• 10 months ago
(Adnkronos) - Fabri Fibra, Geolier e Rose Villain debuttano come coach-giudici nel primo talent dedicato alla musica rap: 'Nuova Scena - Rhythm + Flow Italia' è la competizione musicale tutta dedicata mondo delle 'barre', prodotta da Fremantle e disponibile su Netflix da lunedì prossimo con i primi quattro episodi. Tutti e tre i coach sono alla loro prima partecipazione ad un talent e si cimentano nella ricerca dei protagonisti che segneranno la nuova scena rap italiana, con un premio in palio per il vincitore di 100.000 euro.  Lo show-talent è diviso in 8 episodi che saranno disponibili in tre scaglioni temporali: gli episodi 1-4, che usciranno il 19 febbraio, vedranno Fabri Fibra, Geolier e Rose Villain partire dalle città più rappresentative del rap italiano - Roma, Napoli e Milano - alla ricerca del miglior talento della prossima generazione. In questa fase di ricerca, i tre giudici saranno affiancati da grandi nomi del rap italiano che li aiuteranno a selezionare le nuove promesse: Ernia, Fred De Palma, Ketama126, Lazza, Lele Blade, Nayt, Nitro, Rocco Hunt, Squarta e Yung Snapp. Negli episodi 5, 6, 7, che debutteranno lunedì 26 febbraio, i giovani rapper selezionati si dovranno misurare con prove di freestyle, rap battle, videoclip e, soprattutto, nel featuring con Guè, Madame, Marracash e Noyz Narcos. La finale sarà invece disponibile da lunedì 4 marzo, e vedrà i tre artisti più meritevoli chiamati a presentare il proprio brano originale, per tentare di trasformare il sogno in realtà.


00:00 That's the reason why I think we all wanted to participate in the show.
00:08 Often when you are in the Italian region, you find yourself facing the same topics, the same issues,
00:21 because you are promoting your album, and so you either make music, or you are a producer, or you are a co-author.
00:29 More or less, these are the usual questions that come up during the recording.
00:33 We had the chance to give you some advice, and also to go deeper into certain aspects of the Italian region,
00:43 which, not from the point of view of a record label, but from the point of view of a reaper,
00:51 to understand the experiences of the new generations that have found themselves in this genre,
00:59 in this classification, without having the tools to understand not so much how to get into the classification,
01:08 but what is needed to approach the Italian region, and all the aspects that we went deeper into
01:16 during the show of the guys who participated.
01:21 And you, Ros?
01:22 It was a great challenge for me, from the beginning, I said to myself,
01:26 "I could be a judge of other artists, because for me it's something so subjective,
01:33 so out of the technical side of everything."
01:39 But then, when I found myself there, I felt, first of all, watching them,
01:48 seeing their hunger, their desire to stand out, to express themselves.
01:54 I also learned to know myself as an artist, I saw myself as younger,
02:00 I saw myself as Gavetta, and more than a judge,
02:05 I felt that I could be a great help to them,
02:11 to everyone, to those who win.
02:14 We really gave our honest point of view to the people who do this job,
02:20 and they found us, I did, I struggled,
02:24 so it was really nice, I thought it would have been more difficult to be a judge,
02:34 but it was really natural, and also very sweet.
02:43 We were really good judges.
02:46 Giulia, you said that you saw the highlights,
02:49 you saw some sweet moments, but what about you, Giulia?
02:52 It was difficult at first, because, you know,
02:58 at 23, judging a guy who was there,
03:02 without seeing his dream, at 25, 26, or 20,
03:10 it was difficult, because you could say something negative,
03:14 or something... it was not easy.
03:17 On the other hand, you could also think,
03:20 "You can't be a teacher, you're too young."
03:24 I felt the difficulties at first, but then I had two teachers,
03:29 so I took it easy, and it was nice, it was fun.
