• last year
00:00Even I have been highly competitive. I think I still am.
00:04When I'm playing with someone, I do keep an eye on the scoreboard.
00:09When I'm playing with someone and I'm lagging, trailing, being defeated, I want to win, right?
00:15Competitiveness should be used to bring out the best in you.
00:19The problem is when competitiveness brings out the worst in you.
00:25If you find yourself lagging behind someone, ask yourself,
00:30Is it the best that I can be or is there hidden potential that I am not choosing to reveal, to manifest, to dig out?
00:39And let me assure each one of you, you are more powerful, beautiful and greater than you can ever imagine.
00:48But all that remains hidden within just as an unexpressed potential.
