• last year
Specsavers Hartlepool is celebrating three years since its hearing service first came to the town.
00:00 I'm in Spexhavers in Midland Green shopping centre Harbourville and I'm with Revont Lysett
00:06 and you are the?
00:07 Audiologist.
00:08 Glad you said that because I was never going to get that out.
00:11 No problem.
00:12 You've been open for about three years?
00:13 We have Frank, yes.
00:14 And I understand that it was during lockdown?
00:16 Yes.
00:17 How did that go for you and how has it got you to where you are now?
00:19 Yeah, so thankfully people have become more aware that we do provide a dedicated hearing
00:25 service now here in Spexhavers, although it was a little slow to begin with obviously
00:29 as we were coming out of lockdown.
00:32 We're now firmly on the map in the town centre for hearing provision.
00:35 We are a very busy store both for hearing care and optics as well.
00:41 The store itself has been open here for 30 years.
00:45 Last year we didn't get the opportunity to celebrate our 30 years but the fact that we
00:51 are here, there's a lot of people know we are here and we're very visible in the town
00:55 centre, so it's going really well.
00:59 How easy is it for someone to come in, get an appointment, see you, get the test done
01:03 and then go away with hearing aids?
01:05 Yeah, so we offer this one stop service, you could class it as.
01:10 We also now offer a self-referral option for people who are registered with their GP surgeries
01:17 in the Hartlepool area.
01:19 In order for them to do that, they will be aware they potentially have some kind of hearing
01:23 loss.
01:24 The families might be encouraging them to say that the TV is a bit on the loud side.
01:28 Absolutely, there's a few people out there like that.
01:33 And perhaps they are asking their friends and family to repeat themselves.
01:37 That can be an indication that there might be a need for to come along and have a hearing
01:41 assessment.
01:42 We offer both NHS hearing provision as well as private.
01:47 But it is very important, yes.
01:49 The NHS provision as I say is now self-referral which came into effect in October.
01:58 Our patients just need to be registered in the Hartlepool Teesside area and provide their
02:04 NHS number and their registered GP details.
02:08 However, if somebody is thinking I'm not sure if they have a hearing problem that needs
02:13 hearing aids just yet, we offer a quick hearing screen service as well.
02:18 They can mostly be done on the day itself as a walk-in.
02:21 That's quick and easy.
02:23 Yes, very quick and easy.
02:25 We also have appointments online.
02:27 You can book a hearing test online if you wish.
02:30 A hearing screen appointment is literally a half an hour appointment.
02:33 If somebody is looking for a full hearing diagnostic test with a view to either having
02:39 NHS hearing aids fitted or private hearing aids, they can book a full hours appointment
02:44 and then we can discuss their needs.
02:48 Private hearing aids, prices start at £495 for the pair and go up to £2,000 or just
02:54 over.
02:55 But again, it's about the need for the person and we can discuss that at length if we need
03:01 to do that.
03:02 I must say that was massively informative.
03:04 Thank you very much.
03:05 You're very welcome.
03:06 And enjoy your birthday.
03:07 Thank you.
