• last year
Vibrez-vous pour la rouge et blanche? Pour la verte et rose? Ou bien votre coeur bat-il pour la bleue et blanche? Les prestigieuses écoles de samba défendront leurs couleurs dimanche soir dans "le plus grand spectacle de la Terre": le carnaval de Rio.

"Jour de grâce", chantait Candeia, l'un des grands de l'histoire de la samba, dans une chanson poignante consacrée à ce rendez-vous annuel.
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00:00 Are you vibrating for red and white?
00:02 For green and pink?
00:04 Or is your heart beating for blue and white?
00:07 The prestigious samba schools will defend their colors Sunday evening
00:11 in the biggest show on earth, the Rio Carnival.
00:14 Day of Grace, sing Candelilla, one of the greats of samba history,
00:19 in a song dedicated to this annual rendezvous.
00:22 Day of joy and faith.
00:24 It will be the communion of nights in a row, Sunday and Monday,
00:28 in the chaudron of the Sambodrome.
00:30 It will be the enchantment of the monumental chariots,
00:32 the dancers in sparkling costumes,
00:35 and the power of the drums, the rhythmic sections to awaken the dead.
00:39 But through the ferry, it is Brazil, its history and its identity that the schools will speak.
00:45 Artistic and social research fields go hand in hand at the Carnival,
00:49 explains the AFP Vivian Pereira,
00:51 member of the independent study group Quilombo do Samba.
00:54 "Samba schools are attentive to social, political contexts,
00:58 and they use their space, from which they will pass on the avenue marked by their puke,
01:02 to express themselves on these themes," adds this young passionate woman.
01:06 To the program, exaltation of unknown black figures,
01:09 or very well known as the singer Alcyone,
01:11 evocation of traditions plunging their roots in Africa
01:14 but also honor given to indigenous communities.
01:17 The Salguero School will celebrate the vision of the world of Yanomami,
01:20 people of Amazonia facing a serious humanitarian crisis
01:23 caused by the incursions of illegal orpahs.
01:26 Lula after Bolsonaro
01:28 With the return to power last year of the left-wing leader Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva,
01:32 the general tone seems overall less offensive than it was
01:35 during the four years of Bolsonaro's term in office.
01:38 The Carnival is full of complaints, while the former president of the far right,
01:41 who never hid his little sympathy for this culture,
01:44 is more than ever threatened by justice.
01:47 It leads a vast investigation into a presumed coup attempt
01:50 that Bolsonaro's camp would have set up
01:53 to conjure up his electoral defeat in 2022.
01:56 Samba was invented a century ago by the descendant communities
01:59 of African slaves led by force to Brazil.
02:02 Since then, it has been the emblem of the popular culture of the country and of Rio.
02:07 Day of Graces, Day of Clash too,
02:10 six schools will parade the first night, the other six the next,
02:13 a course supposed to last for each from 60 to 70 minutes.
02:17 All have been preparing for a year to snatch the title of champion.
02:21 Their fate will be decided by the jury on the basis of precise criteria,
02:25 quality of the allegorical charts and costumes, choice of theme or choreography.
02:29 Day of Reais too, the Carioca festivities must generate 5.3 billion reais,
02:34 a billion euros, for the economy.
02:37 Advertising is giving it a lot of joy.
02:40 A beer brand has drawn a collection of cans
02:43 in the colors of each of the 12 rival schools.
