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Aired (April 4, 2024): Dax (Marx Topacio) arranged an emergency media conference to reveal the real culprit and mastermind behind the kidnapping of Pepe Tanyag (Leo Martinez). #GMANetwork #GMADrama #Kapuso


00:30 There's no amount of physical pain
00:41 equals to the pain that you've given me.
00:43 We're over.
00:45 Lynette, I just hope for your happiness.
00:53 Yes, attorney.
01:02 Not guilty.
04:03 You know what? I'm the one who's scared of you.
04:08 Why?
04:10 You've become a doctor, but you don't follow me.
04:15 What will you do when you become a consultant?
04:18 When you become successful in your life?
04:20 What? You won't treat me like your mother?
04:23 That's not true, what are you saying?
04:26 What's not true?
04:27 Annelin, you've changed.
04:30 The Annelin I know, the ugly, the snobbish, the elegant.
04:35 You? You haven't changed.
04:38 You've changed, so can you please leave me alone?
04:44 Mom, please, I'm just thinking.
04:46 Annelin, stop! Let go of me!
04:48 Mom, stop!
04:49 What did you say to me?
04:59 What's that?
05:00 I think you should see this.
05:02 I have a prescon for the case of Oslito Taniang.
05:06 Prescon? What does that mean?
05:10 Isn't it enough that he's trying to make me believe that I'm innocent?
05:14 Doctor Taniang, you have to see this. Come with me.
05:27 I know I can be responsible for what I'm doing now.
05:29 That's Dax. What is he doing?
05:38 But I can't keep quiet.
05:41 Do you know what he's going to say in the press?
05:45 Nothing. What's wrong with that?
05:51 Well, someone told me that you're close.
05:56 What? We're not even friends. How can we be close?
06:03 He's just my patient. That's all.
06:06 My gosh, you're full of lies.
06:09 I'm sorry, but Dax's actions are just a coincidence.
06:18 I have a bad feeling about this.
06:21 I'm scared of what might happen to my life.
06:31 Dax is talking in the press.
06:36 But I'm more afraid of ruining someone else's life.
06:42 You need to know about the real mastermind behind the murder and kidnapping of Sir Pepe.
06:48 What is he saying? Why is he in the press?
06:53 Maybe he has new information.
06:55 What new information is he saying that we don't know about?
07:00 He's the one who's been trying to kill me.
07:05 What new information is he saying that we don't know about?
07:09 Moira Taniag is the mastermind, right?
07:13 What new information do you have about her?
07:15 Does she have other connections?
07:18 Moira Taniag is not the mastermind.
07:29 She's not the one who stabbed and killed Mr. Joselito Taniag.
07:33 And she's not guilty.
07:35 What is this Dax saying? He's lying.
07:39 Moira is a murderer and we know that she's the mastermind of everything.
07:44 There's no one else.
07:46 That woman deserves to be in freaking jail.
07:49 [music]
07:59 Are you sure about what you're saying?
08:02 Did Mr. Dakanay force you to change the first statement you said to us?
08:09 No. I just want to know the truth.
08:16 Mr. Dakanay, if it's not Mrs. Moira Taniag who stabbed and killed Mr. Joselito Taniag,
08:23 who's the real mastermind here?
08:26 The real mastermind of the kidnapping and stabbing of Mr. Joselito Taniag
08:35 is Dr. Carlos Benitez.
08:45 [music]
09:04 Are you saying that Dr. Carlos Benitez is the former medical director of Eastridge Medical Center?
09:13 Yes. He's the one. There's no one else.
09:15 Mr. Dakanay, just a moment. We're all confused here.
09:19 First, you said that Mrs. Moira Taniag is the mastermind of the kidnapping of Mr. Joselito Pepe Taniag.
09:29 Why are your statements changing now?
09:32 Because this is the truth.
09:34 I can't hide from the truth anymore.
09:38 I want you to tell me that Dr. Carlos Benitez is the one who planned and did everything.
09:43 He's crazy. He's back.
09:47 It seems like this is still an option in your mom's case, Zoe.
09:51 Or maybe, he's really innocent.
09:57 Just like what she's been trying to tell us this whole time.
10:05 I don't know. I'm really confused with that doctor.
10:09 Do you think your decision to be his doctor is affected by what he's saying?
10:17 I don't know. I don't know what's going on through his head.
10:24 I mean, he's just my patient again. And outside work, I don't know what he's doing.
10:32 So please, stop insinuating that I know something here because I don't know anything.
10:36 Now I wonder who the real mastermind is behind what happened to Sir Pepe.
10:44 Let go of me! Stop it! Please! Please! Stop it!
10:55 [Groans]
10:56 Mom! Mom!
11:05 Mom! Mom! Mom!
11:09 Grandma! Come here!
11:14 Mom!
11:16 Jos, wait!
11:18 Mom!
11:22 [Groans]
11:23 If Dr. Benitez is the real mastermind, why did you teach Mrs. Moira Taniag?
11:34 Because that's what Dr. Carlos wants.
11:37 He wants me to teach Moira to cover up her crime.
11:41 He said it's easy to believe because Moira has been angry with Sir Pepe's family for a long time.
11:50 Wait a minute, Mr. Takanay.
11:51 If you lied to us the first time, how can we believe this time that you're telling the truth?
11:58 How can you prove what you're saying now?
12:00 I told you, that's what I'm saying.
12:03 Just wait for my next statement.
12:07 For now, that's all I can say to prove what I'm saying.
12:10 Mr. Takanay, do you have any questions?
12:13 Sir, we have a question.
12:15 Sir, sir.
12:17 [Dramatic music]
12:26 Good job.
12:28 This is unbelievable!
12:42 Dax is lying, Obeng!
12:44 Carlos, is that really what he's going to teach?
12:48 I'm sorry, but I'm not buying it.
12:50 Ate, we were all surprised by Dax's different statement.
12:55 But nothing will happen if we let our anger be controlled.
12:59 So please, calm down.
13:01 Calm down?
13:02 How can you expect me to calm down when we're already at the end of the process
13:08 so that we can put Moira in jail and then suddenly this creep changes gears?
13:13 Why is he lying, Obeng?
13:16 Look, isn't it?
13:19 There's something wrong with Dax's statement.
13:22 Something is happening that we don't know about.
13:25 Do you remember when we first talked to Dax,
13:28 he said that he's very sure that Moira is the mastermind of everything
13:34 and that there's no other suspect.
13:37 And then, all of a sudden, he's teaching Carlos?
13:40 I mean, I'm not taking Carlos as a friend,
13:44 but I don't see how it can happen.
13:48 If he's angry, it could be with Annalyn, with Lynette, but with Papa?
13:53 I don't see a reason for you to do that to Papa.
13:57 Right?
13:59 He is lying!
14:01 Freaking liar!
14:05 But, Ate, why would Dax lie?
14:08 I don't know either.
14:11 I don't know why this guy's lying, shifting gears last minute.
14:17 I don't know.
14:21 But there's only one way to find out.
14:25 Hey!
14:32 What happened, Annalyn?
14:34 Lynette!
14:35 Lynette!
14:36 Lynette!
14:37 Lynette!
14:38 Lynette!
14:39 Lynette!
14:40 Lynette!
14:41 What happened to you?
14:42 Hello, Annalyn.
14:47 Hello, Dad!
14:48 Dad, it's Mom! Something happened to Mom! She's dead!
14:52 What?
14:54 We're taking her to Apex.
14:55 Okay, I'm here. I'll wait for you.
14:57 Okay.
14:59 Apex is here! Hurry up!
15:01 They're here!
15:02 Wait! Help me!
15:04 Help me!
15:05 Hurry!
15:06 I'm gonna hit you!
15:07 Why? What happened?
15:10 Lynette is dead.
15:11 What?
15:12 Annalyn said she's taking her here.
15:14 Excuse me, Ate. I have to go.
15:16 Why does that have to be me?
15:30 [singing]
15:32 The docs are crazy.
15:34 The statement, the shifting, it's like a motel.
15:38 It's true, Mars.
15:39 You know, the plot twist of what your brother said.
15:41 It's true.
15:43 Imagine, from Moira to Carlos, the drama.
15:46 Exactly.
15:47 Maybe he really changed this time.
15:49 Doc, you believed him right away.
15:52 There's no basis.
15:53 And let's just say that it's not impossible for Doc Carlos to do that.
15:57 Because he did that to Aunt Lynette, right?
15:59 But when it comes to Don Pepe, there's no connection.
16:02 What does Don Pepe have to do with it?
16:04 Are you talking about my grandfather?
16:06 Ma'am, did you watch the doc's interview?
16:10 It's about the real mastermind behind Sir Pepe's death.
16:14 Moira Taniag is not the mastermind.
16:20 She's not the one who stabbed and killed Mr. Joselito Taniag.
16:24 And she's not guilty.
16:26 If it's not Mrs. Moira Taniag who stabbed and killed Mr. Joselito Taniag,
16:33 who is the real mastermind here?
16:36 The real mastermind behind the kidnapping and stabbing of Mr. Joselito Taniag
16:43 is Dr. Carlos Benitez.
16:55 I'll just say it.
16:56 Zoe, did you know about the change of mind of Docs?
17:03 Did you influence him to change his statement?
17:07 Wait, why are you doubting me?
17:09 Who else?
17:11 You're close, right?
17:13 He's your secret friend or whatever, right?
17:18 So, I'll ask you again.
17:21 Did you know about the change of mind of him?
17:24 None.
17:25 How can you do that?
17:27 You don't know him.
17:29 But Docs likes you, right?
17:31 Maybe you're using his feelings for you to get what you want.
17:36 Well, yes. He did mention that he liked me.
17:40 But until now, I've been asking him.
17:44 And in case you haven't heard, I'm seeing someone else.
17:48 But still, you can't deny the fact that you're Moira Taniag's daughter.
17:53 And if you have the opportunity to get rid of him, you'll do it.
17:58 You know what, Justine?
18:01 No, not this time.
18:04 Because everything is already messed up and I don't want to get involved anymore.
18:07 As much as I want to help my mom, I don't want to ruin the trust that Anelene and Daddy gave me.
18:13 And if my mom can get rid of him, I want to do it in a clean way.
18:18 You know what? I love my mom.
18:22 I love my mom so much.
18:24 But if she's innocent, she'll be free. I'm not helping her.
18:29 And right now, my being a granddaughter is more important than being a daughter.
18:36 Because I want to prove to you, to all of you, that I'm getting back at you.
18:43 You know what?
18:46 I won't force you anymore if you don't want to believe me.
18:50 Think about what you want to think.
18:52 Take care.
18:54 Hello.
19:18 Oh, I think your tone is like a bell.
19:21 I'm calling to congratulate you, son.
19:24 Job well done, my dear.
19:27 Sorry, a lot of things are happening here.
19:29 After they saw Doc's statement.
19:32 Just don't mind them.
19:35 Just pretend that you don't know anything.
19:38 I'll be out of here soon.
19:42 I don't know what tricks you used on Doc to make him fall for you.
19:47 But what's important is that you make him fall for you and I'll be out of here.
19:53 Patient is Lynette Santos, 38 years old, with chief complaint of loss of consciousness.
20:14 I checked her BPM earlier, her pulse rate is 41.
20:17 And before she arrived at the hospital, her BPM was only 38.
20:20 We'll insert an IV line and run plaintain SS at 100cc per hour.
20:26 Prepare mannitol and standby for possible intubation.
20:30 We'll take care of this.
20:34 BP 160 over 110, Doc.
20:42 Vital signs are abnormal. Increased BP, low heart rate, irregular breathing.
20:45 This is costing three flicks.
20:47 There may be increased ICP but I need to rule out an endocrinal hematoma.
20:51 Let's do a stag cranial CT scan to confirm my diagnosis.
21:11 Oh my God!
21:12 What happened?
21:17 My mother fainted when we lost the game of samba.
21:21 We were out of guns at home.
21:23 Guns? Lynette has a gun?
21:26 I can't believe we lost because of guns.
21:40 And I don't understand where she got that.
21:42 What did she buy that for?
21:44 I can't tell you that.
21:49 I got that gun from your mother.
21:55 What?
21:58 What is this, Michael?
22:03 Why did you give her a gun?
22:07 What do you know about guns?
22:09 Lynette, listen.
22:10 Carlos is still missing.
22:12 We don't know when he will be found.
22:15 That's why your mother was talking about me looking for a gun.
22:19 Maybe she's worried about you. She's afraid.
22:23 She wants to protect you.
22:25 Uncle Michael,
22:30 I wish you could talk to your mother.
22:35 Why didn't you explain to her that it's not safe to have a gun at home?
22:39 Do you know what she wants to do? Kill Carlos?
22:42 Lynette, believe me.
22:44 I convinced her several times.
22:46 To the point that I told her the pros and cons of having a gun.
22:50 She's really determined.
22:52 Lynette, we know your mother.
22:55 She will do everything.
22:57 Because she loves you so much, she will give her life for you.
23:03 I'm sorry, son. I shouldn't have given her that gun.
23:05 But I hope she understands.
23:08 She doesn't want what happened to Carlos to happen to you.
23:12 She just wants protection and security.
23:17 Especially now, she might be able to free Moira.
23:20 Moira?
23:22 How can Moira be free?
23:25 Don't you know?
23:29 Docs asked for a press conference.
23:31 He changed his statement against Moira.
23:34 What?
23:36 He said that Moira is not the mastermind.
23:40 And he kidnapped your grandfather,
23:43 but it's Doc Carlos.
23:45 A little bit of patience, a little bit of drama,
23:53 and I'll be released from this prison.
23:57 You're just going to wear this for my grand comeback.
24:00 You want to get out of your mother's prison and you're using Docs?
24:04 It's so obvious.
24:06 You planned all of this.
24:08 Why don't you just believe Docs?
24:10 I thought he was telling the truth.
24:12 Mom was innocent.
24:14 Don't make my dad's truth.
24:16 Docs said that he changed his statement.
24:18 Just think about it.
24:20 Focus on your mother first.
24:22 Based on the CT scan results,
24:25 there's a lot of blood in your mother's brain.
24:27 We need to prepare for craniotomy and evacuation of the hematoma.
24:30 Dr. Antonio, you will assist me.
24:32 Copy, Doc.
24:34 Doc, with all due respect,
24:36 I want to be the one who will operate on my mother.
24:39 [Music]
