• last year
Residents have lodged a petition calling for upgrades to a 'dangerous' zebra crossing along Dartford Road, near three schools.
00:00 For me personally, the problem's been I've had two near misses where I've literally been halfway
00:04 across the crossing and a car's come across in front of me. So this isn't something that I'm
00:09 just doing for a bit of fun, you know, it really is a real issue and twice I've always been knocked
00:13 over myself. And in addition I also am one of the coordinators of West Hill Neighbourhood Watch and
00:17 there's been repeated and persistent issues on this same crossing around near misses and we just
00:22 think it's about time that Kent County Council took the near misses seriously. There's quite a
00:27 few ideas that have come from the community. So one could be for example with some quite
00:30 innovative technology like a 3D printed crossing which actually has been evidenced to slow down
00:36 drivers as they get towards the crossing. Maybe it'd be a pelican crossing. We just want a dialogue,
00:42 we want an adult dialogue between the community and Kent County Council to try and, you know,
00:46 it shouldn't take someone being murdered or someone being killed for this to be taken seriously
00:50 because there's enough near misses to justify it being taken seriously. You know this isn't a new
00:55 issue and again you could look at it one way and say yeah but no one's died and you could go okay
01:01 great tick in the box but is it going to take that for this to be dealt with? I don't really know.
