• last year


00:00:00 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:00:03 Arteries to capillaries to the brain, to the veins
00:00:13 and back to the heart, to the arteries, to the capillaries,
00:00:19 to the lungs and to the veins and back to the heart,
00:00:24 to the arteries, to the capillaries, to the liver
00:00:30 and back to the heart.
00:00:33 Arteries to capillaries to the brain, to the veins
00:00:39 and back to the heart.
00:00:41 [MUSIC PLAYING]
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00:01:59 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:02:03 Lumps it?
00:02:20 Yeah.
00:02:22 Setting phases to kill.
00:02:26 Remains three days.
00:02:29 Come on.
00:02:30 You're going to love this, mate.
00:02:31 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:02:43 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:02:46 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:02:50 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:02:53 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:03:17 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:03:21 Home sweet home.
00:03:37 Not half bad.
00:03:43 Yeah, spent no expense.
00:03:45 Well, that night's sloggers were the heck of a cleaning for you.
00:03:49 Hope you brought your tugs.
00:03:50 Why?
00:03:54 What?
00:03:55 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:03:59 Do you notice the river out there?
00:04:02 But it's winter.
00:04:12 Yeah, you're right.
00:04:13 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:04:15 And tugs are for kids.
00:04:16 But I bought new tugs.
00:04:21 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:04:25 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:04:29 We got this, too.
00:04:38 [CRASH]
00:04:52 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:04:56 [LAUGHTER]
00:04:59 [KNOCKING]
00:05:12 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:05:15 What's wrong?
00:05:30 Nothing.
00:05:37 I just needed a warm up.
00:05:40 I'll help you with that.
00:05:41 Cool.
00:05:46 You are cool.
00:05:47 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:05:57 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:06:01 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:06:05 [MUSIC PLAYING]
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00:06:18 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:06:22 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:06:26 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:06:42 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:06:46 I, Betty, take thee mark to be my wedded husband,
00:07:00 to have and to hold from this day forward, in my sickness
00:07:05 and in your health, to love and to cherish,
00:07:10 even when you're picking fights with dry wolves,
00:07:17 till death do us part.
00:07:18 I pledge myself to you.
00:07:27 I'm never going to live that down, am I?
00:07:32 No.
00:07:35 I, Mark, take thee, Betty, to be my wedded wife,
00:07:40 to have and to hold from this day forward, for better,
00:07:44 for worse, for richer, for candlelit nights when
00:07:48 I miss the electricity bill, in the sick days,
00:07:51 in the healthy ones, to love and to cherish till death,
00:07:56 according to God's holy ordinance,
00:07:59 and thereto I pledge myself to you.
00:08:05 May I kiss the groom?
00:08:06 Yes, you may.
00:08:08 I now pronounce you husband and wife.
00:08:12 You may kiss the groom.
00:08:13 Come here, you big goon.
00:08:14 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:08:18 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:08:21 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:08:25 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:08:28 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:08:32 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:08:35 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:08:39 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:08:42 [MUSIC PLAYING]
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00:09:01 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:09:04 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:09:08 [MUSIC PLAYING]
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00:09:18 [MUSIC PLAYING]
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00:09:26 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:09:35 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:09:38 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:10:06 Come with me.
00:10:09 What?
00:10:10 I need to show you something.
00:10:11 Are you serious?
00:10:12 Just come on.
00:10:13 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:10:17 Mom, where are you taking me?
00:10:26 Betty, follow me.
00:10:27 Stop.
00:10:28 Stop.
00:10:29 Betty.
00:10:30 Mom, wait.
00:10:31 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:10:35 Mark, where are we going?
00:10:38 Shh.
00:10:39 What?
00:10:40 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:10:43 What are they?
00:10:46 Mark, what are they?
00:10:50 I'm sorry, Betty.
00:10:51 What do you mean you're sorry?
00:10:53 I can't let go.
00:10:55 What?
00:10:56 Mark, what do you mean?
00:10:57 I can't let go.
00:10:58 I don't like this.
00:10:59 I-- stop.
00:11:00 [SCREAMING]
00:11:03 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:11:07 Finally.
00:11:21 [PANTING]
00:11:24 I'm fine.
00:11:28 I know you're not.
00:11:29 No.
00:11:30 I'm fine.
00:11:33 Can you please get back into bed, you crazy person?
00:11:36 [PANTING]
00:11:40 It's all good.
00:11:41 [PANTING]
00:11:44 I know.
00:11:46 I know.
00:11:47 Ow!
00:11:48 Did you just pinch me?
00:11:50 Just double checking.
00:11:51 Double check yourself, you wank.
00:11:53 OK, we're about awake now.
00:11:55 Thanks.
00:11:56 [PANTING]
00:11:59 [SIGHS]
00:12:03 It seems so real.
00:12:07 What was it?
00:12:08 I was drowning.
00:12:15 You were drowning?
00:12:18 Yeah, and there were these--
00:12:22 these things.
00:12:23 I--
00:12:27 And you were yelling, Mark, stop.
00:12:31 Did I?
00:12:33 Tell me, how were you drowning?
00:12:37 In the river.
00:12:40 I was drowning you, wasn't I?
00:12:43 You were there.
00:12:45 Doesn't sound like I was throwing you a rope.
00:12:47 Unbelievable.
00:12:52 What?
00:12:53 This wasn't my idea, remember?
00:12:55 What are you talking about?
00:12:57 Once we get through those doors, that's it.
00:12:59 Mark.
00:13:00 Your words.
00:13:00 Mark.
00:13:01 It was a dream.
00:13:02 I'm not pulling you under.
00:13:04 I didn't have an idea.
00:13:05 I thought you'd come to terms with this.
00:13:07 Honestly, Mark.
00:13:09 We're supposed to be a couple of ghosts.
00:13:10 Calm down.
00:13:11 Calm down.
00:13:12 Ghosts.
00:13:13 What the hell are you doing?
00:13:36 Boo.
00:13:38 Did you just call me boo?
00:13:40 No.
00:13:41 I'm sorry.
00:13:43 I can't--
00:13:45 Good.
00:13:46 Because you know my thoughts on calling each other boo.
00:13:48 [LAUGHTER]
00:13:50 Get over here.
00:13:51 [LAUGHTER]
00:13:54 You taste like fabric softener.
00:13:56 Ghostly fabric softener?
00:13:57 Yeah.
00:13:58 I'm good at my act of applause.
00:13:59 Yuck.
00:14:02 It's disgusting.
00:14:03 I'm sorry.
00:14:06 You won't be sorry.
00:14:07 No.
00:14:10 I'm sorry for getting worked up.
00:14:13 It's OK.
00:14:14 We're just--
00:14:14 We're in this together.
00:14:17 Yeah.
00:14:18 Now back to sleep.
00:14:24 Oh.
00:14:27 Are you OK?
00:14:28 Yeah, no.
00:14:28 It's just my-- I've seen a ghost.
00:14:30 [LAUGHTER]
00:14:31 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:14:35 Boo.
00:14:35 Boo.
00:14:36 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:14:49 [THUNDER]
00:14:52 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:14:56 [THUNDER]
00:14:59 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:15:02 [THUNDER]
00:15:05 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:15:08 [THUNDER]
00:15:36 [THUD]
00:15:37 Jesus Christ, you.
00:15:38 [THUD]
00:15:46 [THUD]
00:15:47 [THUD]
00:15:48 [THUD]
00:15:49 [THUD]
00:15:50 [THUD]
00:15:51 [THUD]
00:15:52 [THUD]
00:15:53 [THUD]
00:15:54 [THUD]
00:15:55 [THUD]
00:15:56 [THUD]
00:15:57 Jesus.
00:15:58 [THUD]
00:15:59 [THUD]
00:16:00 What?
00:16:01 [LAUGHTER]
00:16:02 You startled me.
00:16:05 God.
00:16:06 What are you doing?
00:16:07 Let me have one of those skinny arms of yours, OK?
00:16:09 What?
00:16:10 Well, you know, my fat arms, they can't fit.
00:16:12 So I'm actually going to need--
00:16:13 Mark, I'm not doing anything.
00:16:14 You need to tell me what is under there.
00:16:16 It's a mouse, OK?
00:16:17 It's a mouse.
00:16:18 What?
00:16:19 Do you know how big he is, long-tailed?
00:16:21 I know what a mouse is, Dickhead.
00:16:23 What?
00:16:24 Why are you freaking out about it?
00:16:26 Because I want it here when, you know--
00:16:31 Why?
00:16:32 I don't want it crawling on me.
00:16:36 You know, you're not going to be in a state to care.
00:16:39 It's going to go straight through my eyes.
00:16:41 I know it.
00:16:42 It really doesn't matter, Mark.
00:16:48 No, it matters.
00:16:50 Hey, don't.
00:16:51 Don't.
00:16:52 Just--
00:16:53 Get off me.
00:16:54 Hi.
00:16:56 Betty, I--
00:16:57 Betty.
00:16:58 Betty.
00:16:59 Betty.
00:17:03 Betty.
00:17:04 [GRUNTING]
00:17:07 [FOOTSTEPS]
00:17:11 [FOOTSTEPS]
00:17:17 [WHISTLING]
00:17:44 [FOOTSTEPS]
00:17:47 [WHISTLING]
00:17:50 [FOOTSTEPS]
00:17:53 [CLICKING]
00:18:00 [FOOTSTEPS]
00:18:12 Look, Betty, I--
00:18:14 Get him?
00:18:16 Get him.
00:18:18 I'm pretty sure it was a her.
00:18:21 Only a woman could torment me so bad.
00:18:23 So that's a no?
00:18:26 That's a no.
00:18:27 Look--
00:18:31 You know what the best part about all of this is?
00:18:33 What's that?
00:18:39 Feeling I delivered what I'd done.
00:18:42 I shouldn't have grabbed you.
00:18:53 I'm sorry.
00:18:54 I-- I was in a frenzy, and I didn't sleep well.
00:19:00 I'm sorry.
00:19:03 That's OK, Mark.
00:19:05 I forgive you.
00:19:06 It is our honeymoon after all.
00:19:08 Do you really mean it, Betty?
00:19:11 Oh, really, really?
00:19:12 No, it's good for you.
00:19:13 Well, I--
00:19:14 I mean, if you're insisting on it.
00:19:16 Shall I Irish up your tea?
00:19:21 I think I'll finish it as it is.
00:19:31 All righty.
00:19:32 [FOOTSTEPS]
00:19:52 [SIGHS]
00:20:06 I hope they find the bad part of me.
00:20:10 Cut it out so I can leave it behind.
00:20:14 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:20:25 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:20:28 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:20:31 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:20:58 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:21:21 And they all marched two by two.
00:21:29 Oh, into the blue they marched.
00:21:36 They marched.
00:21:38 Mm-hmm-hmm.
00:21:39 [GIGGLING]
00:21:42 Oh, that could have been so many things.
00:21:48 So many things, and I became--
00:21:51 A little drunk?
00:21:53 Me?
00:21:54 I'm flying.
00:21:56 It's a bird.
00:21:57 It's a plane.
00:21:59 Kind of looks like a moose to me.
00:22:02 What?
00:22:03 You didn't even have your eyes open.
00:22:05 [GIGGLING]
00:22:06 Not the one, though.
00:22:07 That confirms it.
00:22:09 Moth's drunk.
00:22:12 Yes.
00:22:13 Yes, I am.
00:22:15 [GIGGLING]
00:22:18 Can you feel that?
00:22:25 What?
00:22:26 It's the world moving under you.
00:22:31 [GIGGLING]
00:22:34 I think I need to cut you off.
00:22:38 It's the grass, the bikes.
00:22:42 It's the world growing beneath us.
00:22:44 Mm-hmm.
00:22:45 I just want to sink in, let it absorb me.
00:22:52 But you don't want a mouse nibbling on you.
00:22:54 Well, I don't want to be chewed up and shat out
00:22:57 on the concrete with things I only want.
00:22:59 [GIGGLING]
00:23:01 [SIGHS]
00:23:06 Well, what do you think?
00:23:10 Mm, I try not to think about it.
00:23:14 Why?
00:23:15 It doesn't matter.
00:23:21 But it's everything.
00:23:25 No.
00:23:31 I guess in my situation, the more that you think about it,
00:23:36 the more it just throws you off.
00:23:39 You just have to accept it.
00:23:42 Become nothing.
00:23:45 Become nothing?
00:23:47 Like, you become everything and everything--
00:23:51 No, Mum.
00:23:52 It's no longer me.
00:23:53 It doesn't matter what happens after.
00:24:07 At some point, the world will lose its gravity.
00:24:12 And we all float up into the blue,
00:24:22 everyone and everything, swallowed by the sky.
00:24:29 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:24:56 [GROANING]
00:24:59 Better get it out.
00:25:09 It's sitting right there in your belly.
00:25:11 You'll feel better.
00:25:12 Come on.
00:25:13 [COUGHING]
00:25:14 There we go.
00:25:15 There we go.
00:25:17 Good boy.
00:25:18 It's OK.
00:25:19 Just fuck off.
00:25:22 No, hey, keep-- keep stroking.
00:25:25 You're giving me mixed messages here, big guy.
00:25:28 Just-- just stop teasing, OK?
00:25:31 It's bad enough I ruined our weekend.
00:25:35 You haven't ruined anything.
00:25:37 Oh.
00:25:39 Look, I can--
00:25:40 I can usually handle my piss better.
00:25:43 I beg to differ.
00:25:47 We hardly played any drinking games.
00:25:49 Mark, they're hardly any fun with two people.
00:25:52 It's just us.
00:25:53 Well, yeah, but, you know, we could play--
00:25:56 we could play categories or--
00:26:00 or I've never.
00:26:03 Never have I ever tried to kill myself with alcohol.
00:26:08 Not myself.
00:26:11 OK, who did you try to kill?
00:26:15 Never mind.
00:26:18 Never have I ever tried to murder anyone.
00:26:22 I don't have a drink to-- to drink.
00:26:25 Fuck off.
00:26:27 Who did you try to kill, huh?
00:26:30 Who?
00:26:31 Don't-- don't worry about it.
00:26:32 No, now is the time for confessions.
00:26:34 We're in a safe place.
00:26:36 Who did you try to kill?
00:26:38 Come on, tell me.
00:26:39 Who?
00:26:40 I--
00:26:41 Who?
00:26:42 Mark.
00:26:44 It was you.
00:26:45 It was me.
00:26:46 What?
00:26:53 Betty.
00:27:01 Betty.
00:27:03 Mark, what do you mean?
00:27:04 Betty, I--
00:27:06 [SIGHS]
00:27:10 [SIGHS]
00:27:49 [DOOR CLOSES]
00:27:52 I'll give you one chance.
00:27:56 Come on, Beth.
00:27:58 I'm already feeling the hangover.
00:28:02 Tell me what you did.
00:28:03 I made a mistake.
00:28:11 You know, that's all.
00:28:18 What the fuck did you do to me?
00:28:22 Look, I didn't plan it, OK?
00:28:24 I-- I made a decision in the moment, a stupid decision.
00:28:30 I'm glad you put so much thought into it.
00:28:33 No, no, no, no, Beth.
00:28:34 All I've thought about--
00:28:36 you were suffering, OK?
00:28:38 And I couldn't stand it.
00:28:39 I knew you would never ask it of me, but I could see it.
00:28:44 See what, hmm?
00:28:46 You.
00:28:48 You wanted to, you know--
00:28:51 Die?
00:28:52 Yeah.
00:28:55 I can't believe what I'm hearing.
00:28:58 And you just planned to act on your ESP, huh?
00:29:02 I didn't plan it, OK?
00:29:03 When didn't you plan it then?
00:29:07 This last summer.
00:29:10 The engagement party.
00:29:13 You son of a bitch.
00:29:15 I didn't--
00:29:16 You son of a bitch.
00:29:17 I didn't plan it, OK?
00:29:18 Your glass, it was just there, and you--
00:29:20 you have to understand how horrible I felt.
00:29:22 Horrible?
00:29:24 Would you like me to describe the feeling of a liver resection?
00:29:29 Make you understand the pain, the torture that I--
00:29:32 that I was in for a month?
00:29:35 They thought that I had tried to kill myself.
00:29:38 Have you the slightest idea what you have put me through?
00:29:43 Do you have any idea what it's like living with everyone
00:29:46 thinking that I tried to kill myself?
00:29:48 I understand.
00:29:50 No, you don't.
00:29:52 It's enough that I'm sick and you don't fucking understand.
00:29:55 Otherwise, you wouldn't have.
00:29:56 I can't believe that you are capable of doing that to me.
00:30:08 I want you to leave now.
00:30:10 Get out.
00:30:12 You know I only did it because I love you.
00:30:14 Fuck off, Mark.
00:30:15 Honestly.
00:30:16 No, I need you--
00:30:17 Get the fuck out.
00:30:18 You've got to understand.
00:30:20 Listen to me.
00:30:22 Please.
00:30:24 You were not the first person I loved who told me to end it.
00:30:27 OK?
00:30:29 I didn't ask.
00:30:32 You--
00:30:38 You know what I mean.
00:30:40 You know what I mean.
00:30:42 You know what I mean.
00:30:43 You know what I mean.
00:30:44 You know what I mean.
00:30:46 [door opening]
00:30:48 [sobbing]
00:30:58 [sobbing]
00:31:06 [sad violin music]
00:31:09 [sobbing]
00:31:14 [sobbing]
00:31:16 I'll rise and go now.
00:31:43 And go to Innisfree.
00:31:46 In a small cabin made of clay and water.
00:31:51 It was a mighty house.
00:31:53 Something about bees.
00:31:57 I probably should have some peace there.
00:32:07 Some peace.
00:32:10 For peace comes dropping slow.
00:32:13 Midnight's all a glimmer.
00:32:15 And noon a purple glow.
00:32:18 An evening full of the limit's wings.
00:32:22 I will arise and go now.
00:32:26 For always night and day I hear lake water
00:32:30 Lapping with low sounds by the shore.
00:32:34 While I stand on the roadway.
00:32:37 Along the pavement's grey.
00:32:41 I hear it in the deep heart's core.
00:32:45 [sad violin music]
00:32:48 [sad violin music]
00:32:50 [thunder]
00:33:15 [thunder]
00:33:17 [thunder]
00:33:22 [thunder]
00:33:25 [thunder]
00:33:29 [thunder]
00:33:33 [thunder]
00:33:37 [thunder]
00:33:43 [thunder]
00:33:45 [sad violin music]
00:33:56 [sad violin music]
00:33:59 [sad violin music]
00:34:01 [sad violin music]
00:34:03 [sad violin music]
00:34:05 [sad violin music]
00:34:14 [sad violin music]
00:34:16 So what's on the agenda for this afternoon?
00:34:38 Ah, well, there's a bush walk close by that I thought we could do.
00:34:42 You up for it?
00:34:44 Yeah.
00:34:45 So you're up for it?
00:34:47 Yeah, why wouldn't I be?
00:34:49 No, no, I mean you would be. It's just, you know, last time I kind of had to carry it.
00:34:53 Yeah.
00:34:54 I'm in a much better state, so I'm up for it, okay?
00:35:00 Okay, good, good.
00:35:02 In that case, I've got a surprise for you.
00:35:04 Gosh, what?
00:35:07 Something you love.
00:35:09 What?
00:35:10 Finish your tea.
00:35:12 Come on, finish your tea.
00:35:16 Tell me.
00:35:19 Finish your tea.
00:35:20 Open your smile.
00:35:21 Now look in the bottle.
00:35:32 [birds chirping]
00:35:34 Didn't you learn your lesson about spiking your girlfriend?
00:35:44 You love acid.
00:35:46 That's not the point, Mark. What do you mean?
00:35:49 Okay, look, you're going to have to relax if you want to have a good time.
00:35:51 Are you actually serious right now?
00:35:52 Relax. Ten to twelve hours. I...
00:35:54 Betty.
00:35:55 Absolutely unbelievable.
00:35:57 Betty.
00:35:59 [breathing heavily]
00:36:01 Fuck.
00:36:03 [thud]
00:36:06 [breathing heavily]
00:36:08 [boing]
00:36:26 [boing]
00:36:27 Here.
00:36:33 I'm okay.
00:36:34 Didn't say you were.
00:36:36 Just... I'm done with being tired.
00:36:39 I'm done.
00:36:40 You're done?
00:36:41 Done.
00:36:42 This is exactly what I said was going to happen.
00:36:44 Now I'm going to have to carry you back down the hill, just like last time.
00:36:49 You know what this weather reminds me of?
00:36:52 Uh, the wife and kids you left back in Sydney?
00:36:55 Dante's Inferno.
00:36:57 No, no, your irrational fear of fire ants.
00:36:59 There's nothing irrational about feeling fire ants.
00:37:02 Well?
00:37:04 No. I'm done talking to you.
00:37:06 I don't want to know. I don't want to know.
00:37:09 No, you're being a sarcastic asshole.
00:37:11 I know. Don't you love me for who I am?
00:37:14 You get enough love from yourself.
00:37:16 Ouch.
00:37:18 Finally calms down.
00:37:20 Truth of how you really feel.
00:37:22 Well, I beg to differ.
00:37:23 Reminds me of a European summer, you know?
00:37:26 It's warm, but not too hot.
00:37:29 Like the forest could just open up onto the Mediterranean.
00:37:33 Yeah. It's beautiful, isn't it?
00:37:36 Yeah.
00:37:37 Gosh, I'd do anything to go swimming in that blue blue water again.
00:37:41 I mean, the temperature's a bit like it was.
00:37:45 It doesn't exactly look like we're in Mykonos or Positano,
00:37:48 but I'm pretty happy about that.
00:37:51 I mean, don't take offense.
00:37:53 I'd rather be nowhere else in the world.
00:37:56 Like, now's as good a time as any to tell you,
00:37:59 but I really didn't like that trip.
00:38:02 You were just bitter about the last week.
00:38:04 I'm bitter I had to isolate from you, yeah, but that's not it.
00:38:08 Mark, you're the one that got sick.
00:38:12 Oh, we were both sick.
00:38:13 Look, it's not that. It's just...
00:38:15 I just don't like you.
00:38:17 It's a pretty big continent to resent.
00:38:20 Well, it's just so dirty, all right, and crowded, and...
00:38:25 Oh, do you remember Rome?
00:38:26 Remember the day you met up with Lily and I was left to explore alone?
00:38:30 Yeah, the day you got sick.
00:38:31 Yeah, I got heatstroke, okay,
00:38:33 'cause the weather, it was just like this, but hotter,
00:38:35 and we'd seen all the sights, and so I was just walking around the city,
00:38:39 taking in the concrete and the crowds,
00:38:41 and then I got lost, and...
00:38:43 Mark, you were sick 'cause you got blind drunk the night before.
00:38:46 That's... No, I...
00:38:47 Well, yes, but that's not the point, okay?
00:38:50 I got lost, and I ended up outside the Rome Zoo.
00:38:53 It was Bio-Paco or something.
00:38:56 Anyway, I just had to kill some time by going in.
00:38:58 Maybe it was to get out of the sun.
00:39:00 That was your mistake.
00:39:02 Yeah, well, look, I went in there, and it was just awful.
00:39:06 I mean, you'd think places like that were outlawed 50 years ago.
00:39:09 But it was an enclosure. It had no shade.
00:39:11 So all of them were just pressed up against the side of a clay building,
00:39:14 clinging to its shadow.
00:39:16 And they had wolves, all right?
00:39:17 Fucking timber wolves in that heat.
00:39:19 And they were either all passed out or sedated.
00:39:22 I mean, and the hippo?
00:39:24 My God, that hippo.
00:39:25 He was in an enclosure the size of our apartment.
00:39:27 The concrete ground or the pool that it's in,
00:39:29 so that was barely the hippo's length.
00:39:32 My God, that fucking hippo.
00:39:35 So you're basing your whole judgment of a whole continent
00:39:39 off one trip to a zoo?
00:39:41 Yeah, because Europe made me feel like that hippo.
00:39:46 Are you honestly incapable of doing anything?
00:39:52 I think so.
00:39:55 I think I'm feeling it.
00:40:02 What's wrong?
00:40:04 It's hitting me.
00:40:07 The acid. I almost forgot.
00:40:10 Are you feeling anything?
00:40:13 Yeah, I think a smidge.
00:40:18 Yeah?
00:40:20 How bright were you of the trees right now?
00:40:23 About a six.
00:40:26 We're getting there.
00:40:28 Nearly, nearly, nearly.
00:40:31 [music]
00:40:34 That's a lot of green.
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00:40:55 [sniffing]
00:40:58 Jeep, jeep.
00:41:07 Fucking snake.
00:41:10 [music]
00:41:23 Deva?
00:41:25 Deva?
00:41:28 Deva.
00:41:30 Yes, brother?
00:41:33 [music]
00:41:36 Holy shit.
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00:41:51 [laughing]
00:41:54 What are you like?
00:42:09 A cat who farts.
00:42:11 Don't joke.
00:42:13 You know what was the best day of my life?
00:42:15 It's the day you met me.
00:42:17 No, unfortunately for your ego.
00:42:20 It was about 12 or 13.
00:42:23 Do you remember those, do you remember those comments?
00:42:26 The, um, the, the chain mail on MySpace?
00:42:30 Look, I remember MySpace. I don't remember y'all.
00:42:33 Yeah.
00:42:35 So, um, it was one of those.
00:42:37 You know, I think it was like, if you pass this on in ten days,
00:42:40 you'll, then in a week, you'll have the best day of your life.
00:42:43 And in two weeks, you'll meet the love of your life or something like that.
00:42:46 Yeah, yeah, and if you don't, you'll die or the chick in the ring
00:42:49 will get you.
00:42:50 Yeah.
00:42:52 So I passed on one of those.
00:42:54 Oh, you were always wrong with this world.
00:42:56 Shut up, Mark.
00:42:59 I passed on one of those and the next week,
00:43:02 I actually had the best day of my life.
00:43:05 I don't know, nothing happened or changed because of the chain mail, but...
00:43:11 I don't know, I just took everything in.
00:43:14 I'd never been so present.
00:43:18 Things I'd done a million times suddenly became wonderful.
00:43:23 I don't know, it's hard to explain.
00:43:26 It wasn't even sunny.
00:43:28 It was raining.
00:43:30 But it was beautiful.
00:43:32 No, I get it.
00:43:35 Have you had a day like that since?
00:43:39 I think so.
00:43:43 Never was good, but I have.
00:43:47 I think it happens when I have a recurrence.
00:43:53 I think I'm feeling it.
00:43:59 Yeah, I swear I only feel that way on drugs.
00:44:04 Well, some drugs.
00:44:07 Those kind of just push you away from it, from the present.
00:44:12 And that's the problem.
00:44:14 It's not being present.
00:44:17 I was a bit of a depressed kid.
00:44:19 I think I watched too much TV.
00:44:23 I just, I always wanted to be somewhere else.
00:44:27 Somewhere green.
00:44:30 In some fantasy world full of magic.
00:44:34 Where I was the chosen one in a great story.
00:44:37 You know, with my good friends.
00:44:43 God, it was always in my head.
00:44:46 You know, and I never looked around,
00:44:49 because it just made me sad.
00:44:51 Because it wasn't where I wanted to be.
00:44:55 You know, there's nothing fantastical about the suburbs.
00:44:59 It's where I would live in a daydream.
00:45:04 And that way of thinking, you know, at least for so long,
00:45:08 I think it built pathways in my brain.
00:45:13 And I can't be present, and it kills me.
00:45:18 It's like I'm drifting.
00:45:21 All in my breath is waves crash above me.
00:45:27 I wanted that feeling that you're talking about so damn much.
00:45:34 And this weekend, I'm starting to feel it.
00:45:39 It's like what you said.
00:45:42 It happens after a reoccurrence.
00:45:47 It's when you've accepted it, isn't it?
00:45:50 I've accepted it.
00:45:53 I've been--
00:45:54 We're free from our future, so we can finally be present.
00:46:01 We're free.
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00:56:15 Just tell him.
00:56:20 This is my fault.
00:56:25 Mark,
00:56:30 I came here because I love him.
00:56:35 Mark, we are our own rivers.
00:56:40 I am my own vessel.
00:56:45 I am my own vessel.
00:56:50 I am my own vessel.
00:56:55 I am my own vessel.
00:57:00 [music]
00:57:05 I am my own vessel.
00:57:10 I am my own vessel.
00:57:15 I am my own vessel.
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00:58:20 Why didn't you wake me for sunset? Betty?
00:58:25 It takes effort to sleep 12 hours.
00:58:30 If you wanted to wake for sunset, you would have.
00:58:35 Well, I wanted to, and I didn't.
00:58:40 Nothing I haven't seen before.
00:58:45 Not hungry?
00:58:50 Nothing I haven't tasted before.
00:58:55 I'm sorry for getting antsy. I just
00:59:00 wanted this weekend to be perfect. It's typical, isn't it?
00:59:05 What is? Life.
00:59:10 Don't go on the way you expect.
00:59:15 How did you want this weekend to go? I don't know.
00:59:20 Better. I think my expectations were too high.
00:59:25 Too much pressure, maybe. Maybe we should have just buttoned the curtains.
00:59:30 Stayed in the bedroom the whole time. Maybe.
00:59:35 Do you wish that...
00:59:40 Do you wish that we had more time?
00:59:45 No. We've had more than enough time.
00:59:50 Is there something wrong?
00:59:55 Besides you being angry and not eating?
01:00:00 I'm not angry. I've heard that before.
01:00:05 You don't think I've been going crazy nervous over all this?
01:00:10 I've been going as crazy as you have all weekend.
01:00:15 But now it's just time for us to relax.
01:00:20 Savor what we have left. It might not be perfect, so
01:00:25 let's make the best of what we've got.
01:00:30 I don't want to die.
01:00:35 Unfortunately, you don't have a choice. I have a choice in time. This is your choice.
01:00:40 This weekend is the only time you'll get a choice. Yes, and it's my choice. And you made it.
01:00:45 When you came here, you made it. The decision was final when you walked through that door.
01:00:50 It is my decision, Mark.
01:00:55 Do you think those machines that keep you alive will give you a second chance to end it?
01:01:05 The doctors, nurses. I mean, you think they'll give you a second chance?
01:01:10 Surely when you're rotting from the inside out.
01:01:15 Surely when you're begging to die.
01:01:20 Do you think they'll show you mercy? No, they fucking won't!
01:01:25 They won't!
01:01:30 You can't run from this.
01:01:40 No, you can't.
01:01:45 Betty!
01:01:50 Betty!
01:01:55 Betty!
01:02:00 Betty!
01:02:05 Betty!
01:02:10 Betty!
01:02:15 Betty!
01:02:20 Betty!
01:02:25 Betty!
01:02:30 Betty!
01:02:35 I'll break the door! I'll break it down!
01:02:40 Please! Please! I don't want to live.
01:02:45 Not without you. I don't want to be alone again.
01:02:50 I don't want you to be alone.
01:02:55 I can't stand the thought of you somewhere else. Alone.
01:03:00 Alone.
01:03:05 I'm not going to be used as your excuse.
01:03:10 My fucking cancer is not your excuse!
01:03:15 An excuse?
01:03:20 Yeah! You know what? I need an excuse, okay?
01:03:25 I need an excuse to get out of this goddamn bubble.
01:03:30 Every second out there with those fake fucking drones.
01:03:35 Being another fake fucking drone and listening to myself talk like a fake fucking drone.
01:03:40 It's unbearable.
01:03:45 It's like I'm in a cage.
01:03:50 It's like I'm in a cage and it's growing smaller and smaller.
01:03:55 And if I escaped, I'd tear the limbs off every snide-faced phony out there.
01:04:00 I would. I'd tear it all fucking down!
01:04:05 I can't even breathe.
01:04:10 It's toxic.
01:04:15 It absorbs the perfume artificial to the fucking molecule.
01:04:20 I despise that world.
01:04:25 I hate it.
01:04:30 I hate myself.
01:04:35 And then I look up
01:04:40 and the sky is blue.
01:04:45 And though the world is getting smaller,
01:04:50 it stays so vast.
01:04:55 So vast.
01:05:00 So vast.
01:05:05 So vast.
01:05:10 So vast.
01:05:35 Mom?
01:05:40 Mom?
01:05:47 Mom?
01:06:02 Mom?
01:06:07 Give them to me! I said give them to me!
01:06:14 I have to give this world back.
01:06:24 I have to give this world back.
01:06:29 I have to give this world back.
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