• last year
Wolverhampton locals give their view on if the city is dangerous to live in, after a study claimed it was the third most dangerous place for students to live.
00:00 My name is Kourlos Youssef, I'm in my final year in doing my computing and IT course.
00:06 I've got exams coming up on Friday, I've been here for three years.
00:11 It's pretty nice, I like Wolverhampton. I come from London, it's very different, it's way more quiet.
00:18 My experience in Wolverhampton, like I said, it's quiet.
00:22 In terms of crime, I think London is way more. From my experience here, I'm a bit shocked.
00:31 I didn't expect it to be this bad, but London is, I'll be honest, from my experience, I know it is pretty unsafe.
00:40 Even me, I've experienced some things as well. But yeah, I'm very shocked.
00:47 My name is Helen Batchick, I'm from Wolverhampton, born and bred, been here 52 years.
00:53 It's a surprise that we're in the top five, that we're most expected to have a victim of crime.
01:00 But working in the town as well, we can notice more and more incidents that are happening.
01:10 Directly we've had vehicle theft, nothing has come of it.
01:14 Fortunately we have been covered with insurance, but obviously that makes an impact on premiums for the next following year.
01:20 A couple of attempts with fraudulent cards in the shop, but we've been switched on enough not to hand over the goods until the payment's gone through.
01:29 Customers left without the goods, obviously, and we've had no payment, so we've been aware of that ourselves.
01:36 And just this last week, I don't know if anything's been happening, but I've noticed a circular police train walking through the city centre.
01:49 I'm Johnny, I'm from Glasgow, I study at the University of Glasgow, but I spent three years in Belfast as an undergraduate student.
01:58 So I was new here yesterday for the concert of KC Musgraves.
02:02 Initially speaking, I had no idea about this, whether it's classified as part of Birmingham or not.
02:09 And yesterday I searched some information on Google about the safety problem here, and it's ranked, it could be one of the top three most dangerous places across the UK.
02:26 But my personal experience is quite real, it's not very dangerous.
02:30 I was at the concert yesterday, after the concert I just went directly back to the hotel, just because I worried about some safety issues here, so I did not choose to go out.
02:44 Because yesterday I met some people, they were quite friendly, so that made me feel like this neighbourhood is quite safe.
