• 7 months ago
Take a look around Wellington Place Museum Leeds
00:00Okay, I'm Clifford Stead, I'm a local historian based in Leeds. My involvement
00:07with this project is to do with the archiving, putting together objects like
00:12the one to my right here, the old railway timetable, and just assembling it all
00:18together for the museum with the team at Wellington Place. Right, I'm looking at
00:24probably the only surviving British Railways timetable of 1954 that
00:32basically covered all the passenger trains that came past this wagon hoist.
00:37Right, welcome to the second part of the wagon hoist at Wellington Place. What you
00:44can see in here, and this was a major part of my involvement in this project,
00:48was actually interviewing people on camera that used to work at this station
00:53in the 1960s.
