• last year
Hundreds of pubs have closed in the last few years, so we ask the people of Cardiff whether they see the trend too.
00:00 I've heard that they're closing quite a lot, yes, definitely, yes.
00:04 There are definitely less than there used to be.
00:07 Like I said, we haven't been to a pub for a while.
00:10 Which is probably part of the problem.
00:12 Yes, yeah.
00:13 I don't know, I feel like around us, like, we're in, like, Kittay's Row,
00:17 like, obviously it's a very, like, student-y area.
00:20 I think most people do, like, go to the pub quite a lot in the week,
00:23 so I feel like, in terms of it being, like, a social event,
00:26 I think it is still existent.
00:29 I mean...
00:30 Yeah, I don't know.
00:31 You can't always afford it.
00:32 Like, student loan comes in on Monday, which is why...
00:35 Yeah, we've got our cans.
00:37 Cheap cans instead.
00:39 You know, their overheads are sky-high as well, aren't they?
00:43 So, you know, they've got to put their prices up
00:46 and no-one can afford anything these days, so...
00:49 I do see it as a shame, a very sad thing
00:52 that some very nice pubs are going out of business
00:55 because they're, you know, traditionally part of the community and what have you.
