• l’année dernière


00:00 *Musique épique*
00:04 *Bruit de coup*
00:04 *Grognement*
00:07 *Bruit de coup*
00:08 *Musique de l'intro*
00:13 - Man, I am starving.
00:14 Next exit, Munchy Town.
00:16 Population, us.
00:17 - Hey, no cut-scenes! I was here first!
00:20 - No way, Egghead, we've been waiting!
00:22 - Um, I believe the barrel-chested gentleman with the luxuriant mustache was first?
00:26 - What? Are you serious?
00:27 - Sonic, let's not make a scene.
00:29 - That's how we do it!
00:31 Score one for Eggman!
00:32 *Musique de l'intro*
00:37 Just gotta flash the 'stache.
00:39 Oh, that's good!
00:43 How's yours over there?
00:44 Oh, right!
00:45 Yours isn't ready yet.
00:47 Should've been faster, Sonic!
00:49 *Rire*
00:49 - Okay, here we are, two double-Mutburgers with extra pickles.
00:54 - I said no pickles.
00:56 - Oh, this is just the best day ever!
00:59 - Ahem.
01:00 I'm Dave, big fan of yours, sir.
01:03 I've studied all of your attacks.
01:04 The Bee-bot Gambit, the Lair Gambit, the Gambit Gambit...
01:07 - Ah, yes, that one was doubly risky!
01:09 I like the cut of your jib.
01:10 How'd you like to be my unpaid intern?
01:12 - It'd be an honor to work for you without pay!
01:15 - Did I mention I like you, jib-cut-wise?
01:18 - Wow! I'm really here!
01:20 Where do I start?
01:22 - Even though you're only an intern,
01:23 there's an important job that I can't trust Orbot and Cubot to do.
01:27 Mop the bathroom.
01:29 - Mop the bathroom?!
01:30 Wow! Back at Mutburger, I'd have to be a manager to do that!
01:34 - You two could learn a thing or two from this kid.
01:39 - This new intern worries my circuits.
01:47 I fear that his enthusiasm for the most menial tasks
01:49 causes us to appear inferior by comparison.
01:52 - Yeah, and he's making us look bad, too!
01:54 He does more sucking up than my cousin Suzanne!
01:57 And she's a vacuum!
01:59 [Grognement]
02:01 - Cubot? Cubot?
02:03 Cubot, where have you gone?
02:06 Cubot, are you there?
02:10 My word!
02:15 - I could build a robot to do this,
02:23 but there's just something about unpaid labor
02:25 that makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside.
02:28 [Grognement]
02:31 [Grognement]
02:33 [Grognement]
02:35 - What's this?
02:37 - Oh, just my old doomsday device.
02:38 - It's magnificent!
02:41 I bet I could destroy a hundred worlds!
02:43 - Well, maybe not a hundred,
02:45 but if I connected that power supply...
02:48 One, definitely!
02:50 - Dr. Eggman! Sir, it's Cubot!
02:52 He's been disassembled!
02:54 - Ah, I don't have time for you two!
02:55 Can't you see I'm enjoying quality time with my protégé?
02:58 So where were we?
02:59 Ah, yes, you were praising me.
03:02 You were leaving.
03:03 [Grognement]
03:06 [Grognement]
03:08 [Grognement]
03:10 [Grognement]
03:13 [Grognement]
03:15 [Grognement]
03:17 [Grognement]
03:19 [Grognement]
03:21 - Guess we won't be needing this anymore.
03:23 [Knock at door]
03:25 - Hello! Odd request.
03:28 Could I trouble you to reassemble my dismantled cohort?
03:31 [Machine whirring]
03:34 - Great job!
03:36 Next thing I need you to do is clean up the robo litter box.
03:40 - Um, actually, Dr. Eggman,
03:42 now that you consider me your protégé,
03:44 I was kind of hoping to get a little more evil experience.
03:47 Like, concoct a scheme together.
03:49 Maybe I could pitch some ideas?
03:51 - Listen, Dave, you're a terrible kid, and that's great,
03:54 but you have to start at the bottom of the evil ladder
03:57 and work your way up.
03:58 - But I've spent a year and a half in the fast food industry.
04:00 - Let's give it a few more weeks, eh?
04:02 - A few more weeks?
04:03 A few more weeks?!
04:05 I can't sit around indefinitely!
04:07 What do you think I am, a nutburger?
04:09 [Musique]
04:13 [Bruit de clavier]
04:14 - You come out this instant!
04:16 - I'll show you!
04:17 I'm gonna be an evil genius no matter what you say!
04:20 [Machine whirring]
04:22 [Machine whirring]
04:23 - David? What is going on in there?
04:25 - Nothing!
04:26 - You stop that right now, young man!
04:28 That is my doomsday device!
04:29 - Well, maybe you should have left the power supply in here then.
04:32 And maybe I shouldn't put the power supply in my pants!
04:36 - You're not wearing any pants!
04:38 - I'm wearing these pockets!
04:40 [Machine whirring]
04:42 [Machine whirring]
04:44 [Machine whirring]
04:46 [Machine whirring]
04:48 [Machine whirring]
04:50 - That better not be what I think it is!
04:52 - Depends on whether you think it's a doomsday device
04:55 that I just activated!
04:57 - Actually, I thought it was my panini press.
04:59 But this is worse!
05:00 [Musique]
05:05 - Watch what you're grabbing there, bozo!
05:07 - He's fixed! Cubot, tell us what happened to you!
05:10 - It's Dave! He dismantled me!
05:12 And I liked being mantled!
05:14 - Activate my doomsday device, huh?
05:16 I'll show you!
05:18 [Musique]
05:22 [Musique]
05:24 [Musique]
05:26 [Musique]
05:29 - Whoa! I'm reading two weird energy signatures from Eggman's lair!
05:33 - What are they?
05:34 - Judging from how powerful and unstable they are,
05:36 I'd say it could only be some kind of doomsday device.
05:38 Two of them!
05:40 [Musique]
05:42 - I'll have you know that I just shut off my doomsday device!
05:44 And it's gonna destroy the world even bigger than that one!
05:47 [Explosion]
05:49 - Game over, Eggman! Shut off the doomsday devices!
05:52 - Shut off? Who puts an off switch on a doomsday device?
05:56 - Hmm. You make a valid point.
05:58 Bad news. There's no off switch.
06:00 - Well, yeah. Who puts an off switch on a doomsday device?
06:03 - So what now?
06:04 - This is a long shot, but it's our only chance.
06:07 If we increase the energy output of both devices
06:09 and get them vibrating at opposite frequencies,
06:11 then there's a small chance they'll cancel each other out.
06:14 - Yeah, just for a second, pretend I'm not a science guy.
06:16 - Get Eggman to increase his device's power.
06:18 I'll do the same with Dave.
06:20 [Musique]
06:24 - I'm sorry, we're closed.
06:26 Oh, wait, this isn't the drive-thru. What do you want?
06:28 - I'm here to help.
06:30 - I don't need your help!
06:31 - I guess not.
06:32 If you're okay with Eggman destroying the world bigger than you.
06:35 - No way! Drive up to the next window and come in.
06:38 [Bip bip bip bip]
06:40 - Eggman!
06:42 Dave supercharged his machine with thousand-volt batteries.
06:45 - High-voltage batteries, huh? I'll show him!
06:48 [Musique]
07:17 - Look at the time! Anyone else hungry?
07:19 - No, don't stop working. I'll make you lunch.
07:21 - What is this?
07:25 Haven't you ever made a peanut butter and jelly sandwich before?
07:27 You gotta put the peanut butter on both pieces of bread,
07:29 otherwise the jelly makes it soggy.
07:31 - Right, sure, of course.
07:33 And you remember to cut it into triangles, right?
07:38 - One sec.
07:39 - The crusts. Do I even have to say it?
07:43 - Ugh.
07:44 [Groaning]
07:46 - Great! Dave's device is good to go.
07:48 How's everything over there?
07:49 - Ah, it's coming along.
07:51 - Oh yeah, that's the stuff.
07:54 - Hope this works.
08:05 [Bip bip bip]
08:06 - What the what?
08:21 - Hey, sweet! We did it!
08:23 - What the what?
08:26 - Ah, that's more like it!
08:33 - There must have been some small power discrepancy.
08:35 - Let's not point fingers.
08:38 The important thing is, how are we gonna reverse it?
08:40 - That's it! My reverse polarizer!
08:42 If you can get close enough, you can reverse the gravitational pull
08:45 and force it to close in on itself.
08:47 - But...
08:48 - But if you're too slow, you'll be pulled into the black hole forever
08:51 and all existence will be erased.
08:52 - Too slow? Ha! You forgot who you're talking to.
08:56 [Bip bip bip]
09:22 [Bip bip bip]
09:24 [Bip bip bip]
09:26 - You little twerp! Your interning days are through!
09:28 You're fired!
09:30 - But you are going to give me a positive evaluation, right?
09:33 - Get out!
09:35 And you two! I have an assignment for you.
09:39 - We're back, baby!
09:41 - Pop the bathroom.
09:43 - They'll pay for this.
09:46 They're all gonna pay!
09:48 - You want fries with that?
09:51 [Générique de fin]