• last year
00:00:00 (ominous music)
00:00:02 - You know what, no disrespect, but--
00:00:18 - Will you shut the fuck up?
00:00:19 - No man, it's cool, I got this.
00:00:20 Look, Olivier, no disrespect,
00:00:22 but I don't think we need any more help, you know?
00:00:24 I think we're really close.
00:00:27 - You would.
00:00:28 - He's right, you know, the more people get involved,
00:00:31 the harder it's gonna be to clean this shit up.
00:00:33 - Yeah, yeah, no disrespect.
00:00:35 - Everything you say and do is disrespectful.
00:00:39 You fucking ingrate.
00:00:41 I asked you to find where they put the kids.
00:00:44 Did you find them?
00:00:45 No, that was disrespectful.
00:00:49 I asked you to find Artemis and Cash.
00:00:51 Did you find either one of them?
00:00:53 No, that was complete and utter disrespect.
00:00:58 And now you got the audacity to stand here in front of me
00:01:01 in my face, breathing?
00:01:04 If you were any more disrespectful,
00:01:10 I'd have to find your mama,
00:01:14 knock on her door,
00:01:16 and shoot the bitch in the face.
00:01:20 It's obvious you two need help,
00:01:24 and I don't give a damn if you think it's disrespectful.
00:01:28 - Yo, this is some bullshit.
00:01:30 - All right.
00:01:32 - We're close.
00:01:33 He who would learn to fly must first learn to stand,
00:01:43 and walk, and run, and climb, and dance.
00:01:48 One cannot fly into flying.
00:01:51 The way I see it, you should be thanking me,
00:01:54 since you two can barely crawl.
00:01:57 - What?
00:01:58 - You have to crawl before you walk, hermanito.
00:02:03 - Yeah, thanks, Zorro.
00:02:04 Who the fuck is this?
00:02:05 Who the fuck is this?
00:02:06 - Hey, I should be asking you the same thing, huh?
00:02:07 - Fellas, fellas, fellas, fellas, fellas.
00:02:10 This music we can all dance to, right?
00:02:12 - Hey, nice moves, man.
00:02:22 - You can be Soul Train, and you can be Don Cornelius.
00:02:26 - I don't give a flying fuck.
00:02:28 - Five million dollar bonus on the head of Artemis.
00:02:32 15 million if you get 'em both.
00:02:35 - Now, come on.
00:02:37 Don't that make you wanna twerk a little bit?
00:02:41 Don't it?
00:02:43 - We're in the import/export business, gentlemen.
00:02:48 It's a billion dollar business.
00:02:51 When someone shuts down one of our ports,
00:02:54 it costs my employees millions.
00:02:56 I promised them these motherfuckers would pay,
00:02:59 and pay they will with their fucking lives.
00:03:01 Among the thousands of kids they stole,
00:03:07 one of them is very dear to me.
00:03:10 It's a boy.
00:03:11 If you find him, there's a bonus for you.
00:03:14 Nothing is to happen to the boy, understood?
00:03:19 Understood?
00:03:20 - Yeah.
00:03:21 - Now get the fuck out here and get him.
00:03:23 Today's your lucky day.
00:03:25 Somebody's gonna die.
00:03:26 You get to decide who.
00:03:28 - Hey, Olivier, this man, he's a professional.
00:03:30 - If you ain't got the ball, tell me now.
00:03:34 - You're on my nuts.
00:03:36 - I don't give a fuck about your nuts.
00:03:38 Nothing?
00:03:41 Good.
00:03:41 Now go.
00:03:42 Go!
00:03:45 And don't come back 'til the job is done.
00:03:47 Get!
00:03:49 (door slams)
00:03:51 Max.
00:03:58 Don't come in yet.
00:04:01 It ain't clear.
00:04:02 (suspenseful music)
00:04:05 (suspenseful music)
00:04:08 (suspenseful music)
00:04:11 (suspenseful music)
00:04:40 - He's praying.
00:04:40 - Who you praying for?
00:04:47 - You.
00:04:57 (suspenseful music)
00:05:00 (yells)
00:05:26 (suspenseful music)
00:05:29 (suspenseful music)
00:05:53 (dog barking)
00:05:55 - Call Sasha.
00:06:07 - So now what?
00:06:17 - Cash is inside.
00:06:20 Got some folks with him too.
00:06:23 - Are they?
00:06:24 - Unfortunately not.
00:06:27 - Are you sure?
00:06:33 - Yeah, I'm positive.
00:06:36 Pissing me off a little bit.
00:06:40 But you know, this is real easy.
00:06:45 I can run up in there,
00:06:46 snatch cash ass up out of there and bring him out of here.
00:06:52 However you want it.
00:06:53 Pieces, whole, don't matter to me.
00:06:55 Anything to see you smile.
00:06:59 Just say the word.
00:07:01 - What's the fun in that?
00:07:06 Oh.
00:07:07 Yes, I'm gonna marry you.
00:07:09 I want them both, Cash and Artemis.
00:07:14 And I have 15 million reasons why I want them alive.
00:07:18 Now go away.
00:07:20 I'll call you if I need you.
00:07:22 - All right, I'm gone.
00:07:23 But if you need me, I'm gonna call away.
00:07:30 (phone beeping)
00:07:37 (phone ringing)
00:07:40 - Jack.
00:07:44 We're gonna strike tonight.
00:07:51 They're never gonna see us coming.
00:07:53 Think we got enough?
00:07:57 Will you let me talk to him before you hang up?
00:08:05 - Cash.
00:08:09 Damn that house, man.
00:08:13 He done us.
00:08:18 Check your perimeter, make sure it's good.
00:08:20 If he found me, it won't be too long before he finds you.
00:08:25 - He?
00:08:26 - Olivier.
00:08:28 He's got his name written all over it.
00:08:34 - All right, look, we'll bed down tonight.
00:08:36 We'll roll out in the morning.
00:08:37 How's Max?
00:08:42 - He got tucked away, how about the girls?
00:08:44 - I don't know.
00:08:48 Sarah's a little down, I think she misses her mom.
00:08:51 - We'll get her home soon enough.
00:08:53 Right?
00:08:55 - Bothersome and impatient, but good.
00:08:58 She wants to talk to you.
00:09:03 - I can't right now.
00:09:05 Let's find someplace safe first.
00:09:10 Then we'll talk.
00:09:15 - Hey, that ring we broke
00:09:18 was connected to 10,000 kids, 60 arrests,
00:09:22 biggest in history.
00:09:23 - Word on the boy?
00:09:24 - Not yet.
00:09:26 - Good.
00:09:30 Just lay low for a little bit, right?
00:09:36 I'll get in touch as soon as I can.
00:09:38 Things oughta blow over real soon.
00:09:41 - Well, I doubt that.
00:09:42 - Why?
00:09:43 - There's a bounty on our heads.
00:09:45 I can tell by the silence that
00:09:50 we're not gonna have a reunion anytime soon, are we?
00:09:52 - Probably best.
00:09:56 - What do you want me to tell Rain?
00:10:00 - You're the genius.
00:10:01 You'll figure something out.
00:10:04 - Eyes up.
00:10:06 - Eyes up.
00:10:11 (suspenseful music)
00:10:14 (phone buzzing)
00:10:17 (suspenseful music)
00:10:20 (suspenseful music)
00:10:23 (suspenseful music)
00:10:26 (phone beeping)
00:10:34 (suspenseful music)
00:10:38 (suspenseful music)
00:10:46 (suspenseful music)
00:10:49 (suspenseful music)
00:10:55 (suspenseful music)
00:11:13 (suspenseful music)
00:11:16 (phone beeping)
00:11:21 (suspenseful music)
00:11:29 (suspenseful music)
00:11:32 (suspenseful music)
00:11:48 (suspenseful music)
00:11:51 (suspenseful music)
00:11:57 (suspenseful music)
00:12:10 - Decker, I'm confused.
00:12:14 - About what?
00:12:18 - Well, it's the trafficking you wanna stop, right?
00:12:21 So why Olivier?
00:12:22 - People take other people and sell them as slaves because
00:12:26 there's a large demand for it.
00:12:29 And it makes a lot of money for a lot of those people.
00:12:33 And the harder we try to find those people and stop them,
00:12:37 they keep thriving.
00:12:40 So whether it's the laundered billions of dollars
00:12:42 that they hide or the missing witnesses that they assassinate,
00:12:46 it's the Oliviers that give them life.
00:12:49 - And Miss Espinosa, she's an international financier.
00:12:55 How is she leading us to Olivier?
00:12:58 - Well, in case you haven't gathered, trafficking is illegal.
00:13:03 So the people that do it need to hide their money somewhere.
00:13:09 And she, Sasha Espinosa, is the best in the business.
00:13:15 - She's the best in the business, Alex.
00:13:17 - Okay, well, how much longer here?
00:13:19 Because as far as I'm concerned, this is a waste of time.
00:13:22 I mean, there's gotta be a way we can figure out
00:13:25 something else at this point.
00:13:27 - Ellie, trust me.
00:13:30 What you know and what I can find out
00:13:32 are two completely different things.
00:13:34 - Okay, you know what?
00:13:39 This is ridiculous.
00:13:41 - Hey.
00:13:42 - I don't...
00:13:44 They're close.
00:13:45 You gotta trust me.
00:13:49 - Okay, you know what?
00:13:57 This is ridiculous.
00:13:58 I don't even know why we're sitting here
00:13:59 and wasting our time with this.
00:14:00 - Call Robbie, tell her to go.
00:14:06 Meet me at that address.
00:14:07 - Olivier?
00:14:09 - We do this right.
00:14:10 Not just the big dog.
00:14:14 Oliver.
00:14:16 Oliver.
00:14:17 (eerie music)
00:14:20 (eerie music)
00:14:22 (eerie music)
00:14:24 (eerie music)
00:14:25 (eerie music)
00:14:27 (eerie music)
00:14:29 (eerie music)
00:14:34 (eerie music)
00:14:39 (eerie music)
00:14:45 (eerie music)
00:14:46 (eerie music)
00:14:48 (eerie music)
00:14:50 (eerie music)
00:14:52 (eerie music)
00:14:54 (eerie music)
00:14:56 (eerie music)
00:14:58 (eerie music)
00:15:00 (eerie music)
00:15:02 (eerie music)
00:15:04 (eerie music)
00:15:06 (eerie music)
00:15:08 (eerie music)
00:15:10 - Jack.
00:15:12 Call him at the door.
00:15:14 Call Olivier.
00:15:15 (eerie music)
00:15:17 (eerie music)
00:15:19 (eerie music)
00:15:21 (eerie music)
00:15:23 (eerie music)
00:15:25 (eerie music)
00:15:27 (eerie music)
00:15:29 (eerie music)
00:15:31 (eerie music)
00:15:33 (eerie music)
00:15:35 (eerie music)
00:15:37 (alarm clock beeping)
00:15:39 (alarm clock beeping)
00:15:41 (alarm clock beeping)
00:15:43 (alarm clock beeping)
00:15:44 (alarm clock beeping)
00:15:46 - Max.
00:15:48 Max.
00:15:50 It's Cash.
00:15:52 He's in trouble, I gotta go.
00:15:55 I'm not gonna be long.
00:15:59 Okay?
00:16:02 - Can I come?
00:16:04 Please?
00:16:06 - I'll let you come.
00:16:08 Can't ask no questions, you gotta do as you're told.
00:16:12 I need you to stay out of my way.
00:16:13 Do you understand?
00:16:15 - Let's roll.
00:16:19 (eerie music)
00:16:22 - Sasha Esperanzo.
00:16:35 - Wow.
00:16:41 - Okay, look.
00:16:42 I'm going in.
00:16:44 I want you to wait in the car.
00:16:46 I won't be long.
00:16:48 Five minutes, is that what you want?
00:16:51 Five minutes.
00:16:53 If I'm not out in five minutes,
00:16:55 there's a circuit box inside of the house
00:16:57 next to the pool, I want you to pull it.
00:16:59 Do you understand me?
00:17:01 - But,
00:17:06 why can't I just go inside?
00:17:08 - Why don't we see at the house?
00:17:11 - No questions.
00:17:12 - No questions.
00:17:14 You cannot go with me, that's final.
00:17:17 Okay?
00:17:19 - But, what am I supposed to do?
00:17:26 Just sit here?
00:17:28 It's dark.
00:17:31 What if something happens?
00:17:33 I'll be all alone.
00:17:36 - I'm not gonna be alone.
00:17:39 - I'll be all alone.
00:17:40 I'm cold.
00:17:42 - Okay, honey.
00:17:46 Okay.
00:17:48 You can come.
00:17:50 But you can't come inside, okay?
00:17:52 Ordinance.
00:17:55 Lay out, she has a pool in the back.
00:17:57 Stand so the light can shine on you
00:18:00 so I can see you, you understand?
00:18:02 Other than that, stay out of sight.
00:18:04 If I'm not out in five minutes,
00:18:07 - Out in five minutes?
00:18:08 - Pull the switch.
00:18:11 Let's roll.
00:18:22 - I suppose I'll have to have a phone check up soon.
00:18:29 - Ian answering.
00:18:33 - Just give it to me.
00:18:36 - Listen, Vaccio.
00:18:37 I'm not real good at babysitting,
00:18:40 so get here fast
00:18:42 and stop by the bank on your way over
00:18:44 to give my five million.
00:18:46 Or actually, my 15 million.
00:18:50 So you got three hours
00:18:54 or I'll turn Artemis and his friends over to the FBI.
00:18:57 I don't care who I get it from.
00:19:00 Someone is gonna pay for my trouble.
00:19:04 (eerie music)
00:19:05 - Ooh, you sagging off curry?
00:19:15 Ooh, you sag off, you swags off.
00:19:17 Oh, oh, oh, people want to steal.
00:19:21 Oh, we're throwing it to Jordan.
00:19:23 It's a oop, it's a oop.
00:19:25 We're throwing oops out here.
00:19:27 It's over, rage quit, rage quit, it's over.
00:19:29 Let me see your time, miss.
00:19:31 Oh, I still got time.
00:19:33 Box is still there.
00:19:34 That's still up there.
00:19:36 One more game.
00:19:38 (eerie music)
00:19:40 - Where were we?
00:19:47 Oh, I think I know where we were.
00:19:53 You came to my house,
00:19:57 knocked on my door,
00:20:02 just passing on my property.
00:20:03 You're carrying this gun.
00:20:13 (speaking in foreign language)
00:20:19 (eerie music)
00:20:22 (speaking in foreign language)
00:20:23 This is it, isn't it?
00:20:36 You think that I'm stupid?
00:20:39 (laughing)
00:20:41 (speaking in foreign language)
00:20:49 (speaking in foreign language)
00:20:50 - I'm turned on.
00:21:12 - What was that?
00:21:14 I'm talking to you.
00:21:18 - Hey, she's talking to you, you idiot.
00:21:19 Answer her.
00:21:21 - It's okay, Jack, I got this.
00:21:23 - You know what the funny thing about bad people,
00:21:33 especially women who like to hide behind men
00:21:37 in their skirts,
00:21:40 is bad things happen to women.
00:21:44 I should know,
00:21:45 'cause I'm a bad motherfucker myself.
00:21:48 You gonna find out.
00:21:52 - Oh, you're a bad boy.
00:21:54 I've always had a thing for bad boys.
00:21:59 - Yeah.
00:22:04 - Be careful, don't be too hard on yourself.
00:22:06 - I'm not.
00:22:09 - You're not?
00:22:12 - Be careful, don't be too bad, though.
00:22:13 Otherwise, Mama's gonna have to spank your little butt.
00:22:16 - I've spanked it a lot of times.
00:22:21 - Are you threatening me, Artemis?
00:22:29 - It's Artemis.
00:22:31 - Excuse me?
00:22:33 - It's Artemis.
00:22:35 And that's not a threat, now she's a fat bitch.
00:22:40 - Now she's a fat bitch.
00:22:41 - If you weren't worth five million,
00:22:50 I would open your mouth
00:22:55 and put the big hell of yours in it
00:22:59 and open all your brains up.
00:23:03 (eerie music)
00:23:04 - Woo-hoo, Jordan, that's my boy right there.
00:23:09 He got, he got ice in his veins.
00:23:12 Woo, going for the dunk.
00:23:15 Man, he's so much cheese.
00:23:17 Woo-hoo, man, he's such a beast.
00:23:19 - Dad.
00:23:24 - Speak of the devil.
00:23:27 - I'm gonna get you, you little shit.
00:23:29 - I'm gonna get you.
00:23:31 - Speaking of
00:23:32 putting people to sleep,
00:23:35 night night.
00:23:40 It's been fun, but I'm done playing with you.
00:23:45 I will take this big gun and blow your brains out.
00:23:48 (eerie music)
00:23:53 (eerie music)
00:23:54 - Open your mouth
00:24:02 and tell me where my friends are.
00:24:08 (speaking in foreign language)
00:24:21 (gun firing)
00:24:22 I won't ask you again.
00:24:24 Where are my friends?
00:24:27 (gun firing)
00:24:31 Shit.
00:24:33 - It's me.
00:24:40 Are you okay?
00:24:45 - Yeah.
00:24:46 (eerie music)
00:24:49 - Did you find him, the boy?
00:24:50 Where is he?
00:24:54 - He's close.
00:24:57 You ready?
00:25:05 - Yeah.
00:25:07 - Come on.
00:25:08 - You're late.
00:25:13 - I'm not late.
00:25:17 I know.
00:25:18 - One day you're not gonna make it
00:25:20 and I'm just gonna be sitting there waiting.
00:25:22 You're a smart guy.
00:25:28 So you know I'm never gonna leave your side again.
00:25:34 Ever.
00:25:36 - Yeah.
00:25:40 I figured that.
00:25:42 (phone ringing)
00:25:46 - Pop, we got company.
00:25:47 Get out of there now.
00:25:50 (eerie music)
00:25:52 - Hey, little ladies.
00:26:10 You're all so pretty.
00:26:12 You guys are all awfully late.
00:26:15 I mean the street lights are on.
00:26:16 Do your parents know you're out here late?
00:26:18 Are they around here?
00:26:20 They gotta be watching us.
00:26:22 - No.
00:26:23 - No?
00:26:25 I wish I could, I've been out here for a while.
00:26:27 You, what's your name?
00:26:29 - Baby.
00:26:31 - Oh, that's a pretty name.
00:26:32 I just like that smell.
00:26:33 How about you, little one?
00:26:35 What's your name?
00:26:36 - Mikaela.
00:26:38 - Mikaela?
00:26:40 You?
00:26:41 - Yogi.
00:26:44 - Yogi?
00:26:45 Okay, I get it.
00:26:47 I understand.
00:26:49 I know Mommy and Daddy taught you
00:26:51 not to talk to strangers, and that's good.
00:26:53 But I'm not a stranger.
00:26:55 I'm your neighbor.
00:26:57 I live right around the corner.
00:26:59 I live on the other block.
00:27:00 I've actually seen you before.
00:27:01 You haven't seen me before?
00:27:04 You remember this face?
00:27:05 Huh?
00:27:07 Check this out.
00:27:08 You hungry?
00:27:09 All three of y'all look pretty hungry.
00:27:13 Look like you've been out here for a while.
00:27:14 What do you like to eat?
00:27:16 I think I heard McDonald's.
00:27:21 Is that right?
00:27:23 Good.
00:27:25 There's a McDonald's right around the corner.
00:27:26 But we gotta hurry up.
00:27:28 I'll take you guys to McDonald's
00:27:30 and I'll bring you right back to your Mommy and Daddy
00:27:31 like, and they'll never know that you left.
00:27:33 How's that?
00:27:34 All right, come on, let's get in.
00:27:35 Open that door.
00:27:37 We gotta make it quick.
00:27:39 McDonald's is closing in 10 minutes.
00:27:40 Come on.
00:27:42 (knocking)
00:27:43 We need to talk.
00:27:48 Where's Ross?
00:27:52 Hello?
00:27:55 Where's Slick?
00:27:57 Hey, girls.
00:28:01 Do you guys know what the word traffic means?
00:28:04 No, I'm not talking about the 405.
00:28:10 You see, the man's car you just got into,
00:28:12 he's a world-renowned trafficker.
00:28:15 Drugs, girls, doesn't matter.
00:28:19 So, you need to be careful on whose car you get into, okay?
00:28:25 'Cause it might be your last time.
00:28:26 So, let's go. Come on, let's go.
00:28:28 Come on, little one.
00:28:30 All right, now go.
00:28:32 Go.
00:28:34 Hi, Toons.
00:28:37 Nothing.
00:28:39 You don't know nothing.
00:28:40 I get it.
00:28:42 It's admirable.
00:28:44 Loyalty.
00:28:46 Beautiful thing.
00:28:48 The problem you have is,
00:28:52 I'm gonna test that loyalty.
00:28:55 You're gonna love this.
00:29:01 You see, these two guns I have pointed at your head
00:29:04 have hollow points in them.
00:29:07 Which is gonna splatter your pretty little head
00:29:09 all over this car.
00:29:11 But the good news is,
00:29:14 only one of them has a hollow point ready to go,
00:29:17 and the other has an empty chamber.
00:29:20 Let's see how this plays out.
00:29:23 So, the questions are,
00:29:27 where is Frost?
00:29:30 Slick,
00:29:33 or
00:29:36 Slick,
00:29:37 Answer,
00:29:40 or Vex pulls the trigger, motherfucker.
00:29:42 He's back at the house waiting for me.
00:29:45 Hey, you see how easy that was?
00:29:50 Why do you make me play games with you?
00:29:54 All I want is the truth.
00:29:57 And because you told me the truth,
00:30:02 I'm gonna let you pick.
00:30:05 Pick what?
00:30:06 Which one of these guns has the bullet.
00:30:09 You have three seconds.
00:30:11 One, two,
00:30:13 Damn it.
00:30:17 Shit, that was close.
00:30:23 Shit!
00:30:26 That shit was close, huh?
00:30:33 So I assume while you were out here chasing young girls,
00:30:37 you neither killed nor found Artemis.
00:30:42 Any more girls in the car?
00:30:52 No.
00:30:53 Start the car and let's go get Slick.
00:31:10 Livia,
00:31:16 game.
00:31:18 Game.
00:31:19 Hey, Deckard.
00:31:24 Deckard.
00:31:28 Nice house.
00:31:34 You two, front, I'm going around the back.
00:31:40 Just walk in, because that worked so well for you the first time.
00:31:44 I didn't ask you to come.
00:31:45 Last time you went solo, you got yourself shot.
00:31:47 Okay, look.
00:31:48 You know what?
00:31:49 Let's save this menage a trois for later.
00:31:53 Now,
00:31:55 let's work.
00:31:57 Deckard, set your clock.
00:32:00 Check the perimeter.
00:32:03 You come in through the back, we will come in through the front.
00:32:05 Every time I write, I'll have no place to go.
00:32:16 Lock and load.
00:32:17 The ride always gets bumpy when Deckard drives.
00:32:20 Don't.
00:32:24 Back up.
00:32:26 That's right, back up.
00:32:28 Easy.
00:32:30 If you decide to try me, I will shoot.
00:32:45 Keep your hands where I can see them.
00:32:47 Now back up.
00:32:50 I said back the fuck up!
00:32:54 Forget something?
00:33:01 Tell your girlfriend to get the gun off my son.
00:33:13 What?
00:33:14 I said get the gun off my son.
00:33:15 Everybody just be cool.
00:33:20 Don't move.
00:33:22 Easy, Robbie.
00:33:25 Rain.
00:33:29 2300 SAT.
00:33:35 35 ACT.
00:33:38 Top-tier class MIT.
00:33:40 Eight-year special ops, sniper division.
00:33:43 Is there a point to this, Agent?
00:33:44 That you shouldn't be hanging around with killers and traitors.
00:33:47 That you should be smart enough to know where that gets you.
00:33:51 What's that?
00:33:53 Shot or caught.
00:33:56 Killers and traitors.
00:34:00 I should be asking you the same question.
00:34:04 There was a...
00:34:11 recent attempt on my life by...
00:34:14 a number of assassins.
00:34:17 Namely, Olivier...
00:34:21 and Artemis.
00:34:24 But you wouldn't happen to know anything about that, would you?
00:34:31 I don't know nothing.
00:34:32 You don't know nothing.
00:34:36 Nope.
00:34:38 Nope.
00:34:40 Nope.
00:34:41 Well, know this.
00:34:47 I'm gonna track him down.
00:34:51 And when I'm done with him...
00:34:54 and your friend, Artemis...
00:34:56 I'm gonna come for you.
00:35:02 [♪♪♪]
00:35:04 I'll be waiting.
00:35:11 Are we done here?
00:35:17 And the hits keep on coming.
00:35:31 I'm really getting impatient with all this shit.
00:35:34 Frost isn't answering.
00:35:43 Why did you betray me?
00:35:53 Betray you?
00:35:55 Why you didn't warn me about Frost?
00:35:59 Did you kill him?
00:36:00 Did you?
00:36:04 I was to say he's probably not gonna answer the phone.
00:36:08 Would you like to leave him a message?
00:36:13 Why are these two plagues still breathing?
00:36:19 If I find out you've crossed me,
00:36:22 I'm gonna drive a gasoline truck down your throat...
00:36:25 and light that bitch with your mother's dick.
00:36:28 [♪♪♪]
00:36:30 Sad.
00:36:39 It's sad, isn't it?
00:36:43 You know, I told him that if it was up to me...
00:36:50 I'd take both of you out back and put bullets in your head.
00:36:56 But for some reason, which I can't explain,
00:37:01 he seems to think we still need you guys.
00:37:06 So, here we are again, boys.
00:37:23 [♪♪♪]
00:37:25 What do you want from me?
00:37:29 Haven't I done everything that you've asked me to do?
00:37:34 Stop begging.
00:37:35 They're gonna do what they're gonna do.
00:37:37 Your quivering ain't gonna fucking stop it.
00:37:40 Kunta Kinte.
00:37:49 Y'all heard of him?
00:37:53 Anybody? Kunta Kinte?
00:37:55 He was a slave.
00:37:58 Worked for a white businessman.
00:38:01 Kunta was good for business.
00:38:06 But Kunta had a problem.
00:38:09 He was out of control.
00:38:11 He liked to run away.
00:38:14 So in order to teach him a lesson,
00:38:17 in order to keep him in control,
00:38:22 they changed his name to Toby.
00:38:25 And then they cut off his feet.
00:38:30 I mean, it makes perfect sense, you know.
00:38:33 He can't run away if he ain't got no feet, right?
00:38:37 Oh, much higher. Much higher.
00:38:45 God, where was I?
00:38:49 Oh, yeah, yeah. So...
00:38:51 No, I'm not gonna cut off your feet.
00:38:54 'Cause I need you to be able to walk
00:38:57 and do what I fucking pay you to do.
00:39:01 But what to do?
00:39:05 What do I do?
00:39:08 Well, the first thing they did to old Kunta
00:39:13 when he disappointed them was...
00:39:16 Anybody's guess?
00:39:19 Whoop him.
00:39:20 Whoop him?
00:39:22 Yeah.
00:39:26 So, who's gonna be the first to take this ass-whooping?
00:39:32 Huh?
00:39:38 I'm getting in somebody's ass.
00:39:44 I'm getting in somebody's ass.
00:39:46 Eeny, meeny, miny, moe.
00:39:50 Slick.
00:39:53 Stand up.
00:39:57 Stand up.
00:40:12 Pull down your pants.
00:40:14 Pull down your pants.
00:40:20 Bitch, hurry up!
00:40:26 Never have the water.
00:40:34 [♪♪♪]
00:40:36 [LAUGHING]
00:40:53 [LAUGHING]
00:40:55 [SCREAMING]
00:41:20 Get off!
00:41:21 The next time...
00:41:29 The next time I tell you to do something, you don't do it.
00:41:34 I'm gonna let her kill your ass.
00:41:37 You understand me?
00:41:41 Tommy!
00:41:43 [LAUGHING]
00:41:46 Tommy!
00:41:48 Tommy!
00:41:49 This is for Kunta Kinte, man.
00:42:17 Did you check on the girl?
00:42:19 Which button?
00:42:20 Sarah.
00:42:23 Yes, she's checked out.
00:42:25 She's a little traumatized, which is appropriate considering what she's been through.
00:42:31 And if everything's on schedule, she is on her way home.
00:42:36 Right.
00:42:40 She's with us.
00:42:42 Chained up like you asked.
00:42:46 Good.
00:42:47 Can I ask you a simple question?
00:42:53 Why are we here?
00:43:01 Why aren't we taking them to headquarters?
00:43:03 What's happening here?
00:43:05 This is madness.
00:43:07 First off, we have nothing on Cash.
00:43:12 We'll follow him, but we have to let him go, so there's no need to bring him in.
00:43:17 Yes, he's working with Artemis.
00:43:22 But for what reason?
00:43:25 How? Why? I don't know yet.
00:43:27 The boy holds a wealth of knowledge on Laz and all of his proceedings, so I took him to headquarters.
00:43:35 Just in case anything went wrong here.
00:43:37 Just in case anything went wrong here.
00:43:39 But the boy's the king.
00:43:45 And as long as we have him, we're good.
00:43:50 And Lord knows they've had Laz on the radar for a long time, so...
00:43:57 Dante.
00:44:03 Dante, Laz, Lazarus, Killer, Smuggler, whatever you want to call him.
00:44:08 He's wanted.
00:44:12 But the boy...
00:44:14 The boy's the king.
00:44:17 And as long as we have him...
00:44:20 We're good.
00:44:24 And Rain is as much of a victim as anyone in this cell.
00:44:33 You think so?
00:44:35 Robbie.
00:44:37 Robbie.
00:44:38 Robbie, he knows what he's doing, okay?
00:44:40 These people have to be stopped.
00:44:43 Especially Olivier.
00:44:46 And there's no getting to Olivier...
00:44:51 Without Dante and Artemis.
00:44:54 And as long as we have Rain...
00:45:01 Without Artemis.
00:45:03 And the job is really quite simple.
00:45:06 If we do it right...
00:45:11 One of those players is going to lead us to Olivier.
00:45:15 Put down the big dog...
00:45:19 And it all goes down.
00:45:23 And I'm going to do everything, everything in my power to make sure that we stop them.
00:45:30 [Squeak]
00:45:32 Yeah.
00:45:37 For good.
00:45:39 So you with me?
00:45:48 [Birds chirping]
00:45:50 Yeah, don't worry about her. She'll come around.
00:46:03 Anything else you need me to do?
00:46:06 Call Stone.
00:46:10 Tell him to come alone. If he asks.
00:46:16 Tell him we're in a cave. He'll know what to do.
00:46:18 You got it.
00:46:22 [Gun cocks]
00:46:24 [Grunts]
00:46:48 [Grunts]
00:46:50 [Grunts]
00:46:52 This ain't right.
00:46:54 That's one perspective.
00:46:55 This has gone too far.
00:46:56 You're losing your nerve.
00:46:57 You're losing your mind.
00:46:58 Kidnapping, illegal search and seizure, assault and battery. What's next?
00:47:02 Let's do everything we can to protect the innocent.
00:47:06 Anything and everything.
00:47:09 Big dog is still barking.
00:47:17 That, my ladies, is a problem.
00:47:23 A problem that we can solve.
00:47:28 Where's Artemis?
00:47:36 Where's Rain?
00:47:38 We have all the players.
00:47:41 So let's play.
00:47:43 Ellie, where is Artemis?
00:47:48 In the trunk.
00:47:52 Can you get him, please?
00:48:06 [Footsteps]
00:48:08 This is careless.
00:48:14 Better hope this doesn't backfire and blow up in our face.
00:48:20 This is necessary.
00:48:23 Now go get Rain to talk.
00:48:34 She knows more than what she's telling us.
00:48:37 Stay on your toes. Remember, she's CIA.
00:48:43 Hey.
00:48:59 Stop for a second.
00:49:02 What?
00:49:04 This has gone way beyond anything that I'm comfortable with.
00:49:08 And I am sorry that I dragged you into this.
00:49:12 But if you want out, now is the time.
00:49:16 You might not have another chance.
00:49:19 Robbie, when I was a little girl, seven years old,
00:49:31 a man came in through my window and put his hand on my mouth
00:49:36 and took me away.
00:49:39 Three years, I was kept from my parents.
00:49:45 For three years, I was forced to do things that
00:49:50 I can't even think about.
00:49:57 A lot of people stood by and did nothing while I suffered.
00:50:03 A lot.
00:50:06 I can.
00:50:12 If you stand for what's right, you're part of what's wrong.
00:50:25 Okay.
00:50:27 But who determines what's right?
00:50:30 You? Decker?
00:50:33 I am sorry about what happened to you. I am.
00:50:39 But that's not what this is about.
00:50:43 These people haven't done anything wrong that I can see.
00:50:48 This is simply another one of Decker's personal vendettas.
00:50:53 Sometimes you gotta just say, "Fuck it."
00:50:56 Fuck it!
00:50:59 And draw a line in the sand.
00:51:03 Robbie, be honest.
00:51:13 This isn't really about Decker.
00:51:21 It's about rain.
00:51:24 In the immortal words of a great friend of mine,
00:51:32 "Let's work."
00:51:36 Shit! She's got a gun!
00:51:48 Shit! She's gone.
00:51:51 Okay, okay. Check the perimeter. I'll clear the house.
00:51:54 Okay.
00:51:57 [knocking]
00:51:59 [grunts]
00:52:14 [grunts]
00:52:16 Here I am in front of one of the most dangerous men in the world.
00:52:41 You wanna know what I'm asking myself?
00:52:44 What?
00:52:49 Why?
00:52:53 What makes you so special?
00:53:10 'Cause if you ask me,
00:53:13 you're just a refined street-corner thug.
00:53:18 Where's my son?
00:53:27 CIA?
00:53:31 You're a big, strong, tough guy. Why don't you go in there and get him?
00:53:36 I will.
00:53:40 Rain.
00:53:42 With me?
00:53:46 Cash.
00:53:55 Under surveillance, of course, but my beef's not with him.
00:53:59 And that is the last question that I will answer from you.
00:54:07 Do you understand?
00:54:10 Yeah.
00:54:15 Yeah.
00:54:20 I don't like you, Armas.
00:54:32 I don't like you, Armas, but you already know that.
00:54:37 I don't like one thing about you.
00:54:46 And if I had it my way, I would wipe out you and all of your kind from this planet.
00:55:00 Oh, oh, oh, hold on. You wanna listen to this part.
00:55:05 'Cause this is where it gets good.
00:55:11 And when I wipe you out,
00:55:17 I would start with...
00:55:22 you.
00:55:25 Me too.
00:55:27 Me too.
00:55:30 I took it out of you.
00:55:37 I hope you can't even give your boy a rest.
00:55:42 Starting to hit like my grandmother.
00:55:46 I took your dumb ass.
00:55:51 You wanna threaten a man with death when he ain't got shit to live for.
00:55:59 Recognize him?
00:56:03 [Heavy breathing]
00:56:30 Dante.
00:56:33 Johnny.
00:56:39 [Laughter]
00:56:48 What's so funny?
00:56:51 Where is he?
00:56:53 He got him.
00:56:57 Just the two of you.
00:57:00 Rain too.
00:57:03 Rain.
00:57:05 [Laughter]
00:57:06 He got all three of us in the same building.
00:57:10 [Laughter]
00:57:14 I think he got balls, boy.
00:57:17 Why are you here, man?
00:57:19 Are you blind? He's my fucking prisoner.
00:57:21 Like a prison can hold him.
00:57:26 Got no...
00:57:29 Got no place to be.
00:57:33 So that's it.
00:57:36 Ticker's prisoner.
00:57:38 [Laughter]
00:57:40 I'm in control here.
00:57:43 Not you.
00:57:45 Shut the fuck up.
00:57:48 You know I'm not, right?
00:57:50 He's my kid, Dante.
00:57:51 Then what the fuck are you doing here?
00:57:53 I'm trying to find him.
00:57:55 I'm trying to find him.
00:57:57 I'm trying to find him.
00:57:59 I said shut the fuck up.
00:58:03 What part of that do you not understand?
00:58:06 You and Max and Rain and your garbage man and your mail man and Ticker.
00:58:14 None of you motherfuckers are safe as long as that piece of shit father of mine is still alive.
00:58:21 This needs to stop.
00:58:24 If you love the boy so much, why don't you leave?
00:58:27 Get out of here and help me find him.
00:58:31 What the fuck about shut up do you not understand?
00:58:38 You sure you want me out of here?
00:58:43 No vengeance denied.
00:58:46 That's it!
00:58:49 What I say goes and it doesn't go until I say it goes!
00:58:54 Alive.
00:58:56 That's it.
00:58:58 Fuck off.
00:59:00 Fuck off.
00:59:02 Don't worry.
00:59:04 This won't take long.
00:59:07 (Snap)
00:59:09 You can come out now.
00:59:28 (Snap)
00:59:30 So that was fun.
00:59:56 (Snap)
00:59:58 I have a lead on Frost.
01:00:04 I'm tired.
01:00:07 You know you can rest then.
01:00:11 I can handle it.
01:00:15 You know he's only going to be where he's at for a short period of time and we don't know if we're going to have another chance.
01:00:23 About a month ago, two men entered a business.
01:00:29 A business that employs us.
01:00:32 Disguised as clients.
01:00:36 They walked out of that business with a lot of money, paperwork, but most importantly a lot of children.
01:00:47 One in particular.
01:00:51 Those two men.
01:00:54 Cash.
01:00:57 And Artemis.
01:01:00 The child in question.
01:01:04 My grandson.
01:01:08 If you fail and draw attention to us by doing so.
01:01:18 Thereby making it almost impossible for me to find my grandson.
01:01:28 The consequences you will suffer.
01:01:34 Will be grave.
01:01:38 I won't fail.
01:01:42 (Snap)
01:01:45 (Snap)
01:01:48 (Snap)
01:01:50 (Snap)
01:01:53 (Snap)
01:02:18 I don't care who I get it from. Someone who's going to pay for my trouble.
01:02:23 It's taking everything in me not to blow your fucking brains out right now.
01:02:32 No wives, no children, no relationships of any kind.
01:02:40 Remember?
01:02:43 These are liabilities.
01:02:46 Liabilities that will be used against you by your enemies.
01:02:51 Fucking women.
01:03:06 Make the highs higher.
01:03:09 And the lows more frequent.
01:03:12 I will blow your fucking brains out.
01:03:17 I could kill you right fucking now.
01:03:21 Without a memory.
01:03:24 Bitch I kill like I breathe.
01:03:28 I will blow your fucking brains out.
01:03:30 Before you bat an eye.
01:03:34 Do you dare me bitch?
01:03:38 You fucked up.
01:03:42 Bitch.
01:03:48 (Suspenseful music)
01:03:51 (Glass breaking)
01:04:07 (Crying)
01:04:16 (Snap)
01:04:18 I knew you wouldn't let me die.
01:04:23 You don't know shit.
01:04:27 You don't know a goddamn thing. You shut the fuck up.
01:04:32 (Laughing)
01:04:34 Now get up bitch.
01:04:37 (Suspenseful music)
01:04:44 Hey Toms check that out.
01:04:48 Fucking fugazi.
01:04:53 (Gunshots)
01:04:58 (Suspenseful music)
01:05:02 (Door opening)
01:05:05 Hi cowboy.
01:05:18 You're slick.
01:05:23 (Door opening)
01:05:26 Kitchen.
01:05:42 Nice haircut.
01:05:45 Thank you.
01:05:47 Kitchen.
01:05:49 It's good to see you too.
01:05:52 You brought me here to talk. Let's talk.
01:05:56 Who are these clowns?
01:06:04 Who you calling a clown Toms?
01:06:08 Toms handle your boy before I do.
01:06:12 Slick calm your paranoid ass down.
01:06:17 (Suspenseful music)
01:06:20 Well now that we've all got to know one another.
01:06:41 I just want to be clear.
01:06:47 If Olivier wasn't hunting everybody.
01:06:53 I wouldn't even be here.
01:06:57 Slick hear me out.
01:07:01 None of us in this room like each other all that much.
01:07:05 In fact the only thing we have in common is Olivier.
01:07:10 And the truth of the matter is if we go at this alone we're as good as dead.
01:07:17 But together who knows.
01:07:22 Estoy cansado de ser cazado.
01:07:27 We need to start hunting now.
01:07:31 I agree.
01:07:33 But let's be smart about this.
01:07:36 Alright if we put ourselves out in the open that's exactly what he wants.
01:07:42 It's not safe.
01:07:44 And it's not smart.
01:07:47 So we lie and we wait.
01:07:52 We play dead like a possums.
01:07:55 Alright.
01:07:57 I'm done getting my ass kicked.
01:08:00 It's time we start doing the ass kicking.
01:08:03 We need to start hunting.
01:08:07 To the death.
01:08:10 This time he has to die.
01:08:14 Okay so the million dollar question is.
01:08:21 How?
01:08:24 How are we going to do this?
01:08:30 The boy.
01:08:33 What the fuck?
01:08:39 The boy.
01:08:50 Who the fuck is the boy?
01:08:57 You're gonna love this.
01:09:00 Surprise.
01:09:03 Looks like you got yourself in a little bit of trouble here.
01:09:13 Do you need a little help?
01:09:17 No.
01:09:20 I wouldn't know if she'd stop doing that.
01:09:32 You need my help.
01:09:37 And this can all go away.
01:09:41 You are my help.
01:09:45 You got this shit.
01:09:48 Cut it.
01:09:50 Now last you slept with him when he started playing with these fools he's going to leave.
01:09:55 When he does he's gonna get my son.
01:09:58 And then I'm gonna disappear.
01:10:00 And I won't be able to find him so I need you.
01:10:04 To tell me what it is you want.
01:10:08 And get me the hell out of here.
01:10:12 No.
01:10:15 First off don't you ever put your hands on me again.
01:10:20 Or I'll cut them off.
01:10:22 And I'll pickle them.
01:10:25 Okay?
01:10:28 I said okay?
01:10:40 I said okay?
01:10:43 Yes.
01:10:46 Sorry I didn't hear that.
01:10:48 I said yes.
01:10:50 Bravo.
01:10:53 So hopefully we can help each other out.
01:11:00 Shortly after you left Olivier came to my house with another woman.
01:11:10 And?
01:11:13 They went through my men like toilet paper.
01:11:21 And now with that I don't care.
01:11:31 But Sissy.
01:11:34 My beautiful, gorgeous, innocent Sissy.
01:11:41 She was just a baby.
01:11:44 She was barely two years old.
01:11:46 She was my little girl.
01:11:50 What kind of person kills a baby like that?
01:11:58 They shot her in the head and her arteries.
01:12:01 They blew her fucking face off.
01:12:05 Sorry about that Sasha.
01:12:16 I didn't know you had a daughter.
01:12:19 Sissy was my daughter man.
01:12:22 Oh my god you fucking Americans can be so stupid sometimes.
01:12:25 Do you think I bring a little girl here?
01:12:28 Do you think I bring a little girl here to get shot in the head and blow her face off?
01:12:33 Artemis those two will pay.
01:12:36 And they will pay dearly.
01:12:40 I just have a problem.
01:12:44 I've been looking for them everywhere and I can't find them.
01:12:48 Now here's my question.
01:12:50 Can you find them for me?
01:12:54 If I get you out of here can you find only the honest fucking girlfriend for me?
01:13:00 Yeah.
01:13:06 I will not find them.
01:13:09 I'll do you one better.
01:13:13 And I'll blow half his fucking face off.
01:13:18 For Sissy of course.
01:13:23 Okay.
01:13:25 So help me.
01:13:34 Get me up out of here.
01:13:41 You know that I love bad boys right?
01:13:46 Well you Artemis are one bad motherfucker.
01:13:51 I'm sorry.
01:13:55 I'm sorry.
01:13:59 I'm sorry.
01:14:25 Should I call Frost?
01:14:29 Olivier.
01:14:38 Frost.
01:14:42 Frost.
01:15:08 He's not here.
01:15:10 Try the morgue.
01:15:12 Slick?
01:15:14 It's your bitch ass answering the fucking phone.
01:15:18 Yeah, yeah.
01:15:20 I...
01:15:22 You know...
01:15:24 I figure...
01:15:26 I figure you've been looking for us under every rock and cranny.
01:15:32 But you're not going to find us.
01:15:37 Because we're not hiding anymore.
01:15:43 You see we're going to find you and when we do...
01:15:49 We're going to end this little game that we've been playing.
01:15:54 [laughing]
01:15:58 Damn.
01:16:00 You done grew some balls, huh?
01:16:02 You have a bad for life, bitch.
01:16:06 Put tools on the phone.
01:16:10 Excuse me?
01:16:12 Put tools on the phone, bitch!
01:16:19 [sniffling]
01:16:23 He wants to talk to you.
01:16:27 [sighing]
01:16:31 Yo, I didn't put him up to this. I swear.
01:16:41 Listen up, Johnny Patio.
01:16:44 But Dio? Yeah nigga, that's your real name.
01:16:47 That's the name your skank ass mama gave you.
01:16:50 Your stupid ass friend just fucked up.
01:16:54 He just want out your death certificate.
01:16:58 Have you forgotten who I am?
01:17:05 My main purpose in life is to cut out the cancer that is you...
01:17:11 Out of the world's bloodline.
01:17:14 Ah.
01:17:17 No lip now, huh?
01:17:19 You choking on it, nigga?
01:17:21 Choke on this. Death is coming.
01:17:25 And I'm the nigga driving the truck.
01:17:29 Cancerous motherfuckers like me.
01:17:32 Check this out, bro.
01:17:35 I've spent the majority of my life...
01:17:39 Doing bad things to good, innocent people.
01:17:44 That's true.
01:17:46 I can't wait. I cannot fucking wait...
01:17:50 To do something bad to somebody like you.
01:17:53 It would be my pleasure.
01:17:56 But you know what?
01:17:58 You know that belt? Yeah, yeah.
01:18:01 The one around your waist that you attempted to beat me and Slick with?
01:18:06 You actually beat me with it? Yeah.
01:18:09 Yeah, you're gonna be taking that shit off soon.
01:18:11 'Cause I'm gonna be doing some ass whipping.
01:18:14 [Laughing]
01:18:17 Motherfucker, who are you talking to?
01:18:22 I created good and evil, bitch.
01:18:25 I created your ass.
01:18:28 I am God.
01:18:32 Now choke on that dick.
01:18:35 And while you're choking on my shit, swallow, bitch.
01:18:40 What is he saying?
01:18:43 What'd he say?
01:18:46 What'd he say?
01:18:47 He's pissed.
01:18:49 Why'd you have to piss him off?
01:18:51 What happened to play dead like the possums?
01:18:54 Yeah, yeah. Lie in wait, play dead.
01:18:58 Fuck that. Fuck that.
01:19:00 I'm sick of waiting and I'm done lying.
01:19:04 Fuck a possum.
01:19:07 What the fuck are we doing with these two crazy motherfuckers?
01:19:11 Nobody ever understands me.
01:19:13 You don't know what the fuck "putas" mean? That means "bitch."
01:19:15 No, shut up, fucking bitch.
01:19:18 Really?
01:19:19 Just say the word and this shit fucking ends right now.
01:19:22 Whoa, whoa, whoa.
01:19:24 Move the fuck back. Check this out.
01:19:27 You shut the fuck up. Check this out.
01:19:30 Don't you ever look at me like that ever again.
01:19:34 Or say anything like that to me ever again.
01:19:38 I'll fucking blow your brains.
01:19:40 We got bigger problems.
01:19:44 See the bigger picture.
01:19:50 [phone ringing]
01:19:54 Give me some fucking popcorn.
01:20:03 No goddamn popcorn, shit.
01:20:05 Who the fuck are mad dogs eating fucking popcorn?
01:20:12 I see the lunatics have found the asylum.
01:20:17 Who do we get the boy first?
01:20:21 All of them.
01:20:24 Every fucking one of them.
01:20:30 Who do we get the boy first?
01:20:34 If you like.
01:20:36 I like.
01:20:41 You know, when this is done,
01:20:44 I've got the boy and I'm done taking out all that trash.
01:20:51 We go away for a while.
01:20:55 Maybe an island in the Keys.
01:20:58 Just like normal people for a change.
01:21:02 Like regular people.
01:21:07 Even if it is just for a little while.
01:21:13 If you like.
01:21:15 If you do a good job.
01:21:17 If you take care of business.
01:21:20 If you kill these motherfuckers like I want you to.
01:21:26 Come on, Rain.
01:21:35 Make my day.
01:21:40 [doorbell rings]
01:21:44 Hey, Robbie.
01:21:47 Robbie, any luck?
01:21:51 [music]
01:22:09 What the hell happened?
01:22:11 What did you do?
01:22:14 What did I have to do?
01:22:19 Is he dead?
01:22:21 What is going on here, Decker?
01:22:23 We're supposed to be the good guys.
01:22:27 We are the good guys. Don't be stupid.
01:22:29 How far are you going to take this?
01:22:33 Far needs to go.
01:22:37 Hey, look, we have a problem.
01:22:39 Nothing we can't handle.
01:22:46 What?
01:22:49 What?
01:22:50 She escaped.
01:22:52 But don't worry.
01:22:54 There's no place for her to go.
01:22:55 The place is on lockdown.
01:23:00 You better hope you find her before she finds you.
01:23:04 Do I look scared?
01:23:06 The only person I'm afraid of is you.
01:23:10 How far are you going to take this?
01:23:13 Murder?
01:23:14 Enough! Enough of this shit!
01:23:17 We all signed on for this because we care about the good.
01:23:23 And sometimes good people do bad things to bad people.
01:23:38 She's good.
01:23:40 I know I'm right.
01:23:44 And if not, she'll suffer the same fate as the rest of them.
01:23:50 Am I understood?
01:23:54 And I'll dig the hole myself.
01:23:58 Time to go find the bitch and get some answers.
01:24:08 Watch her before me.
01:24:11 Dammit.
01:24:14 [thud]
01:24:16 [eerie music]
01:24:20 [eerie music]
01:24:24 [eerie music]
01:24:28 [eerie music]
01:24:56 Artemis!
01:24:59 [eerie music]
01:25:02 [eerie music]
01:25:05 [eerie music]
01:25:08 [eerie music]
01:25:11 [eerie music]
01:25:14 [eerie music]
01:25:17 [eerie music]
01:25:22 What next?
01:25:24 [eerie music]
01:25:27 [eerie music]
01:25:30 [eerie music]
01:25:33 [eerie music]
01:25:36 [eerie music]
01:25:39 [eerie music]
01:25:42 [eerie music]
01:25:44 Cash, I'm out.
01:25:46 I knew they couldn't hold you.
01:25:49 All right, where you at? I'm coming to get you.
01:25:52 No, no, don't.
01:25:55 I'm good.
01:25:57 You don't gotta worry, this line is safe, it's secure.
01:26:00 Give me your address.
01:26:02 Keep your eyes and ears on her, Aiden.
01:26:04 We ain't got a lot of time, so we gotta get this done fast.
01:26:07 Look, I need you to do me a favor.
01:26:11 Remember that satellite GPS you put on Olivier?
01:26:18 Yeah, well, we've hit the last ten spots and we can't find him.
01:26:25 Man, he's a ghost.
01:26:29 Can you help me out? Any ideas?
01:26:32 Now, I assume you checked all the usual spots.
01:26:35 Of course.
01:26:37 [eerie music]
01:26:40 [eerie music]
01:26:45 I know a place.
01:26:48 All right, look, I'm gonna send it over to you.
01:26:52 Check this out.
01:26:56 Nice.
01:26:58 [eerie music]
01:27:05 [eerie music]
01:27:08 [eerie music]
01:27:18 [eerie music]
01:27:21 [eerie music]
01:27:24 [eerie music]
01:27:37 Damn it.
01:27:41 Fuck!
01:27:43 What are we gonna do now?
01:27:46 The CIA has him.
01:27:49 You know they are gonna have every agent on him.
01:27:55 We go in anyway.
01:27:58 We take our chances.
01:28:00 Don't be careless.
01:28:02 The boy is ours.
01:28:04 All we have to do is be patient.
01:28:07 At some point, they're gonna need to get him out of there.
01:28:09 And when they do, we'll know.
01:28:11 And then we will attack.
01:28:13 But until then, we wait.
01:28:16 [eerie music]
01:28:20 Stop.
01:28:22 [eerie music]
01:28:26 This is it.
01:28:27 Are you sure?
01:28:28 Positive.
01:28:29 Way quiet.
01:28:30 Yeah.
01:28:32 So what now?
01:28:34 Pick the locks and we can find him and kill him?
01:28:40 Couldn't have said it better myself.
01:28:42 Let's go.
01:28:44 [eerie music]
01:28:49 To live is to suffer.
01:28:55 To live is to suffer.
01:28:59 [eerie music]
01:29:07 To survive is to find some meaning in the suffering.
01:29:12 [eerie music]
01:29:18 I want you to get the downstairs.
01:29:20 But that meaning won't suffice.
01:29:24 The peace of mind still eludes you.
01:29:30 And you get a piece, and you fuck them up.
01:29:34 You make them suffer.
01:29:38 You want upstairs, right?
01:29:40 If you see anything, you wait for me.
01:29:43 Hey.
01:29:45 Yeah, okay, I got it.
01:29:46 I'll wait for you.
01:29:52 We got work to do.
01:29:55 You leave in 10 minutes.
01:29:57 [eerie music]
01:30:13 I need a drink.
01:30:16 You want one?
01:30:22 No.
01:30:24 I'm--
01:30:27 I'll be down in a minute.
01:30:29 [eerie music]
01:30:39 Fuck!
01:30:41 [eerie music]
01:30:48 [sobbing]
01:30:50 [eerie music]
01:31:10 [sobbing]
01:31:15 [eerie music]
01:31:31 Hello, bitch.
01:31:33 You remember me?
01:31:35 [eerie music]
01:31:48 Sasha.
01:31:49 [grunting]
01:31:58 [eerie music]
01:32:13 [eerie music]
01:32:33 [eerie music]
01:32:53 [eerie music]
01:33:08 Go ahead and breathe so I can fucking blow your insides out.
01:33:17 Ellie?
01:33:20 Ellie, I got her.
01:33:25 Run again and I'll put the next one in your head.
01:33:43 [crickets chirping]
01:33:54 It's locked.
01:34:06 Right?
01:34:21 Who are you?
01:34:25 There's no sign you've ever existed.
01:34:28 No birth certificate, no death certificate yet.
01:34:33 Nothing.
01:34:43 You're a non-numerous.
01:34:54 You got something?
01:34:55 I'm not sure you're gonna like it.
01:34:58 Okay, so who is she?
01:35:00 That's just it, who is she?
01:35:05 Nobody seems to know.
01:35:07 Rain, Ray, Rainy, Rebecca.
01:35:10 There's like 40 aliases here.
01:35:13 So you got nothing.
01:35:14 That's not what I said.
01:35:16 Know this.
01:35:18 She's gotta be pretty damn important.
01:35:21 I had to break through like 40 security codes.
01:35:27 So here it is.
01:35:30 She's got the second highest clearance I've ever seen.
01:35:34 IQ off the charts.
01:35:36 Excellent marksman.
01:35:39 Her specialty, psychology.
01:35:42 So do not let her get in your head.
01:35:46 We both know how you can get sometimes.
01:35:53 If you're gonna break her, which in itself is gonna be a task, I--
01:35:58 You gotta keep your cool.
01:36:02 Gotta get her to talk.
01:36:05 Well, be safe.
01:36:07 Okay, she's gotta be working with somebody over here.
01:36:10 And they're sure as hell not gonna be happy when they find out about what you're doing over there.
01:36:18 Sometimes you just gotta say, "Fuck it," and dig a line in the sand.
01:36:24 All right, thanks, Lex.
01:36:26 I'll be in touch.
01:36:30 She's CIA.
01:36:33 With these special clearances, obviously well above our pay grade.
01:36:38 CIA, huh?
01:36:41 So are we.
01:36:44 And we're supposed to conduct ourselves to the highest standards of integrity, morality, and honor, according to the spirit of the law.
01:36:55 When you break that oath, you're nothing but a rogue.
01:37:01 And what do we do with rogues, Ellie?
01:37:07 Exterminate them.
01:37:11 Watch yourselves, ladies. Getting pretty close to the edge.
01:37:14 Fuck the edge! We're off the cliff!
01:37:21 6-6-7-6-0-7-1-1-1.
01:37:31 You're CIA. Call it in.
01:37:34 Okay, listen--
01:37:35 Before you dig yourself so deep in this hole you can't get out.
01:37:39 I'm trying to help you, okay?
01:37:42 I want to believe you're on the right side of things, but you are not helping your cause.
01:37:46 Where's the girl?
01:37:50 Home safe, where she belongs.
01:37:54 The boy's gone, too.
01:37:57 Your days as mommy have come to an end.
01:38:07 You know, I'm losing my patience with you, Rain.
01:38:14 Fuck it.
01:38:16 Like you said, right? Sometimes you gotta dig a hole in the ground.
01:38:19 Line in the sand.
01:38:20 Line in the sand, hole in the ground, same damn thing.
01:38:23 If she's not talking, what good is she?
01:38:26 I say we just take her to the back and kill her.
01:38:31 You think we're playing with you?
01:38:34 One of your crew tried to kill Agent Decker.
01:38:38 So needless to say, all bets are off.
01:38:42 Now this is your last chance. Start talking now, or I'm gonna let Robbie do her thing.
01:38:49 You want me to talk? I can talk.
01:38:52 Where is Artemis?
01:38:56 Where's Cash?
01:38:57 You need to start worrying about yourself, darling.
01:39:00 Look around. Does this look like headquarters to you?
01:39:03 No one is coming to your rescue. Not Artemis, not Cash, no one.
01:39:10 They all think you're being processed.
01:39:14 We're off the grid.
01:39:17 No one knows you're here but us.
01:39:22 And if you don't start talking, and I mean now,
01:39:29 no one will ever know you were.
01:39:32 I have nothing to worry about.
01:39:37 You, on the other hand, you're the ones with the problem.
01:39:44 You've dug yourself so deep and you better be willing to go all the way because he is.
01:39:49 And when he finds out that I'm here, nothing is gonna stop him.
01:40:01 I just hope he brings flowers.
01:40:04 Let's go.
01:40:07 Freeze, goddammit!
01:40:08 I am not gonna give you the luxury of counting to three.
01:40:11 I'm just gonna pull the trigger, put the gun down.
01:40:13 Alright, put the fucking gun down, Ellie.
01:40:16 Come on. Now!
01:40:22 Artemis? Artemis!
01:40:25 He can't hear you!
01:40:26 Shut up!
01:40:27 Ready?
01:40:39 Ready.
01:41:02 I go in, have a cocktail.
01:41:06 You say him.
01:41:09 I let you know.
01:41:12 You come in.
01:41:14 You kill him.
01:41:15 We leave.
01:41:18 It's a plan.
01:41:32 Talk.
01:41:33 Where you at?
01:41:34 I'm on the move.
01:41:35 Me and Sasha got a few things we need to take care of.
01:41:39 Movement on Max?
01:41:41 Nothing yet.
01:41:44 Nothing? So why you calling me?
01:41:47 I tracked your location. Just sit tight. I'll be there in just a second.
01:41:49 I told you we're good. We're good.
01:41:53 Take care of this real quick. I'll get in touch with you when I need you, alright?
01:41:57 It's Rayne.
01:41:59 She shot.
01:42:10 What'd you say?
01:42:18 I need to talk to her.
01:42:34 [Explosion]
01:42:36 [Explosion]
01:42:38 [Explosion]
01:42:40 [Explosion]
01:42:42 [Explosion]
01:42:44 [Explosion]
01:42:46 [Explosion]
01:42:48 [Explosion]
01:42:49 (piano music)
01:42:52 [thunder]
