Wendy Chamberlain, MP for north-east Fife on a visit to the new Leven station ahead of the rail link's summer launch.
00:00I'm Wendy Chamberlain, I'm the MP for North East Fife, and as I travel to Westminster
00:06most weeks, it's been great to see the countdown clock to the Levenmouth Railway reopening.
00:12So to come back here from the last time I visited to see the progress that's been made
00:17and the fact that we are very much on target for the reopening of the 2nd of June is very
00:21exciting. I'm seeing it on community groups, sharing timetable information, and I'm seeing
00:27the regeneration that we are all very hopeful that the railway returning to Levenmouth will
00:32bring. It is absolutely important that this railway is not just about taking people out
00:36with the area, it's about bringing people here as well and showing them the benefits
00:41and beautiful spots that Levenmouth and the surrounding area have to offer.
00:46I've had the opportunity today to visit both Leven and Cameron Bridge railway stations,
00:52having previously worked for Diageo to see the station just down the road from where
00:55I was employed, and to see the thought that has been put into the park and ride facilities
01:00and the other passenger facilities that will be there, including the access to all, meaning
01:05that people can, whatever their disability is, can access the service going to and from
01:11Leven. And here in Leven, it is the end point, it's been sympathetically made to reflect
01:19the surrounding area, there's the car parking spaces, there's the very clear links to the
01:23bus station. This is a transport project that has really been thought about in relation
01:28to what it will bring to Levenmouth, and I'm really looking forward to the 2nd of June
01:32so that everybody can get to enjoy it.