• last year
A mum-to-be was diagnosed with cancer at five months pregnant after extreme morning sickness turned out to be a symptom of the disease.
00:00 So obviously I made like a video of pictures documenting like my pregnancy so far of
00:06 Like found out that I was pregnant and was so sick and had hyperemesis then got diagnosed with gallstones
00:14 probably that were caused by hyperemesis because it's all to do with like your bile ducts and whatever and
00:19 Then I find a lump in my neck and now
00:25 like I'm going through all of these like appointments because I've been diagnosed with cancer which like
00:30 You never think that it's going to be you but like with everything that's happened in this pregnancy
00:35 It's just like one thing after the other. I had an appointment today
00:38 and
00:41 with the labor doctor and a theotist and
00:44 haematologist to kind of go through like a care plan because they were thinking like they were gonna have to like induce me
00:53 to start the chemotherapy like sooner and whatever so um
00:56 Basically there's so many complications so they can't have a c-section because
01:02 unless it's for an emergency c-section because obviously the
01:06 Healing time after that is like six weeks or something, but they want to start chemotherapy like as soon as possible
01:11 then um
01:14 I mentioned that I wanted an epidural because like the amount of pain that I've been in with like gallstones has been horrendous
01:21 but then
01:23 They've said yes
01:25 So long as like the cancer hasn't spread to my lymph nodes in my back.
01:30 So anyway, I got there today and told them that I was planning on flying back home because at the minute I live
01:37 Like live in England and I was like right flying back in to Ireland to see my family for Easter
01:43 and
01:45 And I just wanted to know if like everything was like okay like with the baby and whatever but then
01:50 turns out I've been prescribed these
01:54 Blood thinning injections now that I have to take every single day
01:58 From now until six weeks after birth because
02:03 The cancer causes blood clots and obviously like during pregnancy like your blood clots more anyway
02:10 So that's mad so now I have my own shark spin then
02:14 They wanted me to go for an MRI because I've got like a widening in my chest
02:21 And they just want to know like if the cancer has spread to anywhere else
02:24 Anyway, that got done and I really hope that I never have to go for another one. But
02:29 The haematologist rang then to say that she'd like looked over it with one of the
02:36 Radiographers or radiologists can't remember what it was that she said and basically it is in my chest like there's
02:45 Abnormal tissue in my chest which is probably causing the breathlessness
02:50 so and they'd noticed like a widening anyway in
02:54 The chest x-ray and she had already mentioned that like it's common in lymphoma that like something in your chest does swell
03:01 in which can cause breathlessness, so I
03:04 Was kind of expecting it, but and she didn't mention anything about any of the other lymph nodes
03:11 So like I'm taking that as a positive. So like if it's just above
03:16 Like my diaphragm then hopefully it will only be like a couple of rounds of chemo rather than
03:21 like months, but
03:24 Like again
03:28 Any appointment that I go to or anything I come home with a bag from like the chemist
03:33 So I know I have to take eight steroids a day
03:36 Which is like the highest dose for like a normal person, but obviously because I'm pregnant
03:43 And it's like quite high too and then in two weeks time they want to review it and then double the dose
03:49 So it's like 16 a day, which is crazy like for somebody that's never been on tablets in their life
03:54 and so obviously I had the hematology appointment yesterday and
03:59 Basically the good news is is that it's
04:03 only in my neck
04:05 So from the MRI scan, it's only showed that only in my both sides of my neck
04:09 I can only feel it on this side because it's like here
04:13 I don't even know if you can really
04:15 See it, but I am and in my midius sternum
04:18 Which is like around your heart and your lungs like a part in your chest
04:23 Which is obviously making it difficult for me to breathe
04:26 So the and it's not in my pelvis or in my lymph nodes like under my armpits, which is really good
04:31 so
04:33 Next week I'm going for a sweep tomorrow. I've got a growth scan
04:37 to find out what size the baby is and
04:41 At the last growth scan he was four pounds seven ounces. So I'm gonna say he's probably about five
04:46 seven maybe so if I go within like the next
04:51 week or two might be like
04:54 Six and a half seven pound which is like a good size. But in they want to start chemotherapy three weeks after he's born
05:02 Which is probably gonna be like the second week in May
