• last year
Dave Sargent, who has a child who has autism, is organising a celebrity charity football match, Sports stars V Hollyoaks team, in May, to raise funds and awareness of Wigan-based Autism Beaudon Understanding Kindness (ABUK), run by Cordelia Singh.
00:00 Okay, hi, so my name's Cordelia. I founded the charity APUK almost four years ago now.
00:11 The group's grown significantly in the last few years and I think it's why it's important
00:19 that we do continued fundraising. But I think what's more important, or as important as
00:25 the fundraising, is the raising awareness. There's two words that are associated with
00:31 autism - awareness and acceptance. And I think a better understanding of those words would
00:37 be educating people and also gaining the understanding and the kindness, which is why this football
00:47 match that we've organised, or should I say Dave's organised, is a fantastic opportunity.
00:53 It just gives us a platform to get the community together and just kind of really get people
01:00 more educated. Hi, I'm Dave. I've organised this celebrity charity football match in aim
01:09 for autism because my youngest boy, he's recently been diagnosed, but the whole idea behind
01:16 it was to raise awareness. Obviously we're raising a lot of money as well, which is a
01:21 bonus, but the awareness side of things is the main reason for it. And what better way
01:27 to have a bunch of celebrities to do it for us? So it's the Hollyoaks, the SOAP, it's
01:34 all of the cast of that playing and a bunch of ex-world champion boxers, footballers,
01:39 rugby players, the list goes on. But there's a lot of celebrities as well that are actually
01:46 involved with it and they have kids themselves that are suffering and they're suffering and
01:52 yeah, there's no better way to do it. Can I just also add that the month of April is
02:00 the National Autism Acceptance Month and every year we also do fitness challenges in this
02:06 month. So it's our fourth year of doing it. We've got three challenges going on. We've
02:12 got walk 10,000 steps a day, run 5K a day and we've also got our annual class-a-thon.
02:20 So again, if you can come along and show your support, that would be amazing.
