• last year
We asked the SYOK team to guess these SEVENTEEN songs based on the emojis, and here’s how they did!


00:00 I don't know who is Seventeen and I don't know any of the songs
00:04 S.O.S. Help!
00:06 Help me!
00:08 Help!
00:09 How do you support?
00:10 S.O.S. lah
00:11 Don't know S.O.S
00:12 It's very straightforward
00:14 S.O.S
00:15 Okay
00:16 S.O.S
00:20 Okay, straightforward
00:21 Love you soon
00:23 Twinkle twinkle love
00:27 No, I don't know
00:29 Ready to love
00:30 Okay
00:31 Ready to love?
00:37 This is not ready to love
00:39 Don't judge my emojis
00:42 Doesn't make sense
00:44 Is that the title song?
00:50 Ready to love
00:51 Is it the old song?
00:52 Face Moon
00:55 Moonface?
00:56 Man on the Moon
00:58 No, uh
00:59 Shadow?
01:01 What's the connection between shadow and moon?
01:03 Astronaut?
01:04 Astronaut lah, there's a man and there's a moon
01:08 Shadow?
01:09 What the?
01:10 No, it doesn't make sense
01:14 What is this?
01:17 Blue moon?
01:19 Ili, what is this?
01:21 Human moon
01:23 Shadow
01:25 I'm an Indian
01:26 - That's for you.
01:26 (laughing)