• last year
On Thursday, Sen. Jack Reed (D-RI) chairs a Senate Armed Services Committee hearing on the Navy FY2025 budget request.

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00:00:00 >> Thank you.
00:00:05 >> Good morning.
00:00:07 Since we have a quorum, I will
00:00:10 begin by asking the committee to
00:00:12 consider a list of 3,549 pending
00:00:15 military nominations.
00:00:17 All of these nominations have
00:00:18 been for the committee the
00:00:20 required length of time.
00:00:22 Is there a motion to report the
00:00:24 list of 3,549 pending military
00:00:26 nominations to the senate?
00:00:27 >> So moved.
00:00:28 >> Is there a second?
00:00:29 >> Second.
00:00:30 >> All in favor?
00:00:31 >> Aye.
00:00:32 >> Opposed?
00:00:33 >> Aye.
00:00:34 >> The committee meets today to
00:00:35 receive the testimony on the
00:00:36 president's budget request for
00:00:37 the department of the Navy for
00:00:38 fiscal year 2025.
00:00:39 I would like to welcome the
00:00:40 secretary of the Navy, chief of
00:00:41 naval operations, and general
00:00:45 Eric Smith.
00:00:46 I would note that this is
00:00:49 general's first hearing before
00:00:50 the committee.
00:00:51 General Smith, on behalf of the
00:00:52 committee, I'm pleased that you
00:00:53 are joining us in good health
00:00:54 and good health.
00:00:55 Not surprising for a marine.
00:00:57 Thank you, sir.
00:00:58 You and your family have been in
00:01:00 our thoughts since your medical
00:01:01 emergency last fall.
00:01:02 We are thrilled at your remarkable
00:01:04 recovery.
00:01:05 We are grateful to each of our
00:01:06 witnesses for your service and
00:01:08 for the service of the men and
00:01:09 women under your command and for
00:01:11 the support of all Navy and
00:01:13 marine corps families.
00:01:14 Would you thank them for us,
00:01:15 please?
00:01:16 The importance of the Navy and
00:01:17 marine corps joint mission is
00:01:18 important to the Navy and marine
00:01:20 corps.
00:01:21 We are grateful for the
00:01:22 commitment of the members of the
00:01:24 Navy and marine corps.
00:01:25 The importance of the Navy and
00:01:26 marine corps joint mission has
00:01:27 never been clearer.
00:01:28 Just last month, Iran launched
00:01:29 hundreds of drones and missiles
00:01:30 at Israel, prompting U.S. Navy
00:01:32 vessels in the region to work
00:01:33 with the Air Force, Israel, and
00:01:35 partner nations to successfully
00:01:37 shoot down the incoming
00:01:38 munitions.
00:01:39 In addition, Houthi rebels in
00:01:41 Yemen have launched hundreds of
00:01:42 drone missile attacks against
00:01:44 U.S. and international vessels
00:01:46 in the Red Sea, disrupting nearly
00:01:48 15% of global commercial trade.
00:01:50 However, the American-led
00:01:51 coalition has shut down the vast
00:01:53 majority of these attacks and
00:01:54 has carried out hundreds of
00:01:55 airstrikes against Houthi targets
00:01:57 and other Iranian proxies,
00:01:59 significantly degrading their
00:02:00 capabilities.
00:02:01 I commend the service members who
00:02:03 have taken part in these
00:02:04 operations, as well as the Navy
00:02:06 and the marine corps leadership
00:02:07 in facilitating humanitarian
00:02:09 support to Gaza.
00:02:11 Our adversaries should take note
00:02:12 of the capabilities of the United
00:02:14 States and our allies to bring to
00:02:16 any conflict.
00:02:17 Indeed, in other seas and ports
00:02:19 around the world, particularly
00:02:20 the Indo-Pacific, the Navy and
00:02:22 the marine corps will continue
00:02:23 to be the first line of
00:02:25 deterrence and defense against
00:02:27 China and other competitors'
00:02:28 expanding ambitions.
00:02:30 The United States Navy remains
00:02:31 the finest in the world, but our
00:02:33 maritime forces must adapt
00:02:35 quickly to this changing threat
00:02:37 environment.
00:02:38 To that end, President Biden's
00:02:40 defense budget request for
00:02:42 fiscal year 2025 includes $257.6
00:02:46 billion in funding for the
00:02:48 Department of the Navy.
00:02:49 Within this budget, the Navy has
00:02:51 requested a number of new ships.
00:02:53 The procurement of several new
00:02:54 destroyers, frigates, and
00:02:56 logistics vessels is well
00:02:57 reasoned.
00:02:58 However, the Navy has requested
00:02:59 to procure only one Virginia
00:03:01 class submarine in fiscal year
00:03:03 2025, diverging from the
00:03:05 longstanding two-per-year plan.
00:03:07 Instead, the Navy has requested
00:03:09 one submarine for roughly $2
00:03:11 billion to improve the
00:03:12 capabilities of the submarine
00:03:14 industrial base.
00:03:15 I understand this was a
00:03:17 difficult decision, and I want
00:03:18 to ask our witnesses to discuss
00:03:20 their reasoning in detail.
00:03:22 Additionally, I would like to
00:03:23 know how the recently passed
00:03:25 national security supplemental
00:03:26 appropriations bill will help
00:03:28 improve the situation,
00:03:29 particularly with regard to the
00:03:31 submarine industrial base and
00:03:32 workforce.
00:03:33 Let me commend Senator Wicker
00:03:34 for his efforts to include $3
00:03:36 billion in that supplemental.
00:03:38 Finally, I would like the
00:03:39 witnesses to discuss their
00:03:40 expectations for submarine
00:03:42 production numbers in the
00:03:43 future.
00:03:44 Challenges similar to the
00:03:45 submarine program be experienced
00:03:47 by other programs, both private
00:03:49 and public shipyards.
00:03:51 The department is undertaking
00:03:52 its shipyard infrastructure
00:03:54 optimization program, which
00:03:56 represents more than $25 billion
00:03:58 in planned investment over the
00:04:00 next 25 years to modernize and
00:04:02 improve our Navy shipyards.
00:04:04 The Navy recently completed a
00:04:06 45-day assessment of its ship
00:04:08 building program.
00:04:09 As the Navy's review makes
00:04:11 clear, there are significant
00:04:12 hurdles facing the service and
00:04:14 the nation to continue
00:04:15 modernizing the fleet.
00:04:17 Secretary Del Toro, Admiral
00:04:19 Franchetti, I would appreciate
00:04:20 your outlook on Navy's efforts
00:04:22 to improve ship building and
00:04:24 ship maintenance programs.
00:04:26 General Smith, the Marine Corps
00:04:28 is in the midst of a substantial
00:04:30 transformation, focused
00:04:31 primarily on competition in the
00:04:33 Indo-Pacific.
00:04:34 The service is restructuring
00:04:36 around expeditionary concepts
00:04:37 that will provide a more
00:04:39 flexible amphibious force that
00:04:41 can support a broader naval
00:04:43 fight once ashore.
00:04:44 Indeed, the Marine Corps is
00:04:45 much more than a ground fighting
00:04:46 force.
00:04:47 It must help control the sea and
00:04:49 air in support of the joint
00:04:50 force.
00:04:51 To achieve this, the Corps is
00:04:53 prioritizing a number of
00:04:54 modernization efforts, including
00:04:56 long-range fires, enhanced air
00:04:58 and missile defense, and
00:04:59 improved ground and amphibious
00:05:01 combat vehicles.
00:05:02 These platforms should help
00:05:04 equip the Marines with improved
00:05:06 force protection, lethality, and
00:05:08 mobility.
00:05:09 In general, I would ask for an
00:05:10 update on the force design
00:05:12 concept in progress.
00:05:13 There also may be discussions
00:05:15 this morning about the
00:05:16 appropriate amphibious force
00:05:17 structure.
00:05:18 I understand that the Marine
00:05:19 Corps continues to seek 31
00:05:21 large amphibious ships to meet
00:05:23 its requirements, in addition to
00:05:25 smaller vessels, to support the
00:05:27 expeditionary advanced base
00:05:29 operation concept.
00:05:31 Others have asserted that fewer
00:05:33 amphibious ships are necessary.
00:05:35 I would ask each of the
00:05:36 witnesses for an update on these
00:05:38 discussions.
00:05:39 Again, I want to thank the
00:05:40 witnesses for appearing today.
00:05:42 I look forward to their
00:05:43 testimonies.
00:05:44 As a reminder for my colleagues,
00:05:46 there will be a closed session
00:05:47 immediately following this
00:05:48 hearing in room SVC-217.
00:05:51 Now let me recognize ranking
00:05:53 member Senator Worker.
00:05:54 >> Thank you very much, Mr.
00:05:55 Chairman.
00:05:56 I'm grateful to our witnesses
00:05:57 for appearing today.
00:05:59 And like you, Mr. Chairman, I
00:06:01 want to extend an especially
00:06:03 warm welcome to General Smith.
00:06:07 General Smith, I think this is
00:06:10 without question your first
00:06:12 visit to this committee since
00:06:13 your heart operation.
00:06:15 My colleagues and I are very
00:06:16 grateful for your recovery.
00:06:19 I was interested to see the
00:06:22 special report on one of the
00:06:24 news programs just a few days
00:06:27 ago.
00:06:29 My hat is off to the good
00:06:31 Samaritan, Tim Lalonde, a CPR
00:06:35 trained bystander who happened
00:06:37 along highly trained and was
00:06:40 willing and capable of keeping
00:06:43 you alive, helping you in your
00:06:45 time of need.
00:06:46 I'm grateful and this nation is
00:06:48 grateful to this young man.
00:06:51 And I know this experience has
00:06:52 given you renewed appreciation
00:06:54 for your loved ones and for the
00:06:56 Marines you're leading.
00:06:57 So glad to see you looking so
00:07:00 good.
00:07:01 I want to join all of you in
00:07:04 expressing our gratitude to the
00:07:07 men and women serving in our
00:07:09 Marine Corps and our Navy.
00:07:11 In the Red Sea and elsewhere
00:07:13 they execute missions of which
00:07:15 there are no other naval forces
00:07:18 capable.
00:07:19 For one example, our Navy has
00:07:21 been the first to shoot down an
00:07:23 anti-ship ballistic missile
00:07:25 fired in conflict.
00:07:28 They are accomplishing feats
00:07:30 like this so routinely that our
00:07:32 nation could easily forget what
00:07:35 an astounding accomplishment
00:07:37 that was and what astounding
00:07:40 abilities we have.
00:07:42 Destroyers like the USS Gravely
00:07:44 which was built in my home state
00:07:46 of Mississippi are protecting
00:07:48 maritime commerce, our allies
00:07:50 and our own forces.
00:07:52 For months on end they operate
00:07:54 persistently within range of
00:07:56 enemy weapons.
00:07:57 Their skill and bravery are
00:07:59 evident but these missions come
00:08:01 at a cost.
00:08:02 Putting our young men and women
00:08:04 on extended deployments places
00:08:06 sailor welfare, material
00:08:08 readiness and weapons inventory
00:08:11 at risk.
00:08:14 This committee has a lot of work
00:08:20 to do and we have a quantum leap
00:08:25 that we need to make and we need
00:08:27 to do it soon.
00:08:29 The truth is that our naval
00:08:31 fleet is too small and too old
00:08:34 to meet the demands of our
00:08:36 combatant commanders and our
00:08:38 national defense strategy
00:08:40 particularly in the years going
00:08:42 forward.
00:08:43 The urgent need to rebuild the
00:08:45 Navy is not lost on this
00:08:46 committee.
00:08:47 The pertinent question becomes
00:08:48 how should we rebuild?
00:08:51 It's clear we will not be able
00:08:53 to do so with the Navy's fiscal
00:08:55 year 2025 budget request which
00:08:58 contains cuts to naval
00:09:00 personnel, shipbuilding, weapons
00:09:02 and military construction.
00:09:04 We will not be able to meet the
00:09:07 needs of our nation with that
00:09:09 request.
00:09:11 We are going to have to address
00:09:15 this by working across the aisle
00:09:17 and I'm glad to be sitting next
00:09:20 to a chairman who has shown a
00:09:23 willingness to do this over
00:09:25 time.
00:09:27 Here are the facts.
00:09:28 Compared to fiscal year 2023,
00:09:30 President Biden has asked the
00:09:32 Navy to take a 3% cut when
00:09:35 accounting for inflation.
00:09:37 These cuts impact the capacity
00:09:39 of our force.
00:09:40 The Navy is asking to retire 19
00:09:43 battle force ships and procure
00:09:45 only six.
00:09:47 Just a fact.
00:09:49 This is completely unacceptable.
00:09:50 As I've done in the past, I want
00:09:52 to work with my colleagues in
00:09:53 Congress, as I say, across the
00:09:56 aisle and in the other body to
00:09:58 fix the Navy's budget.
00:10:00 The Navy has work to do
00:10:02 internally while my colleagues
00:10:04 and I work on the budget.
00:10:06 The secretary's 45-day ship
00:10:07 building review found delays
00:10:09 across the entire portfolio.
00:10:12 For example, the constellation
00:10:14 class frigate will be three
00:10:16 years late and will take nearly
00:10:18 ten years to deliver the lead
00:10:20 ship.
00:10:21 This is largely because the Navy
00:10:23 cannot keep its requirements
00:10:25 steady.
00:10:27 Almost 70% of the requirements
00:10:29 have changed since the Navy
00:10:31 signed a contract.
00:10:33 So the outcome that we see today
00:10:36 is no surprise.
00:10:39 This is not an example of the
00:10:41 industry underperforming.
00:10:43 This is senior officials unable
00:10:45 to manage a program.
00:10:47 This is acquisition malpractice
00:10:49 and a terrible waste of time and
00:10:51 resources.
00:10:52 I want to understand what urgent
00:10:54 steps the secretary will take to
00:10:56 improve the Navy as a customer,
00:10:58 regulator, and technical
00:11:00 authority.
00:11:01 The upcoming landing ship medium
00:11:03 program presents an opportunity
00:11:05 for the Navy to avoid heading
00:11:08 down the same disappointing path
00:11:10 as the frigate.
00:11:12 The Congressional Budget Office
00:11:14 estimates a cost two to three
00:11:16 times greater than the Navy had
00:11:18 budgeted.
00:11:19 This new program can apply
00:11:21 lessons learned to ensure that
00:11:23 the Marines get a ship at the
00:11:25 capacity and schedule they need
00:11:27 for campaigning in the Pacific.
00:11:29 I appreciate the efforts of the
00:11:31 submarine industrial base
00:11:33 community over the past five
00:11:35 years, and I do appreciate the
00:11:37 chair's kind words about our
00:11:39 efforts and our success recently
00:11:42 in getting over $3 billion for
00:11:45 the industrial base.
00:11:47 The industrial base community is
00:11:50 dealing with a holistic -- in a
00:11:52 holistic fashion with structural
00:11:54 workforce and supply chain
00:11:56 problems.
00:11:57 That's why I insisted last year
00:11:59 as a condition for the AUCUS
00:12:01 agreement that the administration
00:12:03 make a significant down payment
00:12:05 on the submarine industrial base.
00:12:07 This resulted in the $3.4 billion
00:12:09 that was included in the national
00:12:11 security supplemental
00:12:12 appropriation.
00:12:13 However, I remain concerned that
00:12:15 this approach has not been taken
00:12:18 for other ship classes.
00:12:21 Finally, I want to touch on the
00:12:23 recruiting crisis facing our
00:12:25 military.
00:12:26 Every service has struggled in
00:12:28 recent years, but the Navy has
00:12:30 been unique in its response.
00:12:32 Other services have invested in
00:12:34 reforms and new programs without
00:12:36 sacrificing quality.
00:12:39 But the Navy has lowered
00:12:41 standards.
00:12:42 That approach does not appear to
00:12:44 be working.
00:12:45 Recent reports indicate the Navy
00:12:47 could miss its recruiting
00:12:49 mission by nearly 15% this year.
00:12:51 We need to know if that's true.
00:12:53 The Army and Air Force are now
00:12:55 optimistic about their ability
00:12:57 to achieve their respective
00:12:59 recruiting goals.
00:13:00 It's time for the Navy to learn
00:13:02 from every other service and
00:13:04 reemphasize quality.
00:13:05 I hope our witnesses will explain
00:13:07 to this committee how they plan
00:13:09 to fix the Navy's recruiting
00:13:11 crisis without sacrificing basic
00:13:14 standards.
00:13:16 And that's just the beginning of
00:13:19 what I would like to say.
00:13:21 We'll follow up more on some
00:13:23 questions.
00:13:24 Thank you very much, Mr.
00:13:25 Chairman.
00:13:26 >> Thank you, Senator Wicker.
00:13:28 Mr. Secretary, please.
00:13:29 >> Good morning.
00:13:30 Chairman Reed, Ranking Member
00:13:32 Wicker, distinguished members of
00:13:34 this committee.
00:13:35 It is indeed an honor to appear
00:13:37 before you this morning to
00:13:39 discuss the posture of the
00:13:41 Department of the Navy.
00:13:43 First and foremost, I'd like to
00:13:45 thank General Smith and Admiral
00:13:47 Smith for their service to the
00:13:49 Navy.
00:13:50 They are like all who devote
00:13:52 their careers and in many cases
00:13:54 indeed sacrifice their lives in
00:13:56 defense of their fellow
00:13:57 Americans, represent everything
00:13:59 that makes this country a beacon
00:14:01 of hope and freedom around the
00:14:03 world.
00:14:04 Together, our combined years of
00:14:06 service to our country totals
00:14:08 over a century, a century marked
00:14:10 by multiple deployments, time
00:14:12 away from home, and sacrifices
00:14:14 made by our families.
00:14:16 They have served and deployed
00:14:18 all over the world, making the
00:14:20 same sacrifices and enduring the
00:14:22 same trials that myself,
00:14:24 General Smith, and Admiral
00:14:25 Frank Keddie have faced
00:14:26 throughout our own careers.
00:14:28 I think that gives us a special
00:14:30 appreciation for their service.
00:14:32 In the Indo-Pacific, our Navy
00:14:34 and Marine Corps are sailing and
00:14:36 operating alongside our
00:14:37 international allies and
00:14:38 partners in support of a free
00:14:40 and open maritime commons, one
00:14:42 where nations are secure in
00:14:44 their territorial waters and
00:14:46 upheld by all nations, including
00:14:48 the People's Republic of China.
00:14:50 Across Europe, we, in
00:14:51 cooperation with our NATO allies,
00:14:53 are supporting our Ukrainian
00:14:54 partners as they continue to
00:14:56 fight to restore their
00:14:57 territorial and national
00:14:59 sovereignty as Russia's illegal
00:15:01 full-scale invasion is now into
00:15:03 its third year.
00:15:04 And I commend Congress for
00:15:05 passing the national security
00:15:06 supplemental last month,
00:15:07 allowing us to continue
00:15:08 providing support to our
00:15:09 Ukrainian partners as they fight
00:15:11 to restore peace in their
00:15:12 territorial waters and, indeed,
00:15:14 defense democracy for all
00:15:15 countries and all free nations.
00:15:17 And in the Red Sea, as you have
00:15:19 stated, Mr. Chairman and
00:15:20 Ranking Member, our sailors and
00:15:22 Marines have countered hundreds
00:15:23 of missiles and drones launched
00:15:25 by the Houthis these past six
00:15:27 months, over 300, targeting
00:15:29 merchant shipping and the warships
00:15:31 of both the United States and
00:15:32 our international allies and
00:15:33 partners.
00:15:34 We are confronting an adversary
00:15:37 supported by Iran that has
00:15:39 absolutely no respect for the
00:15:41 Marines and one that is
00:15:42 actively targeting our ships,
00:15:44 attempting to harm our sailors
00:15:46 and Marines because we dare to
00:15:48 defend the defenseless.
00:15:50 And last month, USS Carney and
00:15:52 USS Arleigh Burke, both
00:15:54 operating in the eastern
00:15:55 Mediterranean Sea, intercepted
00:15:57 several Iranian ballistic
00:15:58 missiles heading towards
00:16:00 Israel.
00:16:01 For those who question why the
00:16:03 American taxpayer should provide
00:16:05 for and maintain a Navy and a
00:16:06 Marine Corps, look at what is
00:16:07 happening today in the Middle
00:16:08 East, where we are defending
00:16:10 the free flow of international
00:16:11 commerce and actively defending
00:16:13 our international partners and
00:16:15 allies.
00:16:16 Members of the committee, we
00:16:17 appear before you today to ask
00:16:19 for your continued support,
00:16:20 thankful for the support you've
00:16:22 provided us in the past, your
00:16:24 partnership and your commitment
00:16:26 ensuring that nearly 1 million
00:16:27 sailors, Marines and civilians
00:16:28 of the Department of the Navy
00:16:29 that we lead are ready on all
00:16:31 fronts at all times.
00:16:33 While the Fiscal Responsibility
00:16:34 Act of 2023 required us to make
00:16:37 extremely hard choices, the
00:16:39 $257.6 billion in the
00:16:41 President's budget request for
00:16:42 fiscal year 2025 for our
00:16:44 department adeptly balances
00:16:46 maintaining, modernizing the
00:16:47 fleet and force of today against
00:16:49 planning for the future force
00:16:50 while also taking care of our
00:16:52 people within those financial
00:16:54 restrictions.
00:16:55 This budget directly supports
00:16:56 our department's three enduring
00:16:58 priorities of strengthening our
00:16:59 maritime dominance, creating a
00:17:01 culture of warfighting
00:17:02 excellence, and enhancing our
00:17:03 strategic partnerships around
00:17:05 the globe.
00:17:06 We are acquiring the most lethal
00:17:08 agile and capable warships,
00:17:10 submarines, aircraft, weapons
00:17:12 and systems that our world has
00:17:13 ever seen.
00:17:14 We are also funding the research
00:17:16 and development of
00:17:17 transformational technologies
00:17:18 and fielding them more quickly
00:17:20 to make our fleet more lethal
00:17:21 and persistent within the
00:17:22 current fit-up.
00:17:23 We're investing billions of
00:17:24 dollars in the industrial base
00:17:26 that supports us while
00:17:27 encouraging them to invest more
00:17:29 in resources themselves at the
00:17:31 same time.
00:17:32 And as responsible stewards of
00:17:34 taxpayer money, we will enforce
00:17:36 accountability to ensure that
00:17:37 our sailors and marines have the
00:17:39 platforms and the capabilities
00:17:40 that they need on time and on
00:17:42 budget.
00:17:43 Above all else, we are taking
00:17:45 care of our personnel and their
00:17:46 families by focusing and
00:17:48 improving housing, expanding
00:17:49 child care capacity, and
00:17:51 increasing access to mental
00:17:52 health resources, amongst other
00:17:54 critical areas.
00:17:55 We are clear-eyed about the
00:17:57 challenges that our nation and
00:17:58 our Navy faces today in the
00:18:00 maritime domain, both
00:18:02 commercial and naval.
00:18:03 And as a maritime nation, we
00:18:05 must confront the challenges
00:18:06 of today and prepare for the
00:18:07 potential conflicts of tomorrow
00:18:09 by investing in a strong Navy
00:18:11 and Marine Corps.
00:18:12 Again, it's an honor to appear
00:18:13 before you this morning, and we
00:18:14 look forward to discussing with
00:18:15 you how best to deliver the
00:18:17 Navy and Marine Corps
00:18:18 capability that our nation
00:18:19 requires.
00:18:20 Thank you.
00:18:21 >> Thank you, Mr. Secretary.
00:18:22 Admiral Frank Keddie, please.
00:18:27 >> Chairman Reed, Ranking
00:18:28 Member Wicker, distinguished
00:18:30 members of the committee, good
00:18:31 morning, and thank you for the
00:18:32 opportunity to testify on the
00:18:34 posture of the United States
00:18:35 Navy.
00:18:36 On behalf of the sailors, Navy
00:18:37 civilians, and their families
00:18:39 deployed and stationed all
00:18:40 around the world, thank you for
00:18:42 your leadership and your
00:18:43 continued support in providing
00:18:45 and maintaining the Navy the
00:18:47 nation needs.
00:18:48 I'd also like to thank my
00:18:49 teammate, General Smith, for his
00:18:51 exceptional partnership and
00:18:52 collaboration as we guide our
00:18:54 services under the leadership
00:18:55 of Secretary Del Toro.
00:18:57 Flanked by two oceans, the
00:18:59 United States is and always has
00:19:01 been a maritime nation whose
00:19:03 security and prosperity rely on
00:19:05 access to the sea.
00:19:07 And for over 248 years, the U.S.
00:19:09 Navy has guaranteed that access,
00:19:12 operating forward, defending our
00:19:14 homeland, and keeping open the
00:19:16 sea lines of communication that
00:19:18 fuel our economy and underwrite
00:19:20 our nation's security.
00:19:21 The events of this past year and
00:19:23 the actions taken by your Navy
00:19:25 Marine Corps team in the
00:19:27 Indo-Pacific, in the
00:19:28 Mediterranean, in the Red Sea,
00:19:30 and beyond underscore the
00:19:32 enduring importance of American
00:19:34 naval power.
00:19:36 With an average of 110 ships and
00:19:38 70,000 sailors and Marines
00:19:40 deployed at sea on any given day,
00:19:42 the Navy Marine Corps team is
00:19:44 delivering power for peace,
00:19:46 deterring potential adversaries,
00:19:48 and standing ready to fight and
00:19:50 win our nation's wars if
00:19:52 deterrence fails.
00:19:53 I could not be more proud of
00:19:54 this team.
00:19:56 No other Navy in the world can
00:19:57 train, deploy, and sustain such a
00:19:59 lethal, combat-credible force
00:20:01 that operates from the seabed to
00:20:03 space at the scope, scale, and
00:20:05 tempo that we do.
00:20:07 This year's budget supports the
00:20:09 National Defense Strategy and my
00:20:11 priorities of warfighting,
00:20:13 warfighters, and the foundation
00:20:15 that supports them.
00:20:16 It enables the Navy to continue
00:20:18 to meet our congressionally
00:20:20 mandated mission, both in peace
00:20:22 and war.
00:20:23 It is strategy-driven,
00:20:24 maintaining our focus on the
00:20:26 People's Republic of China as the
00:20:27 pacing challenge, the acute
00:20:29 threat of Russia, and other
00:20:31 persistent threats like the DPRK,
00:20:33 Iran, and VEOs.
00:20:35 Given the discretionary spending
00:20:37 caps prescribed by the Fiscal
00:20:38 Responsibility Act and a
00:20:40 top-line increase of 0.7 percent,
00:20:42 the Navy had to make tough
00:20:44 choices, favoring near-term
00:20:46 readiness, investing in our
00:20:47 industrial base, and prioritizing
00:20:49 our people while assuming risk
00:20:51 in future capabilities.
00:20:53 Within this fiscally-constrained
00:20:55 environment, the budget request
00:20:57 fully funds the Navy's top
00:20:59 acquisition priority and the
00:21:00 most survivable leg of our
00:21:02 strategic deterrence, the
00:21:03 Columbia-class submarine.
00:21:05 It provides funds for six
00:21:06 Battle Force ships and
00:21:08 incremental funding for two
00:21:09 Ford-class aircraft carriers and
00:21:11 FY-25, and continues our support
00:21:14 to Marine Corps force design by
00:21:16 maintaining 31 amphibious ships,
00:21:18 procuring three LPDs, one LHA,
00:21:21 and eight medium landing ships.
00:21:23 In total, the budget request
00:21:25 procures 57 ships and submarines
00:21:27 across the FIDA.
00:21:29 This budget prioritizes war
00:21:31 fighting by funding our
00:21:32 operations, training, and
00:21:34 readiness accounts.
00:21:35 It invests in our foundation
00:21:37 with funding for our
00:21:39 installations, for our shipyard
00:21:41 infrastructure optimization
00:21:42 program, and for the broader
00:21:44 defense industrial base, sending
00:21:46 a strong signal to our industry
00:21:48 partners on the need to increase
00:21:50 our capacity to meet the growing
00:21:52 demands of the present and the
00:21:54 future.
00:21:55 And it continues our strong
00:21:57 commitment to our war fighters
00:21:58 and our families through pay
00:22:00 raises for our sailors and Navy
00:22:02 civilians and investments in
00:22:03 quality of service initiatives
00:22:05 such as unaccompanied housing,
00:22:07 education, child care, and
00:22:09 sailor resiliency.
00:22:11 These initiatives, as well as
00:22:13 others, enabled by your
00:22:15 steadfast support, have helped
00:22:17 us maintain historically high
00:22:19 levels of retention, which is
00:22:21 imperative given the current
00:22:23 recruiting environment.
00:22:25 And while this environment
00:22:26 remains challenging and our
00:22:28 manning requirements at sea
00:22:29 have increased, we are 2,500
00:22:32 recruits ahead of where we were
00:22:34 last year at this time, and I
00:22:36 remain optimistic that our
00:22:38 marketing and data analytics
00:22:40 investments will show
00:22:41 additional progress throughout
00:22:42 the year.
00:22:44 As chief of naval operations, I
00:22:46 am committed to pulling every
00:22:48 lever available to me to put
00:22:50 more ready players on the field,
00:22:52 platforms that are ready with
00:22:54 the right capabilities, weapons,
00:22:56 and sustainment, and people who
00:22:58 are ready with the right skills,
00:23:00 tools, training, and mindset to
00:23:03 defend our nation's security and
00:23:05 prosperity whenever and
00:23:07 wherever it is threatened.
00:23:09 I thank the committee for your
00:23:10 leadership and partnership in
00:23:12 ensuring the world's premier
00:23:14 fighting force remains ready to
00:23:16 preserve the peace, respond in
00:23:18 crisis, and win decisively in
00:23:20 war, if called.
00:23:22 I look forward to your
00:23:23 questions.
00:23:24 >> Thank you very much,
00:23:25 Admiral.
00:23:26 General Smith, please.
00:23:28 >> Good morning.
00:23:30 Chairman Reed, Ranking Member
00:23:32 Wicker, ladies and gentlemen,
00:23:34 thank you for the opportunity to
00:23:35 represent your Marines today.
00:23:37 I'd like to start by sincerely
00:23:38 thanking this committee for its
00:23:40 enduring support and your
00:23:41 advocacy for a timely,
00:23:43 predictable, and sufficient
00:23:44 budget that enables the Marine
00:23:45 Corps to remain first to fight.
00:23:47 I would also like to express my
00:23:49 deep gratitude for the
00:23:50 partnership between Admiral
00:23:51 Frank Keddie and me as we lead
00:23:53 our respective sea services
00:23:54 under the leadership of
00:23:55 Secretary Del Toro.
00:23:57 Whether deterring, responding to
00:23:58 crisis, or in conflict, it will
00:24:00 be the Navy and Marine Corps'
00:24:02 expeditionary forces who make
00:24:03 first contact with partners
00:24:05 seeking help or adversaries
00:24:06 seeking a fight.
00:24:08 Our partnership, collaboration,
00:24:10 and integration is a decisive
00:24:11 advantage.
00:24:13 Last month, I published my
00:24:14 updated guidance to the force
00:24:16 entitled "Maintain Momentum."
00:24:18 I chose this title as I firmly
00:24:19 believe the Marine Corps is on
00:24:20 the right path under force
00:24:21 design.
00:24:22 A few points from that
00:24:23 document.
00:24:24 First, I believe the Marine
00:24:26 Corps must continue to strike a
00:24:27 balance between high-end
00:24:28 modernization and our
00:24:30 commitment to persistent,
00:24:31 forward-deployed naval
00:24:32 expeditionary forces that
00:24:33 campaign and respond to crisis
00:24:35 globally.
00:24:36 This effort is represented by
00:24:37 our Marine Expeditionary Units,
00:24:39 the coin of the realm.
00:24:41 Second, we must prioritize our
00:24:43 operations with the Navy and
00:24:44 its amphibious ships, and we
00:24:46 must provide Marines with the
00:24:48 organic mobility to rapidly
00:24:49 maneuver from shore to shore,
00:24:51 ship to shore, and back again.
00:24:54 Third, on recruiting, our
00:24:56 performance speaks for itself.
00:24:58 We'll continue to make mission
00:24:59 without ever diminishing our
00:25:00 standards.
00:25:01 Additionally, our top-performing
00:25:02 Marines are reenlisting at
00:25:03 record rates, and we must
00:25:05 sustain this trend.
00:25:07 Fourth, we must maximize the
00:25:09 capability of our reserves to
00:25:10 ensure that our nation has a
00:25:12 ready bunch of warriors that
00:25:14 they have relied on since the
00:25:15 founding of the Marine Corps
00:25:16 Forces Reserve in 1916.
00:25:19 Fifth, I'm dedicated to
00:25:20 ensuring a quality of life for
00:25:21 our Marines that matches the
00:25:23 high demands we place on them
00:25:24 every day.
00:25:25 That means nutritious food,
00:25:27 high-quality and accessible
00:25:28 gyms, and a safe, quiet place
00:25:30 to recover from a hard day's
00:25:31 work.
00:25:33 Our Barracks 2030 initiative is
00:25:35 our most consequential barracks
00:25:36 investment ever, and it is
00:25:38 sorely needed.
00:25:39 While aggressively pursuing
00:25:41 these priorities, I commit to
00:25:42 you that our Corps will always
00:25:44 be frugal and accountable with
00:25:45 the resources you and the
00:25:46 American people provide.
00:25:48 I'm extremely proud of my
00:25:49 Marines and civilian Marines
00:25:50 who enabled the Marine Corps to
00:25:51 receive an unmodified audit
00:25:53 opinion earlier this year, the
00:25:54 first of any service to do so.
00:25:57 They told us what we have long
00:25:58 known, that when you entrust us
00:26:00 with the taxpayer's money, it is
00:26:01 money well spent and fully
00:26:03 accounted for.
00:26:04 All these things are critical to
00:26:06 maintaining the strength and
00:26:07 dominance of your Marine Corps.
00:26:09 This year marks 249 years since
00:26:11 the founding of our Corps.
00:26:13 That is 249 years of battles
00:26:15 won and peace upheld in the name
00:26:17 of democracy and prosperity for
00:26:19 our nation and for all nations
00:26:21 who abide by the international
00:26:22 rules-based order.
00:26:24 But increasingly, world events
00:26:25 demonstrate this order is being
00:26:26 challenged.
00:26:27 Free trade, unrestricted access
00:26:29 to the seas, peaceful
00:26:30 cooperation between nations big
00:26:32 and small are under assault.
00:26:34 Our nation's prosperity is
00:26:35 underwritten by a strong Navy
00:26:37 and Marine Corps who maintain a
00:26:38 global presence and keep malign
00:26:40 actors at bay.
00:26:42 Thank you again for the
00:26:43 opportunity to represent your
00:26:44 Marines today.
00:26:46 I pledge to continue to work
00:26:47 closely with each of you to
00:26:48 ensure your Marine Corps remains
00:26:49 the most lethal fighting force
00:26:50 on the planet.
00:26:51 I look forward to your
00:26:52 questions.
00:26:53 >> Thank you very much, General
00:26:54 Smith.
00:26:56 Secretary Del Toro, the
00:26:58 comments both Senator Wicker and
00:27:00 I made indicate that they should
00:27:03 build a program in the Navy and
00:27:04 disarray the Columbia class,
00:27:07 which is the most critical
00:27:09 platform that the Navy and
00:27:12 perhaps the nation is trying to
00:27:14 build is behind schedule and it
00:27:16 might fall further behind.
00:27:18 It puts extraordinary pressure
00:27:19 on the Virginia class
00:27:22 submarine construction.
00:27:24 They're already behind.
00:27:25 1.2 ships versus two ships a
00:27:27 year.
00:27:28 You've responded by sending up a
00:27:31 request for one Virginia this
00:27:33 year and a significant
00:27:35 investment in the defense
00:27:36 industrial base.
00:27:38 The first question I have,
00:27:39 though, is there seems to be
00:27:42 management problems in all these
00:27:44 programs.
00:27:45 Some of it is the changing
00:27:48 requirements on the ships so
00:27:51 that the contractors are
00:27:52 suddenly back to square one in
00:27:54 some cases.
00:27:55 Others is the inability of
00:27:58 subcontracts to produce, et
00:28:00 cetera.
00:28:01 And I must say that one of the
00:28:03 jobs that you have, and it's a
00:28:05 tough job, is to find out who's
00:28:08 responsible and to take directed
00:28:11 action to correct it.
00:28:13 So could you tell us what you're
00:28:15 doing to ensure accountability
00:28:17 in the programs to get them back
00:28:19 on track?
00:28:20 >> Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
00:28:22 As you suggest, there are a lot
00:28:24 of challenges in the ship
00:28:25 building industry and they
00:28:26 actually date back to the 1980s
00:28:28 when we gave up on commercial
00:28:29 ship building in this country
00:28:31 and lost so much of the talent
00:28:32 in the ship building industry.
00:28:34 That was compounded tremendously
00:28:36 so by COVID.
00:28:37 And the enormous challenges that
00:28:39 we have with regards to blue
00:28:41 collar labor in this workforce
00:28:43 that actually impacts across all
00:28:45 programs because the industry
00:28:46 and even the Navy and its public
00:28:48 shipyards simply don't have the
00:28:50 people that are necessary to
00:28:51 work in our shipyards.
00:28:53 That's sort of the base
00:28:54 denominator of it all.
00:28:55 But the recent problems that
00:28:56 we've actually seen here, and I
00:28:57 don't agree with the
00:28:58 characterization that this is
00:28:59 all about management by no
00:29:01 means of the imagination.
00:29:02 These are difficult challenges
00:29:03 that are presented to the Navy
00:29:05 and as well the ship building
00:29:06 industry that we have to deal
00:29:07 with clear on.
00:29:09 So the delay of major
00:29:10 components for the construction
00:29:12 of Virginia class as well as
00:29:14 the Eisenhower is the major
00:29:16 reason for the delays in these
00:29:18 programs.
00:29:19 So on the Eisenhower, for
00:29:20 example, you have Northrop
00:29:22 Grumman that's building the
00:29:23 main reduction gear when
00:29:24 General Electric used to do
00:29:25 that and they are behind
00:29:26 delivering the main reduction
00:29:27 gear in addition to the high
00:29:29 pressure and the low pressure
00:29:30 turbines to that carrier which
00:29:32 is why it's behind.
00:29:34 In the case of the Virginia
00:29:35 class submarines, it's the
00:29:36 turbine generators that are
00:29:37 being delivered by Northrop
00:29:38 Grumman that are significantly
00:29:40 behind in addition to the
00:29:41 quality assurance challenges
00:29:43 that have been presented down
00:29:45 in Norfolk Naval Shipyard
00:29:46 associated with the nose cones
00:29:48 of those submarines that you're
00:29:49 very well familiar with as well.
00:29:51 That has led to significant
00:29:52 delays such that the New
00:29:54 Jersey that was just delivered
00:29:55 a couple of weeks ago was
00:29:56 delivered three years late.
00:29:58 Now some of this isn't just
00:29:59 maintenance problems.
00:30:00 It's again a tribute to the
00:30:01 blue collar workforce
00:30:02 challenges that we're having.
00:30:04 The greeting of the workforce.
00:30:06 You could argue that years ago
00:30:07 as you have stated before
00:30:09 in other testimony, we had 50
00:30:11 year old supervisors working
00:30:12 with 50 year old naval
00:30:14 engineers in the Navy.
00:30:15 Today, it's 35 year olds
00:30:17 working with each other.
00:30:18 That has led to significant
00:30:20 challenges with regards to
00:30:21 quality assurance.
00:30:22 Now in the case of the frigate
00:30:23 quite frankly, it's a
00:30:24 retention, a recruiting and a
00:30:26 retention problem in
00:30:27 Wisconsin.
00:30:28 So what we're trying to
00:30:29 actually do is many things.
00:30:32 One, $3.9 billion in the
00:30:34 submarine industrial base in
00:30:35 fiscal year 25 followed by
00:30:37 $11 billion in investment over
00:30:39 the rest of the fit up.
00:30:40 $750 million investment in the
00:30:42 surface industrial base.
00:30:43 Just in Fincanteria alone, we
00:30:45 provided $100 million of
00:30:46 resources to the shipyards so
00:30:48 they can provide $5,000 bonuses
00:30:50 to their shipyard workers for
00:30:52 the first year if they stay in
00:30:53 place and another 5,000 if they
00:30:55 stay in place throughout the
00:30:56 construction of the ship itself.
00:30:58 So we're doing everything that
00:30:59 we possibly can to actually
00:31:01 help industry and work with
00:31:03 industry to get there.
00:31:04 Industry also needs to do its
00:31:05 part.
00:31:06 We have too many stock buyback
00:31:08 plans that, you know, as we're
00:31:10 investing $14 billion into
00:31:11 industry, you know, we've got
00:31:12 billions of dollars that are
00:31:13 going out the other side of the
00:31:15 door into stockholders.
00:31:16 So they've got to focus more on
00:31:17 the customer than just the
00:31:18 stockholders as well, too.
00:31:20 >> I concur with your final
00:31:23 comment.
00:31:25 We're looking at a lot of
00:31:27 companies that are not
00:31:29 performing but are still being
00:31:31 rewarded.
00:31:32 And as you point out, the
00:31:35 contraction of our defense
00:31:36 industrial base and ship
00:31:38 buildings is such that
00:31:39 competition is not really there
00:31:41 as it was perhaps 20 or 30 years
00:31:43 ago.
00:31:46 The need is great.
00:31:49 And I think we have to put more
00:31:52 effort behind it.
00:31:53 There's also an issue of
00:31:55 capacity.
00:31:58 I know you have a shipyard
00:32:00 infrastructure program, $25
00:32:02 billion over 25 years.
00:32:04 That's a billion-dollar year.
00:32:07 I think we have to come to a
00:32:10 real question of do we have
00:32:13 enough shipyards to function
00:32:15 particularly in this
00:32:16 environment where China has 16
00:32:19 major shipyards.
00:32:21 And I think we have to come to
00:32:23 a real question of do we have
00:32:25 enough shipyards to function
00:32:27 particularly in this environment
00:32:28 where China has 16 major
00:32:31 shipyards.
00:32:32 I'm tempted to ask that you be
00:32:35 given another five minutes,
00:32:37 Mr. Chairman, but I won't do
00:32:39 that.
00:32:40 Let me ask general Smith and
00:32:43 admiral FranCHETTI about medium
00:32:47 size landing ships.
00:32:50 It's my understanding the
00:32:53 Marines originally sought an
00:32:55 affordable landing ship of less
00:32:58 than $150 million based on what
00:33:03 you saw with the logistic
00:33:05 support vessel that Israel was
00:33:08 having built.
00:33:09 Tell me what the landing ship
00:33:13 mediums will do.
00:33:14 And, again, we have only five
00:33:17 minutes for this round of
00:33:18 questions.
00:33:19 What will they do in a
00:33:21 nutshell?
00:33:22 >> Senator, thanks for that
00:33:24 question.
00:33:25 The landing ship medium
00:33:27 transports our expeditionary
00:33:29 forces interisland.
00:33:31 It's beachable.
00:33:33 It can get up into low water
00:33:37 mark beaches and it enables us
00:33:39 to have access to the entire
00:33:41 first island chain.
00:33:42 >> So we're talking Pacific,
00:33:44 Indo-Pacific islands.
00:33:46 >> Focused on the Indo-Pacific
00:33:47 but certainly employable in the
00:33:48 Mediterranean.
00:33:49 >> Okay.
00:33:50 So there's been requirements
00:33:53 growth and I think everyone on
00:33:55 both sides of the dais are
00:33:57 concerned about this.
00:34:00 The CBO now estimates that the
00:34:03 landing ship medium will cost
00:34:05 two to three times more than
00:34:07 this $150 million Israeli
00:34:10 landing ship.
00:34:13 >> How many of the original
00:34:19 Israeli logistics support
00:34:23 vessels could you use?
00:34:26 And what reason would we have
00:34:29 for not being able to use
00:34:31 those where you're going to
00:34:33 need them?
00:34:34 >> Senator, the Israeli version
00:34:37 does not meet our requirements
00:34:39 for beach gradients.
00:34:41 The beach gradient of one to
00:34:43 40 is critical.
00:34:44 >> One to 40?
00:34:46 >> Yes, sir.
00:34:47 >> That doesn't --
00:34:49 >> It means the curvature of
00:34:51 the beach, its ability to beach
00:34:53 itself and back itself off.
00:34:55 >> Are there islands where it
00:34:57 would work?
00:34:59 >> Senator, there are, but they
00:35:01 would limit us in our ability to
00:35:03 spread throughout the first
00:35:05 island chain to counter the PRC.
00:35:08 >> Okay.
00:35:11 So you are telling this
00:35:14 committee that you really can't
00:35:17 use any of these logistics
00:35:20 support vessels that the Marine
00:35:23 Corps initially planned to use?
00:35:25 >> Senator, they would not be
00:35:27 purpose built.
00:35:28 We could use them, but we would
00:35:30 lose capability.
00:35:31 We would lose access to parts of
00:35:33 the Indo-Pacific that we
00:35:34 currently need to have access to
00:35:36 in order to counter the PRC's
00:35:38 continued aggression.
00:35:39 >> To what extent could they be
00:35:42 modified without going two to
00:35:46 three times more than the
00:35:49 original budget?
00:35:50 >> Senator, I will have to get
00:35:52 back to you on that, on the
00:35:54 ability to modify them without
00:35:56 increasing cost.
00:35:58 >> Well, obviously it would
00:36:00 increase cost.
00:36:03 But how is it that -- I suppose
00:36:07 the Israelis are interested in
00:36:11 different kinds of -- different
00:36:14 islands and different areas and
00:36:16 it works for them, but to what
00:36:19 percentage of the islands in the
00:36:21 Pacific could you use the
00:36:23 existing vessel?
00:36:25 >> Senator, I don't have an
00:36:26 exact number for you.
00:36:27 I can get back to you on that.
00:36:29 >> Okay.
00:36:30 Well, please do.
00:36:31 >> Let me ask Admiral
00:36:35 Franchetti to answer that
00:36:36 question on the record.
00:36:37 Let me just ask you this in the
00:36:39 time we have, the minute we
00:36:40 have, Secretary del Toro.
00:36:45 There's a lot of interest in
00:36:46 this committee about a four-ship
00:36:53 buy of amphibs.
00:36:57 Will you commit to a
00:37:00 multiship buy of amphibious
00:37:02 warships?
00:37:03 >> Senator, I am highly
00:37:05 enthusiastic for the four-ship
00:37:08 multiyear procurement.
00:37:09 I always have been.
00:37:11 And we are in final
00:37:12 negotiations with the shipyard
00:37:13 to actually put forward the
00:37:15 proposal.
00:37:16 Obviously, depend on what the
00:37:19 numbers come back, but we are
00:37:21 aggressively pursuing all
00:37:22 negotiations with the shipyard
00:37:23 to get to a four-year
00:37:24 multiship procurement on
00:37:25 amphibious ships.
00:37:26 >> When will you be able to
00:37:27 give us a more firm answer
00:37:28 there?
00:37:29 >> I hope within the next 30
00:37:30 to 60 days, sir.
00:37:31 >> All right.
00:37:32 But can we assume that we are
00:37:36 all working toward a yes
00:37:38 answer?
00:37:39 >> Absolutely, sir.
00:37:40 We have the authorizations,
00:37:41 appropriations, and I want to
00:37:42 move forward with the final
00:37:43 negotiations to get the best
00:37:44 price on behalf of the American
00:37:45 taxpayer.
00:37:46 >> Okay.
00:37:47 Thank you very much.
00:37:48 >> Thank you, Senator Wicker.
00:37:49 Senator Shaheen, please.
00:37:50 >> Good morning.
00:37:51 Thank you all for being here
00:37:52 and for your service to the
00:37:53 country.
00:37:54 One of those initiatives that I
00:37:57 think has been helpful to
00:37:58 expanding capacity are the
00:38:00 supplier development funds.
00:38:02 They can flow down to small
00:38:03 businesses, which are so
00:38:04 critical to the innovation that
00:38:05 we need if we're going to
00:38:07 expand in the way that we want
00:38:09 to.
00:38:10 We have an important
00:38:11 subcontractor in New Hampshire
00:38:12 called Granite State
00:38:13 Manufacturing who's been able to
00:38:15 use those funds to expand their
00:38:17 capacity to support both the
00:38:19 Virginia and Columbia class
00:38:21 subcontractors.
00:38:22 They've also formed a
00:38:23 partnership with the local
00:38:25 community college, which has
00:38:26 been critical in providing
00:38:28 skilled workers.
00:38:29 So can you speak at Secretary
00:38:31 Del Toro to the importance of
00:38:33 those submarine supplier
00:38:34 development funds and how other
00:38:36 small businesses might be able
00:38:37 to take advantage of them?
00:38:39 >> Very much so, Senator.
00:38:40 They're extremely important,
00:38:42 and our PEO SSBN actually is
00:38:44 the PEO SSBN, which is the
00:38:46 PEO SSBN, which is the
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00:43:12 PEO SSBN, which is the
00:43:13 PEO SSBN, which is the
00:43:14 PEO SSBN, which is the
00:43:16 Thank you all for being here.
00:43:17 Thank you all for being here.
00:43:18 General Smith, certainly
00:43:19 General Smith, certainly
00:43:20 glad to have you back with
00:43:21 us for many, many reasons.
00:43:22 us for many, many reasons.
00:43:23 General Smith, this year's
00:43:24 General Smith, this year's
00:43:25 Marine Corps request, it
00:43:26 Marine Corps request, it
00:43:27 included significant
00:43:28 investments in Cherry
00:43:29 Point, North Carolina.
00:43:30 Cherry Point, North Carolina.
00:43:31 These projects support
00:43:32 F-35 aircraft maintenance
00:43:33 and operational readiness.
00:43:34 and operational readiness.
00:43:35 I visited the station in
00:43:36 February, and I was
00:43:37 impressed by the great
00:43:38 things the Marines are
00:43:39 doing there, especially
00:43:40 with VMFA 542, the East
00:43:41 Coast Security Force
00:43:42 doing there, especially
00:43:43 with VMFA 542, the East
00:43:44 Coast First Operational
00:43:45 F-35B Squadron.
00:43:46 F-35B Squadron.
00:43:47 So if I recall
00:43:48 So if I recall
00:43:49 correctly, VMFA 542
00:43:50 correctly, VMFA 542
00:43:51 recently achieved full
00:43:52 operational capability.
00:43:53 recently achieved full
00:43:54 operational capability.
00:43:55 So how will this
00:43:56 capability impact the
00:43:57 Marine Corps' operational
00:43:58 flexibility and
00:43:59 technological edge?
00:44:00 Senator, having a full
00:44:01 up-round F-35B
00:44:02 up-round F-35B
00:44:03 squadron enables us to
00:44:04 move to the next level
00:44:05 of combat.
00:44:06 Those aircraft are able
00:44:07 to collaborate through
00:44:08 a full-up-round F-35B
00:44:09 squadron enables us to
00:44:10 move to the next level
00:44:11 of combat.
00:44:12 Those aircraft are able
00:44:13 to collaborate through
00:44:14 a classified system in
00:44:15 air to target
00:44:16 adversaries.
00:44:17 They're able to run at
00:44:18 low signatures and
00:44:19 they're able to
00:44:20 penetrate enemy air
00:44:21 defenses like no other
00:44:22 aircraft we have.
00:44:23 >> Thank you, General.
00:44:24 >> Thank you, General.
00:44:25 Secretary Del Toro,
00:44:26 thank you again for
00:44:27 being here.
00:44:28 So as proud as I am of
00:44:29 our Marines, I've got
00:44:30 deep concerns with the
00:44:31 Department of Navy,
00:44:32 particularly when I hear
00:44:33 about some unfunded
00:44:34 priorities.
00:44:35 So why was the F-35
00:44:36 flight line utility
00:44:37 not able to be
00:44:38 deployed?
00:44:39 >> Well, the
00:44:40 F-35 flight line utility
00:44:41 was not able to be
00:44:42 deployed.
00:44:43 >> The F-35 flight line
00:44:44 utility's modernization
00:44:45 project, why was that on
00:44:46 the unfunded priorities
00:44:47 list and not integrated
00:44:48 into the 2025 budget?
00:44:49 >> Well, sir, as I
00:44:50 stated earlier, we have
00:44:51 been pressurized by the
00:44:52 fiscal responsibility act
00:44:53 in a significant way, and
00:44:54 we had to prioritize
00:44:55 readiness over
00:44:56 modernization and
00:44:57 capacity as well, too,
00:44:58 and also prioritize our
00:44:59 personnel first and
00:45:00 foremost.
00:45:01 And it led to very
00:45:02 difficult decisions that
00:45:03 I otherwise would have
00:45:04 made.
00:45:05 So I'm going to
00:45:06 ask the Secretary to
00:45:07 answer those questions
00:45:08 and then I'll turn it
00:45:09 over to the Secretary.
00:45:10 >> Thank you, General.
00:45:11 I'm going to
00:45:12 ask the Secretary to
00:45:13 answer those questions
00:45:14 and then I'll turn it
00:45:15 over to the Secretary.
00:45:16 >> Thank you, General.
00:45:17 I'm going to ask the
00:45:18 Secretary to answer
00:45:19 those questions and
00:45:20 then I'll turn it over to
00:45:21 the Secretary.
00:45:22 >> Thank you, General.
00:45:23 I'm going to ask the
00:45:24 Secretary to answer
00:45:25 those questions and
00:45:26 then I'll turn it over to
00:45:27 the Secretary.
00:45:28 >> Thank you, General.
00:45:29 I'm going to ask the
00:45:30 Secretary to answer
00:45:31 those questions and
00:45:32 then I'll turn it over to
00:45:33 the Secretary.
00:45:34 >> Thank you, General.
00:45:35 I'm going to ask the
00:45:36 Secretary to answer
00:45:37 those questions and
00:45:38 then I'll turn it over to
00:45:39 the Secretary.
00:45:40 >> Thank you, General.
00:45:41 I'm going to ask the
00:45:42 Secretary to answer
00:45:43 those questions and
00:45:44 then I'll turn it over to
00:45:45 the Secretary.
00:45:46 >> Thank you, General.
00:45:47 I'm going to ask the
00:45:48 Secretary to answer
00:45:49 those questions and
00:45:50 then I'll turn it over to
00:45:51 the Secretary.
00:45:52 >> Thank you, General.
00:45:53 I'm going to ask the
00:45:54 Secretary to answer
00:45:55 those questions and
00:45:56 then I'll turn it over to
00:45:57 the Secretary.
00:45:58 >> Thank you, General.
00:45:59 I'm going to ask the
00:46:00 Secretary to answer
00:46:01 those questions and
00:46:02 then I'll turn it over to
00:46:03 the Secretary.
00:46:04 >> Thank you, General.
00:46:05 I'm going to ask the
00:46:06 Secretary to answer
00:46:07 those questions and
00:46:08 then I'll turn it over to
00:46:09 the Secretary.
00:46:10 >> Thank you, General.
00:46:11 I'm going to ask the
00:46:12 Secretary to answer
00:46:13 those questions and
00:46:14 then I'll turn it over to
00:46:15 the Secretary.
00:46:16 >> Thank you, General.
00:46:17 I'm going to ask the
00:46:18 Secretary to answer
00:46:19 those questions and
00:46:20 then I'll turn it over to
00:46:21 the Secretary.
00:46:22 >> Thank you, General.
00:46:23 I'm going to ask the
00:46:24 Secretary to answer
00:46:25 those questions and
00:46:26 then I'll turn it over to
00:46:27 the Secretary.
00:46:28 >> Thank you, General.
00:46:29 I'm going to ask the
00:46:30 Secretary to answer
00:46:31 those questions and
00:46:32 then I'll turn it over to
00:46:33 the Secretary.
00:46:34 >> Thank you, General.
00:46:35 I'm going to ask the
00:46:36 Secretary to answer
00:46:37 those questions and
00:46:38 then I'll turn it over to
00:46:39 the Secretary.
00:46:40 >> Thank you, General.
00:46:41 I'm going to ask the
00:46:42 Secretary to answer
00:46:43 those questions and
00:46:44 then I'll turn it over to
00:46:45 the Secretary.
00:46:46 >> Thank you, General.
00:46:47 I'm going to ask the
00:46:48 Secretary to answer
00:46:49 those questions and
00:46:50 then I'll turn it over to
00:46:51 the Secretary.
00:46:52 >> Thank you, General.
00:46:53 I'm going to ask the
00:46:54 Secretary to answer
00:46:55 those questions and
00:46:56 then I'll turn it over to
00:46:57 the Secretary.
00:46:58 >> Thank you, General.
00:46:59 I'm going to ask the
00:47:00 Secretary to answer
00:47:01 those questions and
00:47:02 then I'll turn it over to
00:47:03 the Secretary.
00:47:04 >> Thank you, General.
00:47:05 I'm going to ask the
00:47:06 Secretary to answer
00:47:07 those questions and
00:47:08 then I'll turn it over to
00:47:09 the Secretary.
00:47:10 >> Thank you, General.
00:47:11 I'm going to ask the
00:47:12 Secretary to answer
00:47:13 those questions and
00:47:14 then I'll turn it over to
00:47:15 the Secretary.
00:47:16 >> Thank you, General.
00:47:17 I'm going to ask the
00:47:18 Secretary to answer
00:47:19 those questions and
00:47:20 then I'll turn it over to
00:47:21 the Secretary.
00:47:22 >> Thank you, General.
00:47:23 I'm going to ask the
00:47:24 Secretary to answer
00:47:25 those questions and
00:47:26 then I'll turn it over to
00:47:27 the Secretary.
00:47:28 >> Thank you, General.
00:47:29 I'm going to ask the
00:47:30 Secretary to answer
00:47:31 those questions and
00:47:32 then I'll turn it over to
00:47:33 the Secretary.
00:47:34 >> Thank you, General.
00:47:35 I'm going to ask the
00:47:36 Secretary to answer
00:47:37 those questions and
00:47:38 then I'll turn it over to
00:47:39 the Secretary.
00:47:40 >> Thank you, General.
00:47:41 I'm going to ask the
00:47:42 Secretary to answer
00:47:43 those questions and
00:47:44 then I'll turn it over to
00:47:45 the Secretary.
00:47:46 >> Thank you, General.
00:47:47 I'm going to ask the
00:47:48 Secretary to answer
00:47:49 those questions and
00:47:50 then I'll turn it over to
00:47:51 the Secretary.
00:47:52 >> Thank you, General.
00:47:53 I'm going to ask the
00:47:54 Secretary to answer
00:47:55 those questions and
00:47:56 then I'll turn it over to
00:47:57 the Secretary.
00:47:58 >> Thank you, General.
00:47:59 I'm going to ask the
00:48:00 Secretary to answer
00:48:01 those questions and
00:48:02 then I'll turn it over to
00:48:03 the Secretary.
00:48:04 >> Thank you, General.
00:48:05 I'm going to ask the
00:48:06 Secretary to answer
00:48:07 those questions and
00:48:08 then I'll turn it over to
00:48:09 the Secretary.
00:48:10 >> Thank you, General.
00:48:11 I'm going to ask the
00:48:12 Secretary to answer
00:48:13 those questions and
00:48:14 then I'll turn it over to
00:48:15 the Secretary.
00:48:16 >> Thank you, General.
00:48:17 I'm going to ask the
00:48:18 Secretary to answer
00:48:19 those questions and
00:48:20 then I'll turn it over to
00:48:21 the Secretary.
00:48:22 >> Thank you, General.
00:48:23 I'm going to ask the
00:48:24 Secretary to answer
00:48:25 those questions and
00:48:26 then I'll turn it over to
00:48:27 the Secretary.
00:48:28 >> Thank you, General.
00:48:29 I'm going to ask the
00:48:30 Secretary to answer
00:48:31 those questions and
00:48:32 then I'll turn it over to
00:48:33 the Secretary.
00:48:34 >> Thank you, General.
00:48:35 I'm going to ask the
00:48:36 Secretary to answer
00:48:37 those questions and
00:48:38 then I'll turn it over to
00:48:39 the Secretary.
00:48:40 >> Thank you, General.
00:48:41 I'm going to ask the
00:48:42 Secretary to answer
00:48:43 those questions and
00:48:44 then I'll turn it over to
00:48:45 the Secretary.
00:48:46 >> Thank you, General.
00:48:47 I'm going to ask the
00:48:48 Secretary to answer
00:48:49 those questions and
00:48:50 then I'll turn it over to
00:48:51 the Secretary.
00:48:52 >> Thank you, General.
00:48:53 I'm going to ask the
00:48:54 Secretary to answer
00:48:55 those questions and
00:48:56 then I'll turn it over to
00:48:57 the Secretary.
00:48:58 >> Thank you, General.
00:48:59 I'm going to ask the
00:49:00 Secretary to answer
00:49:01 those questions and
00:49:02 then I'll turn it over to
00:49:03 the Secretary.
00:49:04 >> Thank you, General.
00:49:05 I'm going to ask the
00:49:06 Secretary to answer
00:49:07 those questions and
00:49:08 then I'll turn it over to
00:49:09 the Secretary.
00:49:10 >> Thank you, General.
00:49:11 I'm going to ask the
00:49:12 Secretary to answer
00:49:13 those questions and
00:49:14 then I'll turn it over to
00:49:15 the Secretary.
00:49:16 >> Thank you, General.
00:49:17 I'm going to ask the
00:49:18 Secretary to answer
00:49:19 those questions and
00:49:20 then I'll turn it over to
00:49:21 the Secretary.
00:49:22 >> Thank you, General.
00:49:23 I'm going to ask the
00:49:24 Secretary to answer
00:49:25 those questions and
00:49:26 then I'll turn it over to
00:49:27 the Secretary.
00:49:28 >> Thank you, General.
00:49:29 I'm going to ask the
00:49:30 Secretary to answer
00:49:31 those questions and
00:49:32 then I'll turn it over to
00:49:33 the Secretary.
00:49:34 >> Thank you, General.
00:49:35 I'm going to ask the
00:49:36 Secretary to answer
00:49:37 those questions and
00:49:38 then I'll turn it over to
00:49:39 the Secretary.
00:49:40 >> Thank you, General.
00:49:41 I'm going to ask the
00:49:42 Secretary to answer
00:49:43 those questions and
00:49:44 then I'll turn it over to
00:49:45 the Secretary.
00:49:46 >> Thank you, General.
00:49:47 I'm going to ask the
00:49:48 Secretary to answer
00:49:49 those questions and
00:49:50 then I'll turn it over to
00:49:51 the Secretary.
00:49:52 >> Thank you, General.
00:49:53 I'm going to ask the
00:49:54 Secretary to answer
00:49:55 those questions and
00:49:56 then I'll turn it over to
00:49:57 the Secretary.
00:49:58 >> Thank you, General.
00:49:59 I'm going to ask the
00:50:00 Secretary to answer
00:50:01 those questions and
00:50:02 then I'll turn it over to
00:50:03 the Secretary.
00:50:04 >> Thank you, General.
00:50:05 I'm going to ask the
00:50:06 Secretary to answer
00:50:07 those questions and
00:50:08 then I'll turn it over to
00:50:09 the Secretary.
00:50:10 >> Thank you, General.
00:50:11 I'm going to ask the
00:50:12 Secretary to answer
00:50:13 those questions and
00:50:14 then I'll turn it over to
00:50:15 the Secretary.
00:50:16 >> Thank you, General.
00:50:17 I'm going to ask the
00:50:18 Secretary to answer
00:50:19 those questions and
00:50:20 then I'll turn it over to
00:50:21 the Secretary.
00:50:22 >> Thank you, General.
00:50:23 I'm going to ask the
00:50:24 Secretary to answer
00:50:25 those questions and
00:50:26 then I'll turn it over to
00:50:27 the Secretary.
00:50:28 >> Thank you, General.
00:50:29 I'm going to ask the
00:50:30 Secretary to answer
00:50:31 those questions and
00:50:32 then I'll turn it over to
00:50:33 the Secretary.
00:50:34 >> Thank you, General.
00:50:35 I'm going to ask the
00:50:36 Secretary to answer
00:50:37 those questions and
00:50:38 then I'll turn it over to
00:50:39 the Secretary.
00:50:40 >> Thank you, General.
00:50:41 I'm going to ask the
00:50:42 Secretary to answer
00:50:43 those questions and
00:50:44 then I'll turn it over to
00:50:45 the Secretary.
00:50:46 >> Thank you, General.
00:50:47 I'm going to ask the
00:50:48 Secretary to answer
00:50:49 those questions and
00:50:50 then I'll turn it over to
00:50:51 the Secretary.
00:50:52 >> Thank you, General.
00:50:53 I'm going to ask the
00:50:54 Secretary to answer
00:50:55 those questions and
00:50:56 then I'll turn it over to
00:50:57 the Secretary.
00:50:58 >> Thank you, General.
00:50:59 I'm going to ask the
00:51:00 Secretary to answer
00:51:01 those questions and
00:51:02 then I'll turn it over to
00:51:03 the Secretary.
00:51:04 >> Thank you, General.
00:51:05 I'm going to ask the
00:51:06 Secretary to answer
00:51:07 those questions and
00:51:08 then I'll turn it over to
00:51:09 the Secretary.
00:51:10 >> Thank you, General.
00:51:11 I'm going to ask the
00:51:12 Secretary to answer
00:51:13 those questions and
00:51:14 then I'll turn it over to
00:51:15 the Secretary.
00:51:16 >> Thank you, General.
00:51:17 I'm going to ask the
00:51:18 Secretary to answer
00:51:19 those questions and
00:51:20 then I'll turn it over to
00:51:21 the Secretary.
00:51:22 >> Thank you, General.
00:51:23 I'm going to ask the
00:51:24 Secretary to answer
00:51:25 those questions and
00:51:26 then I'll turn it over to
00:51:27 the Secretary.
00:51:28 >> Thank you, General.
00:51:29 I'm going to ask the
00:51:30 Secretary to answer
00:51:31 those questions and
00:51:32 then I'll turn it over to
00:51:33 the Secretary.
00:51:34 >> Thank you, General.
00:51:35 I'm going to ask the
00:51:36 Secretary to answer
00:51:37 those questions and
00:51:38 then I'll turn it over to
00:51:39 the Secretary.
00:51:40 >> Thank you, General.
00:51:41 I'm going to ask the
00:51:42 Secretary to answer
00:51:43 those questions and
00:51:44 then I'll turn it over to
00:51:45 the Secretary.
00:51:46 >> Thank you, General.
00:51:47 I'm going to ask the
00:51:48 Secretary to answer
00:51:49 those questions and
00:51:50 then I'll turn it over to
00:51:51 the Secretary.
00:51:52 >> Thank you, General.
00:51:53 I'm going to ask the
00:51:54 Secretary to answer
00:51:55 those questions and
00:51:56 then I'll turn it over to
00:51:57 the Secretary.
00:51:58 >> Thank you, General.
00:51:59 I'm going to ask the
00:52:00 Secretary to answer
00:52:01 those questions and
00:52:02 then I'll turn it over to
00:52:03 the Secretary.
00:52:04 >> Thank you, General.
00:52:05 I'm going to ask the
00:52:06 Secretary to answer
00:52:07 those questions and
00:52:08 then I'll turn it over to
00:52:09 the Secretary.
00:52:10 >> Thank you, General.
00:52:11 I'm going to ask the
00:52:12 Secretary to answer
00:52:13 those questions and
00:52:14 then I'll turn it over to
00:52:15 the Secretary.
00:52:16 >> Thank you, General.
00:52:17 I'm going to ask the
00:52:18 Secretary to answer
00:52:19 those questions and
00:52:20 then I'll turn it over to
00:52:21 the Secretary.
00:52:22 >> Thank you, General.
00:52:23 I'm going to ask the
00:52:24 Secretary to answer
00:52:25 those questions and
00:52:26 then I'll turn it over to
00:52:27 the Secretary.
00:52:28 >> Thank you, General.
00:52:29 I'm going to ask the
00:52:30 Secretary to answer
00:52:31 those questions and
00:52:32 then I'll turn it over to
00:52:33 the Secretary.
00:52:34 >> Thank you, General.
00:52:35 I'm going to ask the
00:52:36 Secretary to answer
00:52:37 those questions and
00:52:38 then I'll turn it over to
00:52:39 the Secretary.
00:52:40 >> Thank you, General.
00:52:41 I'm going to ask the
00:52:42 Secretary to answer
00:52:43 those questions and
00:52:44 then I'll turn it over to
00:52:45 the Secretary.
00:52:46 >> Thank you, General.
00:52:47 I'm going to ask the
00:52:48 Secretary to answer
00:52:49 those questions and
00:52:50 then I'll turn it over to
00:52:51 the Secretary.
00:52:52 >> Thank you, General.
00:52:53 I'm going to ask the
00:52:54 Secretary to answer
00:52:55 those questions and
00:52:56 then I'll turn it over to
00:52:57 the Secretary.
00:52:58 >> Thank you, General.
00:52:59 I'm going to ask the
00:53:00 Secretary to answer
00:53:01 those questions and
00:53:02 then I'll turn it over to
00:53:03 the Secretary.
00:53:04 >> Thank you, General.
00:53:05 I'm going to ask the
00:53:06 Secretary to answer
00:53:07 those questions and
00:53:08 then I'll turn it over to
00:53:09 the Secretary.
00:53:10 >> Thank you, General.
00:53:11 I'm going to ask the
00:53:12 Secretary to answer
00:53:13 those questions and
00:53:14 then I'll turn it over to
00:53:15 the Secretary.
00:53:16 >> Thank you, General.
00:53:17 I'm going to ask the
00:53:18 Secretary to answer
00:53:19 those questions and
00:53:20 then I'll turn it over to
00:53:21 the Secretary.
00:53:22 >> Thank you, General.
00:53:23 I'm going to ask the
00:53:24 Secretary to answer
00:53:25 those questions and
00:53:26 then I'll turn it over to
00:53:27 the Secretary.
00:53:28 >> Thank you, General.
00:53:29 I'm going to ask the
00:53:30 Secretary to answer
00:53:31 those questions and
00:53:32 then I'll turn it over to
00:53:33 the Secretary.
00:53:34 >> Thank you, General.
00:53:35 I'm going to ask the
00:53:36 Secretary to answer
00:53:37 those questions and
00:53:38 then I'll turn it over to
00:53:39 the Secretary.
00:53:40 >> Thank you, General.
00:53:41 I'm going to ask the
00:53:42 Secretary to answer
00:53:43 those questions and
00:53:44 then I'll turn it over to
00:53:45 the Secretary.
00:53:46 >> Thank you, General.
00:53:47 I'm going to ask the
00:53:48 Secretary to answer
00:53:49 those questions and
00:53:50 then I'll turn it over to
00:53:51 the Secretary.
00:53:52 >> Thank you, General.
00:53:53 I'm going to ask the
00:53:54 Secretary to answer
00:53:55 those questions and
00:53:56 then I'll turn it over to
00:53:57 the Secretary.
00:53:58 >> Thank you, General.
00:53:59 I'm going to ask the
00:54:00 Secretary to answer
00:54:01 those questions and
00:54:02 then I'll turn it over to
00:54:03 the Secretary.
00:54:04 >> Thank you, General.
00:54:05 I'm going to ask the
00:54:06 Secretary to answer
00:54:07 those questions and
00:54:08 then I'll turn it over to
00:54:09 the Secretary.
00:54:10 >> Thank you, General.
00:54:11 I'm going to ask the
00:54:12 Secretary to answer
00:54:13 those questions and
00:54:14 then I'll turn it over to
00:54:15 the Secretary.
00:54:16 >> Thank you, General.
00:54:17 I'm going to ask the
00:54:18 Secretary to answer
00:54:19 those questions and
00:54:20 then I'll turn it over to
00:54:21 the Secretary.
00:54:22 >> Thank you, General.
00:54:23 I'm going to ask the
00:54:24 Secretary to answer
00:54:25 those questions and
00:54:26 then I'll turn it over to
00:54:27 the Secretary.
00:54:28 >> Thank you, General.
00:54:29 I'm going to ask the
00:54:30 Secretary to answer
00:54:31 those questions and
00:54:32 then I'll turn it over to
00:54:33 the Secretary.
00:54:34 >> Thank you, General.
00:54:35 I'm going to ask the
00:54:36 Secretary to answer
00:54:37 those questions and
00:54:38 then I'll turn it over to
00:54:39 the Secretary.
00:54:40 >> Thank you, General.
00:54:41 I'm going to ask the
00:54:42 Secretary to answer
00:54:43 those questions and
00:54:44 then I'll turn it over to
00:54:45 the Secretary.
00:54:46 >> Thank you, General.
00:54:47 I'm going to ask the
00:54:48 Secretary to answer
00:54:49 those questions and
00:54:50 then I'll turn it over to
00:54:51 the Secretary.
00:54:52 >> Thank you, General.
00:54:53 I'm going to ask the
00:54:54 Secretary to answer
00:54:55 those questions and
00:54:56 then I'll turn it over to
00:54:57 the Secretary.
00:54:58 >> Thank you, General.
00:54:59 I'm going to ask the
00:55:00 Secretary to answer
00:55:01 those questions and
00:55:02 then I'll turn it over to
00:55:03 the Secretary.
00:55:04 >> Thank you, General.
00:55:05 I'm going to ask the
00:55:06 Secretary to answer
00:55:07 those questions and
00:55:08 then I'll turn it over to
00:55:09 the Secretary.
00:55:10 >> Thank you, General.
00:55:11 I'm going to ask the
00:55:12 Secretary to answer
00:55:13 those questions and
00:55:14 then I'll turn it over to
00:55:15 the Secretary.
00:55:16 >> Thank you, General.
00:55:17 I'm going to ask the
00:55:18 Secretary to answer
00:55:19 those questions and
00:55:20 then I'll turn it over to
00:55:21 the Secretary.
00:55:22 >> Thank you, General.
00:55:23 I'm going to ask the
00:55:24 Secretary to answer
00:55:25 those questions and
00:55:26 then I'll turn it over to
00:55:27 the Secretary.
00:55:28 >> Thank you, General.
00:55:29 I'm going to ask the
00:55:30 Secretary to answer
00:55:31 those questions and
00:55:32 then I'll turn it over to
00:55:33 the Secretary.
00:55:34 >> Thank you, General.
00:55:35 I'm going to ask the
00:55:36 Secretary to answer
00:55:37 those questions and
00:55:38 then I'll turn it over to
00:55:39 the Secretary.
00:55:40 >> Thank you, General.
00:55:41 I'm going to ask the
00:55:42 Secretary to answer
00:55:43 those questions and
00:55:44 then I'll turn it over to
00:55:45 the Secretary.
00:55:46 >> Thank you, General.
00:55:47 I'm going to ask the
00:55:48 Secretary to answer
00:55:49 those questions and
00:55:50 then I'll turn it over to
00:55:51 the Secretary.
00:55:52 >> Thank you, General.
00:55:53 I'm going to ask the
00:55:54 Secretary to answer
00:55:55 those questions and
00:55:56 then I'll turn it over to
00:55:57 the Secretary.
00:55:58 >> Thank you, General.
00:55:59 I'm going to ask the
00:56:00 Secretary to answer
00:56:01 those questions and
00:56:02 then I'll turn it over to
00:56:03 the Secretary.
00:56:04 >> Thank you, General.
00:56:05 I'm going to ask the
00:56:06 Secretary to answer
00:56:07 those questions and
00:56:08 then I'll turn it over to
00:56:09 the Secretary.
00:56:10 >> Thank you, General.
00:56:11 I'm going to ask the
00:56:12 Secretary to answer
00:56:13 those questions and
00:56:14 then I'll turn it over to
00:56:15 the Secretary.
00:56:16 >> Thank you, General.
00:56:17 I'm going to ask the
00:56:18 Secretary to answer
00:56:19 those questions and
00:56:20 then I'll turn it over to
00:56:21 the Secretary.
00:56:22 >> Thank you, General.
00:56:23 I'm going to ask the
00:56:24 Secretary to answer
00:56:25 those questions and
00:56:26 then I'll turn it over to
00:56:27 the Secretary.
00:56:28 >> Thank you, General.
00:56:29 I'm going to ask the
00:56:30 Secretary to answer
00:56:31 those questions and
00:56:32 then I'll turn it over to
00:56:33 the Secretary.
00:56:34 >> Thank you, General.
00:56:35 I'm going to ask the
00:56:36 Secretary to answer
00:56:37 those questions and
00:56:38 then I'll turn it over to
00:56:39 the Secretary.
00:56:40 >> Thank you, General.
00:56:41 I'm going to ask the
00:56:42 Secretary to answer
00:56:43 those questions and
00:56:44 then I'll turn it over to
00:56:45 the Secretary.
00:56:46 >> Thank you, General.
00:56:47 I'm going to ask the
00:56:48 Secretary to answer
00:56:49 those questions and
00:56:50 then I'll turn it over to
00:56:51 the Secretary.
00:56:52 >> Thank you, General.
00:56:53 I'm going to ask the
00:56:54 Secretary to answer
00:56:55 those questions and
00:56:56 then I'll turn it over to
00:56:57 the Secretary.
00:56:58 >> Thank you, General.
00:56:59 I'm going to ask the
00:57:00 Secretary to answer
00:57:01 those questions and
00:57:02 then I'll turn it over to
00:57:03 the Secretary.
00:57:04 >> Thank you, General.
00:57:05 I'm going to ask the
00:57:06 Secretary to answer
00:57:07 those questions and
00:57:08 then I'll turn it over to
00:57:09 the Secretary.
00:57:10 >> Thank you, General.
00:57:11 I'm going to ask the
00:57:12 Secretary to answer
00:57:13 those questions and
00:57:14 then I'll turn it over to
00:57:15 the Secretary.
00:57:16 >> Thank you, General.
00:57:17 I'm going to ask the
00:57:18 Secretary to answer
00:57:19 those questions and
00:57:20 then I'll turn it over to
00:57:21 the Secretary.
00:57:22 >> Thank you, General.
00:57:23 I'm going to ask the
00:57:24 Secretary to answer
00:57:25 those questions and
00:57:26 then I'll turn it over to
00:57:27 the Secretary.
00:57:28 >> Thank you, General.
00:57:29 I'm going to ask the
00:57:30 Secretary to answer
00:57:31 those questions and
00:57:32 then I'll turn it over to
00:57:33 the Secretary.
00:57:34 >> Thank you, General.
00:57:35 I'm going to ask the
00:57:36 Secretary to answer
00:57:37 those questions and
00:57:38 then I'll turn it over to
00:57:39 the Secretary.
00:57:40 >> Thank you, General.
00:57:41 I'm going to ask the
00:57:42 Secretary to answer
00:57:43 those questions and
00:57:44 then I'll turn it over to
00:57:45 the Secretary.
00:57:46 >> Thank you, General.
00:57:47 I'm going to ask the
00:57:48 Secretary to answer
00:57:49 those questions and
00:57:50 then I'll turn it over to
00:57:51 the Secretary.
00:57:52 >> Thank you, General.
00:57:53 I'm going to ask the
00:57:54 Secretary to answer
00:57:55 those questions and
00:57:56 then I'll turn it over to
00:57:57 the Secretary.
00:57:58 >> Thank you, General.
00:57:59 I'm going to ask the
00:58:00 Secretary to answer
00:58:01 those questions and
00:58:02 then I'll turn it over to
00:58:03 the Secretary.
00:58:04 >> Thank you, General.
00:58:05 I'm going to ask the
00:58:06 Secretary to answer
00:58:07 those questions and
00:58:08 then I'll turn it over to
00:58:09 the Secretary.
00:58:10 >> Thank you, General.
00:58:11 I'm going to ask the
00:58:12 Secretary to answer
00:58:13 those questions and
00:58:14 then I'll turn it over to
00:58:15 the Secretary.
00:58:16 >> Thank you, General.
00:58:17 I'm going to ask the
00:58:18 Secretary to answer
00:58:19 those questions and
00:58:20 then I'll turn it over to
00:58:21 the Secretary.
00:58:22 >> Thank you, General.
00:58:23 I'm going to ask the
00:58:24 Secretary to answer
00:58:25 those questions and
00:58:26 then I'll turn it over to
00:58:27 the Secretary.
00:58:28 >> Thank you, General.
00:58:29 I'm going to ask the
00:58:30 Secretary to answer
00:58:31 those questions and
00:58:32 then I'll turn it over to
00:58:33 the Secretary.
00:58:34 >> Thank you, General.
00:58:35 I'm going to ask the
00:58:36 Secretary to answer
00:58:37 those questions and
00:58:38 then I'll turn it over to
00:58:39 the Secretary.
00:58:40 >> Thank you, General.
00:58:41 I'm going to ask the
00:58:42 Secretary to answer
00:58:43 those questions and
00:58:44 then I'll turn it over to
00:58:45 the Secretary.
00:58:46 >> Thank you, General.
00:58:47 I'm going to ask the
00:58:48 Secretary to answer
00:58:49 those questions and
00:58:50 then I'll turn it over to
00:58:51 the Secretary.
00:58:52 >> Thank you, General.
00:58:53 I'm going to ask the
00:58:54 Secretary to answer
00:58:55 those questions and
00:58:56 then I'll turn it over to
00:58:57 the Secretary.
00:58:58 >> Thank you, General.
00:58:59 I'm going to ask the
00:59:00 Secretary to answer
00:59:01 those questions and
00:59:02 then I'll turn it over to
00:59:03 the Secretary.
00:59:04 >> Thank you, General.
00:59:05 I'm going to ask the
00:59:06 Secretary to answer
00:59:07 those questions and
00:59:08 then I'll turn it over to
00:59:09 the Secretary.
00:59:10 >> Thank you, General.
00:59:11 I'm going to ask the
00:59:12 Secretary to answer
00:59:13 those questions and
00:59:14 then I'll turn it over to
00:59:15 the Secretary.
00:59:16 >> Thank you, General.
00:59:17 I'm going to ask the
00:59:18 Secretary to answer
00:59:19 those questions and
00:59:20 then I'll turn it over to
00:59:21 the Secretary.
00:59:22 >> Thank you, General.
00:59:23 I'm going to ask the
00:59:24 Secretary to answer
00:59:25 those questions and
00:59:26 then I'll turn it over to
00:59:27 the Secretary.
00:59:28 >> Thank you, General.
00:59:29 I'm going to ask the
00:59:30 Secretary to answer
00:59:31 those questions and
00:59:32 then I'll turn it over to
00:59:33 the Secretary.
00:59:34 >> Thank you, General.
00:59:35 I'm going to ask the
00:59:36 Secretary to answer
00:59:37 those questions and
00:59:38 then I'll turn it over to
00:59:39 the Secretary.
00:59:40 >> Thank you, General.
00:59:41 I'm going to ask the
00:59:42 Secretary to answer
00:59:43 those questions and
00:59:44 then I'll turn it over to
00:59:45 the Secretary.
00:59:46 >> Thank you, General.
00:59:47 I'm going to ask the
00:59:48 Secretary to answer
00:59:49 those questions and
00:59:50 then I'll turn it over to
00:59:51 the Secretary.
00:59:52 >> Thank you, General.
00:59:53 I'm going to ask the
00:59:54 Secretary to answer
00:59:55 those questions and
00:59:56 then I'll turn it over to
00:59:57 the Secretary.
00:59:58 >> Thank you, General.
00:59:59 I'm going to ask the
01:00:00 Secretary to answer
01:00:01 those questions and
01:00:02 then I'll turn it over to
01:00:03 the Secretary.
01:00:04 >> Thank you, General.
01:00:05 I'm going to ask the
01:00:06 Secretary to answer
01:00:07 those questions and
01:00:08 then I'll turn it over to
01:00:09 the Secretary.
01:00:10 >> Thank you, General.
01:00:11 I'm going to ask the
01:00:12 Secretary to answer
01:00:13 those questions and
01:00:14 then I'll turn it over to
01:00:15 the Secretary.
01:00:16 >> Thank you, General.
01:00:17 I'm going to ask the
01:00:18 Secretary to answer
01:00:19 those questions and
01:00:20 then I'll turn it over to
01:00:21 the Secretary.
01:00:22 >> Thank you, General.
01:00:23 I'm going to ask the
01:00:24 Secretary to answer
01:00:25 those questions and
01:00:26 then I'll turn it over to
01:00:27 the Secretary.
01:00:28 >> Thank you, General.
01:00:29 I'm going to ask the
01:00:30 Secretary to answer
01:00:31 those questions and
01:00:32 then I'll turn it over to
01:00:33 the Secretary.
01:00:34 >> Thank you, General.
01:00:35 I'm going to ask the
01:00:36 Secretary to answer
01:00:37 those questions and
01:00:38 then I'll turn it over to
01:00:39 the Secretary.
01:00:40 >> Thank you, General.
01:00:41 I'm going to ask the
01:00:42 Secretary to answer
01:00:43 those questions and
01:00:44 then I'll turn it over to
01:00:45 the Secretary.
01:00:46 >> Thank you, General.
01:00:47 I'm going to ask the
01:00:48 Secretary to answer
01:00:49 those questions and
01:00:50 then I'll turn it over to
01:00:51 the Secretary.
01:00:52 >> Thank you, General.
01:00:53 I'm going to ask the
01:00:54 Secretary to answer
01:00:55 those questions and
01:00:56 then I'll turn it over to
01:00:57 the Secretary.
01:00:58 >> Thank you, General.
01:00:59 I'm going to ask the
01:01:00 Secretary to answer
01:01:01 those questions and
01:01:02 then I'll turn it over to
01:01:03 the Secretary.
01:01:04 >> Thank you, General.
01:01:05 I'm going to ask the
01:01:06 Secretary to answer
01:01:07 those questions and
01:01:08 then I'll turn it over to
01:01:09 the Secretary.
01:01:10 >> Thank you, General.
01:01:11 I'm going to ask the
01:01:12 Secretary to answer
01:01:13 those questions and
01:01:14 then I'll turn it over to
01:01:15 the Secretary.
01:01:16 >> Thank you, General.
01:01:17 I'm going to ask the
01:01:18 Secretary to answer
01:01:19 those questions and
01:01:20 then I'll turn it over to
01:01:21 the Secretary.
01:01:22 >> Thank you, General.
01:01:23 I'm going to ask the
01:01:24 Secretary to answer
01:01:25 those questions and
01:01:26 then I'll turn it over to
01:01:27 the Secretary.
01:01:28 >> Thank you, General.
01:01:29 I'm going to ask the
01:01:30 Secretary to answer
01:01:31 those questions and
01:01:32 then I'll turn it over to
01:01:33 the Secretary.
01:01:34 >> Thank you, General.
01:01:35 I'm going to ask the
01:01:36 Secretary to answer
01:01:37 those questions and
01:01:38 then I'll turn it over to
01:01:39 the Secretary.
01:01:40 >> Thank you, General.
01:01:41 I'm going to ask the
01:01:42 Secretary to answer
01:01:43 those questions and
01:01:44 then I'll turn it over to
01:01:45 the Secretary.
01:01:46 >> Thank you, General.
01:01:47 I'm going to ask the
01:01:48 Secretary to answer
01:01:49 those questions and
01:01:50 then I'll turn it over to
01:01:51 the Secretary.
01:01:52 >> Thank you, General.
01:01:53 I'm going to ask the
01:01:54 Secretary to answer
01:01:55 those questions and
01:01:56 then I'll turn it over to
01:01:57 the Secretary.
01:01:58 >> Thank you, General.
01:01:59 I'm going to ask the
01:02:00 Secretary to answer
01:02:01 those questions and
01:02:02 then I'll turn it over to
01:02:03 the Secretary.
01:02:04 >> Thank you, General.
01:02:05 I'm going to ask the
01:02:06 Secretary to answer
01:02:07 those questions and
01:02:08 then I'll turn it over to
01:02:09 the Secretary.
01:02:10 >> Thank you, General.
01:02:11 I'm going to ask the
01:02:12 Secretary to answer
01:02:13 those questions and
01:02:14 then I'll turn it over to
01:02:15 the Secretary.
01:02:16 >> Thank you, General.
01:02:17 I'm going to ask the
01:02:18 Secretary to answer
01:02:19 those questions and
01:02:20 then I'll turn it over to
01:02:21 the Secretary.
01:02:22 >> Thank you, General.
01:02:23 I'm going to ask the
01:02:24 Secretary to answer
01:02:25 those questions and
01:02:26 then I'll turn it over to
01:02:27 the Secretary.
01:02:28 >> Thank you, General.
01:02:29 I'm going to ask the
01:02:30 Secretary to answer
01:02:31 those questions and
01:02:32 then I'll turn it over to
01:02:33 the Secretary.
01:02:34 >> Thank you, General.
01:02:35 I'm going to ask the
01:02:36 Secretary to answer
01:02:37 those questions and
01:02:38 then I'll turn it over to
01:02:39 the Secretary.
01:02:40 >> Thank you, General.
01:02:41 I'm going to ask the
01:02:42 Secretary to answer
01:02:43 those questions and
01:02:44 then I'll turn it over to
01:02:45 the Secretary.
01:02:46 >> Thank you, General.
01:02:47 I'm going to ask the
01:02:48 Secretary to answer
01:02:49 those questions and
01:02:50 then I'll turn it over to
01:02:51 the Secretary.
01:02:52 >> Thank you, General.
01:02:53 I'm going to ask the
01:02:54 Secretary to answer
01:02:55 those questions and
01:02:56 then I'll turn it over to
01:02:57 the Secretary.
01:02:58 >> Thank you, General.
01:02:59 I'm going to ask the
01:03:00 Secretary to answer
01:03:01 those questions and
01:03:02 then I'll turn it over to
01:03:03 the Secretary.
01:03:04 >> Thank you, General.
01:03:05 I'm going to ask the
01:03:06 Secretary to answer
01:03:07 those questions and
01:03:08 then I'll turn it over to
01:03:09 the Secretary.
01:03:10 >> Thank you, General.
01:03:11 I'm going to ask the
01:03:12 Secretary to answer
01:03:13 those questions and
01:03:14 then I'll turn it over to
01:03:15 the Secretary.
01:03:16 >> Thank you, General.
01:03:17 I'm going to ask the
01:03:18 Secretary to answer
01:03:19 those questions and
01:03:20 then I'll turn it over to
01:03:21 the Secretary.
01:03:22 >> Thank you, General.
01:03:23 I'm going to ask the
01:03:24 Secretary to answer
01:03:25 those questions and
01:03:26 then I'll turn it over to
01:03:27 the Secretary.
01:03:28 >> Thank you, General.
01:03:29 I'm going to ask the
01:03:30 Secretary to answer
01:03:31 those questions and
01:03:32 then I'll turn it over to
01:03:33 the Secretary.
01:03:34 >> Thank you, General.
01:03:35 I'm going to ask the
01:03:36 Secretary to answer
01:03:37 those questions and
01:03:38 then I'll turn it over to
01:03:39 the Secretary.
01:03:40 >> Thank you, General.
01:03:41 I'm going to ask the
01:03:42 Secretary to answer
01:03:43 those questions and
01:03:44 then I'll turn it over to
01:03:45 the Secretary.
01:03:46 >> Thank you, General.
01:03:47 I'm going to ask the
01:03:48 Secretary to answer
01:03:49 those questions and
01:03:50 then I'll turn it over to
01:03:51 the Secretary.
01:03:52 >> Thank you, General.
01:03:53 I'm going to ask the
01:03:54 Secretary to answer
01:03:55 those questions and
01:03:56 then I'll turn it over to
01:03:57 the Secretary.
01:03:58 >> Thank you, General.
01:03:59 I'm going to ask the
01:04:00 Secretary to answer
01:04:01 those questions and
01:04:02 then I'll turn it over to
01:04:03 the Secretary.
01:04:04 >> Thank you, General.
01:04:05 I'm going to ask the
01:04:06 Secretary to answer
01:04:07 those questions and
01:04:08 then I'll turn it over to
01:04:09 the Secretary.
01:04:10 >> Thank you, General.
01:04:11 I'm going to ask the
01:04:12 Secretary to answer
01:04:13 those questions and
01:04:14 then I'll turn it over to
01:04:15 the Secretary.
01:04:16 >> Thank you, General.
01:04:17 I'm going to ask the
01:04:18 Secretary to answer
01:04:19 those questions and
01:04:20 then I'll turn it over to
01:04:21 the Secretary.
01:04:22 >> Thank you, General.
01:04:23 I'm going to ask the
01:04:24 Secretary to answer
01:04:25 those questions and
01:04:26 then I'll turn it over to
01:04:27 the Secretary.
01:04:28 >> Thank you, General.
01:04:29 I'm going to ask the
01:04:30 Secretary to answer
01:04:31 those questions and
01:04:32 then I'll turn it over to
01:04:33 the Secretary.
01:04:34 >> Thank you, General.
01:04:35 I'm going to ask the
01:04:36 Secretary to answer
01:04:37 those questions and
01:04:38 then I'll turn it over to
01:04:39 the Secretary.
01:04:40 >> Thank you, General.
01:04:41 I'm going to ask the
01:04:42 Secretary to answer
01:04:43 those questions and
01:04:44 then I'll turn it over to
01:04:45 the Secretary.
01:04:46 >> Thank you, General.
01:04:47 I'm going to ask the
01:04:48 Secretary to answer
01:04:49 those questions and
01:04:50 then I'll turn it over to
01:04:51 the Secretary.
01:04:52 >> Thank you, General.
01:04:53 I'm going to ask the
01:04:54 Secretary to answer
01:04:55 those questions and
01:04:56 then I'll turn it over to
01:04:57 the Secretary.
01:04:58 >> Thank you, General.
01:04:59 I'm going to ask the
01:05:00 Secretary to answer
01:05:01 those questions and
01:05:02 then I'll turn it over to
01:05:03 the Secretary.
01:05:04 >> Thank you, General.
01:05:05 I'm going to ask the
01:05:06 Secretary to answer
01:05:07 those questions and
01:05:08 then I'll turn it over to
01:05:09 the Secretary.
01:05:10 >> Thank you, General.
01:05:11 I'm going to ask the
01:05:12 Secretary to answer
01:05:13 those questions and
01:05:14 then I'll turn it over to
01:05:15 the Secretary.
01:05:16 >> Thank you, General.
01:05:17 I'm going to ask the
01:05:18 Secretary to answer
01:05:19 those questions and
01:05:20 then I'll turn it over to
01:05:21 the Secretary.
01:05:22 >> Thank you, General.
01:05:23 I'm going to ask the
01:05:24 Secretary to answer
01:05:25 those questions and
01:05:26 then I'll turn it over to
01:05:27 the Secretary.
01:05:28 >> Thank you, General.
01:05:29 I'm going to ask the
01:05:30 Secretary to answer
01:05:31 those questions and
01:05:32 then I'll turn it over to
01:05:33 the Secretary.
01:05:34 >> Thank you, General.
01:05:35 I'm going to ask the
01:05:36 Secretary to answer
01:05:37 those questions and
01:05:38 then I'll turn it over to
01:05:39 the Secretary.
01:05:40 >> Thank you, General.
01:05:41 I'm going to ask the
01:05:42 Secretary to answer
01:05:43 those questions and
01:05:44 then I'll turn it over to
01:05:45 the Secretary.
01:05:46 >> Thank you, General.
01:05:47 I'm going to ask the
01:05:48 Secretary to answer
01:05:49 those questions and
01:05:50 then I'll turn it over to
01:05:51 the Secretary.
01:05:52 >> Thank you, General.
01:05:53 I'm going to ask the
01:05:54 Secretary to answer
01:05:55 those questions and
01:05:56 then I'll turn it over to
01:05:57 the Secretary.
01:05:58 >> Thank you, General.
01:05:59 I'm going to ask the
01:06:00 Secretary to answer
01:06:01 those questions and
01:06:02 then I'll turn it over to
01:06:03 the Secretary.
01:06:04 >> Thank you, General.
01:06:05 I'm going to ask the
01:06:06 Secretary to answer
01:06:07 those questions and
01:06:08 then I'll turn it over to
01:06:09 the Secretary.
01:06:10 >> Thank you, General.
01:06:11 I'm going to ask the
01:06:12 Secretary to answer
01:06:13 those questions and
01:06:14 then I'll turn it over to
01:06:15 the Secretary.
01:06:16 >> Thank you, General.
01:06:17 I'm going to ask the
01:06:18 Secretary to answer
01:06:19 those questions and
01:06:20 then I'll turn it over to
01:06:21 the Secretary.
01:06:22 >> Thank you, General.
01:06:23 I'm going to ask the
01:06:24 Secretary to answer
01:06:25 those questions and
01:06:26 then I'll turn it over to
01:06:27 the Secretary.
01:06:28 >> Thank you, General.
01:06:29 I'm going to ask the
01:06:30 Secretary to answer
01:06:31 those questions and
01:06:32 then I'll turn it over to
01:06:33 the Secretary.
01:06:34 >> Thank you, General.
01:06:35 I'm going to ask the
01:06:36 Secretary to answer
01:06:37 those questions and
01:06:38 then I'll turn it over to
01:06:39 the Secretary.
01:06:40 >> Thank you, General.
01:06:41 I'm going to ask the
01:06:42 Secretary to answer
01:06:43 those questions and
01:06:44 then I'll turn it over to
01:06:45 the Secretary.
01:06:46 >> Thank you, General.
01:06:47 I'm going to ask the
01:06:48 Secretary to answer
01:06:49 those questions and
01:06:50 then I'll turn it over to
01:06:51 the Secretary.
01:06:52 >> Thank you, General.
01:06:53 I'm going to ask the
01:06:54 Secretary to answer
01:06:55 those questions and
01:06:56 then I'll turn it over to
01:06:57 the Secretary.
01:06:58 >> Thank you, General.
01:06:59 I'm going to ask the
01:07:00 Secretary to answer
01:07:01 those questions and
01:07:02 then I'll turn it over to
01:07:03 the Secretary.
01:07:04 >> Thank you, General.
01:07:05 I'm going to ask the
01:07:06 Secretary to answer
01:07:07 those questions and
01:07:08 then I'll turn it over to
01:07:09 the Secretary.
01:07:10 >> Thank you, General.
01:07:11 I'm going to ask the
01:07:12 Secretary to answer
01:07:13 those questions and
01:07:14 then I'll turn it over to
01:07:15 the Secretary.
01:07:16 >> Thank you, General.
01:07:17 I'm going to ask the
01:07:18 Secretary to answer
01:07:19 those questions and
01:07:20 then I'll turn it over to
01:07:21 the Secretary.
01:07:22 >> Thank you, General.
01:07:23 I'm going to ask the
01:07:24 Secretary to answer
01:07:25 those questions and
01:07:26 then I'll turn it over to
01:07:27 the Secretary.
01:07:28 >> Thank you, General.
01:07:29 I'm going to ask the
01:07:30 Secretary to answer
01:07:31 those questions and
01:07:32 then I'll turn it over to
01:07:33 the Secretary.
01:07:34 >> Thank you, General.
01:07:35 I'm going to ask the
01:07:36 Secretary to answer
01:07:37 those questions and
01:07:38 then I'll turn it over to
01:07:39 the Secretary.
01:07:40 >> Thank you, General.
01:07:41 I'm going to ask the
01:07:42 Secretary to answer
01:07:43 those questions and
01:07:44 then I'll turn it over to
01:07:45 the Secretary.
01:07:46 >> Thank you, General.
01:07:47 I'm going to ask the
01:07:48 Secretary to answer
01:07:49 those questions and
01:07:50 then I'll turn it over to
01:07:51 the Secretary.
01:07:52 >> Thank you, General.
01:07:53 I'm going to ask the
01:07:54 Secretary to answer
01:07:55 those questions and
01:07:56 then I'll turn it over to
01:07:57 the Secretary.
01:07:58 >> Thank you, General.
01:07:59 I'm going to ask the
01:08:00 Secretary to answer
01:08:01 those questions and
01:08:02 then I'll turn it over to
01:08:03 the Secretary.
01:08:04 >> Thank you, General.
01:08:05 I'm going to ask the
01:08:06 Secretary to answer
01:08:07 those questions and
01:08:08 then I'll turn it over to
01:08:09 the Secretary.
01:08:10 >> Thank you, General.
01:08:11 I'm going to ask the
01:08:12 Secretary to answer
01:08:13 those questions and
01:08:14 then I'll turn it over to
01:08:15 the Secretary.
01:08:16 >> Thank you, General.
01:08:17 I'm going to ask the
01:08:18 Secretary to answer
01:08:19 those questions and
01:08:20 then I'll turn it over to
01:08:21 the Secretary.
01:08:22 >> Thank you, General.
01:08:23 I'm going to ask the
01:08:24 Secretary to answer
01:08:25 those questions and
01:08:26 then I'll turn it over to
01:08:27 the Secretary.
01:08:28 >> Thank you, General.
01:08:29 I'm going to ask the
01:08:30 Secretary to answer
01:08:31 those questions and
01:08:32 then I'll turn it over to
01:08:33 the Secretary.
01:08:34 >> Thank you, General.
01:08:35 I'm going to ask the
01:08:36 Secretary to answer
01:08:37 those questions and
01:08:38 then I'll turn it over to
01:08:39 the Secretary.
01:08:40 >> Thank you, General.
01:08:41 I'm going to ask the
01:08:42 Secretary to answer
01:08:43 those questions and
01:08:44 then I'll turn it over to
01:08:45 the Secretary.
01:08:46 >> Thank you, General.
01:08:47 I'm going to ask the
01:08:48 Secretary to answer
01:08:49 those questions and
01:08:50 then I'll turn it over to
01:08:51 the Secretary.
01:08:52 >> Thank you, General.
01:08:53 I'm going to ask the
01:08:54 Secretary to answer
01:08:55 those questions and
01:08:56 then I'll turn it over to
01:08:57 the Secretary.
01:08:58 >> Thank you, General.
01:08:59 I'm going to ask the
01:09:00 Secretary to answer
01:09:01 those questions and
01:09:02 then I'll turn it over to
01:09:03 the Secretary.
01:09:04 >> Thank you, General.
01:09:05 I'm going to ask the
01:09:06 Secretary to answer
01:09:07 those questions and
01:09:08 then I'll turn it over to
01:09:09 the Secretary.
01:09:10 >> Thank you, General.
01:09:11 I'm going to ask the
01:09:12 Secretary to answer
01:09:13 those questions and
01:09:14 then I'll turn it over to
01:09:15 the Secretary.
01:09:16 >> Thank you, General.
01:09:17 I'm going to ask the
01:09:18 Secretary to answer
01:09:19 those questions and
01:09:20 then I'll turn it over to
01:09:21 the Secretary.
01:09:22 >> Thank you, General.
01:09:23 I'm going to ask the
01:09:24 Secretary to answer
01:09:25 those questions and
01:09:26 then I'll turn it over to
01:09:27 the Secretary.
01:09:28 >> Thank you, General.
01:09:29 I'm going to ask the
01:09:30 Secretary to answer
01:09:31 those questions and
01:09:32 then I'll turn it over to
01:09:33 the Secretary.
01:09:34 >> Thank you, General.
01:09:35 I'm going to ask the
01:09:36 Secretary to answer
01:09:37 those questions and
01:09:38 then I'll turn it over to
01:09:39 the Secretary.
01:09:40 >> Thank you, General.
01:09:41 I'm going to ask the
01:09:42 Secretary to answer
01:09:43 those questions and
01:09:44 then I'll turn it over to
01:09:45 the Secretary.
01:09:46 >> Thank you, General.
01:09:47 I'm going to ask the
01:09:48 Secretary to answer
01:09:49 those questions and
01:09:50 then I'll turn it over to
01:09:51 the Secretary.
01:09:52 >> Thank you, General.
01:09:53 I'm going to ask the
01:09:54 Secretary to answer
01:09:55 those questions and
01:09:56 then I'll turn it over to
01:09:57 the Secretary.
01:09:58 >> Thank you, General.
01:09:59 I'm going to ask the
01:10:00 Secretary to answer
01:10:01 those questions and
01:10:02 then I'll turn it over to
01:10:03 the Secretary.
01:10:04 >> Thank you, General.
01:10:05 I'm going to ask the
01:10:06 Secretary to answer
01:10:07 those questions and
01:10:08 then I'll turn it over to
01:10:09 the Secretary.
01:10:10 >> Thank you, General.
01:10:11 I'm going to ask the
01:10:12 Secretary to answer
01:10:13 those questions and
01:10:14 then I'll turn it over to
01:10:15 the Secretary.
01:10:16 >> Thank you, General.
01:10:17 I'm going to ask the
01:10:18 Secretary to answer
01:10:19 those questions and
01:10:20 then I'll turn it over to
01:10:21 the Secretary.
01:10:22 >> Thank you, General.
01:10:23 I'm going to ask the
01:10:24 Secretary to answer
01:10:25 those questions and
01:10:26 then I'll turn it over to
01:10:27 the Secretary.
01:10:28 >> Thank you, General.
01:10:29 I'm going to ask the
01:10:30 Secretary to answer
01:10:31 those questions and
01:10:32 then I'll turn it over to
01:10:33 the Secretary.
01:10:34 >> Thank you, General.
01:10:35 I'm going to ask the
01:10:36 Secretary to answer
01:10:37 those questions and
01:10:38 then I'll turn it over to
01:10:39 the Secretary.
01:10:40 >> Thank you, General.
01:10:41 I'm going to ask the
01:10:42 Secretary to answer
01:10:43 those questions and
01:10:44 then I'll turn it over to
01:10:45 the Secretary.
01:10:46 >> Thank you, General.
01:10:47 I'm going to ask the
01:10:48 Secretary to answer
01:10:49 those questions and
01:10:50 then I'll turn it over to
01:10:51 the Secretary.
01:10:52 >> Thank you, General.
01:10:53 I'm going to ask the
01:10:54 Secretary to answer
01:10:55 those questions and
01:10:56 then I'll turn it over to
01:10:57 the Secretary.
01:10:58 >> Thank you, General.
01:10:59 I'm going to ask the
01:11:00 Secretary to answer
01:11:01 those questions and
01:11:02 then I'll turn it over to
01:11:03 the Secretary.
01:11:04 >> Thank you, General.
01:11:05 I'm going to ask the
01:11:06 Secretary to answer
01:11:07 those questions and
01:11:08 then I'll turn it over to
01:11:09 the Secretary.
01:11:10 >> Thank you, General.
01:11:11 I'm going to ask the
01:11:12 Secretary to answer
01:11:13 those questions and
01:11:14 then I'll turn it over to
01:11:15 the Secretary.
01:11:16 >> Thank you, General.
01:11:17 I'm going to ask the
01:11:18 Secretary to answer
01:11:19 those questions and
01:11:20 then I'll turn it over to
01:11:21 the Secretary.
01:11:22 >> Thank you, General.
01:11:23 I'm going to ask the
01:11:24 Secretary to answer
01:11:25 those questions and
01:11:26 then I'll turn it over to
01:11:27 the Secretary.
01:11:28 >> Thank you, General.
01:11:29 I'm going to ask the
01:11:30 Secretary to answer
01:11:31 those questions and
01:11:32 then I'll turn it over to
01:11:33 the Secretary.
01:11:34 >> Thank you, General.
01:11:35 I'm going to ask the
01:11:36 Secretary to answer
01:11:37 those questions and
01:11:38 then I'll turn it over to
01:11:39 the Secretary.
01:11:40 >> Thank you, General.
01:11:41 I'm going to ask the
01:11:42 Secretary to answer
01:11:43 those questions and
01:11:44 then I'll turn it over to
01:11:45 the Secretary.
01:11:46 >> Thank you, General.
01:11:47 I'm going to ask the
01:11:48 Secretary to answer
01:11:49 those questions and
01:11:50 then I'll turn it over to
01:11:51 the Secretary.
01:11:52 >> Thank you, General.
01:11:53 I'm going to ask the
01:11:54 Secretary to answer
01:11:55 those questions and
01:11:56 then I'll turn it over to
01:11:57 the Secretary.
01:11:58 >> Thank you, General.
01:11:59 I'm going to ask the
01:12:00 Secretary to answer
01:12:01 those questions and
01:12:02 then I'll turn it over to
01:12:03 the Secretary.
01:12:04 >> Thank you, General.
01:12:05 I'm going to ask the
01:12:06 Secretary to answer
01:12:07 those questions and
01:12:08 then I'll turn it over to
01:12:09 the Secretary.
01:12:10 >> Thank you, General.
01:12:11 I'm going to ask the
01:12:12 Secretary to answer
01:12:13 those questions and
01:12:14 then I'll turn it over to
01:12:15 the Secretary.
01:12:16 >> Thank you, General.
01:12:17 I'm going to ask the
01:12:18 Secretary to answer
01:12:19 those questions and
01:12:20 then I'll turn it over to
01:12:21 the Secretary.
01:12:22 >> Thank you, General.
01:12:23 I'm going to ask the
01:12:24 Secretary to answer
01:12:25 those questions and
01:12:26 then I'll turn it over to
01:12:27 the Secretary.
01:12:28 >> Thank you, General.
01:12:29 I'm going to ask the
01:12:30 Secretary to answer
01:12:31 those questions and
01:12:32 then I'll turn it over to
01:12:33 the Secretary.
01:12:34 >> Thank you, General.
01:12:35 I'm going to ask the
01:12:36 Secretary to answer
01:12:37 those questions and
01:12:38 then I'll turn it over to
01:12:39 the Secretary.
01:12:40 >> Thank you, General.
01:12:41 I'm going to ask the
01:12:42 Secretary to answer
01:12:43 those questions and
01:12:44 then I'll turn it over to
01:12:45 the Secretary.
01:12:46 >> Thank you, General.
01:12:47 I'm going to ask the
01:12:48 Secretary to answer
01:12:49 those questions and
01:12:50 then I'll turn it over to
01:12:51 the Secretary.
01:12:52 >> Thank you, General.
01:12:53 I'm going to ask the
01:12:54 Secretary to answer
01:12:55 those questions and
01:12:56 then I'll turn it over to
01:12:57 the Secretary.
01:12:58 >> Thank you, General.
01:12:59 I'm going to ask the
01:13:00 Secretary to answer
01:13:01 those questions and
01:13:02 then I'll turn it over to
01:13:03 the Secretary.
01:13:04 >> Thank you, General.
01:13:05 I'm going to ask the
01:13:06 Secretary to answer
01:13:07 those questions and
01:13:08 then I'll turn it over to
01:13:09 the Secretary.
01:13:10 >> Thank you, General.
01:13:11 I'm going to ask the
01:13:12 Secretary to answer
01:13:13 those questions and
01:13:14 then I'll turn it over to
01:13:15 the Secretary.
01:13:16 >> Thank you, General.
01:13:17 I'm going to ask the
01:13:18 Secretary to answer
01:13:19 those questions and
01:13:20 then I'll turn it over to
01:13:21 the Secretary.
01:13:22 >> Thank you, General.
01:13:23 I'm going to ask the
01:13:24 Secretary to answer
01:13:25 those questions and
01:13:26 then I'll turn it over to
01:13:27 the Secretary.
01:13:28 >> Thank you, General.
01:13:29 I'm going to ask the
01:13:30 Secretary to answer
01:13:31 those questions and
01:13:32 then I'll turn it over to
01:13:33 the Secretary.
01:13:34 >> Thank you, General.
01:13:35 I'm going to ask the
01:13:36 Secretary to answer
01:13:37 those questions and
01:13:38 then I'll turn it over to
01:13:39 the Secretary.
01:13:40 >> Thank you, General.
01:13:41 I'm going to ask the
01:13:42 Secretary to answer
01:13:43 those questions and
01:13:44 then I'll turn it over to
01:13:45 the Secretary.
01:13:46 >> Thank you, General.
01:13:47 I'm going to ask the
01:13:48 Secretary to answer
01:13:49 those questions and
01:13:50 then I'll turn it over to
01:13:51 the Secretary.
01:13:52 >> Thank you, General.
01:13:53 I'm going to ask the
01:13:54 Secretary to answer
01:13:55 those questions and
01:13:56 then I'll turn it over to
01:13:57 the Secretary.
01:13:58 >> Thank you, General.
01:13:59 I'm going to ask the
01:14:00 Secretary to answer
01:14:01 those questions and
01:14:02 then I'll turn it over to
01:14:03 the Secretary.
01:14:04 >> Thank you, General.
01:14:05 I'm going to ask the
01:14:06 Secretary to answer
01:14:07 those questions and
01:14:08 then I'll turn it over to
01:14:09 the Secretary.
01:14:10 >> Thank you, General.
01:14:11 I'm going to ask the
01:14:12 Secretary to answer
01:14:13 those questions and
01:14:14 then I'll turn it over to
01:14:15 the Secretary.
01:14:16 >> Thank you, General.
01:14:17 I'm going to ask the
01:14:18 Secretary to answer
01:14:19 those questions and
01:14:20 then I'll turn it over to
01:14:21 the Secretary.
01:14:22 >> Thank you, General.
01:14:23 I'm going to ask the
01:14:24 Secretary to answer
01:14:25 those questions and
01:14:26 then I'll turn it over to
01:14:27 the Secretary.
01:14:28 >> Thank you, General.
01:14:29 I'm going to ask the
01:14:30 Secretary to answer
01:14:31 those questions and
01:14:32 then I'll turn it over to
01:14:33 the Secretary.
01:14:34 >> Thank you, General.
01:14:35 I'm going to ask the
01:14:36 Secretary to answer
01:14:37 those questions and
01:14:38 then I'll turn it over to
01:14:39 the Secretary.
01:14:40 >> Thank you, General.
01:14:41 I'm going to ask the
01:14:42 Secretary to answer
01:14:43 those questions and
01:14:44 then I'll turn it over to
01:14:45 the Secretary.
01:14:46 >> Thank you, General.
01:14:47 I'm going to ask the
01:14:48 Secretary to answer
01:14:49 those questions and
01:14:50 then I'll turn it over to
01:14:51 the Secretary.
01:14:52 >> Thank you, General.
01:14:53 I'm going to ask the
01:14:54 Secretary to answer
01:14:55 those questions and
01:14:56 then I'll turn it over to
01:14:57 the Secretary.
01:14:58 >> Thank you, General.
01:14:59 I'm going to ask the
01:15:00 Secretary to answer
01:15:01 those questions and
01:15:02 then I'll turn it over to
01:15:03 the Secretary.
01:15:04 >> Thank you, General.
01:15:05 I'm going to ask the
01:15:06 Secretary to answer
01:15:07 those questions and
01:15:08 then I'll turn it over to
01:15:09 the Secretary.
01:15:10 >> Thank you, General.
01:15:11 I'm going to ask the
01:15:12 Secretary to answer
01:15:13 those questions and
01:15:14 then I'll turn it over to
01:15:15 the Secretary.
01:15:16 >> Thank you, General.
01:15:17 I'm going to ask the
01:15:18 Secretary to answer
01:15:19 those questions and
01:15:20 then I'll turn it over to
01:15:21 the Secretary.
01:15:22 >> Thank you, General.
01:15:23 I'm going to ask the
01:15:24 Secretary to answer
01:15:25 those questions and
01:15:26 then I'll turn it over to
01:15:27 the Secretary.
01:15:28 >> Thank you, General.
01:15:29 I'm going to ask the
01:15:30 Secretary to answer
01:15:31 those questions and
01:15:32 then I'll turn it over to
01:15:33 the Secretary.
01:15:34 >> Thank you, General.
01:15:35 I'm going to ask the
01:15:36 Secretary to answer
01:15:37 those questions and
01:15:38 then I'll turn it over to
01:15:39 the Secretary.
01:15:40 >> Thank you, General.
01:15:41 I'm going to ask the
01:15:42 Secretary to answer
01:15:43 those questions and
01:15:44 then I'll turn it over to
01:15:45 the Secretary.
01:15:46 >> Thank you, General.
01:15:47 I'm going to ask the
01:15:48 Secretary to answer
01:15:49 those questions and
01:15:50 then I'll turn it over to
01:15:51 the Secretary.
01:15:52 >> Thank you, General.
01:15:53 I'm going to ask the
01:15:54 Secretary to answer
01:15:55 those questions and
01:15:56 then I'll turn it over to
01:15:57 the Secretary.
01:15:58 >> Thank you, General.
01:15:59 I'm going to ask the
01:16:00 Secretary to answer
01:16:01 those questions and
01:16:02 then I'll turn it over to
01:16:03 the Secretary.
01:16:04 >> Thank you, General.
01:16:05 I'm going to ask the
01:16:06 Secretary to answer
01:16:07 those questions and
01:16:08 then I'll turn it over to
01:16:09 the Secretary.
01:16:10 >> Thank you, General.
01:16:11 I'm going to ask the
01:16:12 Secretary to answer
01:16:13 those questions and
01:16:14 then I'll turn it over to
01:16:15 the Secretary.
01:16:16 >> Thank you, General.
01:16:17 I'm going to ask the
01:16:18 Secretary to answer
01:16:19 those questions and
01:16:20 then I'll turn it over to
01:16:21 the Secretary.
01:16:22 >> Thank you, General.
01:16:23 I'm going to ask the
01:16:24 Secretary to answer
01:16:25 those questions and
01:16:26 then I'll turn it over to
01:16:27 the Secretary.
01:16:28 >> Thank you, General.
01:16:29 I'm going to ask the
01:16:30 Secretary to answer
01:16:31 those questions and
01:16:32 then I'll turn it over to
01:16:33 the Secretary.
01:16:34 >> Thank you, General.
01:16:35 I'm going to ask the
01:16:36 Secretary to answer
01:16:37 those questions and
01:16:38 then I'll turn it over to
01:16:39 the Secretary.
01:16:40 >> Thank you, General.
01:16:41 I'm going to ask the
01:16:42 Secretary to answer
01:16:43 those questions and
01:16:44 then I'll turn it over to
01:16:45 the Secretary.
01:16:46 >> Thank you, General.
01:16:47 I'm going to ask the
01:16:48 Secretary to answer
01:16:49 those questions and
01:16:50 then I'll turn it over to
01:16:51 the Secretary.
01:16:52 >> Thank you, General.
01:16:53 I'm going to ask the
01:16:54 Secretary to answer
01:16:55 those questions and
01:16:56 then I'll turn it over to
01:16:57 the Secretary.
01:16:58 >> Thank you, General.
01:16:59 I'm going to ask the
01:17:00 Secretary to answer
01:17:01 those questions and
01:17:02 then I'll turn it over to
01:17:03 the Secretary.
01:17:04 >> Thank you, General.
01:17:05 I'm going to ask the
01:17:06 Secretary to answer
01:17:07 those questions and
01:17:08 then I'll turn it over to
01:17:09 the Secretary.
01:17:10 >> Thank you, General.
01:17:11 I'm going to ask the
01:17:12 Secretary to answer
01:17:13 those questions and
01:17:14 then I'll turn it over to
01:17:15 the Secretary.
01:17:16 >> Thank you, General.
01:17:17 I'm going to ask the
01:17:18 Secretary to answer
01:17:19 those questions and
01:17:20 then I'll turn it over to
01:17:21 the Secretary.
01:17:22 >> Thank you, General.
01:17:23 I'm going to ask the
01:17:24 Secretary to answer
01:17:25 those questions and
01:17:26 then I'll turn it over to
01:17:27 the Secretary.
01:17:28 >> Thank you, General.
01:17:29 I'm going to ask the
01:17:30 Secretary to answer
01:17:31 those questions and
01:17:32 then I'll turn it over to
01:17:33 the Secretary.
01:17:34 >> Thank you, General.
01:17:35 I'm going to ask the
01:17:36 Secretary to answer
01:17:37 those questions and
01:17:38 then I'll turn it over to
01:17:39 the Secretary.
01:17:40 >> Thank you, General.
01:17:41 I'm going to ask the
01:17:42 Secretary to answer
01:17:43 those questions and
01:17:44 then I'll turn it over to
01:17:45 the Secretary.
01:17:46 >> Thank you, General.
01:17:47 I'm going to ask the
01:17:48 Secretary to answer
01:17:49 those questions and
01:17:50 then I'll turn it over to
01:17:51 the Secretary.
01:17:52 >> Thank you, General.
01:17:53 I'm going to ask the
01:17:54 Secretary to answer
01:17:55 those questions and
01:17:56 then I'll turn it over to
01:17:57 the Secretary.
01:17:58 >> Thank you, General.
01:17:59 I'm going to ask the
01:18:00 Secretary to answer
01:18:01 those questions and
01:18:02 then I'll turn it over to
01:18:03 the Secretary.
01:18:04 >> Thank you, General.
01:18:05 I'm going to ask the
01:18:06 Secretary to answer
01:18:07 those questions and
01:18:08 then I'll turn it over to
01:18:09 the Secretary.
01:18:10 >> Thank you, General.
01:18:11 I'm going to ask the
01:18:12 Secretary to answer
01:18:13 those questions and
01:18:14 then I'll turn it over to
01:18:15 the Secretary.
01:18:16 >> Thank you, General.
01:18:17 I'm going to ask the
01:18:18 Secretary to answer
01:18:19 those questions and
01:18:20 then I'll turn it over to
01:18:21 the Secretary.
01:18:22 >> Thank you, General.
01:18:23 I'm going to ask the
01:18:24 Secretary to answer
01:18:25 those questions and
01:18:26 then I'll turn it over to
01:18:27 the Secretary.
01:18:28 >> Thank you, General.
01:18:29 I'm going to ask the
01:18:30 Secretary to answer
01:18:31 those questions and
01:18:32 then I'll turn it over to
01:18:33 the Secretary.
01:18:34 >> Thank you, General.
01:18:35 I'm going to ask the
01:18:36 Secretary to answer
01:18:37 those questions and
01:18:38 then I'll turn it over to
01:18:39 the Secretary.
01:18:40 >> Thank you, General.
01:18:41 I'm going to ask the
01:18:42 Secretary to answer
01:18:43 those questions and
01:18:44 then I'll turn it over to
01:18:45 the Secretary.
01:18:46 >> Thank you, General.
01:18:47 I'm going to ask the
01:18:48 Secretary to answer
01:18:49 those questions and
01:18:50 then I'll turn it over to
01:18:51 the Secretary.
01:18:52 >> Thank you, General.
01:18:53 I'm going to ask the
01:18:54 Secretary to answer
01:18:55 those questions and
01:18:56 then I'll turn it over to
01:18:57 the Secretary.
01:18:58 >> Thank you, General.
01:18:59 I'm going to ask the
01:19:00 Secretary to answer
01:19:01 those questions and
01:19:02 then I'll turn it over to
01:19:03 the Secretary.
01:19:04 >> Thank you, General.
01:19:05 I'm going to ask the
01:19:06 Secretary to answer
01:19:07 those questions and
01:19:08 then I'll turn it over to
01:19:09 the Secretary.
01:19:10 >> Thank you, General.
01:19:11 I'm going to ask the
01:19:12 Secretary to answer
01:19:13 those questions and
01:19:14 then I'll turn it over to
01:19:15 the Secretary.
01:19:16 >> Thank you, General.
01:19:17 I'm going to ask the
01:19:18 Secretary to answer
01:19:19 those questions and
01:19:20 then I'll turn it over to
01:19:21 the Secretary.
01:19:22 >> Thank you, General.
01:19:23 I'm going to ask the
01:19:24 Secretary to answer
01:19:25 those questions and
01:19:26 then I'll turn it over to
01:19:27 the Secretary.
01:19:28 >> Thank you, General.
01:19:29 I'm going to ask the
01:19:30 Secretary to answer
01:19:31 those questions and
01:19:32 then I'll turn it over to
01:19:33 the Secretary.
01:19:34 >> Thank you, General.
01:19:35 I'm going to ask the
01:19:36 Secretary to answer
01:19:37 those questions and
01:19:38 then I'll turn it over to
01:19:39 the Secretary.
01:19:40 >> Thank you, General.
01:19:41 I'm going to ask the
01:19:42 Secretary to answer
01:19:43 those questions and
01:19:44 then I'll turn it over to
01:19:45 the Secretary.
01:19:46 >> Thank you, General.
01:19:47 I'm going to ask the
01:19:48 Secretary to answer
01:19:49 those questions and
01:19:50 then I'll turn it over to
01:19:51 the Secretary.
01:19:52 >> Thank you, General.
01:19:53 I'm going to ask the
01:19:54 Secretary to answer
01:19:55 those questions and
01:19:56 then I'll turn it over to
01:19:57 the Secretary.
01:19:58 >> Thank you, General.
01:19:59 I'm going to ask the
01:20:00 Secretary to answer
01:20:01 those questions and
01:20:02 then I'll turn it over to
01:20:03 the Secretary.
01:20:04 >> I'm going to ask the
01:20:05 Secretary to answer
01:20:06 those questions and
01:20:07 then I'll turn it over to
01:20:08 the Secretary.
01:20:09 >> First, ask the
01:20:10 question.
01:20:11 >> Let me answer the
01:20:12 question.
01:20:13 >> Allow the Secretary to
01:20:14 answer it.
01:20:15 >> I'm going to answer
01:20:16 it for him.
01:20:17 It's not in Title 10.
01:20:18 There's nothing on
01:20:19 climate change in Title
01:20:20 10.
01:20:21 The shipbuilding crisis
01:20:22 that we have right now
01:20:23 is not just a fiasco.
01:20:24 It's amplified by this,
01:20:25 our main adversary, who
01:20:26 is building ships at
01:20:27 the rapid rate.
01:20:28 By 2030, they will have
01:20:29 435 ships.
01:20:30 By 2030, they will have
01:20:31 435 ships.
01:20:32 By 2030, they will have
01:20:33 435 ships.
01:20:34 By 2030, they will have
01:20:35 435 ships.
01:20:36 By 2030, they will have
01:20:37 435 ships.
01:20:38 By 2030, they will have
01:20:39 435 ships.
01:20:40 By 2030, they will have
01:20:41 435 ships.
01:20:42 By 2030, they will have
01:20:43 435 ships.
01:20:44 By 2030, they will have
01:20:45 435 ships.
01:20:46 By 2030, they will have
01:20:47 435 ships.
01:20:48 By 2030, they will have
01:20:49 435 ships.
01:20:50 By 2030, they will have
01:20:51 435 ships.
01:20:52 By 2030, they will have
01:20:53 435 ships.
01:20:54 By 2030, they will have
01:20:55 435 ships.
01:20:56 By 2030, they will have
01:20:57 435 ships.
01:20:58 By 2030, they will have
01:20:59 435 ships.
01:21:00 By 2030, they will have
01:21:01 435 ships.
01:21:02 By 2030, they will have
01:21:03 435 ships.
01:21:04 By 2030, they will have
01:21:05 435 ships.
01:21:06 By 2030, they will have
01:21:07 435 ships.
01:21:08 By 2030, they will have
01:21:09 435 ships.
01:21:10 By 2030, they will have
01:21:11 435 ships.
01:21:12 By 2030, they will have
01:21:13 435 ships.
01:21:14 By 2030, they will have
01:21:15 435 ships.
01:21:16 By 2030, they will have
01:21:17 435 ships.
01:21:18 By 2030, they will have
01:21:19 435 ships.
01:21:20 By 2030, they will have
01:21:21 435 ships.
01:21:22 By 2030, they will have
01:21:23 435 ships.
01:21:24 By 2030, they will have
01:21:25 435 ships.
01:21:26 By 2030, they will have
01:21:27 435 ships.
01:21:28 By 2030, they will have
01:21:29 435 ships.
01:21:30 By 2030, they will have
01:21:31 435 ships.
01:21:32 By 2030, they will have
01:21:33 435 ships.
01:21:34 By 2030, they will have
01:21:35 435 ships.
01:21:36 By 2030, they will have
01:21:37 435 ships.
01:21:38 By 2030, they will have
01:21:39 435 ships.
01:21:40 By 2030, they will have
01:21:41 435 ships.
01:21:42 By 2030, they will have
01:21:43 435 ships.
01:21:44 By 2030, they will have
01:21:45 435 ships.
01:21:46 By 2030, they will have
01:21:47 435 ships.
01:21:48 By 2030, they will have
01:21:49 435 ships.
01:21:50 By 2030, they will have
01:21:51 435 ships.
01:21:52 By 2030, they will have
01:21:53 435 ships.
01:21:54 By 2030, they will have
01:21:55 435 ships.
01:21:56 By 2030, they will have
01:21:57 435 ships.
01:21:58 By 2030, they will have
01:21:59 435 ships.
01:22:00 By 2030, they will have
01:22:01 435 ships.
01:22:02 By 2030, they will have
01:22:03 435 ships.
01:22:04 By 2030, they will have
01:22:05 435 ships.
01:22:06 By 2030, they will have
01:22:07 435 ships.
01:22:08 By 2030, they will have
01:22:09 435 ships.
01:22:10 By 2030, they will have
01:22:11 435 ships.
01:22:12 By 2030, they will have
01:22:13 435 ships.
01:22:14 By 2030, they will have
01:22:15 435 ships.
01:22:16 By 2030, they will have
01:22:17 435 ships.
01:22:18 By 2030, they will have
01:22:19 435 ships.
01:22:20 By 2030, they will have
01:22:21 435 ships.
01:22:22 By 2030, they will have
01:22:23 435 ships.
01:22:24 By 2030, they will have
01:22:25 435 ships.
01:22:26 By 2030, they will have
01:22:27 435 ships.
01:22:28 By 2030, they will have
01:22:29 435 ships.
01:22:30 By 2030, they will have
01:22:31 435 ships.
01:22:32 By 2030, they will have
01:22:33 435 ships.
01:22:34 By 2030, they will have
01:22:35 435 ships.
01:22:36 By 2030, they will have
01:22:37 435 ships.
01:22:38 By 2030, they will have
01:22:39 435 ships.
01:22:40 By 2030, they will have
01:22:41 435 ships.
01:22:42 By 2030, they will have
01:22:43 435 ships.
01:22:44 By 2030, they will have
01:22:45 435 ships.
01:22:46 By 2030, they will have
01:22:47 435 ships.
01:22:48 By 2030, they will have
01:22:49 435 ships.
01:22:50 By 2030, they will have
01:22:51 435 ships.
01:22:52 By 2030, they will have
01:22:53 435 ships.
01:22:54 By 2030, they will have
01:22:55 435 ships.
01:22:56 By 2030, they will have
01:22:57 435 ships.
01:22:58 By 2030, they will have
01:22:59 435 ships.
01:23:00 By 2030, they will have
01:23:01 435 ships.
01:23:02 By 2030, they will have
01:23:03 435 ships.
01:23:04 By 2030, they will have
01:23:05 435 ships.
01:23:06 By 2030, they will have
01:23:07 435 ships.
01:23:08 By 2030, they will have
01:23:09 435 ships.
01:23:10 By 2030, they will have
01:23:11 435 ships.
01:23:12 By 2030, they will have
01:23:13 435 ships.
01:23:14 By 2030, they will have
01:23:15 435 ships.
01:23:16 By 2030, they will have
01:23:17 435 ships.
01:23:18 By 2030, they will have
01:23:19 435 ships.
01:23:20 By 2030, they will have
01:23:21 435 ships.
01:23:22 By 2030, they will have
01:23:23 435 ships.
01:23:24 By 2030, they will have
01:23:25 435 ships.
01:23:26 By 2030, they will have
01:23:27 435 ships.
01:23:28 By 2030, they will have
01:23:29 435 ships.
01:23:30 By 2030, they will have
01:23:31 435 ships.
01:23:32 By 2030, they will have
01:23:33 435 ships.
01:23:34 By 2030, they will have
01:23:35 435 ships.
01:23:36 By 2030, they will have
01:23:37 435 ships.
01:23:38 By 2030, they will have
01:23:39 435 ships.
01:23:40 By 2030, they will have
01:23:41 435 ships.
01:23:42 By 2030, they will have
01:23:43 435 ships.
01:23:44 By 2030, they will have
01:23:45 435 ships.
01:23:46 By 2030, they will have
01:23:47 435 ships.
01:23:48 By 2030, they will have
01:23:49 435 ships.
01:23:50 By 2030, they will have
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