• last year
Emmerdale 22nd May 2024


00:03 Music
00:07 Music
00:11 Music
00:15 Music
00:19 Music
00:23 Music
00:27 Beeping
00:31 Beeping
00:35 Beeping
00:39 Beeping
00:43 Beeping
00:47 Hello? Anyone please?
00:51 Breathing
00:55 Breathing
00:59 Breathing
01:03 Beeping
01:07 Beeping
01:12 Beeping
01:16 Beeping
01:20 Wrestling with your conscience?
01:24 Please Mum, I know you think
01:28 what I did was wrong, but Ethan left me no choice.
01:32 Just like your father all those years ago I suppose. Except I'm the father now.
01:36 I tried to make Ethan see sense.
01:40 He wanted me to lie for him, to give him an alibi.
01:44 He should have come to me first. We could have dealt with this together. We might have got through to him.
01:48 Oh no, you're right. But I was scared
01:52 that the longer it went on, the worse it might be. He needed to accept
01:56 that what he did was wrong. So you made sure he had no other choice?
02:00 I'm not proud of it, believe me.
02:04 I thought you could do with a coffee or some company
02:08 or I can go. No, I've said all I need to say.
02:12 It's not as if I can change what's done, however much we might like to.
02:16 Liam?
02:25 Liam?
02:30 Liam?
02:35 Liam?
02:40 (Sighs)
03:07 Oh, you're up then. I was going to make us coffee and croissants in bed.
03:11 We're meant to be working today. Unless you're thinking we'd pull a sickie
03:15 and carry on where we left off. If only. With Manpreet taking this
03:19 compassionate turn, I've got to find a locum. Oh well, we'll just have to make the most of the time we do have.
03:23 My thoughts exactly. I'll just get these croissants warmed up, shall I?
03:27 Give us a chance to talk about yesterday a bit, and last night.
03:31 There's no regrets there, I hope. No, of course not.
03:35 Right. You know, just you and me in a bubble like that,
03:39 it's... I mean, who'd have thought a scrapyard could be so perfect?
03:43 Or maybe it was just you. Easy, Tiger. That's the thing
03:47 about bubbles. Sooner or later, they go pop. Oh, don't say that.
03:51 Unless... I've gone too far again,
03:55 haven't I? I've got carried away and said far too much. No, it's not that. It's fine.
03:59 OK, right, well, I'm just going to shut up, just in case.
04:03 Look, why don't you grab a shower and I'll just work my magic in the kitchen?
04:07 Sounds good.
04:09 I do that sometimes. Stare into space.
04:21 People think I'm vacant or a bit dim, but I find...
04:24 Honestly, Jimmy, now is not the time. I'm more concerned with the lack of scarecrows on my list right now.
04:29 At this rate, the fate's going to be a damp squib.
04:32 People are a bit slow on the uptake, that's all.
04:35 They'll soon come round with a bit of encouragement.
04:38 I'll see if I can drum up some support. I don't just need support.
04:41 I need ironclad 100% guarantees.
04:44 What about you three? Why are your scarecrows on my list?
04:48 All right, keep your hair on. I've got a few ideas, Baron, if you must know.
04:52 Not that I'm prepared to share my secrets with you. In other words, you've got nothing more like.
04:56 Well, watch this spacer. Hey, if you're looking for a judge for your competition,
04:59 our Paddy's got a very discerning eye for detail.
05:02 I bet. As long as you win, you mean.
05:04 What is it with you lot? Always looking to cheat your way through life.
05:07 You are treading on very thin ice, lady. I'll be very careful if I were you.
05:11 Now resorting to threats only proves my point. What about you?
05:14 Me? I just don't want an argument.
05:16 How about...
05:18 who can last a minute in the ring with Bearwolf?
05:21 Hopeless. The lot of you. I might as well do everything myself.
05:25 I'll be shoving a stick up your backside and turn you into a real life-saver.
05:29 Life-stirker, if you carry on!
05:30 Sorry about that.
05:36 We've got a call with Angel later,
05:39 and she always gets a bit stressed beforehand.
05:42 No hard feelings, eh? What can I get you all?
05:48 Abigail.
06:01 Ethan. What happened?
06:03 A mistake. That's what.
06:06 What I need to find my way out of.
06:09 Of course.
06:11 If I could have a moment with my client.
06:14 No problem. Let us know when you're ready.
06:17 Well, I think I know the basics,
06:25 but why don't you run me through it in your own words?
06:28 I don't know. I just... I wasn't thinking straight.
06:31 I panicked and I just...
06:33 You fled the scene of a car accident in which you were driving.
06:36 I tried calling the emergency services, but my phone was dead.
06:39 I did pull Nicky out of the car, though.
06:41 Then why leave him?
06:43 I don't know. I knew she'd raise the alarm.
06:46 I was over the limit. I knew it'd mess up my career.
06:50 Not that that matters any more.
06:52 I've basically ruined everything.
06:55 Not if I've got anything to do with it.
06:58 For now, I think the best thing you can do is offer a no-comment interview.
07:02 I mean, yeah, but I want them to see me co-operating from the start.
07:07 You know the drill. Let's see what they've got first.
07:10 That way we start talking if and when we can.
07:13 - And when we need to, OK? - OK.
07:15 Lovely.
07:17 Yeah, we can run through all the practice policies then.
07:20 OK?
07:22 Nice talking to you. Bye-bye.
07:24 Yes!
07:26 It's a locum sorted.
07:28 So, um, I've just got a few early afternoon calls.
07:32 I think Wendy's doing her well-women clinic,
07:35 so you can take the afternoon off if you like.
07:38 I thought maybe I could join you, if it's not too presumptuous.
07:42 - You don't have to always check. - I know.
07:45 I know, I'm sorry, it's just, er... I haven't felt...
07:48 Stop overthinking. Go with the flow.
07:52 Yeah.
07:54 It's the part I'm enjoying the most, to be honest.
07:57 It's just so spontaneous, it's refreshing.
07:59 Especially after.
08:01 Leanna...
08:03 Well, you just put me at ease.
08:05 You make me feel more like myself than I can remember.
08:08 - I'm glad. - Not that I'm ever going to be myself again, really.
08:12 Not after Mina stole Leanna from me.
08:15 Actually, I've just remembered I've got to do something.
08:20 - I thought we... - Sorry, I'm late as it is.
08:24 OK, well, shall I call you?
08:26 Later, for a drink, maybe?
08:29 One free pizza? Call that a raffle prize?
08:35 Yeah, for two people. And a soft drink each.
08:38 I didn't include alcohol in case a kid wins.
08:40 What do you do? You do know the proceeds are going to help support grieving families.
08:45 - It's not as if you can't afford it. - It's either that or nothing.
08:48 I've got enough going on with Evan in hospital. I'm running this place.
08:52 And now you're using Dawn and Billy's misery as an excuse for being tight.
08:56 No, if you must know, I'm doing everything I can to try and help.
08:59 Fine, whatever. Seems I'm the only one who cares about this Billy's fate anyway.
09:04 Maybe I'll just give the whole idea up.
09:07 It's not as if I don't have other things on my mind as well.
09:11 - I see you've been nickelled. - Yeah, something like that.
09:17 Yeah, it's on a mission with this Billy's fate, isn't she?
09:19 - I bet it's the last thing you need. - I don't even know whether I'm coming or going half the time.
09:23 Well, how about a drink? As friends, obviously. I just thought it might help you take your mind off things.
09:28 Yeah, it's a lovely idea, Vinnie, but I don't really have time for myself right now. Sorry.
09:35 You all right?
09:37 Tom might have mentioned what he said in front of Gabby the other week.
09:41 He said he was just trying to help you get together.
09:43 Yeah, well, all it's done is make things even more awkward between us.
09:46 And for the record, I don't fancy Gabby, and if I did, it doesn't matter, does it?
09:49 - Because she's way out of my league. - Don't dig yourself down. You're a nice lad.
09:53 Great. A pep talk about my non-existent love life. Just what I need.
09:57 You know what? Actually, I've remembered I should get to work.
10:02 Well, don't you think we deserve to know what's going on?
10:05 My son's lying in a coma, fighting for his life.
10:08 All right. All right, I'll tell you what.
10:12 How about I get my solicitor to speak to your bosses?
10:15 Maybe then you'll realise how serious I am.
10:18 It's as if they care more about Ethan's rights than justice for Nicky.
10:24 I know. Getting wound up isn't going to help anyone, is it?
10:28 - You've changed your tune. - Even so, let's not push it.
10:31 Come on. We've got to go.
10:33 - Sam has been at the hospital for hours. - Yes.
10:36 - Come on, we don't need... - No.
10:45 Ethan might try to run from his actions, I'm not.
10:48 Caleb, how's Nicky?
10:51 I just wanted to let you know that he's been in my thoughts.
10:56 It wouldn't have to be if your son hadn't left him for dead, would it?
10:59 Eh? No, we don't want any trouble.
11:01 Do yourself a favour, Jimmy. Stay out of this.
11:03 - Come on, let's go. - No.
11:05 I have a few things I want to say first.
11:23 Ethan stood next to me, watching Nicky hooked up to machines,
11:26 fighting for his life and all the time.
11:28 He knew what he'd done.
11:30 - I'm not defending that. - No one is.
11:32 So please, let's not make things worse than they already are.
11:35 - I'm pretty straight. Come on, let's go. - Your son is a coward.
11:39 I understand you need someone to take you out on.
11:44 So if it's me, then so be it.
11:46 What, and let Ethan off the hook?
11:48 No, I don't think so.
11:50 He knows he did wrong. Now that he's been arrested, he'll face up to it.
11:54 Oh, yeah, right. Who are you trying to kid?
11:56 I made sure of it.
11:58 What?
12:02 It was you who turned him in?
12:04 Right. That can't have been easy.
12:09 - You have no idea. - Yeah, well, that changes nothing.
12:14 Ethan's going to pay for what he did.
12:19 (car door opens)
12:21 OK.
12:27 Were you the driver of the car when the accident happened?
12:30 - No comment. - Did you leave the scene and the crash on purpose?
12:36 - Again, no comment. - Had you been drinking?
12:39 - No comment. - OK, fine.
12:43 Were you aware the car you were driving had a dashcam installed?
12:49 - What? No, I... - Ethan.
12:51 If I could request a break for a moment.
12:55 Interview suspended. 12.20 hours.
12:59 Hi.
13:11 Someone looks down in the dumps.
13:13 - What can I do to change that? - Borrow a time machine.
13:16 - I don't think so. - Oh, sounds serious.
13:19 So, what have you done that can't be undone?
13:22 Nothing. Ignore me. Just me being me as per...
13:27 Right. Is this something to do with Dr Liam?
13:30 Cos little Bear tells me that you stayed over last night.
13:33 Oh, come on, tell me. I can keep a secret.
13:36 Yes, I stayed over.
13:38 We had such a gorgeous day yesterday.
13:40 Well, that's great, isn't it? And what's your problem?
13:43 Nothing. Just...
13:45 I don't really do serious relationships.
13:48 What? As in...ever?
13:51 All this talking about stuff.
13:54 It's new to me.
13:56 But Dr Liam, he's a real catch.
13:58 I mean, he's not my type ofs, but...
14:01 He even started opening up about Lianna.
14:03 I didn't know what to do or how to react.
14:05 Well, if he's opened up, that's great. It proves he trusts you.
14:08 He's a really good guy.
14:10 - I know he is. - Well, then...
14:12 You take things slowly and you'll be fine.
14:15 You've both got baggage, so what?
14:17 You, Missy, you deserve some happiness, right?
14:20 And how are things going with your studies?
14:26 I hope you're knuckling down.
14:28 Stop hogging the conversation. Give me the phone.
14:30 Hi, me again.
14:32 Yeah, sorry about your dad nagging.
14:34 Oh, and thank you for my birthday card yesterday.
14:37 Made me wish you were home even more.
14:40 Yeah, we're counting the days, too.
14:43 What?
14:45 Oh, OK, well, lovely to hear your voice and...
14:48 We miss you so much.
14:50 Yeah, bye.
14:52 Sorry, ran out of time.
14:54 I hate it when that happens. It's always so abrupt.
14:57 Yeah, well, we can't all sit around wallowing.
15:00 Some of us. I've got village fates to organise.
15:02 I'm surprised you didn't tell Angelica about that.
15:05 She'd have loved to hear about the sketch.
15:07 And about how much life is carrying on without her.
15:10 That's not what I meant.
15:12 - It's how it would sound. - OK, I'm wrong as usual.
15:15 Honestly, I do not have time to deal with you going all passive-aggressive on me, Jimmy.
15:20 After a short break, we are resuming the interview at 13.
15:35 15 with Mr Ethan Anderson.
15:37 So, the dashcam footage.
15:40 On it, you're seen running out of view and you don't return.
15:43 Well, we'll obviously need to review this footage.
15:45 You know as well as I do that doesn't fully prove my client ran away.
15:48 Mrs Dingle has no recollection of seeing him, nor do any of the first responders.
15:51 How do you explain that?
15:53 I...
15:55 No comment.
15:58 My client has given his response, if that's all.
16:02 Yes, yes, yes, I was there, OK? I dragged Nicky out of the car.
16:05 I made sure he was comfortable and then I went to go and get help.
16:08 He never came back. If Mrs Dingle hadn't have showed up, the alarm might never have been raised.
16:12 That's speculation and you know it.
16:14 And it's certainly not enough to charge my client.
16:16 It's only a matter of time.
16:18 And if I can remind you, it's close to 24 hours since his arrest.
16:22 Of course.
16:24 For now, we'll release you on bail pending the outcome of further inquiries.
16:27 You need to surrender your passport to the cops.
16:29 I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
16:31 You need to surrender your passport to the custody sergeant tomorrow.
16:34 So Vinnie holds a torch for young Gabby, doesn't he?
16:37 Well, that's top secret. Never to be uttered out loud.
16:40 Yeah, there must be somebody there.
16:42 What with Liam and Ella, I could do with an alien to bit me sense.
16:46 Just keep it to yourself.
16:48 I'm warning you.
16:51 Consider this zipped.
16:53 We meet again. Not that I'm following you or anything.
16:56 Can I get you a top-up?
16:58 Or not, it's up to you.
17:00 So I've got a meeting to get to, sorry.
17:02 Always in opposite directions, eh?
17:04 Yeah, welcome to my life. Another time, though, yeah?
17:07 What's wrong with me?
17:12 Absolutely nothing.
17:14 I just feel like a right loser sometimes.
17:16 No real mates of my own living at home with Mum still and...
17:19 missing Liv more than ever.
17:21 Just lonely.
17:23 Yeah.
17:25 Vinnie, I've got to go.
17:28 I've been where you are now, more than once.
17:31 And I know it's not easy.
17:33 Sometimes you just have to be patient.
17:35 It might even be worth it.
17:37 Not that you fancy, Gabby, obviously.
17:39 Well, I guess I owe you a pint for this so-called life coaching.
17:42 You do? Catch on quick.
17:44 I'm hoping you've got the rest of the day off if you're necking them like that.
17:49 Liam's inducting a locum.
17:51 And no, that's not a medical procedure.
17:53 Well, whatever it is, he must have dealt with it in double quick time.
17:58 Hi.
18:00 I was hoping to find you.
18:02 Give me a chance to see if you're OK.
18:04 Why wouldn't I be?
18:06 Well, I got the distinct sense that I said too much earlier about Lianna.
18:11 Obviously, it's a very emotional subject for me,
18:13 but we don't have to talk about it again.
18:16 It's not that. It's me.
18:18 Ah. It's one of those conversations.
18:22 I've never done this before.
18:24 Got this close to someone.
18:26 Oh, right. OK.
18:28 Well, that makes me even luckier.
18:30 And this is you ending things before they've even begun?
18:33 Just... It takes a lot for me to open up.
18:36 That's all.
18:38 So, one step at a time?
18:40 Of course. Whatever you need.
18:42 Thank you for being so honest.
18:44 It just makes me like you even...
18:46 Yeah. Quit while I'm ahead. Sorry.
18:50 Turns out it was Charles
18:54 that told the police about Ethan.
18:56 Who'd have thought?
18:59 I know it's not much, but I thought you'd want to know.
19:04 I know the doctor said he can probably hear us, but...
19:09 ..I'll be honest.
19:12 I'm struggling to find the words.
19:14 We'll try harder.
19:16 But only positive, yeah?
19:20 I don't want my son hearing any negativity.
19:23 Have you got that? I've got it.
19:25 There's no need to go all Tiger Mum on me.
19:28 Good.
19:30 Cos I need the loo, so...
19:34 ..I'm leaving you in charge.
19:37 He needs to know how much we both miss him.
19:43 Ruby.
19:45 I know you still blame me for him drinking that day, but...
19:48 ..I wouldn't move heaven and earth.
19:52 Believe me.
19:54 Well, that's a good start.
19:56 Make sure you tell him that.
19:58 Thank you for letting me know.
20:05 Ethan's solicitor.
20:11 Seems he was released on bail earlier today.
20:14 He asked her to let me know.
20:16 Maybe I should go round to his place.
20:18 Talk to him. Let him know that we can still face this as a family.
20:22 Maybe you should leave that to me.
20:24 Maybe you're right.
20:28 But if you get the chance...
20:33 ..tell him.
20:36 For me.
20:38 Don't worry, son, I will.
20:40 I'll let you know how he is.
20:42 If I see him.
20:50 That's something, isn't it?
20:52 Is it?
20:56 Ethan thinks he's got no-one to turn to because of me.
21:01 What kind of father does that to their son?
21:05 Somehow...
21:09 ..I've got to put things right between us...
21:11 ..before I lose him for good.
21:16 [phone rings]
21:18 [phone rings]
21:31 [phone rings]
21:33 [phone rings]
21:36 [footsteps]
21:38 [theme music]
21:46 It's the thriller that unfolded at 35,000 feet
21:52 and you can stream all episodes of Red Eye now over on ITVX.
21:56 And enjoying their first bit of room service tonight, but who can they trust?
22:00 We're back at the all-new Fortune Hotel at 9.
22:03 And we're in Battersea with Alison Hammond, next.
22:06 [theme music]
22:09 [theme music]
22:11 (upbeat music)
22:13 (upbeat music)