Osawa Miharu - 2nd Place Women Final UCI BMX Freestyle Park World Cup
00:00 And she was competing against the best riders in Japan.
00:04 Here we go, dropping in.
00:07 Bar spin to X-up.
00:10 Over the transfer, massive.
00:12 That was a can to one footer.
00:14 Bar spin air.
00:15 Plenty of speed, bar spin, huge over that transfer.
00:20 What she got on the box, nearly touching the top of the vert wall.
00:24 Backflip.
00:25 That's good.
00:26 That's good.
00:27 This is all new territory for us.
00:30 And we're not even halfway.
00:32 Get more speed for that box.
00:33 Let's see what she's got halfway through the run.
00:36 360 bar spin over the box.
00:39 Aliyu bar spin air transfer.
00:42 Miharu is getting technical in here.
00:45 X-up over the cheese grater.
00:48 15 seconds left.
00:52 Tailwhip air, beautiful.
00:54 Pedals.
00:55 Over the hit, X-up, tricking every wall.
00:58 She wants one more go at the box jump.
01:00 What has she got?
01:01 Bar spin to X-up.
01:02 And then the can air.
01:03 That was a beautiful run.
01:04 So much amplitude.
01:05 [APPLAUSE]
01:10 (audience laughing)