• last year
Emmanuel Macron a rendu mercredi un hommage national à Robert Badinter, "la République faite homme", affirmant que "le nom" de celui qui porta l'abolition de la peine de mort "devra s'inscrire" au Panthéon.

"Il était une âme qui crie, une force qui vit et arrache la vie aux mains de la mort", a déclaré le chef de l'Etat dans son discours sur la place Vendôme.

C'est dans ce lieu symbolique et inédit que la France a salué la mémoire de l'ancien garde des Sceaux, devant le ministère de la Justice où il siégea de 1981 à 1986.
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00:00 Emmanuel Macron paid a national tribute to Robert Badinter on Wednesday,
00:03 the Republic of Man,
00:05 saying that the name of the man who carried out the abolition of the death penalty
00:08 will have to be inscribed in the Pantheon.
00:10 "He was a soul that cried,
00:12 a force that lives and tears life from the hands of death",
00:14 said the head of state in his speech at Place Vendôme.
00:18 It is in this symbolic and unprecedented place that France
00:20 saluted the memory of the former guard of the Sceaux,
00:23 in front of the Ministry of Justice where he served from 1981 to 1986.
00:28 There, the Minister of the Socialist President François Mitterrand
00:31 wrote the law abolishing the death penalty,
00:33 in a France then mostly in favor of supreme punishment.
00:36 "I have the honor to ask,
00:38 on behalf of the government of the Republic,
00:40 the abolition of the death penalty in France",
00:43 the first sentence of Robert Badinter's speech
00:45 at the National Assembly's tribune on September 17, 1981,
00:48 remained in history.
00:50 He also worked a lot for the depenalization of homosexuality
00:54 and for the improvement of living conditions in prisons.
00:57 "He is a great man", said Catherine Martin,
00:59 a 71-year-old Parisian retiree.
