• last year
Publication and exhibition named "Photograph"
Exclusive interview with Ringo Starr about his passion of photography.
00:00 [MUSIC]
00:08 It was like a, you know, it was like I want to be a photographer.
00:11 It was just, I noticed that there were six or seven photos of me
00:17 from my christening to 18, really, till I was about 18.
00:24 And I don't know, I just started taking photos.
00:27 [MUSIC]
00:37 We were the biggest band in the land and we hung out a lot together.
00:42 We really knew each other.
00:44 As I mentioned before, if we went on holiday, two of us would go on holiday together.
00:50 And, you know, we did everything together, really.
00:53 [MUSIC]
01:01 Suddenly we could afford a good camera. That was the deal.
01:03 And we all had cameras. And of course we went to Japan and we bought cameras.
01:09 None of us might have been filmed by each other.
01:13 [MUSIC]
01:16 These two boys pull out a lot of emotion because they're no longer with us.
01:20 I love this one. It makes me laugh every time I see it.
01:23 We're in a hotel room, a lot of whiskey and coke going down here.
01:28 And, "Yee-hoo!" That's Mal Evans, God rest his soul.
01:33 So that's a fun pic for me and that's a great moment of what you get up to in a hotel room.
01:39 [MUSIC]
01:42 Paul loves the book. He said it's the best book he ever saw.
01:46 [LAUGHTER]
01:50 [MUSIC]
01:53 I have a great thought and a great plan that we should get Paul to look into his photos,
02:00 because I've got plenty more.
02:02 And Olivia should look at George's photos and Yoko should dig out John's photos.
02:07 And we could put, you know, another book together of who took who.
02:13 And like this, this is all for charity.
02:16 This is nothing that I'm getting. It goes into the Lotus Foundation.
02:21 [MUSIC]
