• l’année dernière


00:00 Well, we're in a series called Own It and I'm so excited about this series and all that
00:06 God has already begun to do in this series and own it, own it, own it, overcoming excuses.
00:13 A man recently went to his local gym and he went there frustrated and mad and he said,
00:22 "I'm here to cancel my membership."
00:25 He said, "When I signed up, I was given a brochure listing all kinds of benefits to
00:31 me signing up to be a part of this gym."
00:34 He said, "In that brochure, you told me I would look better, I would feel better, I
00:39 would have more energy, I would accomplish more in my life.
00:43 In that brochure, it said I would get healthier, I would get stronger, but none of these things
00:49 have happened."
00:50 And the employee looked at the man and said, "Let me look up your records."
00:54 And he pulled up the computer, looked up his records and he said, "Excuse me, sir, but
00:57 it says you've only been to the gym four times this past year."
01:01 He said, "It looked like you signed up, but you didn't show up."
01:05 Come on, some of you feel like this man with your relationship with God.
01:09 When you began your relationship with God, you heard about all of the benefits, you heard
01:13 about this benefit that you could have of being a child of God, all the benefits in
01:19 the word of God.
01:20 You were excited and you were full of expectation about what God was going to do in your life
01:25 because you were a, you're now a Christian.
01:28 You said the prayer, you signed up in your heart to be a Christian, but you're not experiencing
01:34 all the benefits that the Bible says that you can have as a child of God.
01:41 Some of you today find yourself frustrated, frustrated with God.
01:45 Some of you are mad at God.
01:47 You're wondering if this Christianity thing is really real.
01:51 Some of you are wondering if the promises of God are really true because they're sure
01:56 not working for you.
01:58 The problem for a lot of people is they signed up, but they're not showing up.
02:05 They're not doing the theme verse of this series that I taught you last Sunday.
02:10 Church is so key.
02:11 I know it was snow last Sunday.
02:13 If you missed last Sunday sermons, you have to, you have to go watch the sermon today.
02:18 I'm serious.
02:19 Church, get on YouTube and watch the message from last Sunday.
02:25 The theme verse for this series is found in Philippians chapter number two and verse number
02:30 12 where Paul writes to the church at Philippi and he says, therefore, my dear friends, as
02:35 you have always obeyed, not only in my presence, but now much more in my absence, continue
02:41 to work out, come on every location, shout work out, work out your salvation with fear
02:47 and trembling for it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his
02:56 good purpose.
02:58 Paul says we need to work out what God is working in us.
03:03 And we learned last week that we have to work out our salvation with fear and trembling.
03:10 And I want to say this to you because it's key is critical to see success in 2024 we
03:15 have to overcome excuses and own our life.
03:20 And today I want to talk to you about how you need to own your relationship with God.
03:26 You can't just sign up to be a Christian and then not show up and expect your relationship
03:32 with God to grow and to flourish.
03:34 It's your responsibility to work out your salvation with fear and trembling question.
03:43 Are you stuck spiritually because you're not working out your salvation with fear and trembling?
03:50 Are you compromising in areas of your life because you're not working out your salvation?
03:57 Are you lukewarm?
03:59 Are you just going through the motions?
04:01 Are you living in sin because you're not working out your salvation with fear and trembling?
04:09 And I want us to look at a story in the Bible about a man who was stuck spiritually.
04:15 He was lukewarm.
04:16 He compromised.
04:18 He was living in sin and was trying to cover up his sin.
04:23 He wasn't owning his relationship with God.
04:26 Today if you have a Bible, open it to Psalms chapter 51.
04:29 Psalms chapter number 51.
04:31 Psalm 51 is a record or a journal entry of David's prayer to God after he had made the
04:38 biggest mistake of his life.
04:41 He had abused his power.
04:43 He committed adultery with a woman named Bathsheba.
04:46 He had her husband murdered.
04:48 He tried to cover it all up.
04:50 The man who was known as a man after God's own heart drifted away from God.
04:57 He was living in sin.
04:59 He was playing church games.
05:01 He was making excuses.
05:02 Instead of owning his relationship with God, he was trying to cover up his sin until one
05:09 day Nathan the prophet showed up.
05:13 He confronts David about his sin.
05:16 And from that moment David was confronted with his sin.
05:21 When that transpired, something shifted inside of him.
05:25 And he began to own his relationship with God.
05:29 And today my hope and my prayer for you people's church is that something would shift inside
05:35 of you as you hear God's word preached today.
05:38 And you'd begin to own your relationship with God.
05:41 I want you to, I want to just show you this.
05:44 I want to show you how David began to own his relationship with God because I want you
05:50 to own your relationship with God.
05:53 David signed up and then he began to show up.
05:59 Let me give you six ways to own your relationship with God.
06:03 For all of my note takers, come on get your pen, your paper ready.
06:06 Take some notes, get your phone ready.
06:08 Take some notes.
06:09 For all of my non-note takers, get your pen ready and your paper ready and get your phone
06:13 ready.
06:14 Take you some good notes today because you need to own your relationship with God.
06:20 Number one is this.
06:21 You have to own your sin.
06:23 If you want to show up and not just sign up, you have to own your sin.
06:29 After David was confronted with his sin, he finally began to own it.
06:34 And in Psalm chapter number 51 and verse number 3 and 4, he says this to God, "Wash away
06:40 all my iniquity and cleanse me from my sin.
06:46 For I know my transgressions and my sin is always before me.
06:52 Against you and you only have I sinned and done what is evil in your sight."
06:57 So you are right in your verdicts and justified when you judge.
07:03 David was owning his sin.
07:05 Notice what he said.
07:06 He said, "My iniquity, my sin, my transgressions, my sin."
07:13 He said, "I sinned."
07:15 David acknowledged and confessed his sin.
07:19 David was done blaming people.
07:21 He was done blaming circumstances for his sin.
07:24 He said, "I sinned.
07:25 I did wrong.
07:26 I blew it."
07:27 And if you're going to own your sin, you have to acknowledge and confess your sin.
07:34 You can't blame others.
07:36 You can't make excuses.
07:38 You can't justify it.
07:40 You can't dismiss it.
07:42 You can't ignore it.
07:43 You can't hide it.
07:45 You have to show up by owning your sin.
07:48 You have to acknowledge your sin and confess your sin.
07:53 I want you to listen to what David said in Psalm chapter 51 and verse number 9.
07:57 He says, "Hide your face from my sin and blot out all my iniquity."
08:03 David understood the importance of acknowledging and confessing his sin to God.
08:09 Matter of fact, I want you to listen to what he said in Psalm chapter 32 and verse number 5.
08:14 David said, "Then I acknowledged my sin to you and did not cover up my iniquity.
08:20 I said, 'I will confess my transgressions to the Lord,' and you forgave the guilt of my sin."
08:29 And church, if you want to own your relationship with God and not just sign up, but show up,
08:36 you have to acknowledge and confess your sin to God.
08:41 A famous verse says in 1 John chapter number 1 and verse number 9, "If we confess our sins,
08:50 we see God is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness."
09:00 When we own confessing, God owns forgiving.
09:06 Acknowledge and confess your sin to God.
09:09 Number two is this, you have to own repenting before God.
09:14 Repenting before God.
09:15 David didn't just sign up for a relationship with God, but he showed up by repenting before God.
09:21 I want you to notice this in Psalm chapter 51 and in verse number 2.
09:25 He said, "Wash away, wash away all of my iniquity and cleanse me from my sin."
09:30 David didn't just want to continue in his sin.
09:33 He was no longer justifying his sin.
09:35 He was no longer making excuses.
09:37 He wanted to change.
09:40 He wanted his heart and his life to be different.
09:45 He wanted a holy God to change him.
09:48 And so he cried out in Psalm chapter 51 and verse 7, "Cleanse me with hyssop and I will
09:55 be clean.
09:57 Wash me and I will be whiter than snow."
10:01 Hyssop, a plant.
10:02 That's what hyssop is.
10:03 It was a plant.
10:04 As a matter of fact, this plant was used throughout scripture.
10:09 In Exodus chapter number 12 and verse 22, it was used by the Israelites to put the lamb's
10:15 blood on the doorpost so that the death angel would pass by their home.
10:20 They would see you have the blood of the lamb over your life and the death angel will pass
10:24 by.
10:25 In Leviticus chapter number 14 and verse number 4 and verse number 6, this hyssop plant was
10:30 used to cleanse the foul skin.
10:33 In Leviticus chapter 14 verse 49 through 52, it was used to cleanse mold in homes.
10:39 In Numbers chapter number 19 and verse number 6, it was used to make the water of cleansing
10:44 that would be used to cleanse the people.
10:46 And what David was saying to God, he was saying, "God, take the hyssop that is used to cleanse
10:52 the people, that's used to cleanse skin, that's used to cleanse the temple.
10:57 And Lord, clean my life.
10:59 Cleanse my life.
11:01 Clean me up from the inside out."
11:04 David wanted to be clean on the inside.
11:08 Church, if you want to show up and not just sign up, you have to repent of your sin.
11:19 When you show up, you don't want to just be forgiven.
11:23 You want to be changed.
11:25 Is there anybody in the house that wants to not only be forgiven but wants to be changed
11:28 by the power of God?
11:29 Come on, every location, do you want to be changed by the power of God?
11:34 We got to own our relationship with God.
11:36 Pastor, how do we own, how do I own my relationship with God?
11:39 Number three is this, write this down, write this down.
11:41 You have to own prayer.
11:43 You have to own prayer.
11:45 The entire chapter of Psalm 51 is David's prayer to God.
11:51 David didn't allow his sin to stop him from praying.
11:55 This is so key, church.
11:57 David was filled with shame, with guilt, with fear, with anger, but he didn't just sign
12:06 up.
12:07 He showed up and he allowed all of those emotions he was dealing with because of his sin to
12:14 drive him to pray to God.
12:17 Church, the devil will try to use your sin to drive a wedge in between you and God.
12:24 Matter of fact, Revelations chapter 12 and verse 10 says that the devil accuses us day
12:30 and night, all day long.
12:35 You know what that dirty, conniving, sneaking, evil, dirty, nasty devil does?
12:42 He accuses you and I day and night, always throwing accusations at us.
12:49 Look at that sin.
12:50 Look at you.
12:51 Look at all that sin.
12:53 Look at that stupid decision.
12:55 You're a lousy Christian.
12:58 Look at how you talk to people and treat people.
13:02 Just look at you.
13:03 You're just a worthless sinner, but don't you let the devil and those accusations put
13:12 a wedge between you and God.
13:15 No matter what you've done or where you are in life, you go to God in prayer and you keep
13:22 going to God in prayer and you keep going to God in prayer.
13:25 No matter how much you mess up, you keep going to God in prayer.
13:29 Don't you let your mess ups and your mistakes drive you away from God.
13:33 You have to own praying to God every day.
13:35 God, I'm going to pray to you every single day.
13:38 I'm going to seek God's face.
13:40 You got to own coming to prayer at 6 a.m.
13:43 You got to own.
13:44 Now, come on.
13:45 Some of you right now, own your prayer life, own seeking the face of God.
13:49 Set that alarm for 5.15 in the morning.
13:52 Glory to God.
13:54 I can't get no amens in the house of God.
13:57 I can't get no amens in the house of God today.
14:00 Right?
14:01 I'm going to own my prayer life and seek the face of God.
14:04 I'm going to own praying first.
14:06 What do you do?
14:07 You pray first.
14:09 Before you take on your day, you pray first.
14:13 Come on.
14:14 Before you buy something, you pray first.
14:17 Before you discipline your children, you pray first.
14:20 Before you cuss out somebody, you pray first.
14:30 And then you won't do what you was getting ready to do.
14:34 Show up.
14:36 Don't just sign up.
14:38 Number four is this.
14:39 Number four is this.
14:40 I'm teaching you how to own your relationship with God from a man who is known as a man
14:46 after God's own heart.
14:47 Number four, you have to own your desperation for the presence of God.
14:51 Your desperation for the presence of God.
14:55 David said in Psalm chapter 51 in verse number 11, he says, God, do not cast me from your
15:00 presence or take your Holy Spirit from me.
15:06 David knew how much he needed the presence of God.
15:11 Can I tell you something about David?
15:13 He had known the presence of God since he was a young boy.
15:18 He knew it was the presence of God that helped him defeat the lion and the bear when he was
15:23 taking care of his daddy's sheep and they came to attack the sheep and he defeated them.
15:28 He knew it was the presence of God that helped him defeat this giant named Goliath.
15:35 He knew it was God's presence that helped him escape King Saul when he was trying to
15:40 kill David.
15:41 He knew it was the presence of God that helped him become the king of Israel.
15:47 David knew all of his successes came because God's presence was with him and he knew God's
15:56 presence and he was desperate for the presence of God.
16:01 He knew how much he needed the presence of God.
16:05 And church, when you start owning your relationship with God, you realize how much you need the
16:10 presence of God.
16:12 You become desperate for the presence of God.
16:15 Is there anybody else like David that realizes you are where you are because God's been good
16:19 to you and it's been his presence that's been on your life.
16:22 Every blessing that you have in your life has come from God Almighty.
16:26 It's his presence on your life.
16:28 And so you want to confess your sin because you want his presence on your life.
16:32 You want to repent of your sin because you want his presence in your life.
16:36 You want to pray in the morning because you want his presence on your life.
16:40 You don't want to lose the presence of God.
16:43 And so you'll cry out like David, "Oh God, don't take your presence from me."
16:48 May we show up like David by having a desperation for the presence of God.
16:57 Number five is this.
16:58 How do we own our relationship with God?
17:02 You have to own worshiping God.
17:06 Own worshiping God.
17:07 Notice this right there in Psalm chapter 51.
17:10 David says in verse 14, "Deliver me from the guilt of bloodshed."
17:14 He had murdered.
17:16 He had Bathsheba's husband killed.
17:18 He said, "Oh Lord, deliver me from the guilt of bloodshed.
17:21 Oh God, you who are my God, you're my God and Savior."
17:27 He said, "My tongue will sing."
17:30 Not anybody else's.
17:31 "My tongue will sing of your righteousness.
17:34 Open my lips, Lord."
17:35 He said, "My mouth," not somebody else's, "My mouth will declare your praise."
17:43 I know David had to be weary from his sin.
17:49 His heart was heavy.
17:52 The guilt was strong.
17:56 But this man knew the importance of worshiping God.
18:00 He did not let his sin, his shame, his guilt detour him and to drive him away from praising
18:09 God.
18:10 No, in the middle of owning his sin, in the middle of repenting, in the middle of owning
18:15 prayer and owning the presence of God, David knew he needed to own worshiping God.
18:21 David knew the power of praise and worship.
18:25 And I tell you, it was David who wrote these words in Psalm chapter 34 and verse number
18:31 1.
18:32 "I will bless the Lord at all times and his praise shall continually be in my mouth."
18:38 When you own worshiping God, you bless the Lord at all times.
18:43 Somebody shout, "All times."
18:44 Oh, come on, you didn't shout at every campus.
18:47 Somebody shout, "All times."
18:49 Come on.
18:50 When you own worshiping God, you bless the Lord at all times, in good times and in bad
18:55 times and high moments and in low moments, when you did the right thing and when you
18:59 did the wrong thing, when you were strong and when you were weak.
19:03 Come on, when times are high and when times are low, you will bless the Lord at all times
19:11 and his praise will continually be in your mouth.
19:14 When you feel like it and when you don't feel like it, you will bless the Lord at all times
19:20 and his praise will continually be in your mouth.
19:26 Some of you need to start owning worshiping God.
19:30 Don't let your sin, don't let your mistakes, don't let your failures stop you from worshiping
19:35 God.
19:36 We don't worship because we're worthy.
19:39 We worship because God is worthy.
19:41 Come on, I said God is worthy.
19:43 I said God is worthy to be worshiped in Perth.
19:46 I don't care if you're an introvert or an extrovert.
19:48 I said God is worthy to be praised.
19:51 I don't care if you like to shout out, don't like to shout.
19:53 I said your God is worthy to be, come on, he's worthy to be praised.
19:58 Don't let your feelings stop you from worshiping God.
20:01 God is worthy to be praised.
20:02 Don't let your problems stop you from worshiping God because God is worthy to be praised.
20:07 Don't let your mistakes stop you from worshiping God because worship isn't about how good you
20:11 are, it's about how good God is and because God is good, we worship God.
20:16 We will own lifting our voice because God is worthy.
20:19 We will own lifting our hands because God is worthy.
20:22 I will own giving God praise because God is worthy.
20:27 God is good.
20:29 Show up with worship.
20:31 Show up with praise.
20:34 Number six, number six, number six, number six, number six.
20:37 You have to own your spiritual growth.
20:43 One of the biggest lessons we learn from David is at the lowest point of his life, he owned
20:49 his spiritual growth.
20:52 Even though he sinned big time against God, this man still wanted to be more like God.
20:57 He wanted to please God.
20:59 He wanted to obey God.
21:00 He wanted to follow God.
21:01 I want you to listen to the heartfelt cry of this man who was desperate for God.
21:08 In Psalm chapter 51 in verse 10, he said, "Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew
21:15 a steadfast spirit within me."
21:18 The cry of his heart was to have a pure and a steadfast heart.
21:23 He wanted to be faithful to God.
21:25 That's why he wrote in Psalm chapter 51 in verse number 12, "Restore to me the joy of
21:31 your salvation and grant me a willing spirit to sustain me."
21:35 David knew that joy comes from following God.
21:39 Not only does joy come from following God, but peace comes from the Lord.
21:43 Joy comes from the Lord, and hope comes from the Lord, and love comes from the Lord, and
21:47 blessings come from the Lord.
21:49 Let me say it to you like this, 2024 will be your best year ever if it's your best year
21:54 spiritually.
21:56 If you will follow and obey Jesus, it will be your best year ever.
22:04 David cried out, "Grant me a willing spirit to sustain me."
22:10 He didn't want a stubborn heart.
22:12 He didn't want to have a rebellious heart.
22:14 David wanted a heart that followed after God because joy, peace, hope, love, and blessings
22:23 come from God.
22:24 Church, I want you to have a heart to follow and obey the Lord because I want 2024 to be
22:32 your best year ever.
22:34 If you, church, for that to happen, for that to happen in your life, it has to be your
22:39 best year spiritually.
22:41 If you want it to be your best year ever, it has to be your best year spiritually.
22:44 You have to follow and obey God.
22:46 I shared this illustration last year, but I want to share it again.
22:52 It just stands out to me about when I played high school football.
22:55 I was a running back, and I was running a counter play.
23:00 I would step one way and then come back, get the ball, and run this way.
23:04 And the linebacker was killing me, was killing me.
23:08 Every time I ran the play, I'd run, step, get the ball, run into the hole, and I was
23:12 getting killed.
23:13 And coach said, "Cooper, Cooper, you're not running the play right, boy."
23:20 He said, "You got to wait, listen, you got to wait on the guard.
23:23 You're stepping and you're going too quick.
23:25 The guard is pulling, and if you wait on the guard, the guard goes to the hole before you
23:31 and blocks the linebacker."
23:33 Shazam.
23:34 Oh my goodness.
23:38 I waited just a little longer with that guard to pull.
23:41 I followed him through that hole, and I began to score touchdown after touchdown because
23:47 I began to run the play the way the coach designed it.
23:51 And can I tell you, some of you are getting killed in your life because you aren't running
23:56 God's play.
23:59 Like you keep trying to do life on your own and you're getting clobbered.
24:02 You're getting, you're getting wore out by the enemy, and you've got to run God's play.
24:08 And if you'll run God's play, you'll have the best year ever.
24:12 And if you don't, can I tell you, the enemy will wear you out in 2024.
24:18 I'm asking you for one year, would you run the spiritual play?
24:21 For one year, would you run the spiritual play?
24:26 Don't just sign up, show up.
24:30 Here goes the spiritual play.
24:31 Let me give it to you.
24:32 Get your cameras out, take a picture of this.
24:33 I showed this to you last year.
24:35 Some of you didn't do it, but this year you're going to do it.
24:37 Amen.
24:38 Some of you didn't run it.
24:39 You didn't run it.
24:40 You know you didn't run it.
24:41 You remember it last year.
24:42 You're like, "Hmm, yeah, he told us, but here I am again.
24:44 Lord, it's me."
24:45 Run the spiritual play for one year.
24:47 For one year, faithfully pray and read God's word.
24:50 Faith, every day, faithfully, every day.
24:53 If it's one verse a day, read God's word, read God's word and pray every single day.
24:58 There's 21 days of prayers kicking it off for you.
25:00 Here's a second one, worship in God's house faithfully, faithfully.
25:03 I want you to make a goal how many Sundays you're going to worship in God's house this
25:07 year.
25:08 Make a goal.
25:09 "Pastor, it's going to be 50 weeks this year.
25:11 It's going to be 48 weeks this year.
25:14 It's going to be 45 weeks."
25:17 I'm making it a goal.
25:18 And that's why we do the four-week challenge.
25:19 They beat me to it, but hey, the four-week challenge.
25:22 That's why we do the four-week challenge.
25:23 Why?
25:24 To get you faithful to God's house.
25:26 Would you attend four Sundays in a row?
25:28 Some of you can't remember the last time you made it four Sundays in a row.
25:32 Can I tell you, it'll be a game changer if you get in the habit of coming to church.
25:35 And so next week's Friends Day, we're going to break the fast Sunday morning at 12 a.m.
25:41 Some of you are going to stay up all day Saturday, all night, so you can eat some food at 12
25:45 a.m.
25:46 Amen.
25:47 But we're going to have donuts for you.
25:48 We're going to have baptisms next week.
25:49 And then February 4th, a small group launch and free crumble cookies and big game Sunday.
25:54 We're going to have the NFL and college football player with us and interviewing them.
26:00 And game day Sunday and favorite jersey you wear and game day food and games in the lobby
26:05 and celebration Sunday, the worship with the choir, new people's church merch and baptisms.
26:09 Why are we doing this?
26:11 To get you committed to the house of God.
26:13 To get you to invite your friends so they can come and get committed to the house of
26:16 God because the scripture says when you get planted in God's house, you will flourish.
26:21 You want it to be your best year ever?
26:23 Get planted in God's house.
26:25 Matter of fact, you can sign up for the four week challenge.
26:28 There's some invite cards in your seat with the QR code.
26:31 You can sign up for the four week challenge starting next Sunday.
26:36 Four weeks in a row.
26:38 Run the spiritual play for one year.
26:40 Here's the next one.
26:41 Give your life away by serving others.
26:43 Give your life away by serving others.
26:45 You go to growth track February 4th for four weeks.
26:48 Go to growth track and then get on the dream team.
26:51 I'm telling you, if you will serve others, the difference it'll make in your life.
26:55 It's all throughout the Bible.
26:57 God calls us to be servants.
26:59 It'll make a world of difference in your life.
27:01 Just try for one year.
27:03 Just run the spiritual play for one year and watch how your life will be better.
27:08 Here's the fourth one.
27:09 Here's the fourth one.
27:10 Get closer to God and others by attending a small group faithfully.
27:15 Get around other Christians.
27:16 Do these four things consistently.
27:19 Get in a small group.
27:20 Watch how God changes your life and has set you up to have your best year ever.
27:27 Some of you would you lead a small group for others to get involved in.
27:31 We have some small group training.
27:32 Leading a small group is super easy.
27:34 Matter of fact, after the last service at your campus, if you have an interest of being
27:38 a small group leader, this Sunday, this Sunday after the last service or next Sunday after
27:43 the last service, you can go and get signed up at your campus and go to a training.
27:48 Matter of fact, I believe it's in the growth track room at the campuses today.
27:53 And also, go to the People's Church app.
27:56 If this Sunday or next Sunday doesn't work for you, go to the People's Church app, click
27:59 on small groups, and then you'll click on your campus that you go to, and then you can
28:04 select a training date that works best for you.
28:08 We want to help you lead a small group.
28:11 Whether it's a Bible study, a men's group, a women's group, a singles group, a financial
28:16 group, a divorced group, an addiction group, whatever kind of a group, a basketball group,
28:23 you can take your interest and come and gather around the name of Jesus and use it to change
28:28 people's lives and build relationships.
28:31 Next Saturday, all of the small group leaders, all those interested in leading a small group,
28:36 we're going to have a small group rally right after the prayer service at 9 a.m. to 10 a.m.
28:41 So around 10, 10, 15 a.m., all the small group leaders at your campus, we're going to fire
28:46 you up, cast vision, get you ready for the small group launch.
28:49 So that's next Saturday after the prayer service at your campus.
28:55 And small groups launch February the 4th.
28:58 And would you get plugged into small groups, get plugged in.
29:02 And let me tell you about a special night, February the 7th.
29:05 Mark your calendars, February 7th, that's a Wednesday.
29:08 We're going to launch Brotherhood and Sisterhood together.
29:11 The team told me, they told me that they really want you to come out to Brotherhood and Sisterhood.
29:15 So they're going to have free barbecue that night.
29:19 I just might join Brotherhood and Sisterhood, glory to God.
29:23 See them both that night, get some barbecue and there'll be free pizza for the kids and
29:27 for the teenagers.
29:28 Bring the whole family, February the 7th for family night and we're going to kick off Brotherhood
29:32 and Sisterhood.
29:33 Why?
29:34 Because we want you to get in a small group because it'll make a huge difference in your
29:40 life.
29:41 Father, thanks for your word.
29:44 I pray today that people would own their spiritual growth.
29:48 They would own praying and reading their Bible every day.
29:50 I pray they would own worshiping in God's house faithfully, Lord.
29:53 They would be in church Sunday after Sunday after Sunday, students Wednesday after Wednesday
29:58 after Wednesday.
29:59 I pray they would own giving their life away by serving others faithfully, Lord.
30:02 They would serve, they would serve, they would serve.
30:04 Lord, they would own growing closer to you, God, by attending a small group.
30:08 Lord, let people own confessing their sin and repenting and a desperation for your presence.
30:14 Oh God, I pray people would own their spiritual growth in Jesus' name.
30:19 As eyes are closed and heads are bowed and you're here and you don't know Jesus as your
30:23 Lord and as your Savior today, you find yourself far away from God.
30:29 You find yourself caught up in the world and in sin and today you need to confess your
30:34 sin.
30:35 You need to acknowledge that you've sinned and you've blown it and you're messed up,
30:38 that you're not right with God.
30:39 If that's you today, you're not right with, you know you're not right with God.
30:43 You know you're not living for God.
30:44 You know you need to confess your sin.
30:46 You know you need your sins to be forgiven.
30:48 You know you need to recommit your life to God.
30:50 You know you need to commit your life to God.
30:52 As I count to three, just shoot your hand up high.
30:53 At every location, this is your moment.
30:56 Own your relationship with God by acknowledging your sin and confessing your sin today.
31:00 One, two, three.
31:02 Would you lift your hand high?
31:03 Say, "Pastor, that's me."
31:04 I see hands going up all around this building.
31:06 That's it.
31:07 So awesome.
31:08 Hands going up.
31:09 Come on, Midwest City Northwest.
31:10 Come on, lift it high.
31:11 Edmond, lift your hand high.
31:12 Mabel Bassett, just lift your hand high.
31:13 Online, Indianapolis.
31:14 Just click the "raise your hand" button right now or just write "that's me" in the chat
31:17 line.
31:18 That's me.
31:19 I'm going to ask every hand that's raised to pray this prayer with me.
31:22 Confess it with your mouth.
31:23 Believe it in your heart.
31:24 And God's going to wash away your sins.
31:25 Pray with me now.
31:26 Heavenly Father, I turn from my sin and I turn my life over to Jesus.
31:34 I acknowledge, I acknowledge my sin.
31:38 And I confess it to you.
31:41 And I repent of my sin.
31:43 And I thank you for your grace, your mercy, and your forgiveness.
31:46 And from this day forward, I'm going to work out my salvation with fear and trembling.
31:52 I'm going to own my relationship with God.
31:55 In Jesus' name I pray, amen.
