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SUBSCRIBE for more JOBLO HORROR TRAILERS here: https://goo.gl/WiC41U

Don't cross this unlucky soul-hangry rabbit.

Art and some of his closest friends help track down his long-lost family lineage. When they find and explore his Great-Grandpa Oswald's abandoned home, they encounter a magical TV that teleports them to a place lost in time, shrouded by dark Hollywood Magic. The group finds that they are not alone when they discover Oswald's come-to-life cartoon Rabbit, a dark entity that decides their souls are it's for the taking. Art and his friends must work together to escape their magical prison before the Rabbit gets to them first.

There'll be no honey, but there will be blood.

DIRECTOR: Lilton Stewart III

#oswaldsrabbit #oswalddowntherabbithole #oswaldtheluckyrabbit #JoBloHorror

SUBSCRIBE for more all the LATEST JoBlo Horror Trailers here: https://goo.gl/WiC41U


