Court métrageTranscription
00:00 ♪ ♪ ♪
00:02 ♪ ♪ ♪
00:04 [coups de feu]
00:06 [coups de feu]
00:08 ♪ ♪ ♪
00:10 [narrateur] Stagecoach, Red River, Shane, High Noon, and the Magnificent Seven will never be forgotten.
00:16 Now, Dino de Laurentiis presents perhaps the greatest western of them all.
00:21 [gunshot]
00:22 The Shootist. The story of John Bernard Books.
00:25 The last of the great gunfighters.
00:27 [gunshot]
00:28 A living legend.
00:30 The role is being played by an actor who is himself a living legend.
00:33 John Wayne.
00:35 [John Wayne]
00:44 [James Stewart]
00:52 [gunshot]
00:53 [narrator] Co-starring with Wayne is a group of Hollywood's finest actors.
00:56 James Stewart.
00:57 [James Stewart]
01:04 [Lawren Bacall]
01:06 [Lawren Bacall]
01:15 [Ron Howard]
01:16 [John Wayne]
01:34 [gunshot]
01:35 [glass breaking]
01:36 [gunshot]
01:37 [gunshot]
01:38 [gunshot]
01:39 [narrator] Richard Boone.
01:41 [John Carradine]
01:47 [Hizekaya Beckham]
02:02 [Scott Man Crothers]
02:09 [Harry Morgan]
02:16 [Richard Lenz]
02:22 [Sherry North]
02:29 [Hugh O'Brien]
02:35 [narrator] This film has the makings of a classic.
02:39 [John Wayne]
02:47 [narrator] In it, John Wayne gives the most remarkable performance of his career.
02:51 [John Wayne]
02:57 [narrator] As he recreates the final days...
02:59 [John Wayne]
03:01 [narrator] ...of the man they called "The Shootist."
03:05 Sous-titres réalisés para la communauté d'