• last year
Swing into action with Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V!

Yuya Sakaki’s dream is to follow in his father’s footsteps and become the g | dHNfNm4xVmU5M0JORkE


00:00 The action duel was born from the realization of the solid vision with quality. This duel, where the field, monster and duelist became one, involved people in a hot-blooded whirlpool.
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01:15 ♪ I can feel it, my body and soul ♪
01:17 ♪ Let's go to the future ♪
01:19 ♪ Throw away your hesitations ♪
01:22 ♪ Make it, make it, give it your all ♪
01:25 ♪ Spread your wings and soar to the sky ♪
01:29 ♪ The fun is yet to come ♪
01:32 ♪ Everybody, let's go, everybody ♪
01:36 ♪ Believer ♪