• last year
00:00 >> Three serving two.
00:07 Up here.
00:10 Tupati.
00:13 We will use this opportunity to
00:15 go ahead to Kyla Kingsu.
00:17 Orenda Ien will serve.
00:22 >> The team is in the lead.
00:30 They go to sing this time.
00:32 Coverage there by Kreamline.
00:36 Over and two.
00:38 Covered.
00:41 That awkward reception here on
00:44 the side of capital one will
00:46 give Kreamline another point.
00:48 >> Kreamline with a service ace.
00:53 >> Her service as well targeting
00:57 Orenda Ien in zone one.
01:00 >> Kreamline with this two-point
01:02 lead.
01:06 Sing with the first ball.
01:09 Ball still alive.
01:11 Chase that one.
01:13 They go to the pin.
01:15 >> Kreamline with the first
01:18 ball.
01:19 >> Sing a chance ball to
01:21 Kreamline.
01:22 Tots Carlos from the pipe.
01:27 >> Beautiful formation by Tots
01:29 Carlos.
01:30 >> 13-17 now.
01:32 >> Nice serve.
01:34 >> Down the line attack for
01:37 Tots Carlos.
01:38 >> Rivera was in the right
01:40 position.
01:41 Tots Carlos being very efficient
01:43 with the serve.
01:45 >> Kreamline, they are filled
01:47 with strong attacking whether
01:49 it is the left pin or even the
01:51 right pin.
01:52 >> Clemente will set up Sing.
01:55 Cross court again.
01:57 Maffay goes to Tots.
02:00 Powerful hit of Tots Carlos
02:02 utilizing the hands of capital
02:04 one.
02:05 >> IQ comes into play.
02:08 >> He is in here with three
02:10 points.
02:13 >> Coverage.
02:14 They go to Tots.
02:17 Cross court.
02:18 Catches the line.
02:21 Negrito with the service.
02:23 Start is off.
02:24 Chase by Umandal.
02:26 Bingo will send it to the other
02:28 side.
02:29 Combination attack.
02:34 Tots Carlos took advantage of
02:36 that one.
02:37 >> This is where the lack of
02:39 control is.
02:40 You want your opponent to make
02:42 errors.
02:45 >> Chase here by Bingo.
02:48 Layug will give a chance ball
02:50 to the cool smashers.
02:52 One handed set to Tots Carlos.
02:56 >> For Negrito.
02:57 But she made away with that
02:59 beautiful one hand set.
03:01 Setting up Tots Carlos.
03:06 >> May goes to Layug.
03:09 Blocked.
03:10 Negos will set up Layug again.
03:16 >> Win here today.
03:18 We saw action from their captain
03:20 earlier in the game.
03:22 She told me that after last
03:24 Saturday, they realized that
03:25 this is the time and this is the
03:27 point in the conference where
03:28 they need to come together,
03:30 think and play as one.
03:32 >> They are more motivated to
03:36 train and work hard.
03:38 That is clearly translating in
03:40 their performance so far as they
03:42 aim to finish this off.
03:43 >> Here in the service line,
03:45 she's been doing well.
03:47 >> Consistency.
03:51 >> Another block point from the
03:53 cool smashers.
03:54 Attack error from capital one.
03:58 >> Tots Carlos.
04:01 >> Another run.
04:03 7-0.
04:05 Coverage by Atienza.
04:08 Tots Carlos down the line.
04:10 Attack.
04:11 This spike of the set is
04:13 brought to you by Duncan.
04:17 It's our first technical timeout
04:19 here in the --
04:22 >> Nice set.
04:23 >> Carlos gets it off of the
04:25 hands of the blockers.
04:27 >> The cool smashers.
04:29 >> Much improvement coming from
04:31 coming from.
