00:00 *Musique*
00:05 *Musique* (Abney's Aquarium)
00:07 *Musique* (Abney's Aquarium)
00:19 *Musique* (It was a glinty and glimmery day)
00:22 *Musique* (Just right for collecting shiny things)
00:27 *Musique*
00:32 *Musique* (Til found Abney some more shiny things)
00:35 *Musique* (La la la la, more shiny things Abney)
00:39 *Musique* (Thank you Til)
00:42 *Musique* (Oh, the Pop Pox found Abney some shiny bottle tops)
00:46 *Musique* (Oh, brilliant)
00:49 *Musique* (Neeb found Abney an old boot)
00:54 *Musique* (Oh, great, it's not very shiny)
00:59 *Musique* (Oh, there)
01:04 *Musique* (Bob, I'm collecting shiny things, have you seen any?)
01:16 *Musique* (Oh, what's that?)
01:21 *Musique* (It was a shiny, shimmery fish)
01:32 *Musique* (Oh, it's beautiful)
01:35 *Musique* (Thanks Bob, it's perfect for my collection)
01:41 *Musique* (Til, Til, look at my fish)
01:44 *Musique* (Oh, shiny)
01:47 *Musique* (Oh, shiny)
01:51 *Musique* (Oh, shiny)
01:54 *Musique* (Oh, shiny)
01:57 *Musique* (Oh, shiny)
02:00 *Musique* (Oh, shiny)
02:03 *Musique* (Oh, shiny)
02:06 *Musique* (Oh, shiny)
02:09 *Musique* (Oh, shiny)
02:12 *Musique* (Oh, shiny)
02:15 *Musique* (Oh, shiny)
02:18 *Musique* (Oh, shiny)
02:21 *Musique* (Oh, shiny)
02:24 *Musique* (Oh, shiny)
02:27 *Musique* (Oh, shiny)
02:30 *Musique* (Oh, shiny)
02:33 *Musique* (Oh, shiny)
02:36 *Musique* (Oh, shiny)
02:39 *Musique* (Oh, shiny)
02:42 *Musique* (Oh, shiny)
02:45 *Musique* (Oh, shiny)
02:48 *Musique* (Oh, shiny)
02:51 *Musique* (Oh, shiny)
02:54 *Musique* (Oh, shiny)
02:57 *Musique* (Oh, shiny)
03:00 *Musique* (Oh, shiny)
03:03 *Musique* (Oh, shiny)
03:06 *Musique* (Oh, shiny)
03:09 *Musique* (Oh, shiny)
03:12 *Musique* (Oh, shiny)
03:15 *Musique* (Oh, shiny)
03:18 *Musique* (Oh, shiny)
03:21 *Musique* (Oh, shiny)
03:24 *Musique* (Oh, shiny)
03:27 *Musique* (Oh, shiny)
03:30 *Musique* (Oh, shiny)
03:33 *Musique* (Oh, shiny)
03:36 *Musique* (Oh, shiny)
03:39 *Musique* (Oh, shiny)
03:42 *Musique* (Oh, shiny)
03:45 *Musique* (Oh, shiny)
03:48 *Musique* (Oh, shiny)
03:51 *Musique* (Oh, shiny)
03:54 *Musique* (Oh, shiny)
03:57 *Musique* (Oh, shiny)
04:00 *Musique* (Oh, shiny)
04:03 *Musique* (Oh, shiny)
04:06 *Musique* (Oh, shiny)
04:09 *Musique* (Oh, shiny)
04:12 *Musique* (Oh, shiny)
04:15 *Musique* (Oh, shiny)
04:18 *Musique* (Oh, shiny)
04:21 *Musique* (Oh, shiny)
04:24 *Musique* (Oh, shiny)
04:27 *Musique* (Oh, shiny)
04:30 ♪ (clic cessé)
04:34 - Ouh!
04:35 Hum!
04:39 - We can fish them out.
04:42 - Clever, old Neep!
04:44 Well need this and this
04:49 and this...owner's tour
04:51 an this as well.
04:53 ♪ And this too and this
04:56 and this and--
04:59 and this and this.
05:01 - Teal's branch filled up with Abney's stuff.
05:05 Abney, Teal and Neep fished out the last few things
05:08 just in time for bed.
05:10 - There.
05:11 (splash)
05:13 - Good night, Teal.
05:14 - Good night, Abney.
05:16 - Good night, Neep.
05:17 - Neep!
05:18 - Good night, Pogpogs.
05:21 Good night, fish.
05:22 (thunder)
05:24 - Hey!
05:26 Oh!
05:27 (bubbling)
05:29 (bubbling)
05:31 - Ooh! Ah!
05:33 - Oh, dear.
05:35 This is not very good.
05:37 - No, it isn't.
05:38 Your things are a bit in the way, Abney.
05:40 - I think I need my house back.
05:42 - Yeah.
05:43 - But what about my fish?
05:45 - We could give them back to Bob.
05:48 (bubbling)
05:50 - How would we catch them?
05:52 - The fish were impossible to catch.
05:56 (bubbling)
05:58 - Shall we let the water out?
06:04 - No, Teal.
06:05 Think of the fishes.
06:06 They need the water.
06:08 - Ooh!
06:09 - It's all right.
06:11 I'll just have to find somewhere else to live.
06:15 Good night, Teal.
06:17 - Night, Abney.
06:18 - Hello, Pogpogs.
06:21 I'm going to live here for now.
06:23 The fish need to live in my house.
06:26 (bubbling)
06:28 Good night, Pogpogs.
06:33 - The bush was a bit scratchy
06:40 and the ground was very hard.
06:42 - Ooh!
06:43 Oh, dear.
06:44 Sorry, Pogpogs.
06:46 I can't live here.
06:48 - Abney missed his soft, cozy bed.
06:51 (bubbling)
06:53 He went to find somewhere else to live.
06:58 - I could live out on the soft grass like Toby Dog does.
07:01 (frog croaking)
07:03 That's much better.
07:05 Good night, everyone.
07:07 Good night, fish.
07:08 - The noise from the city was loud.
07:12 (sirens blaring)
07:13 - I can't live here.
07:15 It's too blowy and loud.
07:19 - Abney thought about his quiet little house
07:23 and went to find somewhere else to live.
07:28 - I could live with Bob in the lake.
07:31 - The water was a bit cold,
07:37 but Bob was lovely and warm.
07:39 - Hello, Bob.
07:41 I've just got to live here for a while.
07:44 There are fish in my house, you see.
07:47 Good night, Bob.
07:49 - Good night, fish.
07:51 (snoring)
07:54 - Bob snored.
07:55 And Abney thought about his lovely, muffly pillow.
08:01 And so he went to find somewhere else to live.
08:07 Neep had gone to sleep in his favorite tree stump.
08:13 - This looks comfy, Neep.
08:15 Do you mind if I stay here for a while?
08:19 (Neep snoring)
08:21 - Neep thought if Abney was going to live in his tree stump,
08:31 then he would live in Abney's house
08:37 with the fishes.
08:41 (fishing rod reeling)
08:44 (fishing rod reeling)
08:47 - What's that?
08:56 (fishing rod reeling)
09:00 My fish!
09:02 (fishing rod reeling)
09:06 Abney, the fish are back in the lake!
09:12 - Yes, they are.
09:14 - The fish flipped and flew
09:17 and flapped and splashed in the moonlight.
09:20 - They do look happy, Theo.
09:22 (fishing rod reeling)
09:27 - All the things in Abney's house were shinier than ever.
09:36 - That was an adventure, Abney!
09:40 - Yes, it was.
09:41 (upbeat music)
09:44 (upbeat music)
09:47 (upbeat music)
09:50 (upbeat music)
09:52 Sous-titres réalisés para la communauté d'