• last year


00:00 Last night, I mean, Marcus comes from, you know, a bit of the Canadian ski royalty family.
00:06 His uncle, Thomas Grandy, the best slalom skier in the history of Canada.
00:11 So the technique is just baked into his DNA and Marcus Goguen has certainly inherited
00:16 some of that from the family and from the people that he skis with.
00:20 Marcus Goguen now getting set to kick things off.
00:24 Last year, in Kicking Horse, he delivered an electric performance.
00:27 We know he's comfortable now.
00:29 He's on his own time zone.
00:31 You know, he's got his friends and family around him and he is fired up to kick things
00:35 off.
00:36 Him and Stan Ray were scoping lines together.
00:38 So hopefully we're going to see a more successful outcome if he goes over to the same zone that
00:43 Stan went to.
00:45 And you know, again, you have to roll those dice as a free rider.
00:48 If you're confident in your ability, you stick with it, even if someone else got taken down
00:52 in that same zone, because the line that you choose and speaks to you is the line that's
00:56 going to ski well.
00:57 Marcus coming out of start two down the ridge.
01:01 Let's see what he has lined up.
01:03 Again, into a new creative section, making quick technical work of it.
01:07 And a huge 360 off the cat road like it was nothing.
01:10 A quick redirect and another 360.
01:13 With those both different ways.
01:15 I can't see from here.
01:17 Marcus flying and another spin.
01:20 Bolts on that one too.
01:21 So we're two seconds into his run.
01:23 He's got three 360s already, and we are seeing him heading out into this wooded area that
01:28 only has one track in it.
01:31 Marcus Gogan now into uncharted territory.
01:34 We are both standing up here in the announcer booth looking at this run coming into uncharted
01:39 territory.
01:40 Can he hold on?
01:41 This is it.
01:42 Off this cliff and stopping it!
01:43 Marcus Gogan with a brand new line.
01:47 A huge air out the bottom.
01:48 Oh my gosh.
01:49 Three 360s.
01:51 This was completely off.
01:54 I am in disbelief.
01:56 He stuck with his guns.
01:58 He held those 360s.
01:59 He even got caught up on one on the run in and still committed.
02:04 This young buck is unstoppable when he's on fire.
02:08 Marcus Gogan, aka as I call him, Gorgon, putting down an incredible run here in Kicking Horse.
02:15 Matt's Hitzig has to be sweating right now.
02:18 Absolutely.
02:19 That was just such a beautiful combination of pure free ride with that huge air at the
02:23 bottom and just wild pedal to the metal freestyle as he gets a hug from his childhood best friend
02:32 Tom.
02:33 Let's take a look at this replay.
02:34 Look at the technical work in here.
02:36 Committing in that fresh snow with the rocks and a huge 360.
02:40 Coming around, setting up, getting that transition and another left three perfectly stomped.
02:47 Great riding, showcase of his freestyle ability.
02:49 You see that catch but still commits.
02:51 He's patient.
02:52 He knew that he could come up to the lip and stomp that three.
02:56 This is the showstopper.
02:58 Through that lily pad and just stomped.
03:00 He knew exactly where he needed to go.
03:02 He had to commit on that lily pad and boom.
03:05 The angle was perfect.
03:06 It's one of the few spots where you can find a big cliff on this face that still actually...
03:11 You can see Max Hitzig is shaking.
03:15 Hitzig right now in the top spot.
03:16 Carl Rigner, Ericsson and Weitenho.
03:18 That's your one, two, three.
03:20 This man, Marcus Goguen, definitely going to have a say in that conversation as the
03:25 judges get to work.
03:27 They're lining up what he did with the criteria and they've already had their say.
03:32 The thermometer going up a 91.3.
03:34 91.3.
03:35 Interesting score in my personal professional opinion but that goes to show how solid Max
