• l’année dernière


00:00 When Tiffany and I got married 26 years ago
00:03 I had some major trust issues, and I didn't even know that I had trust issues
00:10 I had not dealt with the trauma of being sexually abused
00:13 when I was a teenager, and I did not deal with the
00:18 Unhealth that I grew up in and just a dysfunctional home
00:22 I hadn't dealt with all of that trauma and all of that junk and so when I got married to Tiffany
00:27 I had all of this untrust, I just had distrust and I was always questioning Tiffany's motives
00:33 Why'd you do that? Why'd you say that? I mean I was just all I just did not trust
00:38 I thought Tiffany was going to leave me. I come home and say I know she's gone today
00:41 I know I just had so much insecurity
00:43 So much lack of trust, and I thank God for the work of the Holy Spirit
00:49 God has done such a great work of healing in my life and taught me to trust, but here's what I've learned about life
00:56 A lot of people have trust issues
00:59 Some of you have trust issues
01:04 Here's the definition of trust if you kind of just look up trust it talks about a firm belief in the
01:11 reliability, the truth, ability,
01:13 strength of someone or something and a lot of people don't have a firm belief in
01:21 And a firm trust in people in their own family even with their own friends. They have trust
01:29 issues and one thing that's interesting to me is how we don't trust the people we do know
01:36 We don't trust the people we do know, but we'll trust the people that we don't know
01:42 My family
01:46 Over spring break we went to Florida
01:48 We went to go see Cal Cooper our oldest son. He is a sophomore in college in Lakeland, Florida
01:56 So we wanted to go see him
01:58 When we were in the Dallas Airport our plane got delayed and it got delayed and it got delayed it got delayed and our flight
02:05 Did not leave until around 12 a.m.
02:08 In the morning, and here's what went through my mind are the pilots okay?
02:14 They got enough rest
02:16 It's a long flight. It's late. They're doing okay, but I went on and got on the plane
02:21 You know what I'm saying. I trusted the pilots come on you get in an uber in a city that you visited
02:27 Come on get in a uber. You don't know that brother. You don't know that sister. Are they really taking you to the right location?
02:35 Come on, we trust the chef in the kitchen
02:38 We trust the barista that we don't know in the coffee shop
02:40 We trust the mechanic fixing our brakes or the tire shop tightening our lugs on our tires
02:47 We just we trust we trust the post office FedEx UPS Amazon to get our package delivered to the right address
02:54 Something else that's interesting as a lot of people
02:58 Trust the airline pilot the uber driver the mechanic more than they trust God
03:04 Christians will trust God
03:08 Christians will trust God with their eternity, but they have a hard time trusting God with their life a lot of Christians have
03:16 trust
03:18 issues people pray the prayer of salvation and they trust God with their
03:23 Future, but they don't have a hard time trusting God with their now they trust God to get them to their eternal
03:31 Destination, but they have a hard time trusting God to help them get them to their earthly destinations
03:38 And as we begin this new series
03:40 The only way that you and I will stay in our lane
03:47 The only way that you're going to fulfill your God-given purpose is to learn to trust God with your life
03:53 And not just with your eternity to trust God with your life. You have to understand a couple of very
04:00 important theological truths and I want to give you a couple of theological truths that are so
04:08 foundational for every Christ follower and the first truth is God has a purpose and plan for
04:15 Your life if you're going to trust God with your life
04:19 you must understand that God made you and
04:23 That God has a plan and purpose for your life
04:30 Church, you're not an accident
04:32 You're not on earth by chance
04:36 It's not a coincidence. It's not by luck
04:40 No, God created you
04:42 It was his idea for you to be on the planet and God has a specific plan and purpose for your life
04:52 People in the Bible they understood this very important theological truth
04:58 I want to just kind of give you a lot of the Word of God today that you could begin to understand God has a purpose
05:03 He has a plan for my life Isaiah chapter number 44 verse 2. It says this is what the Lord says. He made you
05:11 Who formed you in the womb and who will help you God made you he formed all of us in our mother's womb
05:20 Isaiah chapter 49 verse 1 listen to me you islands hear this you distant nations before I was born
05:27 The Lord called me from my mother's womb. He has spoken my name God calls
05:33 You and me to accomplish his purpose before we were even born God has a plan for you
05:39 He has a plan for me before we came out of our mother's womb. God had a plan
05:43 Isaiah chapter 49 verse number 5 now and now the Lord speaks the one who formed me in my mother's womb
05:50 To be his servant who commissioned me to bring Israel back to him. God formed you in your mother's womb
05:56 He has a plan and a purpose for your life
05:59 I'm laying some theological foundation for your heart and for your life as we kick off this series Job chapter 14 verse 5 a
06:06 person's days are
06:08 Determined you have decreed the number of his months and have set the limits
06:12 He cannot exceed God number the days of our lives and he set limits
06:17 We cannot exceed God created each of us on purpose and with limits
06:22 I have limits God made me he designed me as a purpose for my life. I have limits
06:28 I can't sing I
06:30 Want to I try I want to be a singing preacher
06:34 I think I'd be more effective if I could talk to God about distributing gifts to me. I say God help a brother out
06:40 I'll
06:42 Fly away. Oh glory. No, it's not it's just not my thing
06:46 I'll never be 6'9 and in the NBA I
06:53 Wanted to be not 6'9. God gave me limits. He has a unique purpose for my life
06:59 So he put limits on my life and the same thing is true for you
07:03 Jeremiah chapter 1 verse 5 before I formed you in the womb
07:07 I knew you before you were born. I set you apart
07:10 I appointed you as a prophet to the nations
07:14 God has appointed you to accomplish certain things and to impact certain people
07:21 Listen there are God ordained appointments for your life
07:26 There are experience and people that God has appointed for your life
07:31 There are opportunities that God has appointed for your life
07:36 There are some jobs and assignments God has appointed for your life before you were born
07:43 God set you apart and he appointed certain things for your life. The Apostle Paul understood this truth
07:50 This very important theological truth that has to be deep in our hearts Galatians chapter 1 verse 5 verse 15
07:56 Listen to what the Apostle Paul says
07:58 But when God who set me apart from my mother's womb and called me by his grace was pleased
08:04 God set you apart from your mother's womb and he called you to accomplish certain things by his
08:12 Grace, I need a little help as I lay a little theological foundation
08:16 Just look at your neighbor and just tell them this God has called you to some things
08:20 Would you tell them that right now? Come on help you help your pastor out. Yeah, God has called you to some things
08:23 You have to understand this about your great God. Let's keep looking at the Bible. Let's keep digging deep
08:31 Jeremiah chapter 10 verse 23 Lord. I know that people's lives are not their own
08:35 It is not for them to direct their steps because we have been created by God
08:41 Set apart by God appointed and called by God our lives are not our own
08:48 We belong to God. We don't want to direct our own steps. We don't want to follow our own plans
08:53 We want to follow God's plan. We would allow him to direct our steps and today and throughout this series
09:00 Here's what I want to do. I want to look at the life of David
09:04 David understood this very important theological truth that God created him and that God had a plan for
09:13 His life David did not direct his own steps
09:17 He followed God's plan and purpose for his life
09:21 David wrote these words in Psalm chapter 40 verse number 5
09:25 Many Lord my God are the wonders you have done the things you have planned
09:31 for us
09:33 None can compare with you where I where I to speak and to tell of your deeds
09:39 They would be too many to declare David knew God had planned things for his life
09:45 Long ago. He knew God has some experiences some people some opportunities some jobs
09:52 Some assignments already planned for his life and because David had this deep conviction
09:58 He trusted
10:01 God
10:02 David wrote these words in Psalm chapter 139 in verse 13 for you created my inmost being you knit me together in my
10:10 Mother's womb he goes on to say in verse 16 your eyes saw my unformed body all the days
10:16 Ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be church
10:24 David trusted God because he understood that God knit him together in his mother's womb
10:31 He understood before he came out of his mother's womb God already had a plan and purpose for his life
10:39 And I want you to see how this practically played out in
10:43 David's life in
10:46 Samuel first Samuel chapter 16
10:49 God chose David to be the next king of Israel
10:54 And what's interesting about this story is when God chose David to be the next king of Israel
10:59 David was clueless
11:02 Let me take you back to God's Word first Samuel chapter 16 now. We're diving into the life of David
11:08 I've laid a theological foundation before you God created us. He has a plan for us God created us
11:13 He has a plan for us God created us. He has a plan for us now David understood this truth
11:17 And we're gonna see how it practically plays out in David's life first Samuel chapter 16 verse 1 the Lord said to Samuel
11:23 How long will you mourn for Saul since I have rejected him as king over Israel?
11:27 Fill your horn with oil and be on your way. I am sending you to Jesse of Bethlehem
11:33 I have chosen one of his sons to be
11:37 King God told the Prophet Samuel that he already had chosen the next king which was David
11:44 But David did not have a clue. Here's the big takeaway. Here's the big takeaway
11:49 You have to understand church that God has a plan and a purpose for your life church
11:56 God ordains your days
11:58 Before you came out of your mother's womb
12:01 Since this is true. It means God is the one who gives you opportunities
12:07 God is the one who gives you leadership positions
12:09 God is the one who gives you promotions your promotions and opportunities come from the Lord
12:17 Here's what David wrote in Psalm chapter 75 verse 7. It is God who judges he brings one down
12:23 he exalts
12:26 another
12:27 David had a deep conviction that God is the one who promotes
12:32 God was the one who removed King Saul from being the king of Israel and God was the one who exalted David to become the next
12:39 King what we learned from David is we need to trust God to bring his purpose and his plan
12:46 to pass
12:48 in our lives
12:49 when you really
12:51 Understand and believe this biblical truth you begin to trust God at a deeper level because you know
12:59 You're confident that God has a plan and purpose for your life
13:05 You're confident. You have a deep conviction that God has opportunities for you
13:10 His assignments for you. He has people and jobs for your life
13:15 And if you will follow God, he will bring his plan and his purpose to pass in your life
13:20 God will promote you and elevate you to where he wants you to be if you will trust
13:26 God
13:29 David
13:30 trusted God
13:31 David
13:32 trusted God
13:34 Psalm chapter 22 verse 9. This is David you were you yet you brought me out of the womb you made me trust in you
13:42 Even at my mother's breast David trusted God from an early age Psalm chapter 71 verse 6. This is David from birth
13:49 I have relied on you. You brought me forth from my mother's womb
13:54 I will ever praise you because David knew God had a purpose for his life. Notice what it says. He relied on God
14:01 he
14:03 leaned on God
14:05 He trusted God's plan and God's purpose for his life
14:09 One of my favorite scriptures about David Acts chapter 13 verse 36. Just look at your neighbor
14:14 Say I think this dude likes the Bible go ahead and tell him but yeah, I think he likes the Bible
14:21 Acts chapter 13 verse 36 now when David has served God's everybody shout the next word
14:27 If you have a paper Bible with you right now, would you circle God's purpose?
14:32 Now when David had served God's purpose in his own generation
14:38 He fell asleep. He was buried with his ancestors and his body
14:42 Decayed what set David apart from most people is he didn't direct his own steps
14:49 He trusted God's plan and purpose for his life many people
14:55 Don't live out God's purpose for their life. They live out their purpose for their life
15:02 They pursue their dream instead of God's dream. They pursue what they want instead of what God wants
15:08 They pursue their will instead of God's will they trust their plan instead of God's plan
15:15 People get distracted you and I easily get distracted
15:19 from God's
15:22 Purpose for our life so many people they spend their life focusing on a position
15:27 instead of on God's purpose on
15:30 promotion instead of on purpose on
15:34 prominence instead of on purpose on prestige or
15:38 popularity instead of on God's
15:41 Purpose, but when you study the life of David you ought to do it on your own
15:45 I've been studying it when you study the life of David you will never see him focused on getting a position
15:52 or prominence or prestige or
15:55 Popularity he was focused
15:59 He was a laser focused on living out God's
16:03 purpose for his life
16:06 check out
16:08 This next verse of scripture in 1st Samuel chapter 16 verse 5 verse 5
16:12 Samuel replied yes in peace. I have come to the sacrifice to the Lord
16:19 Consecrate yourselves and come to the sacrifice with me
16:22 Then consecrated he then then he consecrated Jesse and his sons and invite notice him
16:27 He consecrated Jesse and his sons and invited them
16:30 to the sacrifice
16:33 Samuel invited all of Jesse's sons to the sacrifice at this sacrifice the next king of Israel is going to be
16:40 Selected and he's going to be anointed the next king of Israel
16:45 Then I want you to notice what happens next in 1st Samuel chapter 16 verse number 11
16:49 So he asked Jesse are these all the sons you have?
16:52 I'll check them all out
16:55 They're in the house
16:57 None of them are the next game. He said well, they're still the youngest Jesse answer. He's tending the sheep
17:03 Samuel said was sent for him. We're not even gonna sit down until that brother arrives
17:09 Now now question church question why wasn't David at the sacrifice
17:17 He was invited did his father tell him not to come
17:22 Did his brothers tell him since you're the youngest you don't need to be at the sacrifice you snotty-nosed punk
17:31 There's no way you're gonna be the next king you're the youngest
17:35 I'm not exactly sure why David wasn't at the sacrifice
17:40 But was rather interesting to me is David never tried to make himself
17:45 the next king
17:47 He wasn't in the house with the rest of the brothers seeking after a position or seeking after a promotion David
17:54 Trusted God with his life and his future. He had a deep conviction that what God had for him
18:01 was for him and as long as he followed God the Lord would bring his plan and
18:08 Purpose to pass in his life his brothers. Here's what David believed church. You got to get this
18:13 He believed his brothers could not stop his destiny
18:18 They couldn't steal or stop the purpose that God had for his life
18:22 David had such a deep conviction in God
18:26 That even after he was appointed to be the next king. Here's what he did church. It's such an interesting story
18:33 He went right back to taking care of the sheep
18:37 David never sought after a position
18:40 He didn't try to make it happen and force himself to be the next king of Israel
18:46 Matter of fact, let's look at this next scripture. I want you to see this first Samuel chapter 16 verse 13
18:50 so Samuel took the horn of oil and
18:53 He anointed him anointed David and the presence of his brothers and from that day on the Spirit of the Lord came powerfully
19:00 upon David and
19:02 Then it says in first image after 16 verse 19
19:04 Then Saul sent messages to Jesse and said send me your son David not catch this church
19:10 He's been anointed to be the next king the Spirit of God's on him to be the king and it says who is with the sheep
19:15 David was selected and anointed anointed to be the next king and the Spirit of God came upon him in power to be the next king
19:22 But this dude is right back taking care of the sheep. He wasn't seeking a position
19:29 He was seeking God's purpose
19:31 Let me tell you what a lot of us would have done if we'd have got anointed to be the next king
19:36 Huh
19:39 Come on, we had to change our social media account name
19:43 Come on, the next king anointed and appointed come on somebody, you know, you know what you did
19:50 We were trying to help God out come on anybody ever try to help God out
19:54 We wait a minute. We wouldn't have been with that sheep. We'd have been focused on a position instead of on purpose
20:00 We've been trying to make it happen
20:03 We've been trying to force it to happen
20:05 But David trusted God's plan and purpose and he went right back to taking
20:11 Care of the sheep and what happened next in Davis life
20:15 Reveals the deep level of trust he had in
20:19 God
20:21 King Saul, I guess this is what happens next King Saul was being tormented by a demon
20:26 So he called David to the palace to play the harp
20:30 for the king to kind of soothe him the music was gonna soothe him and
20:34 David obeyed the king's command and he went to the palace. He played the harp for the king
20:40 Now now catch this when David got to the palace. He didn't try to make himself the king. He was anointed
20:46 The Spirit of God came on him to be the next king, but he didn't try to usurp the king
20:52 He didn't go around telling all the workers at the palace. Have you heard?
20:56 Have you heard I'm going to be
21:01 the next king
21:04 Do you know who I am?
21:06 Have you checked out my social media account?
21:10 No, he didn't try to manipulate the situation
21:12 He didn't try to make himself King. No, no, you know what David David trusted God and served the king
21:21 He played the harp and trusted God he focused on seeking God's purpose
21:28 Not a position
21:31 David Oh God help us today. Help us Lord David had a deep conviction
21:36 That what God had for him was for him
21:40 No one could stop God's plan and purpose for his life. Not even the current king
21:44 All he needed to do was trust and follow God Church
21:50 Let me bring this to where you live
21:52 Some of you are not living out God's purpose for your life
21:56 Because you're seeking after the wrong things
21:59 You have the wrong focus
22:02 You're seeking position
22:05 You're seeking promotion. You're seeking prominence, prestige, popularity
22:10 Instead of seeking after God's purpose
22:14 You're not trusting God. Oh if you're honest with yourself today
22:18 You're not trusting God
22:21 You trust yourself
22:23 You're spending all of your energy fighting for a position
22:27 You're spending all of your time trying to make yourself look good
22:31 And trying to make them look bad
22:34 You're trying to prove yourself to people trying to manipulate people manipulate the circumstances
22:39 You're tearing other people's down just trying to make yourself look good
22:43 You're consumed with jealousy
22:46 And if you're not trusting God
22:49 You're consumed with jealousy envy
22:52 Why does that person have that job? Why do they have that position?
22:57 I
22:59 I should have that position
23:01 I'm better than them
23:03 I'm more qualified than them
23:05 I've got more experience than them and perhaps all of that is true
23:10 It was true for David. I mean King Saul had a demon and David had God's spirit on his life
23:18 David was definitely more spiritually qualified to be the king, but his focus wasn't a position. It was on God's
23:27 Purpose
23:30 Here's the question. Here's the question. Here's the question. I want you to wrestle with this week
23:36 And we're gonna go into a moment a time of worship, but here's the question
23:40 every location
23:42 Lean in if you're sleeping with your eyes open wake up
23:45 Wake up. I need you to wrestle with this this week. I need you to wrestle wrestle with this question
23:51 Are you focused on serving God's purpose?
23:54 Or is your focus on a position
23:59 promotion
24:01 prominence
24:02 prestige
24:04 Popularity wrestle with this church. Do you trust God?
24:08 with your future
24:11 with your life
24:13 Or just with your eternity
24:15 Are you leaning on God?
24:18 Wrestle with this. Are you leaning on God? Are you leaning on yourself?
24:22 Pastor here's the question some of you are wondering pastor. How do I trust God with my life?
24:28 How do I trust God with my future?
24:30 What does it practically look like to trust God with my life and my future pastor you're messing with me today
24:35 Pastor if I shouldn't make the focus of my life a position if I shouldn't make the focus of my life a promotion or
24:43 Prominence or prestige or popularity? What should I be focused on? I'm confused pastor. What do I focus on?
24:51 Tell me don't miss next Sunday
24:56 Don't you don't you don't you miss next Sunday and don't miss one week of this series because I'm gonna tell you
25:02 What you should be focused on
25:05 And what you should do to stay in your lane and so that you can live out God's purpose for your life
25:11 My prayer for you today
25:13 May this be said of you
25:18 Acts 13 verse number 36 now when David now when Herbert
25:25 Now when Jim now when Tony now when Samantha had served God's
25:32 purpose in
25:35 his own generation
25:37 they fell asleep and
25:39 Buried with their ancestors and may we serve
25:42 God's
25:44 purpose
25:46 Please don't leave early. I asked the worship team to select this song. I
25:52 Questioned it because I believe you gotta know he has good plans
25:56 I believe you gotta know he has a plan and a purpose for your life
25:59 I need every location to stand on their feet if you're comfortable with you lift your hands to God don't leave out
26:04 Please don't leave we got plenty of time. Come on. Would you lift your hands and say God?
26:09 I trust your plans help me to trust you help me to trust your plan. Help me to trust your purpose
26:14 Help me to trust you God
26:17 Come on every location lift those hands up Midwest City Northwest Edmond Mabel bathroom. Come on trust God
26:24 Come on trust God trust God
26:37 He has good plans, he has good plans for me
26:47 So I will take heart and desert and garden
26:51 He has good plans, he has good plans for me
27:01 If I know my father, I know my father has good plans
27:10 Oh you have good plans, good plans
27:15 If I know my father, I know my father has good plans
27:20 We're gonna sing it again. Hey somebody I'm talking to you
27:23 Trust God. He's got good plans. You don't have to manipulate it. You had it. You don't have to tear them down any longer
27:30 God has a plan for you. He has a purpose for you. He has destiny for you. He has positions for you
27:36 He has jobs for you. He has people for you. He has assignments for you. He has resources for you
27:42 Would you lean on God? Come on, sir. Come on, ma'am. Would you trust God? Come on, would you trust God?
27:48 He can get you there. He can take you there. He can give you the promotion. He can give you the raise
27:53 But you gotta trust him. Come on church one more time. Would you trust God right now?
27:58 Come on Midwest City. Come on Northwest. Come on Edmond. Come on Mabel Bassett. Come on Orlon
28:04 He has good plans. He has good plans for me
28:13 If I know my father, I know my father has good plans
28:20 He has good plans, good plans
28:27 If I know my father, I know my father
28:32 Father, I thank you right now for touching hearts
28:36 I thank you right now that our trust is rising in you
28:41 Lord, I feel like I was obedient to what you told me to preach and communicate
28:46 Lord, I thank you that right now it's sinking deep in our hearts that you created us
28:52 You knit us together in our mother's womb. I thank you that it's sinking deep in our hearts
28:57 That all the days of our lives were ordained by you
29:00 And if we will trust you, you'll bring your plan and purpose to pass in our life
29:05 Help us to trust you, I pray. In Jesus name
29:10 You can take a seat and reverently and just as you are seated, you can just close your eyes and bow your heads
29:17 Because I'm talking to some people who don't know Jesus as the Lord and Savior
29:20 I'm talking to some people at every location that you're far from God
29:24 And I want you to know that God really does have a plan and purpose for your life
29:28 He has a plan, he has a purpose
29:31 And the way that you step into God's plan and purpose, the first thing you have to do is surrender your life to him
29:36 You have to say yes to him. Give Jesus your heart, give Jesus your life
29:40 Say yes to him. Turn away from your sin and turn to Jesus
29:44 Some of you used to serve God. You used to serve God
29:47 You used to be in God's plan and purpose for your life, but you've taken over your life
29:51 You're running your life, you're living wild, you're making bad decisions
29:55 You're hanging with the wrong people. Today recommit your life back to God
29:59 Get back in his plan, get back in his purpose today. He has one for your life
30:04 If I'm talking to you right now, you don't know Jesus as your Lord and Savior
30:07 Or today you need to rededicate your life to the Lord
30:10 You say, Pastor, I want my sins forgiven. I want to live out God's plan and purpose for my life
30:13 I'm tired of going my own way and I want to begin to go God's way
30:17 If that's you, as I count to three, would you lift your hand high at every location?
30:20 And I'm going to lead you in a prayer to say yes to Jesus
30:22 One, two, three. Just lift it now. Just lift it now. That's it
30:26 See your hand there. Others today see your hand. Others see your hand. I see your hand there
30:29 See your hand there. Others today see your hand. Come on, Midwest City, come on, Northwest
30:32 Just lift it high. That's it. That's it. Come on, Edmond, just lift it high
30:35 Online, click the raise your hand button and say that's me. Come on, Mabel Bassett
30:38 Come on, ladies, just lift it high. Is there somebody else today?
30:40 You want to surrender your life to Jesus? Say yes to Him and His plan, His purpose for your life
30:44 I'm going to ask every hand that's raised to pray this prayer with me
30:47 And to confess this prayer with your mouth and believe it in your heart
30:51 And God's going to wash away your sins today
30:54 Pray with me now, Heavenly Father
30:56 I turn away from my sin and I turn my life today over to Jesus Christ
31:03 I believe He's the Son of God
31:05 He died on the cross. He rose again on the third day
31:09 So that my sins can be forgiven
31:11 I turn my life over to Jesus
31:14 I will follow Jesus the rest of my life
31:19 Thank you for forgiving me today
31:21 In Jesus' name I pray, Amen
