, concede."
00:30:32 "I before E except after C."
00:30:37 "Let's see, before C."
00:30:40 "Dissolve, D-I-S-O-L-V-E, dissolve."
00:30:46 "That's stupid Charlie Brown, he's gonna get it this time."
00:30:51 "He's up against some of the best spellers in the school."
00:30:54 "Abrasive, A-S-B-R-A-S-S-I-V, abrasive."
00:31:03 "Stomach, oh, stomachache, that's an easy one."
00:31:10 "Stomachache, S-T-O-M-A-C-H-hyphen-A-C-H-E, stomachache."
00:31:17 "Embarrassment, E-M-B-A-R-A-S-S-M-M-E-N-T, embarrassment."
00:31:29 "He missed it, boy."
00:31:32 "Here's my turn."
00:31:34 "The word is perceive."
00:31:36 "Yes, I know the word, I before E except after V."
00:31:40 "Oh boy, that blockhead will never get this one."
00:31:56 "Perceive, P-E-R-C-E-I-V-E, perceive."
00:32:03 "Yeah!"
00:32:05 "He did it, he did it!"
00:32:10 "He's a hero!"
00:32:14 "Charlie Brown did it!"
00:32:16 "Champion Charlie Brown, that has a lovely ring."
00:32:24 "Something to make a four-column headline, something the kids can sing."
00:32:29 "Champion Charlie Brown is fire, setting the whole wide world on fire."
00:32:35 "Why all the fights, break out the confetti, cause all the bells to sound."
00:32:40 "He's gotta be most definitely Champion Charlie Brown."
00:32:45 "Champion Charlie Brown, he's got to be the best."
00:32:51 "Top off the heat when it comes to selling, better than all the rest."
00:32:56 "Champion Charlie Brown, you did it, if you're a blockhead boy, you did it."
00:33:02 "He must be something not to be nothing, when you've been on the ground."
00:33:07 "Once a beginner, now he's a winner, Champion Charlie Brown."
00:33:12 "Champion Charlie Brown, Champion Charlie Brown."
00:33:17 "I hate to admit it, but this could mean the start of something great for Charlie Brown."
00:33:22 "He may have to get an agent."
00:33:24 "Of course he'll need an agent, our glorious victory must be capitalized upon."
00:33:29 "Let's see, as agent, I shall get 10%, or is it 15% of Charlie Brown?"
00:33:36 "Perhaps this calls for incorporation."
00:33:39 "Lucie Van Pelt, Inc."
00:33:41 "Hmm, I guess you really have to start boning up on your spelling, Charlie Brown."
00:33:46 "Boning up? What for? I just won."
00:33:49 "Boy, I wouldn't go through that again for anything."
00:33:53 "What? What? What?"
00:33:56 "I guess I showed him, I guess all Charlie Brown came through."
00:34:00 "Phew, what a relief that's over."
00:34:02 "What? What do you mean, over?"
00:34:06 "It's over, I won, and I won't ever have to go through such an ordeal again."
00:34:12 "Why, you blockhead, this is just the beginning."
00:34:16 "Of course, Charlie Brown, this is only the beginning."
00:34:20 "Sure, Charlie Brown, this is only the beginning."
00:34:23 "Charlie Brown, this victory makes you our representative to the National Elimination Spelling Bee, second grade."
00:34:38 "National Elimination Spelling Bee? Ugh!"
00:34:43 "The first thing we must correct is your posture."
00:34:46 "Judges of a contest can be influenced by poor posture."
00:34:51 "Your grooming is very important."
00:34:57 "Let's spruce up these clothes, Charlie Brown."
00:35:00 "You need a haircut, too. I can see that we're going to have to work with you."
00:35:04 "Patty, what do you think?"
00:35:06 "Well, we should check his walk."
00:35:08 "If he's going to stumble around like he usually does, walk, Charlie Brown."
00:35:13 "Not too bad. A little coaching will help, though."
00:35:17 "Too bad he doesn't have naturally curly hair."
00:35:19 "Judges can't resist naturally curly hair."
00:35:23 "You've got to learn how to smile, Charlie Brown. Smile!"
00:35:27 "Hmm. Hmm."
00:35:30 "You've got to smile like a sick pumpkin."
00:35:34 "And furthermore, you have to be understood."
00:35:37 "The judges must be able to understand you!"
00:35:40 "Your diction must be perfect!"
00:35:43 "The honor of your school, your neighborhood, rests on your shoulders."
00:35:50 "Not to mention the economic future of your manager!"
00:35:56 "Linus, I don't know how I get into these messes."
00:35:59 "If I hadn't volunteered in the first place, I wouldn't have won."
00:36:03 "And now I wouldn't have to be trying to memorize the dictionary."
00:36:06 "There's a good chance that instead of being a hero, I'll make a bigger fool of myself than ever."
00:36:11 "Don't be discouraged, Charlie Brown. You have nothing to lose."
00:36:14 "You'll either be a hero or a goat."
00:36:17 "I'm not a goat, I'm a man!"
00:36:20 "I'm a man, I'm a man!"
00:36:23 "Or a goat."
00:36:27 "Hi, Big Brother! Hi, Linus!"
00:36:30 "Hi."
00:36:32 "Hi, Sally!"
00:36:33 "Why don't you take me to a movie?"
00:36:36 "How would I ever take you to a movie?"
00:36:39 "Well, this happens all the time!"
00:36:41 "Boys call up girls and say, 'Would you like to go to a movie?'"
00:36:44 "And then the girls say, 'Why yes, I'd like it very much!'"
00:36:48 "And then the boy goes over to the girls' house and knocks on the door."
00:36:54 "And he says to her, 'I've come to take you to a movie.'"
00:36:57 "Have you come to take me to a movie, Linus?"
00:37:01 "Good grief, no!"
00:37:03 "Isn't he the cutest thing?"
00:37:09 "Charlie!"
00:37:11 "Charlie Brown!"
00:37:13 "Yeah!"
00:37:15 "Live it up!"
00:37:17 "With me!"
00:37:18 "A-R-L-Y-E!"
00:37:20 "Charlie!"
00:37:22 "Charlie Brown!"
00:37:24 "Yeah!"
00:37:26 "This whole thing makes me feel like I'm being drafted."
00:37:29 "Think of it this way, Charlie Brown."
00:37:30 "You're going on a great adventure."
00:37:32 "And you'll be representing all us little kids."
00:37:34 "Our honor is riding on your shoulders."
00:37:36 "Not to mention my future economic security, Charlie Brown."
00:37:40 "As your agent, I expect nothing but success in our endeavors."
00:37:44 "Go out there, Charlie Brown, and fight!"
00:37:47 "Good grief."
00:37:50 "Okay, Charlie Brown, I guess you better get aboard."
00:37:52 "The bus is about to go."
00:37:54 "It's a deadly, Charlie Brown."
00:37:56 "I want you to take this."
00:37:58 "My blanket, my life, my all."
00:38:01 "It will bring you luck."
00:38:03 "Gee, Linus, that's very nice of you."
00:38:05 "Here!"
00:38:06 "I don't think I..."
00:38:07 "Here!"
00:38:08 "Well, okay."
00:38:11 "Thanks, Linus."
00:38:12 "Here!"
00:38:13 "So long, Linus."
00:38:14 "Here!"
00:38:15 "We heard victorious, Charlie Brown!"
00:38:19 "I don't come back at all!"
00:38:21 "You can do it, Charlie Brown!"
00:38:23 "You can do it, Charlie Brown!"
00:38:26 "We heard victorious, Charlie Brown!"
00:38:30 "We heard victorious, Charlie Brown!"
00:38:33 "We heard victorious, Charlie Brown!"
00:38:37 "We heard victorious, Charlie Brown!"
00:38:41 "We heard victorious, Charlie Brown!"
00:38:45 "I'm so sorry, Charlie Brown."
00:38:47 "I'm so sorry, Charlie Brown."
00:38:49 "I'm so sorry, Charlie Brown."
00:38:51 "I'm so sorry, Charlie Brown."
00:38:53 "I'm so sorry, Charlie Brown."
00:38:55 "I'm so sorry, Charlie Brown."
00:38:57 "I'm so sorry, Charlie Brown."
00:38:59 "I'm so sorry, Charlie Brown."
00:39:01 "I'm so sorry, Charlie Brown."
00:39:03 "I'm so sorry, Charlie Brown."
00:39:05 "I'm so sorry, Charlie Brown."
00:39:07 "I'm so sorry, Charlie Brown."
00:39:09 "I'm so sorry, Charlie Brown."
00:39:11 "I'm so sorry, Charlie Brown."
00:39:13 "I'm so sorry, Charlie Brown."
00:39:15 "I'm so sorry, Charlie Brown."
00:39:17 "I'm so sorry, Charlie Brown."
00:39:19 "I'm so sorry, Charlie Brown."
00:39:21 "I'm so sorry, Charlie Brown."
00:39:23 "I'm so sorry, Charlie Brown."
00:39:25 "I'm so sorry, Charlie Brown."
00:39:27 "I'm so sorry, Charlie Brown."
00:39:29 "I'm so sorry, Charlie Brown."
00:39:31 "I'm so sorry, Charlie Brown."
00:39:33 "I'm so sorry, Charlie Brown."
00:39:35 "I'm so sorry, Charlie Brown."
00:39:37 "I'm so sorry, Charlie Brown."
00:39:39 "I'm so sorry, Charlie Brown."
00:39:41 "I'm so sorry, Charlie Brown."
00:39:43 "I'm so sorry, Charlie Brown."
00:39:45 "I'm so sorry, Charlie Brown."
00:39:47 "I'm so sorry, Charlie Brown."
00:39:49 "I'm so sorry, Charlie Brown."
00:39:51 "I'm so sorry, Charlie Brown."
00:39:53 "I'm so sorry, Charlie Brown."
00:39:55 "I'm so sorry, Charlie Brown."
00:39:57 "I'm so sorry, Charlie Brown."
00:39:59 "I'm so sorry, Charlie Brown."
00:40:01 "I'm so sorry, Charlie Brown."
00:40:03 "I'm so sorry, Charlie Brown."
00:40:05 "I'm so sorry, Charlie Brown."
00:40:07 "I'm so sorry, Charlie Brown."
00:40:09 "I'm so sorry, Charlie Brown."
00:40:11 "I'm so sorry, Charlie Brown."
00:40:13 "I'm so sorry, Charlie Brown."
00:40:15 "I'm so sorry, Charlie Brown."
00:40:17 "I'm so sorry, Charlie Brown."
00:40:19 "I'm so sorry, Charlie Brown."
00:40:21 "I'm so sorry, Charlie Brown."
00:40:23 "I'm so sorry, Charlie Brown."
00:40:25 "I'm so sorry, Charlie Brown."
00:40:27 "I'm so sorry, Charlie Brown."
00:40:29 "I'm so sorry, Charlie Brown."
00:40:31 "I'm so sorry, Charlie Brown."
00:40:33 "I'm so sorry, Charlie Brown."
00:40:35 "I'm so sorry, Charlie Brown."
00:40:37 "I'm so sorry, Charlie Brown."
00:40:39 "I'm so sorry, Charlie Brown."
00:40:41 "I'm so sorry, Charlie Brown."
00:40:43 "I'm so sorry, Charlie Brown."
00:40:45 "I'm so sorry, Charlie Brown."
00:40:47 "I'm so sorry, Charlie Brown."
00:40:49 "I'm so sorry, Charlie Brown."
00:40:51 "I'm so sorry, Charlie Brown."
00:40:53 "I'm so sorry, Charlie Brown."
00:40:55 "I'm so sorry, Charlie Brown."
00:40:57 "I'm so sorry, Charlie Brown."
00:40:59 "I'm so sorry, Charlie Brown."
00:41:01 "I'm so sorry, Charlie Brown."
00:41:03 "I'm so sorry, Charlie Brown."
00:41:05 "I'm so sorry, Charlie Brown."
00:41:07 "I'm so sorry, Charlie Brown."
00:41:09 "I'm so sorry, Charlie Brown."
00:41:11 "I'm so sorry, Charlie Brown."
00:41:13 "I'm so sorry, Charlie Brown."
00:41:15 "I'm so sorry, Charlie Brown."
00:41:17 "I'm so sorry, Charlie Brown."
00:41:19 "I'm so sorry, Charlie Brown."
00:41:21 "I'm so sorry, Charlie Brown."
00:41:23 "I'm so sorry, Charlie Brown."
00:41:25 "I'm so sorry, Charlie Brown."
00:41:27 "I'm so sorry, Charlie Brown."
00:41:29 "I'm so sorry, Charlie Brown."
00:41:31 "I'm so sorry, Charlie Brown."
00:41:33 "I'm so sorry, Charlie Brown."
00:41:35 "I'm so sorry, Charlie Brown."
00:41:37 "I'm so sorry, Charlie Brown."
00:41:39 "I'm so sorry, Charlie Brown."
00:41:41 "I'm so sorry, Charlie Brown."
00:41:43 "I'm so sorry, Charlie Brown."
00:41:45 "I'm so sorry, Charlie Brown."
00:41:47 "I'm so sorry, Charlie Brown."
00:41:49 "I'm so sorry, Charlie Brown."
00:41:51 "I'm so sorry, Charlie Brown."
00:41:53 "I'm so sorry, Charlie Brown."
00:41:55 "I'm so sorry, Charlie Brown."
00:41:57 "I'm so sorry, Charlie Brown."
00:41:59 "I'm so sorry, Charlie Brown."
00:42:01 "I'm so sorry, Charlie Brown."
00:42:03 "I'm so sorry, Charlie Brown."
00:42:05 "I'm so sorry, Charlie Brown."
00:42:07 "I'm so sorry, Charlie Brown."
00:42:09 "I'm so sorry, Charlie Brown."
00:42:11 "I'm so sorry, Charlie Brown."
00:42:13 "I'm so sorry, Charlie Brown."
00:42:15 "I'm so sorry, Charlie Brown."
00:42:17 "I'm so sorry, Charlie Brown."
00:42:19 "I'm so sorry, Charlie Brown."
00:42:21 "I'm so sorry, Charlie Brown."
00:42:23 "I'm so sorry, Charlie Brown."
00:42:25 "I'm so sorry, Charlie Brown."
00:42:27 "I'm so sorry, Charlie Brown."
00:42:29 "I'm so sorry, Charlie Brown."
00:42:31 "I'm so sorry, Charlie Brown."
00:42:33 "I'm so sorry, Charlie Brown."
00:42:35 "I'm so sorry, Charlie Brown."
00:42:37 "I'm so sorry, Charlie Brown."
00:42:39 "I'm so sorry, Charlie Brown."
00:42:41 "I'm so sorry, Charlie Brown."
00:42:43 "I'm so sorry, Charlie Brown."
00:42:45 "I'm so sorry, Charlie Brown."
00:42:47 "I'm so sorry, Charlie Brown."
00:42:49 "I'm so sorry, Charlie Brown."
00:42:51 "I'm so sorry, Charlie Brown."
00:42:53 "I'm so sorry, Charlie Brown."
00:42:55 "I'm so sorry, Charlie Brown."
00:42:57 "I'm so sorry, Charlie Brown."
00:42:59 "I'm so sorry, Charlie Brown."
00:43:01 "I'm so sorry, Charlie Brown."
00:43:03 "I'm so sorry, Charlie Brown."
00:43:05 "I'm so sorry, Charlie Brown."
00:43:07 "I'm so sorry, Charlie Brown."
00:43:09 "I'm so sorry, Charlie Brown."
00:43:11 "I'm so sorry, Charlie Brown."
00:43:13 "I'm so sorry, Charlie Brown."
00:43:15 "I'm so sorry, Charlie Brown."
00:43:17 "I'm so sorry, Charlie Brown."
00:43:19 "I'm so sorry, Charlie Brown."
00:43:21 "I'm so sorry, Charlie Brown."
00:43:23 "I'm so sorry, Charlie Brown."
00:43:25 [musique]
00:43:27 [Musique]
00:43:36 Qu'est-ce qui se passe ici?
00:43:38 Et bien?
00:43:41 Je n'arrive pas à l'aider! J'ai fait le mistake d'obtenir mon blanquet du Charlie Brown.
00:43:45 Prenez-le à Spellenby pour de bonne chance.
00:43:48 Maintenant, je me fume!
00:43:51 Je passe tout le temps dehors.
00:43:53 Pourquoi ne pas sortir et prendre une respiration fraîche?
00:43:55 [Musique]
00:44:04 Laissez-moi, je meurs! Mon race est perdue!
00:44:08 Pourquoi ai-je laissé Charlie Brown prendre mon blanquet?
00:44:11 Je dois récupérer mon blanquet!
00:44:14 [Musique]
00:44:19 Vous voyez, je passe toujours dehors.
00:44:22 Snoopy, je dois que tu m'aides!
00:44:24 Je dois juste avoir mon blanquet!
00:44:27 Je dois avoir mon blanquet!
00:44:29 Je ne sais pas ce qui se passe.
00:44:31 Peut-être que tu pourrais venir avec moi pour trouver Charlie Brown et récupérer mon blanquet!
00:44:36 [Soupir]
00:44:37 [Musique]
00:44:42 [Bruit de feu]
00:44:43 [Bruit de feu]
00:44:46 [Musique]
00:45:00 [Bruit de feu]
00:45:27 [Musique]
00:45:52 [Bruit de feu]
00:46:20 [Bruit de feu]
00:46:22 Sante! T-H-U-M-P, sante!
00:46:24 [Bruit de feu]
00:46:27 Hey!
00:46:31 [Musique]
00:46:40 [Bruit de feu]
00:46:45 [Bruit de feu]
00:46:50 [Toussotement]
00:46:52 Mon blanquet, Charlie Brown!
00:46:54 Mon blanquet! Je ne peux pas vivre sans le!
00:46:58 Après avoir donné mon blanquet, ma vie a été un cauchemar!
00:47:03 [Soupir]
00:47:04 [Bruit de feu]
00:47:05 [Bruit de feu]
00:47:09 Vous voyez, je passe toujours dehors!
00:47:11 Je ne peux pas vivre sans mon blanquet!
00:47:14 [Toussotement]
00:47:16 Je veux mon blanquet, Charlie Brown!
00:47:19 Tant pis, Linus, je ne sais pas ce qui se passe avec ton blanquet.
00:47:22 J'ai été si occupé à l'étudiant que j'ai oublié tout sur ton blanquet.
00:47:26 J'ai oublié mon blanquet?
00:47:28 [Soupir]
00:47:29 Oh, oh, oh, c'est moi!
00:47:33 Je suis désolé, Linus. J'ai vraiment été à l'étudiant si dur, je devais avoir mis le blanquet.
00:47:38 Peut-être que je l'ai laissé dans le lobby.
00:47:41 [Soupir]
00:47:42 Non, je pense que je l'ai laissé dans la librairie.
00:47:45 Je n'ai vraiment pas de nouveau endroit à part la librairie.
00:47:48 C'est tout, je devais l'avoir laissé dans la librairie.
00:47:50 Librairie? Je lui donne un bon charme, mon magnifique blanquet, et il pense que c'est dans la librairie!
00:47:58 Charlie Brown, je vais te tuer!
00:48:01 [Soupir]
00:48:03 Linus, Linus, parle-moi!
00:48:08 Je suis sûr que le blanquet est dans la librairie.
00:48:10 Prends le vieux Snoopy avec toi, il est un chien de chasse. Il...
00:48:13 [Soupir]
00:48:15 Bonne souffrance.
00:48:16 [Soupir]
00:48:17 Eh bien, il sera heureux de t'aider à trouver ton blanquet.
00:48:20 Je dois rester et étudier. Demain, c'est la B de l'écriture et je dois juste étudier.
00:48:24 Regarde dans le lobby de l'hôtel d'abord, puis va vers deux blocs à droite, puis vers le droit.
00:48:29 Tu ne peux pas le manquer. C'est soit à la librairie, soit quelque part.
00:48:41 [Coup de feu]
00:48:43 [Soupir]
00:49:01 [Coup de feu]
00:49:03 [Coup de feu]
00:49:30 [Soupir]
00:49:32 [Soupir]
00:49:35 [Soupir]
00:49:38 [Musique]
00:49:41 [Musique]
00:49:44 [Musique]
00:49:46 [Musique]
00:49:56 [Musique]
00:50:06 [Musique]
00:50:08 [Musique]
00:50:20 [Musique]
00:50:28 [Musique]
00:50:30 [Musique]
00:50:48 [Musique]
00:50:55 [Musique]
00:50:57 [Musique]
00:51:10 [Musique]
00:51:18 [Musique]
00:51:20 [Coup de feu]
00:51:29 [Coup de feu]
00:51:35 [Coup de feu]
00:51:38 [Musique]
00:51:41 [Musique]
00:51:43 [Musique]
00:51:52 [Musique]
00:51:58 [Musique]
00:52:06 [Musique]
00:52:08 [Musique]
00:52:34 [Coup de feu]
00:52:36 [Musique]
00:52:39 [Musique]
00:52:41 [Musique]
00:52:48 [Musique]
00:52:51 [Musique]
00:52:54 [Musique]
00:52:57 [Musique]
00:53:00 [Musique]
00:53:03 [Musique]
00:53:07 [Musique]
00:53:09 [Musique]
00:53:13 [Musique]
00:53:16 [Musique]
00:53:19 [Musique]
00:53:22 [Musique]
00:53:25 [Musique]
00:53:28 [Musique]
00:53:31 [Musique]
00:53:35 [Musique]
00:53:37 [Musique]
00:53:40 [Musique]
00:53:43 [Musique]
00:53:46 [Musique]
00:53:49 [Musique]
00:53:52 [Musique]
00:53:55 [Musique]
00:53:58 [Musique]
00:54:02 [Musique]
00:54:05 [Musique]
00:54:08 [Musique]
00:54:11 [Musique]
00:54:14 [Musique]
00:54:17 [Musique]
00:54:20 [Musique]
00:54:23 [Musique]
00:54:26 [Musique]
00:54:30 "W.O.N.T.E.S.T. Contest"
00:54:33 "I'll never see my blanket again."
00:54:37 (Bruit de la soupe)
00:54:38 "Washing. W.A.S.H.I.N.G. Washing"
00:54:42 (Le bébé crie)
00:54:46 (Le bébé pleure)
00:54:48 (Le bébé pleure)
00:54:59 (Le bébé pleure)
00:55:01 (Le bébé pleure)
00:55:03 (Le bébé pleure)
00:55:05 (Le bébé pleure)
00:55:07 "AAAARGH!"
00:55:10 (Musique de la vidéo)
00:55:12 (Musique de la vidéo)
00:55:14 (Musique de la vidéo)
00:55:16 (Musique de la vidéo)
00:55:18 (Musique de la vidéo)
00:55:20 (Musique de la vidéo)
00:55:22 (Musique de la vidéo)
00:55:24 (Musique de la vidéo)
00:55:26 (Musique de la vidéo)
00:55:28 (Musique de la vidéo)
00:55:30 (Musique de la vidéo)
00:55:32 (Musique de la vidéo)
00:55:35 (Musique de la vidéo)
00:55:38 (Musique de la vidéo)
00:55:41 (Musique de la vidéo)
00:55:43 (Musique de la vidéo)
00:55:45 (Musique de la vidéo)
00:55:47 (Musique de la vidéo)
00:55:49 (Musique de la vidéo)
00:55:51 (Musique de la vidéo)
00:55:53 (Musique de la vidéo)
00:55:55 (Musique de la vidéo)
00:55:57 (Musique de la vidéo)
00:55:59 (Musique de la vidéo)
00:56:01 (Musique de la vidéo)
00:56:03 (Musique de la vidéo)
00:56:05 (Musique de la vidéo)
00:56:07 (Musique de la vidéo)
00:56:09 (Musique de la vidéo)
00:56:11 "I before you" followed by "she"
00:56:13 "Good luck Charlie Brown"
00:56:29 "I before you" followed by "she"
00:56:31 "I before you" followed by "she"
00:56:33 "I before you" followed by "she"
00:56:35 "I before you" followed by "she"
00:56:37 "I before you" followed by "she"
00:56:40 "Hi, I'm a friend of one of the contestants"
00:56:43 "I'm a friend of one of the contestants"
00:57:03 "I'm a friend of one of the contestants"
00:57:06 "I'm a friend of one of the contestants"
00:57:08 "I'm a friend of one of the contestants"
00:57:11 "I'm a friend of one of the contestants"
00:57:13 "I'm a friend of one of the contestants"
00:57:16 "I'm a friend of one of the contestants"
00:57:19 "I'm a friend of one of the contestants"
00:57:22 "I'm a friend of one of the contestants"
00:57:25 "I'm a friend of one of the contestants"
00:57:28 "I'm a friend of one of the contestants"
00:57:31 "I'm a friend of one of the contestants"
00:57:34 "I'm a friend of one of the contestants"
00:57:38 "I'm a friend of one of the contestants"
00:57:40 "I'm a friend of one of the contestants"
00:57:43 "I'm a friend of one of the contestants"
00:57:46 "I'm a friend of one of the contestants"
00:57:49 "I'm a friend of one of the contestants"
00:57:52 "I'm a friend of one of the contestants"
00:57:55 "I'm a friend of one of the contestants"
00:57:58 "I'm a friend of one of the contestants"
00:58:01 "I'm a friend of one of the contestants"
00:58:04 "I'm a friend of one of the contestants"
00:58:07 "I'm a friend of one of the contestants"
00:58:09 "I'm a friend of one of the contestants"
00:58:12 "I'm a friend of one of the contestants"
00:58:15 "I'm a friend of one of the contestants"
00:58:18 "I'm a friend of one of the contestants"
00:58:21 "I'm a friend of one of the contestants"
00:58:24 "I'm a friend of one of the contestants"
00:58:27 "I'm a friend of one of the contestants"
00:58:30 "I'm a friend of one of the contestants"
00:58:33 "I'm a friend of one of the contestants"
00:58:36 "I'm a friend of one of the contestants"
00:58:38 "I'm a friend of one of the contestants"
00:58:41 "I'm a friend of one of the contestants"
00:58:44 "I'm a friend of one of the contestants"
00:58:47 "I'm a friend of one of the contestants"
00:58:50 "I'm a friend of one of the contestants"
00:58:53 "I'm a friend of one of the contestants"
00:58:56 "I'm a friend of one of the contestants"
00:58:59 "I'm a friend of one of the contestants"
00:59:02 "I'm a friend of one of the contestants"
00:59:05 "I'm a friend of one of the contestants"
00:59:07 "I'm a friend of one of the contestants"
00:59:10 "I'm a friend of one of the contestants"
00:59:13 "I'm a friend of one of the contestants"
00:59:16 "I'm a friend of one of the contestants"
00:59:19 "I'm a friend of one of the contestants"
00:59:22 "I'm a friend of one of the contestants"
00:59:25 "I'm a friend of one of the contestants"
00:59:28 "I'm a friend of one of the contestants"
00:59:31 "I'm a friend of one of the contestants"
00:59:34 "I'm a friend of one of the contestants"
00:59:36 "I'm a friend of one of the contestants"
00:59:39 "I'm a friend of one of the contestants"
00:59:42 "I'm a friend of one of the contestants"
00:59:45 "I'm a friend of one of the contestants"
00:59:48 "I'm a friend of one of the contestants"
00:59:51 "I'm a friend of one of the contestants"
00:59:54 "I'm a friend of one of the contestants"
00:59:57 "I'm a friend of one of the contestants"
01:00:00 "I'm a friend of one of the contestants"
01:00:04 "I'm a friend of one of the contestants"
01:00:06 "I'm a friend of one of the contestants"
01:00:09 "I'm a friend of one of the contestants"
01:00:12 "I'm a friend of one of the contestants"
01:00:15 "I'm a friend of one of the contestants"
01:00:18 "I'm a friend of one of the contestants"
01:00:21 "I'm a friend of one of the contestants"
01:00:24 "I'm a friend of one of the contestants"
01:00:27 "I'm a friend of one of the contestants"
01:00:31 "I'm a friend of one of the contestants"
01:00:33 "I'm a friend of one of the contestants"
01:00:36 "I'm a friend of one of the contestants"
01:00:39 "I'm a friend of one of the contestants"
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01:01:52 "I'm a friend of one of the contestants"
01:01:55 "I'm a friend of one of the contestants"
01:01:58 "I'm a friend of one of the contestants"
01:02:00 "I'm a friend of one of the contestants"
01:02:03 "I'm a friend of one of the contestants"
01:02:06 "I'm a friend of one of the contestants"
01:02:09 "I'm a friend of one of the contestants"
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01:06:02 "I'm a friend of one of the contestants"
01:06:05 "I'm a friend of one of the contestants"
01:06:08 "I'm a friend of one of the contestants"
01:06:12 "I'm a friend of one of the contestants"
01:06:14 "I'm a friend of one of the contestants"
01:06:17 "I'm a friend of one of the contestants"
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01:06:26 "I'm a friend of one of the contestants"
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01:06:32 "I'm a friend of one of the contestants"
01:06:35 "I'm a friend of one of the contestants"
01:06:38 "I'm a friend of one of the contestants"
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01:06:43 "I'm a friend of one of the contestants"
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01:06:58 "I'm a friend of one of the contestants"
01:07:01 "I'm a friend of one of the contestants"
01:07:04 "I'm a friend of one of the contestants"
01:07:07 "I'm a friend of one of the contestants"
01:07:10 "I'm a friend of one of the contestants"
01:07:12 "I'm a friend of one of the contestants"
01:07:15 "I'm a friend of one of the contestants"
01:07:18 "I'm a friend of one of the contestants"
01:07:21 "I'm a friend of one of the contestants"
01:07:24 "I'm a friend of one of the contestants"
01:07:27 "I'm a friend of one of the contestants"
01:07:30 "I'm a friend of one of the contestants"
01:07:33 "I'm a friend of one of the contestants"
01:07:36 "I'm a friend of one of the contestants"
01:07:39 "I'm a friend of one of the contestants"
01:07:41 "I'm a friend of one of the contestants"
01:07:44 "I'm a friend of one of the contestants"
01:07:47 "I'm a friend of one of the contestants"
01:07:50 "I'm a friend of one of the contestants"
01:07:53 "I'm a friend of one of the contestants"
01:07:56 "I'm a friend of one of the contestants"
01:07:59 "I'm a friend of one of the contestants"
01:08:02 "I'm a friend of one of the contestants"
01:08:05 "I'm a friend of one of the contestants"
01:08:08 "I'm a friend of one of the contestants"
01:08:10 "I'm a friend of one of the contestants"
01:08:13 "I'm a friend of one of the contestants"
01:08:16 "I'm a friend of one of the contestants"
01:08:19 "I'm a friend of one of the contestants"
01:08:22 "I'm a friend of one of the contestants"
01:08:25 "I'm a friend of one of the contestants"
01:08:28 "I'm a friend of one of the contestants"
01:08:31 "I'm a friend of one of the contestants"
01:08:34 "I'm a friend of one of the contestants"
01:08:37 "I'm a friend of one of the contestants"
01:08:39 "I'm a friend of one of the contestants"
01:08:42 "I'm a friend of one of the contestants"
01:08:45 "I'm a friend of one of the contestants"
01:08:48 "I'm a friend of one of the contestants"
01:08:51 "I'm a friend of one of the contestants"
01:08:54 "I'm a friend of one of the contestants"
01:08:57 "I'm a friend of one of the contestants"
01:09:00 "I'm a friend of one of the contestants"
01:09:03 "I'm a friend of one of the contestants"
01:09:06 "I'm a friend of one of the contestants"
01:09:08 "I'm a friend of one of the contestants"
01:09:11 "I'm a friend of one of the contestants"
01:09:14 "I'm a friend of one of the contestants"
01:09:17 "I'm a friend of one of the contestants"
01:09:20 "I'm a friend of one of the contestants"
01:09:23 "I'm a friend of one of the contestants"
01:09:26 "I'm a friend of one of the contestants"
01:09:29 "I'm a friend of one of the contestants"
01:09:32 "I'm a friend of one of the contestants"
01:09:36 "Welcome home Charlie Brown"
01:09:38 "Boy named Charlie Brown"
01:09:42 "He's just a kid next door"
01:09:47 "Perhaps a little more"
01:09:50 "He's every kid in every town"
01:09:56 "The world is full of lots of people"
01:10:04 "Here and there and all around"
01:10:08 "But people after all"
01:10:13 "Start out as being small"
01:10:17 "And we're all"
01:10:20 "A boy named"
01:10:23 "Charlie Brown"
01:10:27 "Charlie Brown"
01:10:30 "Charlie Brown"
01:10:33 "Charlie Brown"
01:10:37 Sous-titres réalisés para la communauté d'
01:10:40 [Sous-titres réalisés para la communauté d']