• last year
How to Love Your Child the RIGHT WAY. Renowned child psychologist Dr.Shefali Tsabary dispenses life-changing messages on conscious parenting and loving your child in the most meaningful way.

#InspiringWomen #InspiringWomenSpeeches #MotivationalSpeaker


00:00This is the greatest lesson for parents
00:03No one really truly loves anyone
00:06Everyone loves conditionally
00:08Most love is conditioned control based and fear based. It's all about the self. So we live off
00:15prescriptive checklists and
00:17believe that if we don't follow that checklist
00:19Then we are somehow lesser than and when we do this with a child who's come into this world with a throbbing spirit
00:26Desirous of kind of figuring it out and we've kind of already ruined that chance by you know, here's the checklist
00:32this is what I believe is success and failure and beauty and
00:36Achievement and now follow my way or you're already an outcast in my eyes this immediate
00:43placement of a way to be
00:46obscures the
00:48Ability for the child to develop their way and you will see most parents do not accept their children for who it is
00:54They are because they're not good enough or great enough or fabulous enough or not some accolade enough. Not a degree enough and
01:02Then the I show parents that the reason they can't do this
01:06Accept their child unequivocally for who it is. They are is because they haven't accepted themselves for who it is. They are
01:14The the main battle is my child is not who I thought my child would be either not a superstar soccer player
01:20fantastic pianist or obedient
01:23Genuflecting little servant, you know most parents who are raised on a diet of
01:29Overachievement on doing I have a very hard time understanding that their drive is not organic necessarily
01:35But coming out of their inadequacy their fear their lack
01:40They've just been indoctrinated to compensate for this and they've never fully healed from their encountering their ordinariness
01:47And so when I say that that's what's driving you and then they get in touch with their little boy
01:52Or little girl who truly felt ordinary and not good enough in that ordinariness
01:57That's when the epiphany occurs
01:59So then I make them see how it's now being projected onto the child
02:03Don't do this to your child your child is okay and whole in their ordinary ordinariness
02:07The child doesn't need more to feel more of themselves
02:11They didn't come with this egoic desire to attach to PhDs or labels or judgments or wealth to feel themselves
02:19Children feel themselves just by who it is. They are they are this they have the simplest access to wholeness
02:25We've robbed them of this to truly love someone
02:29It's truly loving the other for who it is. They are with no you in the picture
02:35They don't have to love you back. They don't have to need you. They don't have to agree with you
02:38They don't have to adhere to you now try loving your child for who it is. They are
