Get ready for a delightful dose of wit and wisdom in the beloved CBS comedy series, Young Sheldon. In Season 7 Episode 9, crafted by the creative minds of Chuck Lorre and Steven Molaro, viewers are treated to another chapter in the life of the precocious Sheldon Cooper and his eccentric family. The stellar cast, including Iain Armitage, Montana Jordan, Emily Osment and more, brings each character to life with impeccable charm and comedic timing. Don't miss out on the laughs and heartwarming moments—stream Young Sheldon Season 7 now on Paramount+ for an unforgettable experience!
Young Sheldon Cast:
Iain Armitage, Zoe Perry, Lance Barber, Montana Jordan, Reagan Revord, Jim Parsons, Annie Potts, Craig T. Nelson, Matt Hobby, Emily Osment, Craig T. Nelson, Melissa Peterman, Wyatt McClure and Wallace Shawn
Stream Young Sheldon Season 7 now on Paramount+!
Young Sheldon Cast:
Iain Armitage, Zoe Perry, Lance Barber, Montana Jordan, Reagan Revord, Jim Parsons, Annie Potts, Craig T. Nelson, Matt Hobby, Emily Osment, Craig T. Nelson, Melissa Peterman, Wyatt McClure and Wallace Shawn
Stream Young Sheldon Season 7 now on Paramount+!
00:00You think I talk funny?
00:03What'd my mom say?
00:05Just that I should speak more proper.
00:07You're fine, and she should mind her own business.
00:10Thanks, but she's all worried Cece's gonna sound like me.
00:19You know, when I was a weather girl,
00:22I took some speech classes, and they really seemed to help.
00:26Did you used to sound like me?
00:28Oh, sweetie, no.