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Station 19 7x05 Season 7 Episode 5 Promo - My Way


00:00 This is a national landmark in the heart of Seattle.
00:02 The world is watching, Herrera.
00:03 [Gunshots]
00:05 Find the source of that smoke. Move!
00:07 Mayday! Mayday!
00:08 All our engines have blown through fire!
00:10 Sullivan, Warren, report.
00:11 Chief, are you taking over command?
00:12 Do I need to take over?
00:14 There is no way out!
00:16 Earl, hard to do my job
00:17 when these helicopters blow me around!
00:19 [Grunts]
00:20 Becky, report!
00:22 Tell Miranda she was worth waiting for.
00:24 ♪♪
00:27 (whooshing)