• last year
A story of how jealousy and bitterness can create havoc in others' lives and turn your world upside down.

Director: Syed Meesam Naqvi
Writer: Rakshanda Rizvi

Cast :
Kiran Haq,
Fahad Sheikh,
Janice Tessa,
Subhan Awan,
Rubina Ashraf,
Samhan Ghazi and others.
#arydigital #pakistanidrama


00:00 *music*
00:13 I love you a lot, Junaid.
00:15 But that doesn't mean that I'll do whatever you say.
00:21 And if you put more pressure on me, I'll take Anaya to my mother's place.
00:28 But I'll never ask for forgiveness from Anaya's mother-in-law.
00:33 There's still time, sister-in-law.
00:35 It doesn't matter if anyone in the world gets upset.
00:40 But if the husband gets upset, the whole world starts feeling bad.
00:44 If you go with me, your husband will also leave you.
00:49 *music*
00:55 Yes, uncle. You tell mom this detail yourself.
00:59 Mom, talk to her.
01:01 Hello. Yes, brother.
01:05 Yes, I'm fine. Are you okay?
01:09 Yes, yes.
01:11 No, brother.
01:13 Why get upset with your own people?
01:15 There are some compulsions that create distances.
01:19 Otherwise, blood relations are still strong even after being buried.
01:23 Yes, Farheen told me that you want to call Haris to Muscat.
01:30 Yes, yes.
01:33 Does he have a passport?
01:35 Yes, yes. Does he have an inter-pass?
01:38 No, he has a metric pass.
01:39 He has a metric pass and he knows the job of an electrician very well.
01:44 Yes, he has a passport.
01:46 No, brother. I don't know about the visa and ticket fees.
01:54 How much will it cost?
01:57 Okay.
02:04 Okay, brother. I'll consult and call you again.
02:08 Yes.
02:10 Goodbye.
02:12 What did uncle say? When are you sending the visa?
02:16 Your uncle is the governor of Muscat.
02:19 He will send the visa in the morning and that too for free.
02:22 He is asking for 4 lakh rupees.
02:24 Visa, residence and ticket.
02:27 And if you don't get the job, then read the fatwa of this relationship.
02:32 So, mom, 4 lakh is not such a big amount.
02:35 Fabiha will do a little, there are other jewellery.
02:38 Mom, you apply for the visa.
02:41 If you get the visa, then the rest of the money will be arranged.
02:44 That's what I am also saying, let the visa come first.
02:47 Oh, brother, he is asking for twenty to twenty-five thousand rupees.
02:50 From where will you bring?
02:52 Mom, I will do something. You don't worry.
02:55 Yes, mom. Please let the visa come.
02:58 I will join your hands in the future.
03:01 Please.
03:02 Mom, I think you will do something wrong.
03:05 What wrong have I done?
03:07 You are not destined to marry Aris.
03:09 God forgive me.
03:12 You were the one who claimed to be in love.
03:34 To be together, to show attitude, to spend time together.
03:39 There were no conditions, Ram.
03:41 There were no conditions.
03:43 This is the difference.
03:46 This is the difference between the love of a husband and a wife.
03:51 The love you have for me is the peace of my soul.
03:58 What is the debt? A person can pay the debt at any time.
04:02 But in love, you have to end yourself.
04:08 Okay.
04:09 If I have to sacrifice my motherhood to prove my husband's love, then fine.
04:15 I would have put my hand on my daughter's head and swore.
04:19 Mom, if your mother had said anything, she would have run away.
04:22 Your mother had cursed me.
04:26 What have I done?
04:33 What have I done?
04:34 What has happened, Junaid?
04:40 You have put so much on your heart.
04:43 My faith has broken today.
04:48 I will never be able to trust you in my life.
04:54 Your refusal has ruined my love today.
05:01 But Junaid, if I had to apologize to Arham brother a thousand times for Sanaya's happiness,
05:07 then I would have asked for that too.
05:09 But not with Sanaya's mother-in-law.
05:12 It's not about apologizing.
05:14 It's about the right.
05:16 The right of a husband.
05:18 A husband has the right to make his wife do whatever he wants.
05:21 You have snatched this right from me today.
05:27 Fine, then I don't have any right to stay here.
05:31 I am leaving the house. You take care of your sister's in-laws.
05:34 Anaya.
05:36 Anaya.
05:38 Mom, where are we going?
05:42 Don't ask too many questions. Go and wear your slippers. We are leaving.
05:46 What is happening?
05:54 Where are you going?
05:56 Mom, I am leaving this house.
05:58 Are you gone mad? What has happened to you?
06:01 What else should I do, mom?
06:03 I can't live in a house where I get punished without any reason.
06:09 Look, no one should come and decide emotionally.
06:12 This is not an emotional decision, mom.
06:14 My husband has become ill-conceived because of your daughter.
06:18 Now for whom should I stay here?
06:20 Make grandpa and mom understand. They should not leave this house.
06:25 Do as I say.
06:26 Why are you scolding the child?
06:28 You are not going anywhere. Do you understand?
06:30 Mom, listen to me.
06:33 I will be blamed for no reason.
06:36 Please, I have never refused you.
06:39 Let me go from here right now. Please.
06:41 Look, you have never refused me.
06:44 And I am really proud of that.
06:46 But you can't leave the house like this.
06:50 I order you that you will not cross the doorstep of this house.
06:54 Okay?
06:55 As a mother, I can explain to you that you should not leave the house like this.
07:01 Come on, keep the clothes back in the cupboard.
07:05 And as far as Junaid is concerned, I will explain him very easily.
07:10 God willing, he will agree.
07:12 He is angry on a temporary basis.
07:14 Come on, close all this and pick up everything from here.
07:18 My daughter has gone mad.
07:20 Come on, I am taking her to my room.
07:23 I am coming.
07:24 Hello.
07:47 Hello, sister-in-law.
07:49 I have been calling brother Junaid since a long time.
07:52 Why?
07:53 Do you want to listen to Junaid after your mother?
07:56 And by the way, he is also a slave of his sister.
08:00 He will immediately hold his wife's arm and bring her to apologize.
08:04 No, no, it's not like that, sister-in-law.
08:08 Then what is the matter?
08:10 Do you know that he left from here without having breakfast for the first time today?
08:15 And I can't even tell you the misbehavior he has done with me.
08:21 Do you know who is the reason for all this?
08:22 Your in-laws and you.
08:25 And I will never forgive you for this.
08:29 I am really sorry. I didn't want this at all.
08:32 And it's wrong, brother.
08:34 They can't be upset with you because of me.
08:36 I will talk to them. I will explain them.
08:38 And they can't pressurize you like this.
08:40 But I have become a bad wife.
08:43 Now you do anything, I am a bad wife because I have disobeyed them.
08:50 What is the use of doing all this?
08:52 I was the fool who was after your children.
08:55 But now I have decided.
08:57 Whoever does bad with me, I will do worse with him.
09:03 Sister-in-law, listen to me.
09:05 I am sorry.
09:06 Sana, I am sorry.
09:34 If I knew that our relationship would be just a matter of promises,
09:36 then I would have sworn on my daughter and cleared everything.
09:40 And what do you think?
09:42 Everything will be fine if you apologize.
09:44 My brother and sister-in-law will be at peace.
09:46 Everything will be like before.
09:48 I will talk to mother.
09:50 I will explain to them.
09:52 Okay. Do you think that by your saying, they will accept their mistake?
09:56 Or will they consider my family right?
09:59 I just want that the matter of the house ends in the house.
10:01 The matter of the house is not in the house.
10:03 The matter of the house ends when it is in the house.
10:06 I don't understand why you understand everything after time.
10:13 You know I am emotional.
10:15 I don't understand anything when I am angry.
10:17 In anger, a person only harms himself and nothing else.
10:22 I will only be harmed when you are not with me.
10:25 I like this about you that you never leave me.
10:31 You never leave me.
10:32 Naya, I promise you.
10:38 No matter what the situation is, I will never leave you.
10:42 I have promised you now.
10:50 Now smile.
10:52 On one condition.
10:54 What condition?
10:56 You also tell mother to keep her hand on your head and swear.
11:00 I will not do it.
11:01 I will not do it.
11:02 I will not do it.
11:03 I will not do it.
11:04 I will not do it.
11:05 I will not do it.
11:07 I will not do it.
11:35 Make this also.
11:36 What is the matter madam?
11:43 Why are you so quiet?
11:45 Nothing, just like that.
11:47 Fabiha, what is this like that?
11:50 You will not share your problems with me.
11:54 You will not tell me your problems, then whom will you tell?
11:56 Tell me what is the matter?
11:58 How do you know I am worried?
12:00 Madam, I am not only your driver.
12:04 I also love you a lot.
12:06 This heart is not dependent on your words.
12:11 I can recognize it in one look.
12:16 The pain inside you.
12:18 Okay, tell me honestly, otherwise I will kill two more dialogues.
12:24 Hamza is worried because of you.
12:26 Haris brother has asked for four lakh rupees to go to Muscat.
12:30 I am not able to understand anything.
12:33 Fabiha, look.
12:34 You explain to your sister.
12:36 Talk to her.
12:38 That boy is just fooling your sister and nothing else.
12:43 Okay, let's assume that Muscat is gone.
12:49 Then what?
12:51 You think he will take your sister with him.
12:55 But sister is not ready to listen to this.
12:59 And we have also left this decision on him.
13:02 I am sorry.
13:03 Give it to me. I am very thirsty.
13:07 Come on, now cheer up. Take this.
13:10 This is my passport.
13:27 This is my signature.
13:30 Mother's passport and mother's signature.
13:32 And these are the documents.
13:34 Now may God bless us with a visa soon.
13:38 Mother's passport means?
13:41 Sister, what are you saying?
13:47 I am an old woman. How will I live without a young son?
13:51 He is my only son. You know that.
13:53 I have decided. I will go with Haris.
13:58 Anyway, Fareen has her own family here.
14:00 Where she waited for Haris so much, she will do a little more.
14:04 And yes sister, she has to come to Haris.
14:07 Right.
14:09 By the way, Haris, I have no objection to you going abroad.
14:14 But how will you bear so many expenses without a job?
14:21 Only twenty five thousand rupees is the visa fee.
14:24 How will it be?
14:27 But aunty, God is a creator. He will create some way.
14:32 Absolutely.
14:34 Why do you worry so much? Everything will be done.
14:37 Don't worry. And then there is sister-in-law.
14:41 She will do this much for her sister.
14:43 And I will also do it for two to four thousand.
14:46 Okay.
14:50 Life will be happy in two to four thousand.
14:54 Okay.
14:55 Aunty, what is there of money?
15:01 If money is today, then it is not tomorrow.
15:03 If it is day after tomorrow, then it is not.
15:05 Opportunity. Opportunity should not be missed.
15:08 And I have also thought of a way to spend life.
15:12 Okay.
15:14 And Fareen, we will eat together in Muscat and earn and enjoy.
15:19 Right, Fareen?
15:22 You have a very good thinking.
15:23 We can do, earn, eat and enjoy.
15:27 But if you both have to earn, then you can earn here in Pakistan too.
15:34 Why only Muscat?
15:36 You are absolutely right.
15:44 But aunty, why do I think so far?
15:47 Muscat. Don't you know Muscat?
15:50 My friends have gone far beyond Muscat.
15:53 London, Canada, England, Thailand.
15:57 Look.
16:07 Hmm.
16:09 If you will not be serious from now on, then you will find happiness.
16:18 Mom, please.
16:20 Haris, you have tea.
16:23 And biscuits too.
16:25 Aunty, you have tea.
16:29 Thank you, dear.
16:31 By the way, aunty, I have packed my bag and all.
16:36 Preparations are complete.
16:38 As soon as the visa comes, I will fly from Pakistan.
16:41 But you don't worry.
16:44 I will marry Faroon and go.
16:47 But what?
16:48 You think a lot.
16:50 But my decision is something else.
16:53 Hmm.
16:55 And that is that, Faroon will not get married.
17:00 Hmm.
17:02 Faroon will get married.
17:04 She will go with you to the future.
17:09 This is my decision.
17:14 You think what to do next.
17:17 Hey, why did you cry?
17:25 Eat. Give them biscuits.
17:29 Take tea. It is getting cold.
17:31 Take, dear. You also take.
17:33 Give.
17:35 Give.
17:36 Can I come in?
17:57 Come, come.
18:00 What is the need to ask?
18:02 Huh?
18:04 What is the need to ask?
18:05 What is the matter? You look quite worried.
18:13 Yes, that…
18:15 You don't need to worry when I am there.
18:22 Now tell me, what can I do for you?
18:27 Actually, the thing is…
18:33 So much fear.
18:34 So much fear.
18:36 Tell me without hesitation. What is the matter?
18:41 I need four lakh rupees.
18:46 You can deduct it from my salary.
18:48 Four lakh rupees is not such a big amount.
18:54 But can I ask what such need you have to come here to me?
19:02 Your in-laws have decided that if their son does not go to Muscat,
19:05 they will not let you go.
19:08 Otherwise, they will end the relationship.
19:11 So, you are taking this money for your sister's happiness.
19:15 Obviously, which sister will not want this?
19:19 Obviously, which sister will not want this?
19:21 This cheque for four lakh rupees.
19:46 And…
19:47 8, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 40, 50.
19:56 This fifty thousand rupees is my gift for your sister's wedding.
20:03 There is no need for a gift.
20:06 I am giving it from my heart. Keep it.
20:09 Please.
20:11 Thank you.
20:16 You are welcome.
20:17 Anything else?
20:19 No, I will leave now.
20:21 Sure.
20:23 Oh, my.
20:28 Mr. Arun, the bird will be trapped in the cage itself.
20:37 Mom, what happened?
20:39 Mom.
20:41 Mom.
20:43 Mom, what happened to mom?
20:45 Brother, call the ambulance. Bring the doctor.
20:48 Mom, open your eyes.
20:50 Mom, I will see. Call the ambulance.
20:52 Mom.
20:54 Hadiya, what happened?
20:56 Mom, you are with the patient.
20:58 Yes, I am. What happened to my mom?
21:00 She has suffered a very serious attack.
21:02 She is in a critical condition.
21:05 She has suffered a very serious attack.
21:07 Her body is paralyzed.
21:09 The next 24 hours are very critical for her.
21:12 You people pray.
21:14 This is what I am trying to explain to you.
21:22 What was the need to talk to Haris about this?
21:24 I have also been trying to explain this to you since so long.
21:27 I have not said anything wrong.
21:29 This is right. You have not said anything wrong.
21:31 Earlier, the in-laws were making their conditions.
21:34 Now, you have made them fulfill their conditions.
21:35 Mom, will my life be based on conditions?
21:37 Whatever decision you have taken, it is for your own good.
21:40 Do not consider your mother as your enemy.
21:42 And now, stop talking nonsense.
21:44 Wash these cups and all.
21:46 I will wash the cups.
21:48 But let me see my life first.
21:50 Mom, you have already fulfilled your enmity.
21:52 If you did not want to send Haris to Muscat,
21:54 you should have refused earlier.
21:56 Why did you make me a pawn?
21:58 You have been humiliated, Farheen,
22:00 because of this love.
22:03 You are considering your mother's love a game.
22:05 It is very difficult to explain to you.
22:07 Mom, I have been living my life as per your orders.
22:10 Let me do something of my own free will.
22:12 If Haris wants to get married,
22:14 I have no objection.
22:16 The decision I have taken,
22:18 the things I have said,
22:20 you will remember them.
22:22 And nothing will happen at that time.
22:24 You will keep shedding tears. Remember this.
22:26 There will be no one to question you,
22:28 except your mother.
22:30 Your mother.
22:31 You can give me blessings of happiness,
22:36 but no, you only like tears in my eyes.
22:39 Be happy.
22:41 I am going to wash your cups.
22:43 Have you gone mad?
22:47 Now wash the utensils comfortably.
22:50 Don't throw anger on the utensils.
22:52 You have already broken them.
22:55 (Crying)
22:56 Oh, mom, what happened?
23:09 Will you keep sitting like this, holding your head?
23:11 Will you say something?
23:13 I am hearing it with my own ears.
23:22 Sanaya has put a condition in front of Aram.
23:24 What condition?
23:26 That I,
23:28 swear on Aram's head,
23:34 and then say,
23:36 that Sanaya and her family are liars.
23:39 Oh, mom, what is so big?
23:42 And such vows have no importance,
23:44 which cannot be taken from the heart.
23:46 And by listening to brother and sister-in-law,
23:48 they are not going to do anything like this.
23:51 If anything else happens, you will fall sick.
23:53 Really?
23:55 If Aram tells me,
23:59 to keep my head, and swear on it,
24:01 and say that Sanaya and her family are liars, then?
24:04 Then Adia,
24:08 will I keep my son's head,
24:12 and swear on his life?
24:14 Then accept it, it is not a big deal.
24:18 No one has benefited from eating Aram, nor has it been bad.
24:21 Take out these doubts from your mind and heart.
24:24 If you want to make your family strong,
24:27 then make yourself strong.
24:29 Did you take insulin?
24:31 You must not have taken it. I will get it.
24:33 You have to have breakfast too.
24:35 I am worried about my son's life,
24:37 and you are worried about insulin.
24:39 You are not understanding what I am saying.
24:42 Mad girl.
24:45 [Music]
24:56 Morning everyone.
24:58 How are you all?
25:04 Are you all fine?
25:06 Today, I wanted to call you all for a meeting.
25:09 Your promotion has been pending for many years.
25:12 So, it is time to announce your promotions.
25:15 [Applause]
25:19 I have your progress report,
25:22 and on that basis, your designations have been decided.
25:25 So, Mr. Javed,
25:28 from today, you will be the Chief Executive.
25:31 [Applause]
25:34 Congrats.
25:36 Ms. Sophia,
25:38 from today, you will be the Finance Department.
25:41 You will overtake me.
25:42 It's a long way, sir.
25:44 The effort that Ms. Sanaya has put in our Dubai project,
25:48 is excellent.
25:50 And all the credit goes to Ms. Sanaya.
25:52 Thank you, sir.
25:54 All your promotion lists have been sent to the Head of Department.
25:57 And now, it is time for today's last promotion.
26:01 Ms. Sanaya,
26:06 from today, you will lead the Design Department
26:08 as well as the Marketing Department.
26:10 Congratulations, Ms. Sanaya.
26:12 Thank you, sir. Thank you so much.
26:16 Congratulations, ma'am.
26:20 Thank you.
26:22 I hope you will continue your work in the same way.
26:24 Sure, sir. And thank you for trusting me so much.
26:27 Thank you.
26:28 Thank God.
26:55 He will be so happy.
26:56 Okay.
26:58 Come on, pick up the phone.
27:05 Your BP will increase if you keep walking around here and there.
27:17 He must be coming.
27:21 And I have no answer to his questions.
27:24 What will I do?
27:25 You don't have to answer his questions.
27:28 I have been trying to explain to you, but you are not understanding.
27:31 It is not a big deal. You sit down.
27:35 Take care of yourself. Say anything.
27:37 Do you want to drink water?
27:40 Okay.
27:42 And what will I say if he asks me why I didn't go back to Dubai?
27:46 Tell him that I cancelled the flight.
27:53 What if he asks me something that I didn't know?
27:55 Mom.
27:57 Haram. Come, son. Come.
27:59 Hello, brother.
28:01 You didn't go to your flight?
28:05 Yes, mom was not feeling well, so I cancelled it.
28:09 BP is quite high. I have given her medicine. She will be fine.
28:13 How are you feeling now?
28:19 I am fine, son.
28:22 I want to talk to you about something important.
28:26 Yes, tell me.
28:30 You…
28:41 Look, don't feel bad, mom.
28:44 I don't mean to upset you.
28:47 I just want you to swear on me that you didn't give the medicine to Somia's daughter.
28:54 For my satisfaction.
28:56 I know you didn't give it. You are my mother. You can't do this.
29:02 But I just want you to swear on me.
29:06 I swear on you.
29:12 I swear on you.
29:15 I swear on you.
29:16 Mom.
29:25 Don't feel bad. Mom.
29:38 Mom, what happened?
29:41 Mom. Mom.
29:44 Call the ambulance. Bring the doctor.
29:46 Mom, open your eyes.
29:48 Mom, I will check. Call the ambulance.
29:50 Hadiya, what happened?
29:52 Mom.
29:54 Mom, it's okay.
29:56 Mom, everything is fine.
29:58 Mom.
30:00 Mom.
30:02 Mom.
30:04 Mom.
30:06 Brother.
30:08 Brother.
30:09 Yes, doctor.
30:37 What happened?
30:38 Yes, ma'am. What happened to my mom?
30:40 She has suffered a serious attack.
30:42 Her body is paralyzed.
30:44 The next 24 hours are very critical for her.
30:48 You guys pray.
30:49 Are you at peace now?
31:06 After making her suffer like this, you are at peace?
31:08 I don't believe it, brother.
31:14 How can you compare your sister-in-law with your mother?
31:17 You can question your mother on her behalf.
31:23 You did all this on your sister-in-law's behalf.
31:29 Have you ever thought
31:34 if something happens to your mother,
31:36 how will you bury her with this guilt?
31:38 Hadiya, you are angry now.
31:40 And in anger, a person cannot control himself and his words.
31:44 Mom needs our prayers right now, not all this.
31:48 If,
31:52 if anything happens to my mother, brother,
31:55 then I will never forgive you and sister-in-law.
32:00 I will never forgive you.
32:02 [Music]
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32:07 [Music]
32:34 Is this the time to call Naya?
32:37 Hello.
32:38 Hello mom.
32:40 Yes, son. Is everything okay?
32:42 You sound so worried.
32:44 Is everything okay?
32:46 Mom is not well. She is in the hospital.
32:50 The next 24 hours are very critical, mom.
32:53 God bless you.
32:55 All of a sudden?
32:57 What happened?
32:59 Don't worry.
33:04 God will do good.
33:05 Be strong.
33:07 She needs you the most right now.
33:09 Forget everything, son.
33:11 This anger
33:14 does not have any value among relatives.
33:17 Take care of yourself.
33:19 And don't worry.
33:21 If every mother is like you,
33:25 then no daughter's house will be ruined, mom.
33:28 By the way, where are you?
33:30 I am at home with the kids.
33:33 Aram and Hadi are alone in the hospital.
33:35 Mom, can't you come with brother and stay with the kids?
33:40 And I go to the hospital.
33:43 Aram must be feeling very lonely right now.
33:46 Don't worry. Don't worry at all.
33:48 I am sending Junaid right now.
33:50 Okay?
33:52 Thank you, mom.
33:53 Bye.
33:55 Okay. Bye.
33:57 Bye.
33:58 You?
34:24 You haven't slept yet?
34:26 Don't you have to go in the morning?
34:27 I have to go.
34:29 I came to give you this.
34:37 What is this?
34:42 Four lakhs.
34:44 Such a big amount.
34:45 How did someone give you this?
34:47 I took it from sir.
34:52 Such a big amount.
34:55 How did you give it?
34:56 Maybe out of sympathy.
34:59 Sympathy?
35:02 What kind of sympathy?
35:03 You can only sympathize with a lonely woman, mom.
35:07 You shouldn't have taken anyone's favor.
35:11 And you didn't have to tell your helplessness to the strangers.
35:18 It is in a man's nature to take advantage of helplessness.
35:22 You should have taken a loan from the bank.
35:25 And you should have returned the eight lakhs.
35:27 Mom, it is not easy to take a loan from the bank like our life.
35:34 The one who has brought us here, will show us the way ahead.
35:39 Don't worry.
35:41 Just apply for Haris brother's visa.
35:44 Okay.
35:47 Fine.
35:48 Get your salary deducted from this.
35:50 Okay, I will deduct it.
35:53 But you will have to reduce the household expenses.
35:55 And now you take your medicine.
35:59 Come on.
36:00 Don't worry.
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36:31 [Music]
36:33 [Music]
36:36 [Music]
36:37 [Music]
36:39 [Music]
36:41 [Music]
36:43 Are you still angry?
36:45 Does my anger make any difference to you?
36:48 Why?
36:50 Don't you think that my anger makes no difference to you?
36:53 No.
36:55 Because if it did, then my heart would not have been hurt like this.
36:59 So how will this heart get united now?
37:05 Why are you falling in love so much?
37:07 Who told you to show love to your wife?
37:09 I need someone else to tell me to show love to my wife.
37:14 Then why does a sister fall in love to show hatred to her wife, Junaid?
37:20 Yes, mom. Is everything okay? What happened?
37:25 Son, Sanaya had called. She is not well.
37:28 Sanaya's mother-in-law is in a very bad condition.
37:31 She is admitted in the ICU. She has had a stroke.
37:34 You drop me to Sanaya's house with the kids and take Sanaya to the hospital.
37:38 Arham is absolutely alone.
37:40 Let's go. Let's go. Where is my key?
37:42 Mom, I will also come.
37:44 Yes, come on. Hurry up.
37:46 Hurry up.
37:48 Here, drink some water.
37:57 I will not eat or drink anything until mom regains consciousness.
38:02 I will not drink anything.
38:03 Mom will be fine. Have faith in God.
38:08 At least eat something.
38:09 I had faith in you.
38:12 And what have you done to my mother?
38:17 Khadir, control your emotions. She is in the hospital.
38:20 Arham, how is mom? What did the doctor say?
38:26 There is no hope.
38:29 No, no, no. Doctor…
38:30 Nothing will happen to mom. Don't worry.
38:39 I am with you. Please don't worry, Arham.
38:43 Arham, have patience. Everything will be fine.
38:51 Everything will be fine.
38:52 I made a big mistake.
39:04 I raised her without a father.
39:09 I put her in the test of truth and lies.
39:12 Arham, don't blame yourself.
39:15 No one can fight fate, not even time.
39:18 Everything will be fine.
39:19 Hadiya, you don't worry.
39:26 Aunty will be fine.
39:28 I don't need your sympathy.
39:31 Do you understand?
39:33 I don't need your sympathy. Do you understand?
39:36 I don't need your sympathy.
39:38 I don't need your sympathy.
39:40 I don't need your sympathy.
39:43 This desire of mine will never be fulfilled.
39:48 We will live this life.
39:54 No matter how much we are tortured.
40:00 This caravan will keep moving.
40:07 This desire of mine will never be fulfilled.
40:12 Will never be fulfilled.
40:15 Will never be fulfilled.
40:18 This desire of mine will never be fulfilled.
40:24 Will never be fulfilled.
40:27 Will never be fulfilled.
40:30 Will never be fulfilled.
40:35 Will never be fulfilled.
40:37 Will never be fulfilled.
40:40 Will never be fulfilled.
40:43 Will never be fulfilled.
40:45 Will never be fulfilled.
40:47 (upbeat music)