• l’année dernière


00:00I want us to look at this passage of scripture today and this is where we're going to take our
00:03thought from and let me just set the tone for this. It's in first Kings chapter number two,
00:09first Kings chapter number two, and King David, the legend, is about to die. His dynasty,
00:20if it were, is coming to an end and he's passing on a charge to his son Solomon. How many know
00:27last words are important? When you're hitting the last moments of your life, you are not saying
00:33random words. When it is the last moments of your life, you are saying something that you want to
00:39resonate in the heart and in the mind of the person that you are saying it to. Last words
00:47matter. These are the last words of King David to his son Solomon. When the time drew near for
00:54David to die, he gave a charge to Solomon, his son. I'm about to go the way of all the earth,
01:02he said. So be strong. Act like a man and observe what the Lord your God requires.
01:13Walk in obedience to him and keep his decrees and commands, his laws and regulations as written in
01:20the law of Moses. Do this so that you may prosper in all you do and wherever you go and that the
01:29Lord may keep his promise to me. If your descendants watch how they live and if they walk faithfully
01:37before me with all their heart and soul, you will never fail to have a successor on the throne of
01:44Israel. I don't know if you know how to respond to good scripture, but that right there
01:51is good scripture. He says, obey the law and its requirements so you can prosper in what?
01:58All. You've been trying to prosper by hustling more. You've been trying to prosper by being
02:04an entrepreneur and passing out your business card, not knowing that if you obey his word and
02:08his decrees, you'll prosper in all that you do. But that's not what got me. Back that thing up
02:13biblically to that first verse. First word out of his mouth is be strong and act like a,
02:23act like a, say it with your chest, act like a man. Now, if that wasn't enough that in the last
02:30moments of David's life, he's telling his son Solomon to act like a man. Go with me to first
02:36Corinthians chapter number 16 as the apostle Paul is getting ready to conclude his last,
02:43his first rather letter to the church of Corinth. He says to them, be watchful, stand firm in the
02:50faith, act like men, be strong. Let all that you do be done in love. If David in the last moments
03:06of his life and the apostle Paul in the last chapter of his letters to the church of Corinth
03:13feels a need to tell a group of men to act like a man. Y'all I'm going to give you my simple title
03:21today. Act like a man, act like a man. I pray you memorize those verses and get that in your heart.
03:34I pray that you check another brother next to you when he's not acting like one and say,
03:39act like a man, act like a man. Elbow a brother next to you. Say, act like a man.
03:46Come on. Elbow the other brother. Say, act like a man. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Father speak to us today.
03:52Amen. You may be seated in the presence of the Lord. Here's the question I want to ask you today.
03:58Where is your model for manhood coming from? Because you're getting it from somewhere.
04:05Perhaps you're getting it from your past. A lot of us get our model for manhood from our past,
04:11how our father was, how our uncle was. Hey, this is how my granddaddy did it. This is the way I did
04:17it. It's a horrible thing sometimes to get the manhood model from your past, especially if that
04:23was not a good model. Some people even have great models, and yet even in spite of having the great
04:28model, they don't become a reflection of the model they had. They're an opposite reaction to the
04:34model that they had in something completely different. Where do you get your model for
04:37manhood? Is it from your past? Is it from your peers, from the people around you? Because I
04:43know there's guys, we will do that. We'll be like, hey, especially if we're married. Hey,
04:47you think you got it bad? You need to talk to Fred. Look at Fred. I mean, I'm telling you,
04:51he's worse than me. You think I'm bad? Look at him. We'll love to look at other people.
04:55But I want to encourage you today. Don't look at your model for manhood from your past,
05:00and don't look at your model for manhood from your peers. God is a God who wants to speak to
05:05your potential, that there is a potential on the inside of you, that there is a man that you have
05:10not yet become and that you are stepping into. And God says, I have a potential that if you will
05:15follow my biblical mandate for manhood, you will walk in the potential of what I've called you to
05:22be. I want to give you three things from this text, just very simply, of how you can act like
05:28a man. You're taking notes? Write this down. You're not taking notes? Write this down. Number
05:33one, you're going to act like a man? You have to be watchful. Watchful. David says to Solomon,
05:43observe what the Lord requires. Observe what the Lord requires. Somebody say, be watchful.
05:52Right in the text, Paul says, be watchful. That lets me know that if I'm going to be a man,
05:59according to the biblical definition of being a man, that is to be watchful. Somebody say,
06:05be watchful. Be watchful. That is your job as a man, to watch. Do you know why the serpent was
06:13able to deceive Eve? Adam wasn't watching. The enemy was watching. You've heard me teach before
06:20that snakes are the only species that never blink. They're always watching. He watched them so good
06:28and was so cunning that he knew, she likes to talk. He don't like to talk. If I can get her,
06:36she'll get him. And he knew to come straight to Eve, and Eve got Adam. But Adam wasn't watching
06:42his garden. Adam wasn't watching for snakes in the garden. I want to let you know, one of the
06:46mandates on your life as a man is to be watchful, to watch for people that are coming in your garden,
06:52to watch at what the enemy is trying to do to attack your family, to watch what the enemy is
06:57trying to do to mess up your marriage, to watch what the enemy is trying to do to destroy your
07:02legacy and generations that are coming after you. You've got to be watchful in this generation where
07:09there are so many things trying to get your attention. One of the mandates of manhood is to
07:13say, I'm gonna be watchful. I'm watching. All throughout the Bible, we get encouragement to be
07:19vigilant, to be sober, to not just have our head in the clouds, but to be watching. And the reason
07:24we have to watch is because the enemy is watching you. How many men know there is a target on your
07:29forehead if you are a man? And if the enemy's watching, I'm gonna be watching, and I'm gonna
07:35make sure that I don't fall prey to whatever it is he's trying to get me to fall a trap into.
07:41Watchful. This is where it starts. I love this idea of being watchful because it speaks to this
07:47biblical idea of being a watchman on the wall, a watchman on the wall. Often when we think about
07:52the battle, we think about the people that had the swords and had the weapons, but one of the key
07:56parts of a battle was to have a watchman on the wall. And the watchman on the wall, guess what
08:01his job was to do? To watch. To watch and to see if an enemy was coming. But here's what I love about it.
08:08If you're gonna be a watchman on the wall, you cannot be at the same level of the other people
08:13who are not watching. If I am a watchman, I cannot be down there where the problem is. One of the
08:22requirements of being a watchman is being careful of where you position yourself. So the watchman
08:27always had to get to a place of elevation so they could actually see from a distance, oh yeah, here
08:33they are. They're coming with chariots. Everybody else get ready, get ready because I see the enemy
08:37coming. And the reason why some of us can't see the attacks that are coming is because our life
08:42is too low. You are living too low and that's why God is always trying to call you up higher. Y'all
08:47not gonna help me preach. God wants to call you to a higher place because if you can get to a higher
08:52place of elevation, you can actually see what's coming. You're a watchman on the wall. If I'm a
08:58watchman, I am careful of where I place myself because I cannot have anything stopping my vantage
09:03point. I gotta see. So a watchman on the wall has to come up higher and a watchman is careful
09:10of where he places himself. I want to ask you, where are you placing yourself?
09:15Are you in a position where you can see an attack coming or are you right next to the enemy?
09:21Are you on the same level of the enemy? And God will often come up higher. This is why we need
09:25men to pray. This is why we need men to seek God because how many of you know there's something
09:30about prayer that calls you up higher. Any man can testify that you've ever gotten in a place
09:35of prayer and God gives you a perspective on it that you didn't see before. Watchmen come up higher.
09:41Come up higher. Elbow your brother next to you. Say, brother, wake up. Come on, tell him,
09:47wake up and get on the wall and watch. You've got to come up higher. Come up higher. If you're going
09:54to be a man, you have to be watchful. It wasn't enough for them just to get at the place of
10:00elevation and watch. Watch this. Then they had to sound the alarm. If they saw something,
10:07they had to say something. If I'm a watchman on the wall and I get up high and I see the enemy,
10:11but I don't warn the people that I've been called to protect, I've not done all my job.
10:17It's not enough just to see it. You got to say something when you see it. We need some brothers
10:23who will open up their mouth and say something when you see something. It is the trick of the
10:28enemy to get us to mumble, to not talk, to have our arms folded. No, open up your mouth and say
10:34something when you see something. Where are all the dads at? If you're a dad, stand to your feet.
10:38Dads, all the dads stand to your feet. All the dads stand to your feet. My goodness, come on.
10:46Part of your job is to say something when you see something. Hey, hey, hey, what's that I smell on
10:54you? Say something. If your daughter is wearing something crazy and you especially know how
10:59say something when you see something, open up your mouth. It is so easy as a man to recoil
11:07and say, well, I'll let your mama take care of it. No, you're the watchman on the wall.
11:12Don't let your wife be the one to say, oh, we're going to go to church today. No, no, no, no, no.
11:16You'll be the one to say, no, we're going to church today. Do we have to go? Yes. Just like
11:20you don't ask me, do we have to go to school or do we have to go to your baseball or your football
11:24game? In this house, we serve the Lord. As for me and my house, we are going to church. It's not
11:29up for debate. I'm a watchman on the wall and I don't just see stuff, I say stuff. Get in the car,
11:34we're going to church. You could be seated. This is a powerful but very simple thing to do
11:42that when you see something, say something. I just have to shout out my dad because I believe in
11:47honor. My dad is here and I had an incredible motto. And one of the things that I love about
11:52this Nigerian man sitting right here on the second row is he would say something.
11:58He would say something almost to the point that, woo, it was too much. But anything he saw,
12:06he would have to let me know. If there was somebody else hanging with him, you cannot hang out with
12:10them. Why? Because I said so. I would be the only kid that have sleepovers. My dad be like,
12:16I'm picking you up. You don't need to sleepover. Come over to the house. And then I'd hear the
12:20next day at school, what happened at the sleepover? And I was so thankful that I had a
12:23watchman on the wall that said, no, no, no, no, no, not for me, not for my family. I'm watching,
12:29but I'm not just watching. I will open up my mouth and say something because it is my job as a man
12:35to protect. It is my job as a man to secure. This is what our families want. They want safety.
12:42And we have to say something when we see something. You're a watchman on the wall. Elbow
12:47your brother and say, be watchful. Not only do you have to watch those that God has put
12:53under your care and under your responsibility. Hear me. You got to watch yourself.
13:02I got to watch me because the same enemy that's coming to attack the city, the family that I'm
13:10trying to protect is the same enemy that's trying to attack me. So I've got to be watchful
13:16of myself. Some of the strongest men I know are the men who are fully aware of their weaknesses
13:25and they watch themselves. The weakest man I know are the men who are like, nah, I'm good.
13:33I ain't got to watch out for that. Those are the weakest men I know. And those are the men
13:37that I see fall. The men that I see that are strong are the ones who say, I know my kryptonite.
13:42I know what will take me out. So yes, I'm watching those that God has put under my responsibility,
13:50but I'm watching myself. I got to watch myself. And who I want to know today in a very practical
13:57way. Are you watching yourself? Do you know you, do you know what traps the enemy has put in front
14:05of you? Cause he got the same tricks. They don't change from 13 to 35. Has anybody noticed?
14:11It might come in a different package, but it's the same trick. And I've got to watch myself.
14:18Here's one of the ways you watch yourself. You watch yourself by what I call moving up the line.
14:26Because there's like a line, right? Imagine a line right here. There's actually a line on
14:30this stage. And let's say that on the other side of this line is sin. It's the things that
14:39are not God honoring. That's on the other side of this line. And do you know what a lot of men do?
14:44Cause they don't watch themselves. They try to see. I mean, I'm not sleeping with her. I just
14:56followed her on Instagram. She's my friend. I just, I'm not cheating all the way. I mean, I'm
15:06just, you know, you know, if we, if we, if we, you know, rearrange the finances here, you know,
15:12maybe I can give more, you know, pastor said, I need to, you know, give more. And also they try
15:16to see how close they can get to the line. And any guy that is doing that is not watching himself.
15:24I've learned. If you're going to watch yourself, if that's the line,
15:28you got to be back here. I don't even give myself an opportunity to get close to the line.
15:34I've got to move the line up here. If that's the line I've got to come right here. And I want to
15:39ask you in a very practical sense, very practical sense. What do you have in place to watch yourself?
15:48Do you have anything in place where you're watching yourself? Because to be a man is to
15:53be watchful. Oh man, I don't need all that. Okay. Matthew chapter 18. Look at this real quick.
15:59Matthew chapter 18. It says, this is the words of Jesus. He says, if your hand or your foot
16:08causes you to stumble, cut it off and throw it away. It is better for you to enter life maimed
16:16or crippled than to have two hands or two feet and be thrown into eternal fire. And if your eye
16:24caused you to stumble, gouge it out and throw it away. It is better for you to enter life with one
16:31eye than to have two eyes and be thrown into the fire of hell. Okay. Real quick, before we just go
16:36straight church and say, amen. What in the world does Jesus talk about right there? Is he literally
16:42saying, cut off your foot and gouge out your eye? Is that the meaning of that text?
16:49Are we supposed to come to church and see some of y'all with eye patches saying, man,
16:53I'm telling you, man. What's wrong with you, man? I couldn't, the porn, I had to stop. So,
16:58you know, you read Matthew 18. Is that what he's saying? Are we supposed to see you come in
17:07with a foot gone? Tell me where you're going. Man, you know, I kept going to the liquor store. I just
17:11said, I tied it to you. Matthew 18. Surely he is not talking about physically harming yourself.
17:18This is not what he's saying, but what he is saying is I want you to go to the extreme
17:25in cutting off access to a temptation rather than trying to fight the temptation.
17:34It is better to go to the extremity of cutting off the access point to the temptation than it
17:41is trying to live with fighting the temptation. Oh, I'm telling you, if this don't bless nobody
17:46else is blessing me. I'm trying to tell you how to win in life. When the enemy comes at you with
17:51all kinds of stuff, it's not about you trying to just fight the temptation. Sometimes you've got
17:56to cut off the access point to the temptation. I can't tell you how many guys I've talked to.
18:01I said, bro, where you are in life, you don't need to be on no social media.
18:06That just might be a real practical question to ask you. Can your soul handle social media?
18:12Can you, can we talk real since it's just got, let's just start this,
18:17this precedent of us being real. Can you handle, can you handle
18:24the access point of them coming straight to your DMs? Can you handle that?
18:31Can you handle having the internet in your house? Well, I'll go do my work. We got public libraries.
18:38Yeah. See, this is what people, people think is crazy to cut off the access,
18:44but God is telling you right there. I would rather you cut off the access point
18:48than try to fight the temptation. You're just seeing all kinds of stuff. I got covenant eyes
18:54on my phone. I'll access my sister. She's here somewhere. She looks at my, she looks at my DMS.
19:00My wife looks at my DMS. I speak about social media because everybody I talked to that's
19:03fallen, it started on social media. Any person that's not been faithful to the wife, it started
19:09with a conversation through a digital device. And I'm saying, if that is a place of access for you,
19:16cut it off, cut it off because it's better to cut off the access point than to be there trying to
19:24fight it. Ain't nothing worse than living two blocks from the Krispy Kreme donuts.
19:29And then the red lights on, you're like, I'm not going to go in. You are going to go in. I promise
19:33you. This is the challenge. It's not just to watch other people, but to watch myself. Number two,
19:44you don't act like a man. You got the number one, what? Be watchful. Number two, you got to be strong,
19:52got to be strong, be strong. That way your brother say, be strong, be strong.
20:04David says to a Solomon, to a son, Solomon, he says, be strong.
20:09Paul says, be strong. Both of them echoed the same thing. Be strong. But this is what most of
20:16us were told as kids, right? The moment that we lost the football game, we tried to tear up.
20:22They're like, hey, don't cry. Be strong. And we took that not showing our emotions
20:30is being strong. And some guys are still doing that today. It's like, I'm strong
20:34is I don't show my emotions. That is not manhood, to not show your emotions. That's not the
20:39definition of being strong, to not show your emotions. Now, I should say, if you are more
20:44emotional than a woman, act like a man. And I have seen that. If you freak out more than your woman,
20:53then we got to pray. We got to do something because you're supposed to be the steady one.
20:57You're supposed to be the strong one. But I can still show my emotion and still be a man.
21:03I can still be a man. If being strong is not showing my emotion, then Jesus failed the test.
21:08This is a Savior who wept over a dude he was about to raise from the dead.
21:16Come on, y'all. Imagine you got that, but you got the power to raise somebody from the dead.
21:20How many of you about to cry before you raise the guy from the dead? You are not going to shed
21:25one tear. You're going to be like me. You're going to roll up your sleeves and say, hey, y'all, I'm going to get
21:28your phones out because it's about to be live. Watch this. Watch this. Why does he weep? Because God
21:36showed emotion. He's in the garden of Gethsemane. He's like, yo, I need my brothers with me.
21:43I don't want to go to this cross, but I got to. And I don't want to be by myself.
21:47I need some people around me. He showed emotion. So that can't be
21:53what the Bible means by being strong, that you don't show emotion.
21:57What does it mean to be biblically strong? Here's another thing that blew my mind,
22:01is God commands you to be strong. He commands it. He says, be strong. To me, it should be get strong.
22:10How are you going to command me to be strong? I'm training for a marathon right now, and if any of
22:16y'all want to join me so I don't die by myself. I'm training for a marathon, and I'm going,
22:23and I'm in relatively good shape. And it's not the lung power that's killing me. It's my legs.
22:29I skipped too many leg days. And so I'm trying to get my legs strong enough. And every day I've
22:34been like, the most I've done already is like four miles. This marathon is 26.2. Okay, I got 14 weeks.
22:41Don't do that. Don't make that face. I got 14 weeks. But I've been trying to get, I've been
22:48trying to get strong. Been trying to get strong, get my legs strong. Can you imagine somebody
22:53telling me today, go run the 26 now. Be strong, bruh. How am I going to be strong? I'm getting strong.
22:59But God says, I want you to be strong. He says to Joshua, I've commanded you to be strong.
23:08That means biblical strength must be something different than this masculine strength we're
23:13talking about. What does God mean when he says, I want you to be strong? He says, I want you to
23:21understand that your strength is not in your ability. Your strength is in me. Be strong in
23:29what? In the Lord. Be strong in him. My strength is not in my intellect. My strength is not in my
23:36gifting. My strength has to be found in him. And can I tell you brothers, if Sunday is the only
23:42time you ever get in his presence or you ever open up the word of God, that's why you don't
23:47have the strength that you need. There needs to be an understanding of your dependency on him.
23:52That's where your strength comes from. My strength is in him. That's how you build your strength.
24:00You know how else you're strong in the Lord? When you trust and obey him. I'm just talking as simple
24:06as I can talk. Trust and obedience prove your strength in the Lord. You're only as strong
24:15as your obedience. You're only as strong as your obedience. Joshua, what do you want me to do? I'll
24:21cut off their head. I got the skill to do it. I know, but that ain't how I want you to do it. Walk around
24:27the wall and shout. And he did it and got the victory. Why? Because of his muscles? Because of
24:35his obedience. Some of you are at a place right now where the thing that God is asking you to do
24:41makes no sense at all. And because it doesn't make sense to you, you're not doing it and you
24:48wonder why you don't have strength. The strength comes as you obey. The strength comes when he
24:58tells you to do it. And you say, God, this is crazy. Why am I going to lift up my staff? I've never seen
25:04water part, but since you told me to, God, this doesn't make sense. This giant is taller than me,
25:12but you know what? I'm just going to work with what you already gave me. And I got five rocks
25:17in case this first one don't work, but let me, let me just trust and obey. Can I tell you, it made no
25:26sense to plant a church when we planted this church. Y'all, I was comfortable. I was chilling.
25:35I was traveling to different churches, preaching. God had opened up so many doors. I could have
25:40kept on doing it. And God said, I want you to stop. Plant a church. I canceled Sunday morning services
25:49and stepped out in faith and it didn't make sense. And it wasn't like we had thousands of people
25:55coming, but there's something in the obedience. Build your strength. You think you'll be,
26:04because you can throw up 225 on the bench press. No, no, no, no, no, no. I'll show you strength
26:09is when he tells you to do something makes absolutely no logical sense and you obey him.
26:15That's when you know you're getting strong in the kingdom of God. Be strong. Be strong.
26:26You're going to be a man. What do you got to do first? Do what? Secondly, got to do what?
26:33Be strong. Be strong. Be strong. Even when you don't feel like it, be strong.
26:43You lead the prayer at the house. Be strong. You tell your wife, we're going to pray today.
26:48Be strong. It don't matter if you feel it. You know how many times I don't feel like I'm a pastor.
26:54You know how many times I don't feel like I'm a leader. Here's my trick. Oh,
26:57I'm giving you all my good stuff. Here's what, because oftentimes we don't see our potential.
27:03We don't see who we really are. So here's a, here's a little hack. I tell myself,
27:07what would a great leader do in this moment?
27:12Cause the enemy tries to play in my mind about leadership. So I'll ask myself,
27:16what would a great leader do? And when you ask those questions, you step into the greatness of
27:21who you are. What would a husband do who wants to be truly pure and Holy and faithful, not just
27:35in action of what I've done, but also an attitude of heart. What would a faithful husband do in this
27:41moment? He would switch gyms. He would go to that company party and say, bro, I need you right here
27:57next to me this whole time. And if she comes over here and let me know, and then let's run and go,
28:03let's have an exit strategy. Can we talk real? What, what, what, what, what would a great father
28:12do? What would a great father do? No, but my son, he didn't know. But what would a great father do?
28:23What text would a great father send? What would a great husband do?
28:29No, but you want to say ship? No, no, no. But what would a great husband do?
28:36Well, he'd probably say he was sorry. Do that.
28:41Do that. When you do that, your strength comes. Your strength, you're being strong. That's not
28:48weakness to apologize. That's strength. That's not weakness to say I messed up. I failed you.
28:55That's strength. Be strong. Be strong. Number three, y'all can come play.
29:06You're going to be a man. You got to be watchful.
29:11You got to be strong. And then lastly, you got to stand firm.
29:17You got to stand firm. Paul says so plainly, look how simple this is. He says,
29:26stand firm in the faith. David says in verse four,
29:33that if you keep God's commandments, Solomon, God is going to keep his promise to me.
29:41What's the promise you got, David? If somebody say if that's a conditional promise,
29:48if your descendants watch how they live, and if they walk faithfully before me with all their
29:54heart and soul, you will never fail to have a successor on the throne of Israel. If,
30:03if you'll stand firm and if those coming after you will stand firm,
30:08your throne is going to last forever. Your legacy will be set. Hear me brothers.
30:13Standing firm has more to do with the future than it does with the present.
30:19Stand firm. The reason I got to stand firm is because this is not just about me.
30:26It's about who's coming after me. I got to stand firm. Can I tell you what keeps me up at night?
30:34It's Lord, I see what you're doing in our church. I see what you're doing in my life
30:44and I'm thankful, but God, I want to stand firm. I want to finish well. The older I get,
30:54I am not impressed with people who start well. Anybody can start well. Anybody can start with
31:01passion. Anybody can plant a church and have people show up. Get out that sound system devil,
31:10but to finish well, to say like Paul, I fought the good fight. I finished the race
31:19to stand firm in your marriage, to stand firm in your integrity, to stand firm.
31:27That's what I applaud. Anytime I see a brother that's standing firm and has been standing firm,
31:35I want to get close to him because that's what I want to do. I don't want to start things well.
31:39I want to stand firm and finish well. So he'll say, well done, good and faithful servant.
31:46Not because I was perfect, but at least I stood firm. What you think Ephesians chapter six is
31:52about? You ever noticed you put on all that armor to do what? To stand. Read it when you get to the
32:00crib. To stand. Put on the helmet of salvation, breastplate of righteousness, all this stuff.
32:07And it tells you all this armor, you think I'm about to fight. No, stand. Who can stand the
32:13longest? It's a fight to stand. It's a fight to finish well. Because if I fall and I don't stand
32:22firm, there is a generation coming after me that is watching what I'm doing. I've got to stand firm.
32:29Oh, I wish you could see who's watching you stand. I wish you could see who's watching you stand
32:33firm. I promise you wouldn't throw in the towel so easily if you knew which eyes were looking up
32:38to you, watching how you stand. God, give us the strength to stand. Let us act like man and not
32:45cower away, but to stand and not just stand. Stand firm. Stand firm. Heard this story this week
32:57of a man who was a professional mountain climber. It's a true story.
33:04This professional mountain climber took four of his friends up this mountain.
33:09And the way they climbed it with all their equipment, they stayed tied together 35 feet apart.
33:16And they start going up this mountain, this professional mountain climber leading the way.
33:21They get all the way up to the top of the mountain.
33:25They had a celebration, did a victory dance. They're giving each other high fives.
33:30And now it's time to descend. They start descending towards the mountain.
33:40And the professional mountain climber lost his footing on the descent
33:48as he's connected by rope to the other four guys. When he lost his footing, he slipped and fell and
33:55starts cascading down this mountain, dragging the other four of his friends with him. Here's
34:02what blew my mind as he's coming down the mountain fast. Not only did he kill three of the friends
34:09who were with him, there were some other people who were coming up the mountain and because they're
34:13sliding so fast, he ran into them and killed two of the people that were coming up the mountain.
34:20Not only that, down the mountain, there were some other people coming up the mountain. They ran and
34:24slid into them. There was all this carnage because of one person who lost his footing and who was
34:30connected to his rope. What am I trying to tell you? Do you understand who is connected to your
34:36rope? Do you know why your integrity matters? Do you know why what you do in the dark matters?
34:42It's because there's generations that are connected to you. If you don't have kids yet,
34:46there are kids that are coming that are watching you. That's why we have to stand firm because of
34:51who is connected, because of who's going to tell the story in the future. I don't know about you,
34:56social man, but I want to be a man that says, God, I will stand firm. I don't want to act like an
35:02animal. I don't want to act like a boy. I want to act like a man. Even if I don't feel it, I will
35:08act like a man. Even if I got tears coming down my face, I'll act like a man. Even if I get punched
35:14and I fall down, I got to get back up again and act like a man. Generations are waiting for me.
35:20Generations are coming after me. I don't know who's connected to my rope. I don't know who
35:26could go down if I go down. I have to stand firm. I have to be watchful. I have to be strong.
