Das Weltraum-Spiel No Man's Sky hat ein neues großes Update bekommen. Version 4.6 läuft unter dem Namen "Orbital".
Der Fokus liegt auf den überarbeiteten Raumstationen, an denen wir mit unseren vollständig anpassbaren Raumschiffen andocken können. Neben neuen Details gibt es neue Designs und mehr Farbvariationen, die auch von System zu System variieren können. Mehr Abwechslung kommt auch durch prozedural generierte Innenräume zustande. Zudem wurde die Navigation überholt.
Statt euer Raumschiff einfach anzupassen könnt ihr jetzt auch aus geborgenen Teilen oder zerlegten Schiffen ein völlig neues bauen – mit dem ihr dann auch neue Flottenmissionen angehen könnt.
Die Gilden und das Handelssystem wurden ebenfalls verbessert. Wie gut wir uns mit außerirdischen Rassen verstehen, beeinflusst etwas die Preise.
Auf euch warten aber noch viele weitere Anpassungen, die ihr in den Patch Notes einsehen könnt:
Space stations have been completely overhauled and refreshed.
Station exteriors now come in a huge array of procedurally generated shapes and colours, as well as at an increased scale.
Space station interiors are now procedurally generated.
Space station interiors now have a huge amount of lighting and visual variation.
Station interior designs now reflect the race of the local system authorities.
The various key space station merchants and interactions have all been visually refreshed.
Players can now use the Quick Menu to switch their docked ship while aboard the space station, providing the ship in question has functioning launch thrusters.
Introduced a number of optimisations and visual improvements to screen space reflection rendering.
Reflection rendering has been revised to reduce noise and make the effect more stable.
The lighting model for reflections has been improved to achieve a more realistic, physically based look.
While away on expeditions, frigates may now call home via the starship communicator or the fleet command terminal on your freighter.
The fleet commander may seek your advice in dealing with a tricky situation, or may even request direct assistance.
Your decisions at these moments, or your efforts in coming to the aid of your fleet, have a direct impact on the outcome and rewards for your fleet missions.
Fixed a number of text issues when using the captain’s terminal on a frigate.
The player’s torch is no longer auto-activated when boarding a frigate.
The frigate teleporter can no longer be triggered while the frigate is away on a mission.
Fixed an issue that could cause asteroid flickering when warping to a system that contains a frigate fleet.
Fixed an issue that prevented outlaw frigates that are not away on a mission from being warped in to defend the player when under attack by hostile starships.
Nearby fleets will now always deploy fighters to
Der Fokus liegt auf den überarbeiteten Raumstationen, an denen wir mit unseren vollständig anpassbaren Raumschiffen andocken können. Neben neuen Details gibt es neue Designs und mehr Farbvariationen, die auch von System zu System variieren können. Mehr Abwechslung kommt auch durch prozedural generierte Innenräume zustande. Zudem wurde die Navigation überholt.
Statt euer Raumschiff einfach anzupassen könnt ihr jetzt auch aus geborgenen Teilen oder zerlegten Schiffen ein völlig neues bauen – mit dem ihr dann auch neue Flottenmissionen angehen könnt.
Die Gilden und das Handelssystem wurden ebenfalls verbessert. Wie gut wir uns mit außerirdischen Rassen verstehen, beeinflusst etwas die Preise.
Auf euch warten aber noch viele weitere Anpassungen, die ihr in den Patch Notes einsehen könnt:
Space stations have been completely overhauled and refreshed.
Station exteriors now come in a huge array of procedurally generated shapes and colours, as well as at an increased scale.
Space station interiors are now procedurally generated.
Space station interiors now have a huge amount of lighting and visual variation.
Station interior designs now reflect the race of the local system authorities.
The various key space station merchants and interactions have all been visually refreshed.
Players can now use the Quick Menu to switch their docked ship while aboard the space station, providing the ship in question has functioning launch thrusters.
Introduced a number of optimisations and visual improvements to screen space reflection rendering.
Reflection rendering has been revised to reduce noise and make the effect more stable.
The lighting model for reflections has been improved to achieve a more realistic, physically based look.
While away on expeditions, frigates may now call home via the starship communicator or the fleet command terminal on your freighter.
The fleet commander may seek your advice in dealing with a tricky situation, or may even request direct assistance.
Your decisions at these moments, or your efforts in coming to the aid of your fleet, have a direct impact on the outcome and rewards for your fleet missions.
Fixed a number of text issues when using the captain’s terminal on a frigate.
The player’s torch is no longer auto-activated when boarding a frigate.
The frigate teleporter can no longer be triggered while the frigate is away on a mission.
Fixed an issue that could cause asteroid flickering when warping to a system that contains a frigate fleet.
Fixed an issue that prevented outlaw frigates that are not away on a mission from being warped in to defend the player when under attack by hostile starships.
Nearby fleets will now always deploy fighters to