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10 Biggest WWE Main Roster Flops Before NXT | partsFUNknown
NXT call ups aren't what they used to be, but call ups weren't great before NXT either! This is our list of the biggest main roster flops from before the time of the black and yellow but make sure you let us know your most heartbreaking call up in the comments below!

00:00 - Start
01:09 - 10
01:59 - 9
03:02 - 8
04:00 - 7
05:01 - 6
05:55 - 5
06:58 - 4
07:57 - 3
09:01 - 2
10:13 - 1

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00:00 Remember when NXT call-ups used to be fun? Yeah, we looked forward to 'em. Paige was
00:04 there and Kevin Owens was there. Good times, good times.
00:09 Anyway, those good times didn't last and now call-ups are less like the transition
00:13 from minor league baseball to major league baseball and more like NXT stars are going
00:17 into f***ing witness protection, complete with new identity, wardrobe and taste in music.
00:22 Needless to say, there have been many flops on the main roster coming out of NXT through
00:25 no fault of the wrestlers, but that got me thinking about who the biggest main roster
00:30 flops were in the days before WWE decided to spit on NXT's Peach Cobbler. And just
00:34 to clarify, rather than spend a whole 744 seconds talking about every Nathan Jones,
00:39 Mason Ryan and Vladimir Kozlov to have a cup of coffee in the Fed, I'll be using this
00:43 time to focus on those who have shown before or since that they have had the ability to
00:46 be major stars before WWE bollocksed it up. A tale as old as time.
00:51 I'm Tempest Hailing from PartsFunknown and these are the 10 biggest main roster flops
00:55 before NXT.
00:57 Are you ready for your main roster call-up? Well if you are, make sure that it's not
01:00 a flop by subscribing to PartsFunknown. That was a really bad segue, I'm really trying
01:04 to do these things. Just subscribe, maybe then at some point I'll be able to stop doing
01:08 them.
01:09 Number 10, the entire Spirit Squad. So that's it, what, we some kind of Spirit Squad?
01:15 What better way to start off a list of WWE completely bungling young talent than with
01:20 a 5 for 1 special. Kenny, Johnny, Mitch, Ziggy and Mikey were 5 of Ohio Valley Wrestling's
01:25 best when they hit the road dressed as a sitcom dance group, the half-time dance crew of the
01:29 National Lacrosse League's Chicago Shamrocks. One of WWE's most infamous gimmicks, the
01:35 Spirit Squad, unfortunately killed the careers of some of WWE's best prospects.
01:39 Johnny Jeter, at 19 years old, packed everything he owned in the trunk of his car and drove
01:44 from San Diego to Louisville and waited tables at Chili's to pay for wrestling school.
01:48 Considered by OVW management to be Ricky Morton for the 21st century, Johnny joined Task Force
01:53 Flex over here and within a year he had quit the business. Suddenly, Butch doesn't look
01:58 that bad.
01:59 Number 9, Doug Basham. Doug Basham does not get brought up nearly enough in conversations
02:04 of the best real life names turned ring names. He sounds like a cartoon tough man from Looney
02:08 Tunes or something. It's such an awesome wrestling name and it was befitting of the
02:12 man himself. Yes, the Basham Masham Robot was considered to be another of OVW's top
02:17 prospects as one of the first class of students at the OVW school. A cocky top heel with long
02:22 blonde hair. Basham went on the road and just in case you needed a reminder that the WWE
02:27 creative process has always been a room of monkeys on typewriters, they had him shave
02:31 his head bald just to see what it would look like. You know, there's this wonderful thing
02:35 called imagination. Perhaps you can give it a try. You need a tutorial from Spongebob?
02:40 Look at him do the thing.
02:41 Basham made his way to the main roster for realsies in 2003 with fake brother Danny and
02:46 well, they were a team in the 2000s. It went about as well as you would expect. They were
02:49 part of JBL's cabinet. That's notable, I guess. But by the end, Doug was hanging out solo
02:54 on Velocity calling himself the Bashman. You guys remember the Bashman? I think the Bashman
03:00 2 just got announced for 2024.
03:02 Number 8, Slam Master Jay. You would never know that known Festus Handler and attempted
03:07 white hip hop something or other, Jay Jesse "Slam Master" Jay Jr. was actually a second
03:12 generation wrestler. Ray Gordy, son of Fabulous Freebird's legend Terry Gordy, made his Smackdown
03:17 debut in 2007 along noted sex man Segs Ferguson. Jesse and Festus probably have some sort of
03:23 nostalgia working in their favor at this point, but man, this really was quite an idea, wasn't
03:27 it? Now, granted, during his time in Deep South Wrestling, Jesse wrestled as Ray Jeezy,
03:32 a takeoff on real rapper Jeezy. That's certainly bonkers. And then Cousin Ray, who was a hillbilly,
03:39 so it's not like his developmental gimmicks were anything to go by. But after CM Punk
03:42 sobered up the world's horniest sleeper agent, Jesse once again looked to hip them hops,
03:47 calling himself Slam Master Jay and hanging out with Crime Time. I don't know, what's
03:51 wrong with the story of son of legendary wrestler doing his best to honor his father's legacy?
03:55 You know the Cody story? I like that story. You can do it with more than one person, too.
04:00 Number 7, Trent Beretta. In the years since Trent Beretta left WWE in 2013, he has been
04:05 as solidly consistent as any of his peers. He's been a standout in New Japan, Ring of
04:10 Honor, PWG, and AEW. The man can go, and he gets bonus points for introducing the wrestling
04:15 world to Sue. The world needs more Sue. For as much of a standout as Trent has been everywhere
04:20 else he's gone, he was never given the chance in WWE. Debuting on ECW with Cale and Kroft
04:26 as the Dude Busters, a team that The Force tells me Luke Owen would have been a fan of,
04:30 the team didn't last more than a year before Kroft was released. The only time WWE tried
04:35 to give Trent anything was when he randomly beat Drew McIntyre on SmackDown in January
04:39 of 2011, which unsurprisingly, no one knew how to react to because no one watching SmackDown
04:44 in 2011 knows enough about Trent Beretta to care about a win over pre-buff Drew McIntyre.
04:49 WWE then looked at his lack of reaction and went, "Oh well." And that was the tale
04:53 of Trent Beretta's main roster push. I would say it's about the friends we made along
04:58 the way, but Trent's best friends came later in the story.
05:01 Number 6, Vance Archer. With a name like an especially tall vampire, Vance Archer was
05:06 the WWE iteration of the man better known as Lance Archer, or perhaps Lance Hoyt if
05:11 you're one of them TNA diehards. Granted, Archer has aged like a fine wine, properly
05:16 coming into his own as an in-ring performer in the last three years. Working with the
05:20 greats in New Japan will do that to you, but working with the folks in FCW and WWECW? Maybe
05:26 not so much. Vance's WWE run was extremely dull, at one point teaming with Curt Hawkins
05:32 and beating Matt Hardy and Christian. That's almost an AEW match. It does strike me as
05:36 odd every time a big, tall, decently talented wrestler walks through WWE's doors only
05:41 to be turned away. Did you guys miss the memo? He's big! I thought you loved that! Vance
05:46 Archer didn't last long in WWE, being released only a year and a half into his deal. Thankfully,
05:51 he walked right into New Japan, where he was adopted by the fine folks at Suzuki-Goon.
05:55 Number 5, Brayden Walker. He was a superstar who captured the imagination and rebellious
06:01 spirit of a couple of weeks in late July. A name synonymous with having matches with
06:06 Armando Estrada and that other guy he had a match with, and talking with Matt Hardy
06:11 backstage. Knock knock, who's there? Brayden Walker, and I'm gonna knock your brains out.
06:16 All courtesy of the three-disc Brayden Walker DVD set. Copyright trademark that one guy
06:21 who made the awesome YouTube video like 14 years ago. The old ages of YouTube. Anywho,
06:26 much like the last entry, WWE was just whipping their big, silly dicks around whenever TNA
06:32 stars had the audacity to sign with them in the 2000s. Lance Hoyt? Nothing. Chris Harris?
06:37 Knock knock, Brayden Walker's coming to knock your brains out. Like, this was America's
06:42 most wanted, partner of James Storm, Chris Harris. He shows up for a few weeks on ECW,
06:47 then steps into the ether never to be seen again. I started to write "imagine if this
06:51 happened these days" and then I realized that's how this list started in the first
06:55 place and maybe this company has always been this way after all.
06:58 #4 - Scotty Goldman Boy, you were f***ed if you were an indie
07:02 star in the 2000s looking to sign with WWE. A few were able to get by, but for every Daniel
07:07 Bryan you unfortunately had a Scotty Goldman. The much lesser known, former alias of AEW
07:12 star and independent wrestling legend, Colt Cabana. Another dude who is like, super talented
07:17 and could be a real addition to your roster, especially as stars like Triple H, Shawn Michaels,
07:22 The Undertaker, Edge, and Batista were starting to take more time off. But no, rather Colt
07:26 Cabana debuted as Scotty Goldman and lost to The Bryan Kendrick in August of '08. He
07:31 then lost to The Great Khali and lost a few battle royals before being killed by Umaga
07:34 in his final WWE match. Unless you count his dark match with Wade Barrett in 2011, but
07:38 give me a break you cheeky sausages, I'm the fact checker here.
07:41 But those 6 matches made up for the entirety of Colt Cabana's WWE run. Thankfully, Colt's
07:46 ability to market himself and his podcast would be his biggest contribution to the business,
07:50 truly pioneering a wave of indie wrestlers able to make a full time living without needing
07:55 to be signed to a major promotion.
07:57 Number 3, Evan Bourne. Another of those indie stars that signed with WWE during the wrong
08:02 time frame, the indies Matt Sydal was one of the best high flyers of that scene and
08:06 was still pretty awesome as WWE's Evan Bourne, even if the company was determined to keep
08:11 him super glued to the floor as they made him reach for that brass ring. A nice shooting
08:15 star press went a long way in 2008, which earned Bourne a lot of points with the audience,
08:19 but he was beaten like a drum for the vast majority of his WWE tenure, only getting the
08:24 occasional surprise win hearing there, like at Fatal 4-Way beating Chris Jericho. He won
08:28 the tag titles with Kofi Kingston in 2011, but it was the WWE tag titles in 2011 and
08:32 the less said about that the better, but it was also right at the end of his run, and
08:36 their team was called Air Boom, and I'd simply rather neuralize myself thank you.
08:41 I have a lot of really fond memories of Evan Bourne, and he definitely has more incredible
08:45 moments than others on this list, but at the same time the best one is him getting hit
08:49 with another dude's finish. You know the one.
08:51 Matt Sidell has continued to be insanely talented everywhere he's worked, which has never
08:56 really been surprising. He's a flippy man, look at him do his flippy flips. Weeeee.
09:01 Number 2, Nick Dinsmore. There's probably a bunch of people listening to this list that
09:05 are hearing the name Nick Dinsmore for the first time, and my good friends that is because
09:09 WWE is a place where they will look at a guy named Nick Dinsmore and say that's not the
09:13 name of a star, we need to call him Eugene.
09:16 There is probably a good deal of nostalgia around the Eugene character. He has some good
09:20 segments like that musical chairs bit, that's a banger. However, I cannot look at the act
09:24 of taking Nick Dinsmore, a very talented technical wrestler who was having great 20 minute battles
09:30 with Chris Benoit on OVW, and giving him the character of Eugene.
09:34 I want these lists to be a fun happy time with jokes and laughs and good times and happy
09:38 memories, but this entry is just so goddamn sad. I know we as a society have evolved a
09:44 lot in these last two decades, but that also just sounds like an excuse for people to get
09:48 away with being gross, and the Eugene character was very gross for a multitude of obvious
09:53 reasons. Aside from being among the most distasteful characters WWE has ever put on screen, and
09:58 think of the ground that covers, but it effectively killed the career of the man himself Nick
10:03 Dinsmore as no one could believably bring him into their promotions after being tainted
10:07 with such an awful gimmick. I hope he got paid a lot of money, he damn sure deserved
10:12 it.
10:13 And number one, Ultimo Dragon.
10:16 Had Ultimo Dragon wrestled on bigger stages more consistently and not had his arm injury
10:19 derail his career, I think he would get a lot more talk in conversations of the best
10:24 junior heavyweights of all time.
10:25 We'll never know for sure, but his run in WWE sure didn't help his position. Ultimo
10:29 Dragon had spent the 90s being one of the best wrestlers in the world, training with
10:33 New Japan before traveling to Mexico and WCW, along the way having some of Jericho's best
10:38 matches, and I'm not just saying that, he'll tell you that himself. He'd hurt his arm
10:42 in a botched surgery left him with nerve damage that would need to be corrected years later
10:46 before signing with WWE.
10:48 They had hoped that he could rival the impact of the signing of Rey Mysterio, who they had
10:51 brought in a year earlier, only I seem to recall Rey jumping off of a steel cage his
10:55 first night in the company and facing Kurt Angle at Summerslam. And for Dragon, it was
11:00 um...
11:03 Instead Dragon's WWE run is best known for him falling down at WrestleMania 20, and I
11:07 can't help but die inside and try to smile through my tears as I say that.
11:12 WWE never gave Ultimo Dragon the chance to get over, which unfortunately is the case
11:16 with virtually every main roster flop this century. But in Ultimo Dragon's case, it is
11:21 that much more heartbreaking, because he could have been on Rey Mysterio's level. He could
11:25 be in the top tier with the Jushin Thunder Ligers and Rey Mysterio's and Dynamite Kids
11:30 of the World, but unfortunately, he'll have to settle for just being number one on a list
11:34 like this.
11:35 And I mean, yeah, being one of the best goddamn wrestlers of all time is a bigger accomplishment
11:39 than this list. If only by slightly.
11:41 And that's our list. If you're as frustrated with WWE's call-up practices as we are, well,
11:46 just come subscribe to Parts of Unknown and we can all join in on the hate together. In
11:49 the meantime, make sure to like this video, leave a comment if you liked it, and share
11:52 it around with your friends. Maybe they'll enjoy it too. And if they do, tell them to
11:56 subscribe too. More the barrier.
11:58 (gentle music)
12:00 (upbeat music)
