Greens Leader Rosalie Woodruff says 'anti-everything' is not a fair label.
00:00 When it comes to, I guess, development and economic growth, the Greens are often criticised
00:05 as being the anti-everything Greens. Is that fair?
00:08 No, it's not fair. I mean, we are absolutely pro-development and pro-progress and we just
00:17 want it to be done with a community consultation and making sure it's environmentally sensitive,
00:21 so we look at the whole package. We are pro-mining because we want renewable energy. We've got
00:28 to transition really fast. Climate's heating, we're seeing fires at Ravenswood as we're
00:33 filming this, so we know that we've got to take real action on renewable energy, but
00:39 we also know that the cheapest way isn't the only way and Tasmania for too long has undervalued
00:46 our resources relative to other places in Australia and around the world and we think
00:52 that we've got to make sure that we've got the developments in place, the planning process
00:59 in place and that we take the money that Tasmanians should be getting from these big corporations
01:08 at the same level as other states do so that we can put it into houses, into hospitals,
01:14 into schools.
01:15 Can you name one significant renewable energy proposal in Tasmania that the Greens actually
01:23 do support?
01:24 We have supported Cattle Hill, wind farms, Granville Harbour, Wool North. I've been in
01:31 conversations recently with the wind farm developers in the North East and that looks
01:36 like a very promising proposal. We're not giving it a sign off because it needs to go
01:42 through a proper process, but we've raised questions with them, we've suggested how it
01:47 could be improved, we've met with the big Midlands solar farm and the one near Georgetown
01:55 and so there's lots of renewable energy projects that we back and are behind.
02:00 .