00:00 Peppa, George et Granny Pig vont sortir pour un jour sur le bateau de Grandpa Pig.
00:06 Ahoy there, Peppa and George!
00:09 We're ready to go sailing!
00:11 I'll move the boat a bit nearer.
00:14 Careful you don't hit that big stick, Grandpa!
00:17 That's a mooring post. I won't hit it.
00:22 Oh!
00:24 Grandpa, there's a big hole in your boat.
00:28 It's just a scratch.
00:31 Oh! Grandpa's boat is sinking!
00:35 Quick, Grandpa Pig, jump off!
00:38 A captain never leaves his sinking ship.
00:43 Grandpa Pig's boat has sunk to the bottom of the river.
00:49 It is Grandad Dog.
00:52 Ahoy there, Grandpa Pig!
00:55 Lovely day for a sail?
00:57 Yes. Ahoy there!
00:59 I'm taking my boat to the boatyard today.
01:02 Going to get a few repairs done.
01:04 Would you mind taking my boat to the boatyard too, please?
01:09 Of course.
01:10 Where is your boat?
01:13 I'm standing on it.
01:15 Has it sunk?
01:17 Well, a little bit.
01:20 I'm surprised your boat didn't sink a long time ago.
01:23 What? It's a better boat than that rust bucket of yours.
01:27 Grandad Dog and Grandpa Pig are very best friends.
01:33 Catch this, Captain!
01:35 Aye, aye, Skipper!
01:37 Grandad Dog's truck has lifted Grandpa Pig's boat out of the water.
01:45 Wow!
01:47 Next stop, the boatyard!
01:51 What's a boatyard?
01:53 A boatyard, Peppa, is where broken boats get mended.
01:58 This is Grampy Rabbit's boatyard.
02:03 Ahoy there, me hearties!
02:06 Ahoy there, Grampy Rabbit!
02:09 Who did that to your boat, Grandpa Pig?
02:13 Um, someone drove it into a mooring post.
02:17 It went crash and made a big hole there.
02:22 You should never let other people steal your boat, Grandpa Pig.
02:26 Uh, yes. Can you mend it?
02:29 Of course. I just need to size up the damage.
02:32 Grampy Rabbit is measuring the hole in Grandpa Pig's boat.
02:37 Now I need to find something to patch it up.
02:40 It must be good to know how to mend a boat.
02:44 It takes years to learn how to mend a boat.
02:47 How long have you been mending boats?
02:50 Years.
02:51 Grampy Rabbit has collected lots of scrap metal to mend boats with.
02:56 Now this is a gold mine.
02:59 It's a pile of rubbish.
03:02 But you can make things from piles of rubbish.
03:06 Like what?
03:07 Like submarines!
03:09 Wow!
03:10 Grampy Rabbit has made a submarine out of rubbish.
03:14 Does it actually work?
03:16 Watch this!
03:18 It fills up with water, so it's very good at going down, but not so good at coming back up.
03:26 Now this is what I've been looking for.
03:30 It's a washing machine.
03:32 It's the fix for Grandpa Pig's boat, is what it is.
03:37 You're going to mend my boat with a bit of washing machine?
03:42 Yes!
03:43 That's as good as new!
03:50 Hooray!
03:51 Now we test it.
03:54 Prepare for launch!
03:56 Aye, aye!
03:57 Amazing! It floats!
04:03 You sound surprised.
04:04 Yes, usually they sink on the first go.
04:07 Now we can go for a day on the river.
04:11 What a splendid idea!
04:13 This is the life out on a boat with just the sea and the sky.
04:20 I know a song about the sea and the sky. Do you want to hear it?
04:26 No, thank you.
04:27 Yes, please.
04:28 I got up this morning, the sea was still there.