• last year
Meet Boo - a 10-year-old pet goat who goes for daily walks around local estates and parks with owner, David Hughes.


00:00 Good boy.
00:06 Hi I'm David, this is Boo at my feet.
00:10 He's having a rest after a bit of a walk.
00:14 Boo's ten years old.
00:16 I've had him since he was born.
00:18 He was born in the pen.
00:20 I got his mum for milk and she came pregnant with Boo.
00:27 We were expecting two girls and we got one great Boo.
00:34 But he's very useful because he keeps the foxes off the chickens and he likes his walks
00:39 and he entertains everybody else on the walk as well.
00:54 So I started walking Boo when he was about a year old.
00:57 I noticed he had a slightly dodgy shoulder so I was keeping it stretched and keeping
01:02 it exercised.
01:04 His mum didn't like walking, she used to sit down and then sort of go onto her elbows when
01:09 she was trying to take her for a walk.
01:12 But Boo was quite happy to go for walks.
01:17 People's reaction, it really cheers people up.
01:19 It entertains Boo, it keeps him exercised, but people find it unusual.
01:24 I told one lady, I said it's a horned dog and she said, but it looks like a goat.
01:28 I said, OK, it is a goat.
01:32 Generally, either people walk straight past and Boo feels very perturbed about that or
01:38 he gets the attention and he loves the attention.
01:45 So he's surprisingly good on the lead when he's walking.
01:50 Although he does like his shortcuts and he likes to know his route back, but I think
01:58 he's a lot better on the lead than a lot of dogs are.
02:07 When he meets dogs, there are three reactions that he gets.
02:15 One the dog ignores him, or the dog's interested, or the dog starts to bark.
02:20 On a couple of occasions I've had a few dogs dancing around him, but he shows them the
02:25 horns.
02:26 He's never contacted the dogs, but he likes to keep them in eye shot.
02:32 Get the horns!
02:34 They're all getting a bit excited.
02:40 So I take him out on designated routes.
02:44 You've got to register a map of routes where he walks and that is after the foot and mouth
02:51 disease.
02:52 I feel slightly aggrieved at this because the goats and the great orm wander into the
02:56 Azurra or so in Clan Dudno without a goat walking licence, but it does allow me to take
03:01 him out and about every day.
03:04 When Boo's out and about, he's fascinated by most things.
03:08 Slightly scared by horses.
03:09 We have some big horses occasionally come through the park, but everything else he finds
03:14 quite fascinating.
03:15 His ears go forward and he loves to see these things.
03:19 On Christmas day I took him for a walk with a reindeer conversion kit which consisted
03:25 of a set of antlers on a headband and it was the centre of attention.
03:33 Apart from one person who walked straight past him.
03:36 He was quite upset about that I think.
03:38 Yeah Boo loves his walks and I keep taking him for a walk whilst he's happy to walk around
03:44 and he'll continue to keep entertained and entertain everybody else.
03:52 I'm afraid he treats barking with contempt, you know what he's like.
04:17 Come here.
04:24 Come here.
