• last year


00:00:00 [MUSIC]
00:00:22 [MUSIC]
00:00:32 [MUSIC]
00:00:42 Way up in the Arctic, there's a small town called Tigersville.
00:01:00 A remote berg lost in time, where everyone knows everyone.
00:01:05 [MUSIC]
00:01:13 That's me, right there.
00:01:15 You see?
00:01:17 Swifty's the name. I'm an Arctic fox.
00:01:20 And my kind evolved to blend into the environment.
00:01:24 Oh, you see? There we go again.
00:01:27 So why dress in all white, you ask?
00:01:30 Well, let's just say my parents were a little old-fashioned.
00:01:34 To them, being invisible meant being safe.
00:01:37 Have a sight? You're all right.
00:01:39 That's the Arctic fox mantra.
00:01:41 But for me, being invisible...
00:01:43 Hello, Mr. Muskox!
00:01:44 Well, just meant being...
00:01:46 ...invisible.
00:01:50 And that's the last thing any kid wants to be.
00:01:54 All I wanted was to be seen, to be noticed.
00:01:58 Like...
00:02:00 ...these guys.
00:02:02 The Top Dogs.
00:02:04 Duke, Dakota, and Dusty.
00:02:06 Tigersville's biggest celebrities and easily the most visible citizens in town.
00:02:10 [MUSIC]
00:02:14 Being noticed was never a problem for them.
00:02:17 [MUSIC]
00:02:39 [MUSIC]
00:02:47 [GASP]
00:02:48 Sorry.
00:02:50 I'll fix it.
00:02:52 Hold on a second.
00:02:54 [GIGGLE]
00:02:57 There you go.
00:03:02 Thanks.
00:03:06 [GASP]
00:03:08 [SCREAM]
00:03:10 The Top Dog delivery was cause for celebration.
00:03:13 They were a connection to the outside world, to the packages and letters that they brought us.
00:03:18 And for a town as isolated as Tigersville, trust me, that really meant something.
00:03:24 [BREATHING]
00:03:28 [MUSIC]
00:03:37 [MUSIC]
00:03:44 [CHEERING]
00:03:46 [MUSIC]
00:03:51 Hey there, citizens!
00:03:53 Arctic strong!
00:03:55 [CHEERING]
00:03:56 [MUSIC]
00:04:00 [GRUNT]
00:04:01 [MUSIC]
00:04:05 Arctic strong!
00:04:07 [CHEERING]
00:04:09 This is so cool!
00:04:11 Thanks, awesome!
00:04:13 Thank you!
00:04:15 Arctic strong!
00:04:17 [MUSIC]
00:04:21 Excuse me.
00:04:23 Oh, hey there, little girl. What can I do for you?
00:04:26 Is there anything for him?
00:04:28 No, I almost didn't see you there, little fella.
00:04:31 Let's see.
00:04:33 Nope, afraid not.
00:04:35 Here, what's your name?
00:04:39 Swifty.
00:04:41 Swippy?
00:04:42 Swifty.
00:04:44 Ah, there you go, Shifty.
00:04:46 [GASP]
00:04:47 Whoa!
00:04:49 [MUSIC]
00:04:52 Now remember, kids, when put to the test, deliver your best.
00:04:57 Arctic strong!
00:05:01 Now that's recognition.
00:05:04 [MUSIC]
00:05:09 [MUSIC]
00:05:14 [MUSIC]
00:05:19 [MUSIC]
00:05:24 [MUSIC]
00:05:29 [MUSIC]
00:05:36 Ah, youth.
00:05:38 Warm memories of being cold.
00:05:41 Once Jade left for school, I turned my focus towards working at the place of my dreams.
00:05:49 Yep, that's me.
00:05:51 Two years later, talk about bright-eyed and pushy-tailed, literally,
00:05:56 I was finally hired on as an ABDS junior employee.
00:05:59 [MUSIC]
00:06:10 Uh-huh, not so fast.
00:06:12 Fox, go there.
00:06:14 [MUSIC]
00:06:18 [MOO]
00:06:21 Oop.
00:06:22 [MUSIC]
00:06:30 Hey there.
00:06:31 Welcome to the jungle.
00:06:33 Well, all right, thanks.
00:06:35 [MUSIC]
00:06:41 I was on my way.
00:06:43 The dream of being a top dog, of being recognized,
00:06:46 and standing out from the pack was so close that I could taste it.
00:06:51 [MUSIC]
00:06:53 Yeah, okay, well, maybe it wasn't that close.
00:06:57 [SNORING]
00:07:03 Oh, what is this?
00:07:06 Employee of the Year?
00:07:08 Hm, a lingonberry pie in my honor?
00:07:12 [SNORING]
00:07:14 You shouldn't have.
00:07:16 [MUSIC]
00:07:18 Good morning, Tankers Millions.
00:07:21 You're listening to Nasty Nez Narwhal.
00:07:24 Today's going to be a bomby one with a record-breaking high of 34 degrees Fahrenheit.
00:07:30 So back up those markets and hurry right down to the windbreakers.
00:07:34 Scientists from around the globe have been scratching their heads
00:07:38 trying to figure out why the sudden spike in global temperatures,
00:07:42 which have managed to level off in recent years,
00:07:44 but now all of a sudden, wow, it's hot, hot heat out there,
00:07:48 and no one knows why.
00:07:50 That's the bad news.
00:07:52 So how about some good news folks?
00:07:54 Today is the 25th anniversary of the ABDS.
00:07:58 PSI, a big shout out to our favorite military leader, King Ah-Lek.
00:08:03 [GROANING]
00:08:06 So who's going to be a good boy?
00:08:08 Who's going to be top dog?
00:08:10 Oh, that's you. And look at me. That's you.
00:08:12 Top dog. You are.
00:08:14 Top dog!
00:08:16 [MUSIC]
00:08:17 Come on, come on.
00:08:20 Yes!
00:08:24 No!
00:08:26 [KNOCKING]
00:08:27 Pee-Vee, open up!
00:08:30 Pee-Vee!
00:08:32 What the--?
00:08:34 What is that?
00:08:42 Swifty, what are you doing here so early?
00:08:45 I lost my pound.
00:08:47 What pound?
00:08:48 The pound I gained to hit the 20-pound minimum to pull the top dog sled.
00:08:51 Well, you can't fight your metabolism.
00:08:53 I can and I will.
00:08:55 Put to the test.
00:08:56 I'm going to deliver my best.
00:08:58 Come on.
00:08:59 Swifty, how have I put this repeatedly in the past?
00:09:01 Look out!
00:09:02 Oh, yes. Deliveries have only ever been made by dogs, and you are not a dog.
00:09:06 What?
00:09:07 You are a small Arctic fox who was not meant to pull a giant sled with even gianter packages on it.
00:09:12 Are you hearing me?
00:09:13 What? Yeah, every word.
00:09:14 Come on, buddy. We got a pound of fun.
00:09:16 Let's go!
00:09:17 Woo!
00:09:19 Maybe you should just be happy with what you have.
00:09:24 Swifty, I mean, you could break your legs pulling one of those sleds.
00:09:29 No!
00:09:31 Or catch hypothermia.
00:09:33 Or fall into a crevasse and have to eat your own feet.
00:09:37 At least I'll be remembered for something.
00:09:40 The only thing I'll be remembered for now is not being memorable, like that other guy.
00:09:45 What guy?
00:09:47 Exactly.
00:09:52 Oh, the work belt.
00:09:55 Oh, no. We're going to be late.
00:09:57 It's going to take forever to walk from up here.
00:09:59 Who said anything about walking?
00:10:02 Okay, give me a second.
00:10:03 Here you go.
00:10:08 I'm bathing.
00:10:10 Are you crazy?
00:10:11 Crazy like a fox.
00:10:13 Take a risk once in a while. It's good for you.
00:10:16 This is not a good idea.
00:10:19 Hang on, buddy. I'll get us there.
00:10:20 Slow down.
00:10:21 You can't slow down in the air.
00:10:23 I think I'm going to lose a pound.
00:10:31 Come on, piggy.
00:10:34 Too fast.
00:10:35 Watch out.
00:10:45 I'm going to die.
00:10:58 Do you think Jay would ever go out on a fox like me?
00:11:00 Really? Now you're talking about this?
00:11:03 She's been back for a year now and you haven't done anything.
00:11:05 A year?
00:11:06 Well, you know these things are all about time.
00:11:28 Watch out.
00:11:33 Watch out.
00:11:45 Swimpy, what are you doing?
00:11:47 Hey there, Jay. How's it going?
00:11:48 Sorry.
00:11:59 See? Like I said, we made it.
00:12:02 I'm going to die.
00:12:06 Yeah, better not let Magda see that.
00:12:08 Magda sees everything.
00:12:11 DB Online.
00:12:13 Swifty, my office. Now.
00:12:20 What are you looking at?
00:12:26 Adequate?
00:12:28 Extremely.
00:12:30 Adequate.
00:12:32 Up from last year's competently sufficient,
00:12:35 but down from the year before satisfactorily appropriate.
00:12:39 Still, no promotion for you this year.
00:12:44 Now, get back to work.
00:12:46 But Magda, I've worked really hard for this.
00:12:48 I mean, it's not fair.
00:12:50 Life is not fair.
00:12:51 Is it fair that I have to run business with antique equipment
00:12:54 and employees who are only extremely adequate?
00:12:58 Is it fair that ex-husband run off with wild elk ten years younger?
00:13:03 No!
00:13:04 I'm sure I had nothing to do with that.
00:13:10 Was that an earthquake?
00:13:15 Don't try to change subject.
00:13:18 I know you have big dream of being top dog, but you're not dog.
00:13:22 You're just fox.
00:13:24 Did you have to say just a fox?
00:13:26 Didn't you just say a fox?
00:13:28 I mean, the just thing is really kind of...
00:13:30 Look, what if I just had a small delivery route?
00:13:32 Just a little one.
00:13:33 Yet! I run serious business here.
00:13:45 Quiet.
00:13:46 I didn't say anything.
00:13:48 I'm okay.
00:13:52 So, how did it go?
00:13:54 Promising. Very, very promising.
00:13:59 All right, team.
00:14:01 Let's get ready for the daily slog.
00:14:04 Arctic strong.
00:14:05 Yeah, yeah. Arctic strong.
00:14:15 Game faces, guys.
00:14:18 Okay.
00:14:19 Three, two, one.
00:14:22 Showtime.
00:14:31 I swear that's going to be me one day.
00:14:34 Not on my watch.
00:14:36 Back to work.
00:14:49 That's one.
00:14:54 That's two.
00:14:58 That's three.
00:15:22 I don't know how much longer I can take this.
00:15:24 You just need to learn how to go to your happy place.
00:15:28 Take a look at Lemmy over there.
00:15:29 He's in his happy place all the time.
00:15:38 Here, I'll help you get started.
00:15:41 Plus, you never know what's around the corner.
00:15:44 Jade is around the corner.
00:15:46 Yeah, right.
00:15:47 Wait, what?
00:15:51 Oh, no. She can't see me like this.
00:15:53 What do I do?
00:15:55 You just be yourself.
00:15:57 Lemmy, what do you got for me?
00:16:02 Oh, boy.
00:16:05 Hey, PB, Lemmy.
00:16:07 Where's Swifty?
00:16:11 Oh, hey, Jade.
00:16:12 Give me a second, would you?
00:16:14 I'm sorry, Nasty Naznarwal.
00:16:16 I don't have time for a radio interview for tomorrow morning's show.
00:16:19 I know.
00:16:20 I realise that all my fans want to hear from me.
00:16:22 But they're just going to have to take a number and get in line, right?
00:16:25 Because when Swifty says he doesn't have time, he doesn't have... time?
00:16:30 So, famous you don't need to plug your phone in?
00:16:33 Okay, got to go.
00:16:35 'Sup, Jade?
00:16:36 Hey, is that my coffee maker?
00:16:38 Oh, yeah.
00:16:40 Whoa.
00:16:41 I re-tempered the glass on the carafe, added a hydraulic press, and juiced up the tiered percolation unit.
00:16:46 Thanks.
00:16:47 Does it still make coffee?
00:16:49 Yes, PB. It still makes coffee.
00:16:52 Now, please tell me I didn't miss the delivery cutoff time.
00:16:55 Sorry, Jade. The delivery run done already begun.
00:16:59 I have to get this package out this morning.
00:17:02 And I would have been here earlier, but someone dumped a pile of snow on me.
00:17:07 Snow buddy's perfect.
00:17:09 Hm.
00:17:12 Lemmy, can you fly up and see how far Duke is?
00:17:15 Fly?
00:17:16 Oh, no. Uh-uh.
00:17:17 Lemmy don't play that.
00:17:19 Lemmy doesn't do flying.
00:17:21 Wait, but you're an albatross. I thought albatrosses were great flyers.
00:17:25 Okay, first, it's albatrossescence.
00:17:28 Second, don't go labeling me. It's my job.
00:17:32 Oh, I can deliver that for you.
00:17:35 What? Are you a top dog now?
00:17:38 Well, I'm in training, working my way up.
00:17:40 But by this time next year, I'm taking over Duke's body.
00:17:43 I mean, you're looking at the next lead dog for the Arctic Blast Delivery Service.
00:17:47 Right, PB?
00:17:49 Tell her.
00:17:50 Um...
00:17:54 Well, nothing's official yet.
00:17:57 See? He knows.
00:18:01 Ah! Ah! Ah! It's an abdominal!
00:18:07 I did it!
00:18:09 That darn sorting machine.
00:18:11 I'll take care of it. Just please remember to handle that delivery with care.
00:18:16 You got it, Jade. That's my job.
00:18:19 Your package is safe with me.
00:18:22 Lemmy, show me where Magnet keeps his old slides.
00:18:24 Uh...
00:18:33 Whoa, mama.
00:18:35 Tell me how I can do this.
00:18:36 There is no way you can do this.
00:18:38 Reverse psychology.
00:18:39 Nice.
00:18:46 This doesn't look good.
00:18:47 What are you talking about? This is beautiful.
00:18:49 Yeah, I've never seen rust and mold shine like that.
00:18:53 If Magda finds out you took this, she might actually destroy you.
00:18:57 Just cover for me, okay? I'll be back before Magda even knows it.
00:19:07 Oh.
00:19:08 Yes!
00:19:12 I got the package, I got the sled, I'm ready to go!
00:19:16 What else do I need?
00:19:17 Besides a tetanus shot, you'll need this.
00:19:21 Right, for autographs. Good thinking.
00:19:23 No, customer signatures.
00:19:25 And that, too. I knew that.
00:19:27 Are you sure about this, Swifty?
00:19:29 What's the worst that could happen, right?
00:19:37 My first pillory to the middle of nowhere.
00:19:40 Nice job.
00:19:42 It's only been three blocks away, now.
00:20:11 [whimpering]
00:20:22 [panting]
00:20:45 Yes, who is it?
00:20:47 Hello, Arctic Blast Delivery Service. I have a package for Mr. Occupant.
00:20:54 Just leave the package by the mailbox.
00:20:57 Yeah, sorry, I need a signature.
00:20:59 I've never had to sign before.
00:21:02 It's official procedure.
00:21:04 Since when?
00:21:05 Since procedures became official, sir.
00:21:08 What?
00:21:09 Oh, you know, I can wait. I can wait a long time.
00:21:12 I can wait until the cows come home.
00:21:14 I can wait until the pigs, the donkeys, the frogs, and the turtles, and the, you know--
00:21:19 Oh, wait, wait, do turtles even come home?
00:21:21 I mean, technically, they're kind of home already, right? Homes on their back?
00:21:24 Stop, please! Stop, for goodness sake!
00:21:38 Whoa.
00:21:46 Oh, I have a couple of the right-of-signs for the package! Thank you!
00:21:52 Okay.
00:21:53 Here you go, ma'am.
00:21:55 Or sir.
00:21:57 Either way's fine.
00:21:58 Just give it here! Here!
00:22:01 Oh, oh, okay, I got it! I'll wait! Oh!
00:22:15 Right then, Mr. Official Procedure.
00:22:18 Where do I sign?
00:22:20 Right there, Mr. Occupant.
00:22:37 Hey, I love puffins!
00:22:39 Wow, look at those little guys go!
00:22:41 What are they doing?
00:22:43 Aren't you a fuzzy little nosy parker?
00:22:45 Isn't there a delightful maxim about how curiosity killed the cat?
00:22:50 Well, it's a good thing I'm a top dog then, isn't it?
00:22:53 You? You're just a fox!
00:22:56 There's that just again.
00:22:59 Look, no time to talk, sir. I've got to head back to headquarters to continue my duties.
00:23:03 Top dog!
00:23:05 Thank you very much.
00:23:09 Those top dogs have really over-reduced.
00:23:12 Something will have to be done about them.
00:23:16 (Whistles)
00:23:25 (Music)
00:23:48 Hmm.
00:23:56 Gage!
00:23:58 Gage!
00:24:00 Gage, Gage, Gage!
00:24:03 Gage!
00:24:08 Oh.
00:24:09 Hey, Swifty.
00:24:10 Hey. Hi.
00:24:12 I made sure your package got delivered.
00:24:14 No mistakes, no delays, custom hold-ups, nothing.
00:24:18 Show was far out there though, wasn't it?
00:24:20 Really, really far out there.
00:24:23 I must say I'm impressed.
00:24:25 That's about as efficient a delivery as you'll find anywhere.
00:24:28 Well, I guess you would know, right?
00:24:30 Miss worldly traveler, you've been just about everywhere.
00:24:33 Well, not everywhere.
00:24:35 Well, almost everywhere though, right?
00:24:38 What's it like out there in this big wide world?
00:24:41 Big and wide and hot.
00:24:45 Too hot. I miss the arctic air.
00:24:47 Is that why you came back?
00:24:49 That and this is my home.
00:24:52 I mean, it was funny.
00:24:54 There I was going to all these amazing engineering schools and all these exotic countries.
00:24:59 And as the months turned into years, for some reason I...
00:25:03 I just kept thinking about home.
00:25:06 And then it hit me.
00:25:07 My heart was here.
00:25:09 In Tigersville.
00:25:11 Must have been exciting though.
00:25:13 Si, fue muy emocionante.
00:25:16 Wow.
00:25:17 That Spanish for "yes, it was very exciting."
00:25:20 Oui, oui.
00:25:22 That's French.
00:25:24 I know, that's... I'm just saying.
00:25:26 I'm fluent in all the fluencies too.
00:25:31 So, what do you got here?
00:25:34 I'm just putting the final touches on the town snowblower.
00:25:36 And I've upgraded it to a three-stage power system with hydrostatic transmission and a gross torque of 56 pounds per foot.
00:25:43 Ah, great. Wow. 56 pounds a feet.
00:25:46 That's a lot of feet.
00:25:49 Now, have you considered adding like flame decals on the side? You know, wouldn't that be hot?
00:25:56 I'll think about it.
00:25:58 All right, well, look, I should just get going before I keep talking.
00:26:02 Oh, okay. Sure.
00:26:09 Hey, Swifty?
00:26:11 Yeah?
00:26:13 Thanks for delivering that package for me.
00:26:15 Sure, sure. Anytime, Jake.
00:26:21 So, Jake, I was thinking, do you want to go out sometime? Maybe we can...
00:26:25 Come on, Swifty, come on, come on.
00:26:28 Hey, Jake!
00:26:31 Hey, Jake!
00:26:59 Looking good, Swifty.
00:27:13 Whoa!
00:27:14 I am freaking out, man!
00:27:16 Oh, baby!
00:27:20 What took you so long?
00:27:21 Oh, you should have seen me! That was amazing!
00:27:24 I was like swooshing, whooshing. It was all like, "Sign here. Here's your package, sir."
00:27:28 They were like, "Thank you." And I was like, "You're welcome, Mr. Occupant."
00:27:31 And there was like these little puffins. Oh, there's so many!
00:27:33 Swifty!
00:27:34 Aye!
00:27:35 Where have you been?
00:27:36 I was out.
00:27:38 Out delivering packages?
00:27:40 No, not exactly. It was a single package.
00:27:46 Aha! You lied!
00:27:48 Wait, I was just answering accurately, right? I mean, accuracy is important, isn't it?
00:27:53 I mean, all right, who sold me out?
00:27:56 I didn't know it was a secret.
00:27:58 You said you got promoted to a top dog! And let's see, what else?
00:28:04 Oh, you said something about replacing Duke.
00:28:08 What?
00:28:09 It's Slimy, you know. He's...
00:28:13 That's it! Folks break rules and tell lies to everybody about promotion?
00:28:18 Folks never get promotion so long as Magda here. Never!
00:28:22 Folks suspended from official ABDS work until further notice!
00:28:28 Suspended? Really?
00:28:31 What are you looking at?
00:28:50 Yeah, I feel you, bro.
00:28:53 I don't know about you guys, but I'm looking forward to 40 winks of good old-fashioned shut-eye.
00:29:07 Yeah, my dogs are barking all right.
00:29:10 Can you believe Swifty today, getting caught stealing that old sled?
00:29:14 If that fella had an inkling of what this job actually entails...
00:29:19 Let the little guy have his dream. He's not hurting anyone.
00:29:22 Well, what have we got here?
00:29:25 Hello, little guy.
00:29:28 Are you lost? You want us to call your...
00:29:42 Good morning, Tagusvillians! You're listening to Nasty Nazdar Wall.
00:29:47 Temperatures continue to rise at freakish speeds, causing world leaders to scramble for a ball.
00:29:52 Well, Nazdar's got a plan for ya. Slap off a bathing suit and grab that beanie 'cause I'd hate it.
00:29:57 Pool-burning time!
00:30:01 [Door creaks open]
00:30:04 Huh?
00:30:14 Hmm. No return address.
00:30:24 Okay.
00:30:26 What kind of delivery is this?
00:30:28 Special!
00:30:30 Hey, whoa! Let me out! Hey, let me out! Let me out!
00:30:34 Huh? What's going on?
00:30:39 Quiet! We ask the questions here.
00:30:42 Explain this.
00:30:44 It's a feather.
00:30:46 A feather from perhaps a puffin?
00:30:49 Probably from the puffins that work for that walrus.
00:30:51 He's got some sunglasses.
00:30:52 Walrus? Take note.
00:30:54 Through intelligence, it appears the shadowy conspirators are finally coming to light.
00:30:59 Shadowy conspirators?
00:31:00 Oui. Something very bad is going on in the Arctic.
00:31:03 Ever since the puffins turned up, so has the heat.
00:31:05 Look, I just met them when I delivered a package to their place up north, okay?
00:31:10 He knows where they live!
00:31:12 You think he's telling the truth, or could he be one of them?
00:31:16 Why would he tell us about their whereabouts if he was one of them?
00:31:19 Hmm? This is true. Hmm.
00:31:21 It is official!
00:31:22 He must become one of us.
00:31:24 Commence the initiation ceremony.
00:31:27 Ah!
00:31:32 What did you do that for?
00:31:34 That was the initiation ceremony.
00:31:36 Well, that's a terrible initiation ceremony.
00:31:38 Okay, Fox. Welcome to the team.
00:31:40 You are now part of the Resistance.
00:31:43 I am Berta, and this is my life partner, Leopold.
00:31:47 And together we uncover conspiracies.
00:31:49 An honor to meet you, Mr...
00:31:52 Swifty.
00:31:53 Swifty!
00:31:54 What?
00:31:55 You're about to be assigned your first mission. Do you see?
00:31:58 Oh. Well, that is weird. I don't know what's going on.
00:32:03 Don't we all find out what kind of happening is happening down there?
00:32:07 Okay. Well, I'll start the recon mission right away.
00:32:11 The truth is out there.
00:32:14 And you must bring her to us.
00:32:16 Okey-dokey, guys. Well, it's been real.
00:32:19 Vive la Resistance! Fight the power, we shall not be assimilated.
00:32:23 Exterminate, exterminate.
00:32:25 He is a strange fellow.
00:32:28 Oui.
00:32:29 Oui.
00:32:31 [gun cocks]
00:32:34 [gun cocks]
00:32:36 [laughing]
00:33:02 Hey, we didn't get our hospital supplies today.
00:33:06 What's happening?
00:33:08 No deliveries today.
00:33:09 No deliveries?
00:33:11 Who's gonna tell Doc Grizzly?
00:33:14 Ah, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
00:33:17 Swifty, what are you doing here?
00:33:21 What's going on?
00:33:22 It's the Top Dogs. They quit.
00:33:24 What do you mean they quit?
00:33:25 You mean like Swiftsville, Gaunstown, the Moosilvania.
00:33:30 Look.
00:33:31 Sorry, Moose Lady, we quit.
00:33:34 No Top Dogs, no deliveries.
00:33:39 No deliveries, no ABDS.
00:33:42 What will Magda do?
00:33:44 And Magda not Moose, Magda Caribou.
00:33:49 You're not thinking.
00:33:53 You are thinking.
00:33:58 I hate what he's thinking.
00:34:00 Magda, I've been waiting my entire life for this moment, and you're not going to turn me down again.
00:34:07 Now, I'm going out there, I'm taking a sled, delivering packages whether you like it or not.
00:34:12 Why? Because when put to the test, we deliver our best.
00:34:16 I stepped in your ink pad and made little footprints all over your desk, didn't I?
00:34:26 Well, it doesn't change the fact that I'm going out there today, you understand?
00:34:29 All right. Just get filthy paws off desk.
00:34:35 Woo-hoo!
00:34:36 Yes!
00:34:37 Magda, you've made the smartest decision of my life.
00:34:41 Swifty?
00:34:42 Yes!
00:34:43 Magda bend rules one time.
00:34:48 If Fox screw up, miss one delivery, damage one package, or even lose single pen that belongs to office, that's it.
00:34:57 You're done here forever.
00:34:59 Don't you worry, Magda. You won't regret this.
00:35:01 Your pen's safe with me.
00:35:03 Pen safe.
00:35:16 Magda regret this already.
00:35:18 All right, everybody. Top Dog here, ready for action.
00:35:24 What? Really?
00:35:25 Oh, yeah, really, BB, really.
00:35:27 Now, what I tell you guys, okay? Everyone here? Listen up.
00:35:30 Now, let's go get those doors open. It's showtime. I got my game face on.
00:35:34 How's it look?
00:35:35 Floyd!
00:35:38 Door, please. Top Dog here.
00:35:42 Game face.
00:35:44 I don't know, sir. I can't do this.
00:35:46 You ready? You ready? Let's do this.
00:35:51 Hook me up, BB.
00:35:52 Let me come with you.
00:35:53 It's a hell of a pull.
00:35:54 Come on, no way. Not gonna happen.
00:35:56 If you feel faint or a cramp coming on, don't hesitate to just leave the seat.
00:36:00 I'm high-stretched. Don't worry about it. Would Duke do that?
00:36:03 No, I think not. 'Cause you're about to see the magic show in three, and a two, and a one, and shoot!
00:36:12 [grunting]
00:36:16 [thud]
00:36:17 Oh!
00:36:18 Abracadabra.
00:36:20 Ooh, ooh, ooh.
00:36:22 Swifty?
00:36:23 Ninety-eight. Ninety-nine. One hundred.
00:36:27 Ah! Yep, okay.
00:36:29 That's the third set.
00:36:31 Did Magda change her mind about the suspension?
00:36:33 Let's just say she picked the right canine for the job.
00:36:36 I gotta tell you, it sure feels nice being recognized more than just a fox.
00:36:41 I'm just a fox.
00:36:43 Yeah, but-- no, no, you're a fox.
00:36:46 Well, no, that sounds weird, too. You're great!
00:36:48 Like, everyone loves how you do the gadgets and trinkets and... the stuff.
00:36:52 Gadgets and trinkets.
00:36:54 [dog barking]
00:36:57 [clears throat]
00:36:58 You had anything that needed delivering?
00:37:00 Is this for real? You're not pretending?
00:37:03 That's so no, not pretending.
00:37:05 Not at all. Hundred percent. Super-duper top dog here.
00:37:08 You know, it must be hard to stay calm in my presence. Don't worry, I'm getting used to it.
00:37:12 [sighs]
00:37:14 Here you go. This one is even more important than the last one.
00:37:18 Jade, all of your packages are important to me.
00:37:22 Can I ask you something?
00:37:25 Yes, of course.
00:37:27 Would you like to... get a four percent discount on your next delivery?
00:37:33 Oh, sure.
00:37:35 [gun cocks]
00:37:36 [grunts]
00:37:37 Just gotta get going here. It's not a smooth sailing.
00:37:40 I think I'm pulling uphill. Are we uphill?
00:37:43 [grunts]
00:37:46 [thud]
00:37:47 [yelps]
00:37:48 [yelps]
00:37:49 [yelps]
00:37:52 I hope he makes it back okay.
00:37:54 I hope he doesn't hurt himself pulling that sled.
00:37:57 I hope someone figures out why all the beavers have Italian accents.
00:38:01 [speaks Italian]
00:38:02 [music]
00:38:09 ♪ Been playing by the rules, but they don't apply to me ♪
00:38:13 ♪ They always say I don't belong ♪
00:38:16 [grunts]
00:38:17 ♪ They're always coming down, I never mean a thing ♪
00:38:21 ♪ I'm just trying to prove them wrong ♪
00:38:24 [grunts]
00:38:25 ♪ Ooh, just let me get off my feet ♪
00:38:29 ♪ Ooh, ooh ♪
00:38:31 ♪ Guess I got something that you need ♪
00:38:34 ♪ I wanna make you a believer ♪
00:38:38 ♪ Carry the weight, make you believe it ♪
00:38:42 Here you go.
00:38:43 ♪ Ooh, ooh ♪
00:38:46 [grunts]
00:38:47 ♪ Ooh, ooh ♪
00:38:50 ♪ Don't I always tell you to make it your own way? ♪
00:38:55 ♪ Just let me get off my feet ♪
00:38:57 ♪ Ooh, ooh ♪
00:38:59 ♪ Guess I got something that you need ♪
00:39:02 ♪ I wanna make you a believer ♪
00:39:06 ♪ I'm a wild, wild man ♪
00:39:09 Why don't they make smaller sleds?
00:39:11 ♪ I wanna make you a believer ♪
00:39:14 ♪ I'm a wild, wild man ♪
00:39:16 ♪ Lady on the down ♪
00:39:18 Kidnapping the top dogs was not an order.
00:39:25 How dare you carry out such an operation without my permission!
00:39:32 Now that the top dogs have seen our operation, we can't let them go, can we?
00:39:37 They know too much.
00:39:39 So who will deliver Jane's packages to me now, you birdbrains?
00:39:44 [screams]
00:39:51 Ah, there's my favorite delivery pup.
00:39:55 Yes, sir. Got another package for you.
00:39:58 Your timing couldn't be better.
00:40:01 Whatever you say. Just sign here and you're good to go.
00:40:04 How many puffins have you got in there?
00:40:10 Oh, I'm not about to discuss the specifics of my nefarious plans with you.
00:40:16 Wait, what? Nefarious plans?
00:40:19 Oh, did I say nefarious? I meant hilarious.
00:40:22 Oh, we're starting an all-puffin aquatic cabaret.
00:40:26 [clears throat]
00:40:30 You should see our collection of swimming caps.
00:40:44 Swimming caps? I thought you weren't discussing any specifics.
00:40:48 Ah, come over there!
00:40:50 Hey, wait, no! You still have my pen!
00:40:57 No, I don't. Now, go away.
00:41:00 Yes?
00:41:02 Uh, you know, I'm sorry. It looks like you've got another package out here on the sled.
00:41:07 Oh, all right. Please wait.
00:41:10 Go retrieve the package!
00:41:13 [puffins squeaking]
00:41:40 Oh, that's a little aggressive for a cabaret show.
00:42:09 Jade, what have you gotten yourself into?
00:42:12 [puffins squeaking]
00:42:15 [screams]
00:42:23 Meeting time, puffins! Let's go!
00:42:26 [puffins squeaking]
00:42:28 Witch, hurry up!
00:42:38 Huh?
00:42:40 What the...?
00:42:42 Once we finish the preliminary core sapling and pre-boring on the outskirts of town,
00:42:48 we shall sweep in from the north a united cold front.
00:42:53 A high-pressured systematic attack will rain down on those unsuspecting fools
00:43:00 as our thunderous machine twists into the heart of town, heading westward.
00:43:06 [puffins squeaking]
00:43:09 Oh, goodness.
00:43:24 Goodbye.
00:43:26 Phoebe!
00:43:36 Delivery! Middle of nowhere, puffins! Swim caps!
00:43:39 Hey, ya swifty. Congrats on your first delivery run. Way to go, bud.
00:43:44 Yeah, listen, there was something going on--
00:43:46 Hold that thought. There's something I want to show you.
00:43:50 Surprise!
00:43:54 What the--?
00:43:55 The top dog returns!
00:43:57 Oh, yeah!
00:43:58 Guys!
00:43:59 That's my boy!
00:44:02 Jake! I need to talk to you.
00:44:05 Oh.
00:44:07 All right.
00:44:09 Way to go, dog.
00:44:19 Swifty!
00:44:25 There's my number one star.
00:44:29 Look, I just need to tell you--
00:44:31 Wait. Number one star?
00:44:33 Of course. Quite honestly, Magda thought Fox would throw packages in oceans, so good job.
00:44:40 Oh, thanks.
00:44:42 You even brought back Penn. Keep. You've earned it.
00:44:46 Okay, back to part.
00:44:48 Woo-hoo!
00:44:50 [gasps]
00:44:59 [music]
00:45:01 Hey, hey!
00:45:07 Congratulations, Swifty.
00:45:08 Hey, all right. You hear what she said? Number one star, y'all.
00:45:12 That's me. I got a pen.
00:45:14 Swifty!
00:45:15 Yeah, yeah.
00:45:17 You wanted to talk to me?
00:45:18 Oh, yeah. But I gotta give the fans what they want. Hang on just one second.
00:45:22 Yo! Everybody who let the dogs out!
00:45:26 Did you hear me say hey?
00:45:30 Come on, come on, come on!
00:45:33 Yeah!
00:45:35 Woo! Woo!
00:45:37 [music]
00:45:39 Come on, look, just a minute. I'll be right back.
00:45:55 [music]
00:45:57 Jade! Wait, wait a second.
00:45:59 Oh, is it my turn now?
00:46:00 I gotta tell you what I was trying to tell you earlier. Those packages that you've been--
00:46:03 That's what you wanted to talk to me about?
00:46:05 No, well, yeah. Look, something's going on, and it's--
00:46:07 You know, Swifty, ever since I got back, it just seems like you've been trying to act like someone else.
00:46:13 What's wrong with being yourself?
00:46:15 Come on, Jade. It's--
00:46:17 I'm Top Dog! My dream has come true! What's wrong with that, right?
00:46:22 I get it, Swifty. I'm glad you finally got what you wanted.
00:46:26 Jade! Come on, Jade!
00:46:30 Come on back, hero. We got some celebrating to do. You saved the day!
00:46:35 You're flying high, bro.
00:46:37 This is your night. Enjoy it.
00:46:40 Party time.
00:46:41 Oh, yeah! Woo!
00:46:44 [whimpering]
00:46:47 [music]
00:46:50 [music]
00:46:52 Is someone there?
00:47:12 [music]
00:47:14 Oh. How did you get in here?
00:47:37 [music]
00:47:39 [laughing]
00:47:41 [music]
00:47:43 Hey, hey, Tagusvilians! We got another cooker outside today at 41 degrees Fahrenheit!
00:47:53 Gotta say, I am loving this thaw. Best thaw I ever thaw!
00:47:57 [laughing]
00:47:59 And a big shout-out to Tagusville's newest Top Dog, Swifty.
00:48:03 We finally have a replacement for that old chestnut Duke.
00:48:06 Maybe things will actually get delivered on time now.
00:48:10 [laughing]
00:48:12 Has anybody seen my self-respect?
00:48:15 [knocking]
00:48:17 [burp]
00:48:19 [music]
00:48:21 [scream]
00:48:24 [sigh]
00:48:26 There's the guy! Come on, buddy! It's showtime!
00:48:31 Don't you yearn for the burn? I'm getting ready to blast my abs and max my glutes!
00:48:36 Yeesh. No offense, but you look awful.
00:48:40 Are you keeping hydrated? What's your electrolyte count?
00:48:43 Wait, PB, come on. Just time out for one second.
00:48:46 Be stronger than your excuses, Swifty. Let's go!
00:48:49 We're jogging to work today, big guy! Woo!
00:48:52 Whoa!
00:48:55 PB, what do you think is causing all this warm weather suddenly?
00:48:59 Dunno, buddy, but I'm lovin' it!
00:49:02 Hey, Swifty! Hi, Swifty! You're the best!
00:49:05 Hey, uh, can you sign this?
00:49:06 Okay, yeah, okay, yeah. Here you go.
00:49:08 Thanks. Awesome!
00:49:10 Aren't you worried?
00:49:11 Worried? I signed up for hot yoga this afternoon. It's gonna be cookin'!
00:49:17 Yeah! Woo-hoo!
00:49:19 What about the earthquakes?
00:49:21 You know, I saw something while I was delivering Jade's package.
00:49:24 Focus, Swifty! Fountain rounds!
00:49:26 PB, there's this huge hidden lair out in the middle of nowhere.
00:49:29 Hey, Swifty, over here! Over here, Swifty! Can I get an autograph?
00:49:32 Yeah, here you go! Here's your autograph!
00:49:34 Yeah, okay, yeah, okay, yeah, yeah, yeah. Here you go.
00:49:37 Swifty, over here! Can I get your autograph?
00:49:38 What about your picture? Can I get your picture, Swifty?
00:49:40 Look, alright, that's enough!
00:49:42 Swifty! Sorry, kids.
00:49:46 Huh?
00:49:50 Huh? Hello?
00:49:52 Hey, Top Dog, what gives? Don't call me that.
00:49:55 I don't deserve it.
00:49:56 Sure you do, pal. You've worked hard.
00:49:58 No, I only got the chance because Duke and the others disappeared.
00:50:01 They didn't disappear. They quit.
00:50:04 That's just it. I don't think they did.
00:50:06 What do you mean?
00:50:07 I think something is going on, PB.
00:50:10 I'm all ears.
00:50:11 There's this crazy walrus with robotic legs and a British accent.
00:50:17 I know, weird already, right? Okay, it gets better.
00:50:20 Now, they're holed up in a secret fortress filled with adorable yet evil little puffins
00:50:25 that are building a huge machine which I think may have something to do with the rising temperatures.
00:50:29 And I saw harnesses in a garbage can which makes me 90% sure
00:50:34 that Top Dogs have been dog-napped and they're sleeping gas blasters!
00:50:39 It's weird, man! I'm just telling you!
00:50:41 I sound like I'm crazy, don't I?
00:50:45 Certifiable.
00:50:46 How about now? Do I sound crazy now?
00:50:50 You've got to believe me. Why don't you believe me?
00:50:52 Because for years you've been stretching the truth to get attention, that's why.
00:50:57 And quite frankly, I've had enough.
00:50:59 You don't have to make up a bunch of stuff to impress me. I'm not Jade.
00:51:03 Are you listening to me?
00:51:04 Yes! Oh, wait! No! What?
00:51:07 I forgot about Jade. They're using her to build the machine.
00:51:11 Who?
00:51:12 The walrus.
00:51:13 The one with the robo legs?
00:51:15 Yes!
00:51:16 Okay, that's it.
00:51:17 You need to go see Doc Quisley.
00:51:19 No! I don't like him!
00:51:21 Come on, PB, I'm... Look, I'm sorry, okay? I just need you to understand...
00:51:25 You always need me to do something.
00:51:27 Well, I need to get to work. That's what I need to do.
00:51:30 But you're probably not listening anyway.
00:51:32 You never do.
00:51:34 Dude.
00:52:02 Closed due to flooding?
00:52:04 Lemmy, get Moppy.
00:52:07 On it like a baby bonnet. Right in the cocket.
00:52:10 Oh, yeah.
00:52:12 Who put that wall there, man?
00:52:17 Water everywhere.
00:52:20 Jade need to fix machines, I call, but she no answer phone.
00:52:24 I'll go get her.
00:52:25 So reliable, that fox.
00:52:27 Lemmy, Moppy's for cleaning, not for licking.
00:52:32 [Footsteps]
00:52:34 Hello? Jade?
00:52:42 Hello?
00:52:44 [Footsteps]
00:53:10 Dear Jade, the machine is almost complete.
00:53:14 As promised, I shall reveal it to you once the final piece is finished.
00:53:17 In the meantime, rest assured that your name will go down in history...
00:53:21 Alongside the world's greatest engineers.
00:53:24 Without the parts you've built, none of this would have been possible.
00:53:28 O.V.W., world's greatest engineer.
00:53:31 Huh?
00:53:39 Puffins!
00:53:41 I knew it!
00:53:43 Who's gonna believe me?
00:53:45 [Knocking]
00:53:47 Agent Swifty, he's back!
00:53:50 Did you bring intel?
00:53:52 I brought intel. Outtel, uptel, and downtel.
00:53:55 Let me tell.
00:53:56 Do tell.
00:53:58 So, the virus and his puffins kidnapped the top dogs.
00:54:04 And Jade, who's been building parts for his machine.
00:54:07 Exactly.
00:54:08 Agent Swifty?
00:54:09 Yes?
00:54:10 You are truly one of us now.
00:54:12 And it is time for you to see behind the curtain.
00:54:15 It's all here.
00:54:17 Every suspicious happening in the Arctic since the puffins first appeared.
00:54:20 We knew something was going on.
00:54:22 We just didn't have all the pieces of the puzzle.
00:54:25 Wait, wait, wait a minute. What is that?
00:54:28 I've seen that before.
00:54:37 Walrus has the same map in his lair.
00:54:39 Only there's a big X over Tigisfield.
00:54:41 Suck on it!
00:54:42 It shows what the puffins have drilled so far.
00:54:45 Drilled for what?
00:54:46 The gas!
00:54:47 Biolapadium Aerodithic Dimsodium Gas.
00:54:50 B-A-D.
00:54:52 Bad gas.
00:54:53 Very bad gas.
00:54:55 Unknown to the establishment.
00:54:56 Denied by the establishment.
00:54:58 It is prehistoric.
00:54:59 It is mutant.
00:55:00 It is hot and incredibly stinky.
00:55:03 If allowed into the atmosphere, it would speed up global warming and melt the ice caps within minutes.
00:55:09 So those weren't earthquakes.
00:55:11 It was the puffins drilling into the underground pockets, releasing gas into the atmosphere to heat it up.
00:55:16 There must be a big one right underneath Tigisfield.
00:55:20 And that mecha drilled our building?
00:55:22 Soon they can reach it.
00:55:23 The truth. She's in here.
00:55:25 We gotta do something.
00:55:27 We could go to the puffin camp beyond the hills.
00:55:30 Perhaps find new intel.
00:55:31 It's far.
00:55:32 What do you say, Agent Smithy?
00:55:34 Viva la resistance.
00:55:37 Ow!
00:55:38 Hey, come on. I've already been initiated.
00:55:41 It's also the secret handshake.
00:55:44 I'm really beginning to hate this club.
00:55:46 There it is. The truth.
00:55:59 I hear you naked before your eyes.
00:56:02 Gotcha.
00:56:09 All right, beyond. Start the drill.
00:56:13 Go ahead.
00:56:17 Come on, then.
00:56:27 I'll just be over here enjoying the view from behind this... snowbank.
00:56:32 Hold on to your whiskers.
00:56:34 Gas!
00:56:39 That smell! It's like the planet made of poopie.
00:56:56 Maybe they didn't notice.
00:56:57 They didn't.
00:57:06 I think they noticed.
00:57:09 Run!
00:57:11 Go!
00:57:13 Shh!
00:57:14 Hey!
00:57:29 Whoa!
00:57:56 Good morning, Miss Jade.
00:57:59 I'm really sorry about the present state of the accommodations.
00:58:03 Certainly not befitting of the greatest mechanical engineer north of the 47th parallel.
00:58:08 Who are you?
00:58:09 Who am I?
00:58:10 Perhaps my biographer Anders here can illuminate you.
00:58:20 Oh, and, uh, well, anyway, you may know me as O.V.W., the world's greatest engineer.
00:58:28 You're the one I've been doing all the work for?
00:58:31 Indeed, and I'm so very thankful for it.
00:58:35 However, we're on a tight schedule, and seeing as though the mail has become, how shall I say, not entirely dependable these days, I've decided to have you work in-house.
00:58:46 You kidnapped me!
00:58:48 I prefer the term "surprise relocation," so...
00:58:51 Surprise!
00:58:53 Now, as I promised, I will reveal what we've created once it's complete, and for that to happen, I need one final piece of the puzzle.
00:59:05 I need you to make the control panel.
00:59:09 In any case, time is ticking.
00:59:12 Oh, and I'd really like the main button to be "future."
00:59:17 Can you do that, please, a future engage button?
00:59:22 To work, my dear, to work!
00:59:25 Oh, you'll get your control panel, all right.
00:59:36 And a little something extra, too.
00:59:46 We made it.
00:59:47 Time to expose the conspiracy.
00:59:49 Come on out! There's something I need to tell you! Let's wake up!
00:59:55 Everybody wake up! Everybody come out!
01:00:01 Swifty, where have you been? Where's Jade?
01:00:04 It'll all become clear in a minute. But first I want to introduce you to some friends of mine. La Resistance!
01:00:09 Bonjour!
01:00:10 Good morning, everyone!
01:00:12 Now listen!
01:00:13 We're listening!
01:00:14 Stop doing that!
01:00:15 They are drilling all around the Arctic!
01:00:17 Who?
01:00:18 The puffins!
01:00:19 What puffins?
01:00:20 The ones in the pictures I took! Look!
01:00:23 They are going to use the bad gas to melt the ice and snow!
01:00:28 Oui! The bad gas beneath Tigersfield!
01:00:31 Ah, bad gas! I love it!
01:00:34 What about Jade?
01:00:35 She's with them!
01:00:36 Who's them?
01:00:37 Them are the same as they!
01:00:39 Bad gas!
01:00:41 Who is "they"?
01:00:42 "They" is the walrus!
01:00:44 Wait! What walrus?
01:00:46 This walrus!
01:00:47 I thought Paul was the walrus!
01:00:52 Magda know Otto Von Walrus all too well.
01:00:57 Many years ago, before he worked at ABDS, Walrus was employee.
01:01:03 Before that, he lived in ocean, obsessed with idea of fame and immortality, confusing his crazy for genius.
01:01:13 For years, walrus present his cuckoo ideas, until they kick him out.
01:01:23 Resentment grew inside walrus. Bitterness all encompassing. Until one day, walrus find ABDS. Magda take him in.
01:01:37 Then ideas start. So many ideas. Walrus present innovations, modifications, never ending, like mail.
01:01:49 At first, they were good. Make processes better. Magda promote him.
01:01:56 But then came your magic tube system, powered by crazy gas.
01:02:03 The system was brilliant, yes, and would revolutionize global mail delivery, but gas was also dangerous.
01:02:11 If it were to leak, the results would have been catastrophic.
01:02:17 Walrus go poster!
01:02:19 Magda fire him same day.
01:02:25 Look Magda, you can't blame yourself for crazy. We just have to find a way to stop him.
01:02:37 Fox know walrus layer best. Fox must lead.
01:02:43 Lead? You think that I...
01:02:46 Magda no. Fox lead.
01:02:48 Tigasvillians, if we don't stop the walrus, the Arctic will melt and Tigasville will fall into the ocean.
01:02:58 We have to band together, kick down the door and open up a nice cold can of Arctic justice.
01:03:05 How's that taste, Lemmy? Now who's with me?
01:03:12 Oh man.
01:03:14 Magda with you.
01:03:21 Ah, Ericru!
01:03:22 Vive la resistance!
01:03:23 Me too, I'm in, yeah!
01:03:26 Vive the resistance! Vive the resistance!
01:03:30 Hey B, this is all pretty unbelievable, Swifty.
01:03:35 Very much so, I know.
01:03:38 But I'm always there for you, buddy, you know that. Count me in.
01:03:43 Thanks, Pepe.
01:03:44 How are we supposed to get there?
01:03:46 We're gonna drive right through the front door.
01:03:51 Then what?
01:03:52 Inside, right next to the door, is a wall of sleeping gas blaster.
01:03:56 Where else would you put a man?
01:03:58 Exactly, everyone grabs a blaster, we start gassing.
01:04:01 The all go nighty night, Bertha and Lee pulled hack into the mainframe, when we find Jim.
01:04:05 Lee pulled hack into the mainframe, when we find J, Duke and the others are being held.
01:04:09 We rescue them, round up the bad guys, bada bing, bada boom, justice served.
01:04:13 How 'bout ya?
01:04:14 What could possibly go wrong?
01:04:19 (Explosion)
01:04:22 (Screaming)
01:04:25 Incoming!
01:04:36 (Explosion)
01:04:39 (Screaming)
01:04:52 (Screaming)
01:05:01 (Screaming)
01:05:04 (Chuckles)
01:05:09 Oops.
01:05:10 Yeah, well, this wasn't part of the plan.
01:05:16 But everyone's okay, right?
01:05:17 Wait.
01:05:18 Yeah!
01:05:19 Darn it.
01:05:20 Barely.
01:05:21 No, not okay! We're trapped!
01:05:23 Duke, Dakota, Dusty!
01:05:30 They got you too, huh?
01:05:32 This is great!
01:05:33 I mean, well, it's not great that we're all stuck in here, but we're all together, right?
01:05:37 You can help us all escape now.
01:05:39 Escape?
01:05:40 Look, little fella, you can't defeat these guys.
01:05:45 There's no way.
01:05:46 What are you guys talking about? You're top dogs.
01:05:50 Tigerskill needs you.
01:05:52 You're heroes.
01:05:53 Heroes?
01:05:54 We're three overworked mutts who just want to retire somewhere warm, with a beach.
01:06:00 And those coconut shell drinks with a little umbrellism.
01:06:03 Whatever happened to "when put to the test, deliver your best"?
01:06:09 Now, you kids, you grow up idolizing us, thinking we're larger than life.
01:06:15 But the truth is...
01:06:17 We just deliver the mail.
01:06:22 No.
01:06:23 Look, the show's over, kid. We're done.
01:06:27 It's finished.
01:06:44 Fuck!
01:06:45 I've done what you've asked. Now let me go.
01:06:50 Yes, well, um, I have some other ideas about that.
01:06:53 First, as promised, I'd like to fill you in on what all your work has actually been used for.
01:06:59 A drill?
01:07:01 A colossal drill!
01:07:03 To smash through the heart of Tigersville,
01:07:05 throw eight miles below the surface,
01:07:08 and puncture a pocket of ancient pre-Cambrian...
01:07:11 gas.
01:07:14 To melt the polar ice caps.
01:07:17 Why?
01:07:18 Ever since I was a pup, I've tried to make the world a better place by way of my limitless genius.
01:07:25 But the world rejected that gift again and again.
01:07:30 Well, now it's my turn to take back it.
01:07:35 The Arctic will fall, and the world along with it!
01:07:38 And we'll see who comes running to my doorstep for help!
01:07:42 We'll see who's rejected that...
01:07:47 If you're such a genius, why do you need me to make a control panel for you?
01:07:52 I had such high hopes for you, my dear.
01:08:10 You were going to have the honor of being my apprentice.
01:08:13 But it turns out you're just like all the rest of them, aren't you?
01:08:17 Oh, well, you've chosen your fate.
01:08:19 Then, uh, what button was it again?
01:08:22 The old, same-as-like, those bloody puffins.
01:08:25 Ah, yes! Here we are!
01:08:27 Ta-ta!
01:08:29 Jane!
01:08:36 Swifty, PB, Lemmy, what are you doing here?
01:08:40 We came to save you and stop the walrus.
01:08:42 Charlie failed. Are you all right?
01:08:45 Don't trust her, Swifty. She works for the walrus, remember?
01:08:49 I didn't know what I was building, I--
01:08:50 Where was she all those years, huh? Of planning with the walrus?
01:08:54 It's not true.
01:08:56 You don't believe that, do you?
01:09:00 Why did you keep making the parts for him all the time, Jade? I mean, why didn't you clue in?
01:09:07 Because I didn't know, Swifty.
01:09:10 Look, I saw the letters you got from him.
01:09:12 What?
01:09:13 Rest assured, your name will go down in history.
01:09:15 "Jade, world's greatest engineer."
01:09:18 He played you, Jade. He knew what buttons to push and you led him.
01:09:23 I'm sorry, if I had known--
01:09:25 It's okay. I get it.
01:09:27 That's what I wanted, after all. The same thing.
01:09:30 And once I got that in my head, I couldn't see anything else. It's like I had blinders on.
01:09:36 So, yeah, I get it.
01:09:38 Well, it's too late now.
01:09:40 We're done.
01:09:42 Show's over.
01:09:43 Curtain's closed.
01:09:45 How could you say that?
01:09:47 Because it's true. Look around.
01:09:50 I am looking around. And you know what I see?
01:09:53 That we're trapped in prison and there's no way out.
01:09:56 I see someone who never gave up.
01:09:58 Someone who could always turn a situation around and make it better.
01:10:03 Someone who's always been optimistic and positive and hopeful and... and sweet.
01:10:09 But for some reason never felt like he was good enough.
01:10:12 You may not see how great you are, but I do. I always have.
01:10:18 I came back for you.
01:10:21 What?
01:10:23 I came back for you, Swifty. For you.
01:10:28 For you.
01:10:29 That's just beautiful, man.
01:10:42 Jake!
01:10:53 What?
01:10:55 What is happening?
01:10:56 Swifty!
01:10:57 Oh, I do love a captive audience.
01:11:06 My goodness, is that Magda?
01:11:09 I almost didn't recognize you. You've aged terribly.
01:11:13 Magda should have mailed Walrus to prison years ago.
01:11:17 Otto van Walrus, you don't have to do this.
01:11:20 Oh, but I do, my dear boy.
01:11:23 Now, in case you didn't already think you were in hot water, allow me to be painfully literal.
01:11:30 Goodbye, you fabulous, brutal simpletons. Ta-ta!
01:11:43 Oh!
01:11:44 Jake! You okay?
01:12:01 I'll be better once I get us out of here.
01:12:03 We still don't trust her.
01:12:07 But you trust me, right?
01:12:09 Now, we need to come together. That's the only way we're getting out of here. Together.
01:12:13 Jake!
01:12:16 Trust me now?
01:12:30 Yeah, pretty much.
01:12:31 Okay, I thought I'll do.
01:12:32 Everyone out. Let's go.
01:12:38 All aboard, men!
01:12:39 Careful with the antlers.
01:12:41 BB, can you throw us up there?
01:12:45 I can't do this.
01:12:54 BB, come on! You can do this! Jump!
01:12:56 You're right. There's no way you can do this.
01:13:02 Reverse psychology. Nice.
01:13:04 Nice.
01:13:05 Someone has to turn up the controls up there.
01:13:13 Lemmy, fly!
01:13:15 What? Oh, excuse me.
01:13:18 No, not that fly. You're the only one who can get the controls. You have to fly.
01:13:23 Oh, man! I'm afraid of heights!
01:13:27 We need you, Lemmy. We need you to fly.
01:13:29 Plus, this'll help.
01:13:31 Okay, wait, wait. It's too far. I'll never make it!
01:13:34 You can do it. You know you can.
01:13:37 Okay.
01:13:40 Oh, my God!
01:13:41 Look at me!
01:13:50 Look at me, Ma! I'm flying!
01:13:54 Hold the lever!
01:13:55 Hold the lever!
01:13:56 Lemmy, help me!
01:14:02 Oops. Wrong way. Sorry.
01:14:05 No, Lemmy!
01:14:10 I see all systems are again. And how are our guests doing?
01:14:20 Screams of agony. Wonderful.
01:14:25 Looks like Tiger's Vell is in for a bloody good time.
01:14:28 Stop! Stop! Stop!
01:14:52 How about that, guys?
01:14:54 Perfect landing.
01:14:57 Listen, I put a self-destruct in the control panel.
01:15:00 All right, Jane!
01:15:02 All I have to do is trigger the self-destruct with this remote.
01:15:05 Oh, no! It must have fallen into the water when I jumped out of the cage.
01:15:09 Anybody want to go for a swim?
01:15:11 Is there any other way to trigger the self-destruct?
01:15:14 Well, yes, but...
01:15:15 But what? What is it?
01:15:17 You have to do it manually.
01:15:18 Okay, how do you do that? Where's the panel?
01:15:20 On top of the drill.
01:15:21 Which...
01:15:22 Will then self-destruct.
01:15:23 Okay, just help me get to that drill.
01:15:28 There's something you don't see every day.
01:15:38 Ha ha ha! I love a good turn-up!
01:15:49 Time to break the ice.
01:15:52 Oh, no!
01:15:54 No!
01:15:56 No!
01:15:58 No!
01:16:00 No!
01:16:02 No!
01:16:03 No!
01:16:05 No!
01:16:06 No!
01:16:08 No!
01:16:09 Ha ha ha!
01:16:32 Ha ha ha!
01:16:33 Citizens of Tigersville, if I might have your attention.
01:16:44 Drumroll, please.
01:16:46 It's just an expression.
01:16:51 I wasn't...
01:16:53 Oh, yes, the good news is...
01:16:55 I'm here to unleash the devastating power of an ancient gas buried deep beneath Tigersville.
01:17:03 The bad news is, I'll have to destroy your town to get it in.
01:17:08 Chins up, everyone!
01:17:24 Five minutes to impact.
01:17:26 Yes, very nice.
01:17:27 Done again.
01:17:28 Done again.
01:17:29 Whoa!
01:17:33 We gotta hurry!
01:17:36 Let's go!
01:17:37 I hope you've all been practicing your doggy paddles!
01:17:41 Ha ha ha ha ha!
01:17:43 Four minutes to impact.
01:17:47 Ah, shouldn't be long now.
01:17:49 Oh, what is it?
01:17:53 Oh, for Pete's sake, will someone please take care of them once and for all?
01:17:58 Get in.
01:18:11 Yeah.
01:18:12 Oh, wonderful, thank you.
01:18:14 We need to find a clear path to the drill!
01:18:16 We're pinned down here!
01:18:18 It's all good, bro.
01:18:19 I don't think we're...
01:18:22 Stuck?
01:18:23 If we move at all, they will see us!
01:18:25 Let me double-check.
01:18:27 They saw me.
01:18:32 They won't see me.
01:18:34 What is this place?
01:18:39 Yeah, let's go streaking!
01:18:40 No, no, Lemmy. Watch.
01:18:50 Twifty, this is crazy. I can't let you do this.
01:18:52 You could be killed.
01:18:54 I have to, Jade.
01:18:55 You don't.
01:18:56 Look, there's no other way, and you know it. I'm the only one who has a chance.
01:18:59 Look, I'm still gonna need some help getting to that drill.
01:19:01 Mind a clear way.
01:19:03 Mind a way with special forces. Lifetime ago.
01:19:11 Yeah.
01:19:12 Get ready.
01:19:19 On my mark.
01:19:21 Jade, tell me what I need to do again.
01:19:27 Pull the surge capacitor a third from the bottom right.
01:19:29 Right from the bottom third.
01:19:31 Third from the bottom right.
01:19:32 Third from the right from the bottom. Now!
01:19:34 The red one.
01:19:35 Red one, got it!
01:19:36 Twifty!
01:19:37 What?
01:19:38 It's going to start coming apart, so get up that rig as soon as you can.
01:19:41 I hear you!
01:19:42 Twifty?
01:19:44 What?
01:19:46 [SIREN]
01:19:48 Guys?
01:19:53 I'll see you soon.
01:19:55 Charge!
01:19:56 Bring it to me, you fucking scum!
01:20:00 Sorry!
01:20:06 Get him!
01:20:17 Woo-hoo!
01:20:18 Woo!
01:20:21 [GRUNTING]
01:20:29 [GRUNTING]
01:20:30 [GRUNTING]
01:20:34 [LAUGHING]
01:20:36 I got your back!
01:20:39 Going up!
01:20:43 Yeah!
01:20:44 Oh!
01:20:55 Stop him!
01:20:56 Duke!
01:21:10 I've been struck!
01:21:15 [GRUNTING]
01:21:16 Do your thing, top dog!
01:21:22 [CHIRPING]
01:21:39 There's a delivery!
01:21:50 Whoa!
01:21:51 You!
01:21:53 I'll make a rock out of your hide!
01:21:56 Stop that naked jackadilly!
01:22:00 [GRUNTING]
01:22:05 One minute to impact.
01:22:10 [GRUNTING]
01:22:12 Forty seconds to impact.
01:22:23 [GASPING]
01:22:24 [LAUGHING]
01:22:29 No!
01:22:34 [GRUNTING]
01:22:35 Ow!
01:22:36 [GRUNTING]
01:22:39 Twenty seconds to impact.
01:22:44 You can't stop me!
01:22:46 [GASPING]
01:22:48 Ten seconds to impact.
01:22:56 There you go!
01:23:02 Two seconds to...
01:23:04 No!
01:23:07 He did it!
01:23:10 Swifty, get off of there!
01:23:17 It's going to blow!
01:23:19 Swifty!
01:23:21 Help me!
01:23:22 Don't leave me here!
01:23:24 Please!
01:23:26 Here.
01:23:30 Thank you!
01:23:32 For being an idiot!
01:23:34 Whoa!
01:23:35 [LAUGHING]
01:23:39 Swifty!
01:23:41 Puppets, time for my escape!
01:23:44 Let's go!
01:23:45 Come and get me, you little freaks!
01:23:47 Where are you?
01:23:49 Swifty!
01:23:51 Oh, no!
01:23:52 [SCREAMING]
01:23:56 [SCREAMING]
01:23:57 [GROANING]
01:23:59 [SCREAMING]
01:24:08 Oh, there you are!
01:24:21 Listen, Buffins, I know it doesn't look good, but it's not over!
01:24:25 We can still win this!
01:24:27 True, everything's being destroyed, but that doesn't mean we can't keep on fighting
01:24:32 and on and on and start over and...
01:24:35 and... and... and...
01:24:36 All right, guys, that's it.
01:24:50 We're out of here.
01:24:51 You can talk?
01:24:54 Come back!
01:24:55 I order you to come back this instant!
01:25:00 Please?
01:25:03 Please!
01:25:05 [SCREAMING]
01:25:07 Oh, hello, angry mob of townsfolk!
01:25:14 How are we today?
01:25:16 Nice to see a lot converging on me to do...
01:25:19 Oh, I see you are converging on me.
01:25:21 Well, I...
01:25:24 Swifty, where are you?
01:25:29 Swifty!
01:25:30 Yes?
01:25:31 Swifty!
01:25:34 Oh...
01:25:36 Thank goodness you're alive!
01:25:38 Oh, but I'm blind!
01:25:40 I'm blind!
01:25:42 Oh, I'm not blind!
01:25:45 I can see!
01:25:49 Look at... look at... I can see!
01:25:51 Ow!
01:25:52 We did it.
01:25:54 We did it, didn't we?
01:25:56 Ow!
01:26:00 Sorry.
01:26:01 That's okay.
01:26:02 Ho ho!
01:26:07 Hey, Swifty, you're the best top dog ever!
01:26:10 You know what?
01:26:12 I'm no top dog.
01:26:13 I'm just a fox.
01:26:17 Oh!
01:26:18 Yeah!
01:26:19 It's streaking time, dudes!
01:26:20 Yeah!
01:26:23 All right!
01:26:27 Yeah!
01:26:28 After that, Magda actually allowed me to make some changes around the old AVDS.
01:26:36 Travel the world and back so many times...
01:26:39 PB became the health and wellness supervisor,
01:26:42 and that helped boost employee morale through the roof.
01:26:46 ♪ Chasing a dream only fools like me would follow ♪
01:26:49 Now that Lemmy was flying free,
01:26:52 he became a one-man centralized processing system.
01:26:55 Oh, look at him go.
01:26:57 And Bertha and Leo?
01:27:00 Well, they were natural safety and security officers.
01:27:03 ♪ I don't mind if I gotta start all over ♪
01:27:06 ♪ I'm just going for throwing no matter where I go ♪
01:27:11 But the one I'm most proud of is the new fleet.
01:27:15 Now anyone can be top animal, not just dogs,
01:27:19 because everyone has something unique and special to offer.
01:27:22 Who's ready for some serious rock line?
01:27:24 That's what I was born to do, boss.
01:27:26 Hey, looking good, guys.
01:27:28 I know none of these will get crushed now with you on the job.
01:27:33 You can count on me!
01:27:35 And as for the top dogs,
01:27:38 they finally got the retirement they long deserve.
01:27:41 Oh, and Otto Von Wallis?
01:27:44 Let's just say he packed up and left.
01:27:46 Hello?
01:27:48 Is somebody letting me out?
01:27:52 Please?
01:27:55 ♪ I'm just going for throwing no matter where I go ♪
01:27:59 Hey, did you see this?
01:28:01 Yeah, that's me.
01:28:06 Look, I found something in your warehouse that you need some fixing.
01:28:10 ♪ I'm not an official ♪
01:28:14 ♪ I'm a no man ♪
01:28:16 Dreams do come true,
01:28:18 though not always the way you expect them to.
01:28:20 In the end, it took someone special to help me see that.
01:28:24 Arc'teryx Pro!
01:28:28 Recognition and being noticed, it's okay.
01:28:37 Well, a little bit more than okay.
01:28:40 But what really matters is doing what you can.
01:28:42 However big or small,
01:28:44 to make the world a better place.
01:28:46 And being true to yourself along the way.
01:28:49 I'm a no man!
01:28:52 Man!
01:28:55 ♪ Hey na na, hey na na, hey na na, hey na na ♪
01:29:02 ♪ Just when I think the feeling is gone ♪
01:29:05 ♪ You bring it back to me ♪
01:29:08 ♪ You're everything that I'll ever want ♪
01:29:12 ♪ You're my center of gravity ♪
01:29:16 ♪ Without you I would float away ♪
01:29:19 ♪ Without you I would float away ♪
01:29:21 ♪ Hey, hey, hey, hey ♪
01:29:23 ♪ I would float away ♪
01:29:25 ♪ Without you I would float away ♪
01:29:27 ♪ Without you I would float away ♪
01:29:29 ♪ Hey, hey, hey, hey ♪
01:29:31 ♪ I would float away ♪
01:29:33 ♪ Hey na na, hey na na, hey na na, hey na na ♪
01:29:38 ♪ Without you I would float away ♪
01:29:40 ♪ Hey na na, hey na na, hey na na, hey na na ♪
01:29:45 ♪ Without you I would float away ♪
01:29:47 ♪ I don't know the right thing to do ♪
01:29:50 ♪ I hold love so hard that I break it in two ♪
01:29:53 ♪ So I turn out to stick or label the mood ♪
01:29:57 ♪ When you're looking through me in that way that you do ♪
01:30:01 ♪ But it's hard to cope, I'm running inside ♪
01:30:04 ♪ I reach for the sun but I can't hold the light ♪
01:30:08 ♪ Whenever it's dark, burns a hole in my mind ♪
01:30:12 ♪ You take my hand and I'm coming alive ♪
01:30:16 ♪ And just when I think the feeling is gone ♪
01:30:19 ♪ You bring it back to me ♪
01:30:23 ♪ You're everything that I'll ever want ♪
01:30:26 ♪ You're my center of gravity ♪
01:30:31 ♪ Without you I would float away ♪
01:30:33 ♪ Without you I would float away ♪
01:30:35 ♪ Hey, hey, hey, hey ♪
01:30:37 ♪ I would float away ♪
01:30:39 ♪ Without you I would float away ♪
01:30:41 ♪ Without you I would float away ♪
01:30:43 ♪ Hey, hey, hey, hey ♪
01:30:45 ♪ I would float away ♪
01:30:46 ♪ Hey, na, na, hey, na, na, hey ♪
01:30:49 ♪ Hey, na, na, hey, na, na, hey ♪
01:30:52 ♪ Hey, na, na, hey, na, na, hey ♪
01:30:54 ♪ Hey, na, na, hey, na, na, hey ♪
01:30:57 ♪ Hey, na, na, hey, na, na, hey ♪
01:30:59 ♪ Hey, na, na, hey, na, na, hey ♪
01:31:01 ♪ Hey, na, na, hey, na, na, hey ♪
01:31:04 ♪ Hey, na, na, hey, na, na, hey ♪
01:31:08 ♪ Without you I would float away ♪
01:31:10 ♪ Without you I would float away ♪
01:31:12 ♪ Hey, na, na, hey, na, na, hey ♪
01:31:15 ♪ Now just when I think the feeling is gone ♪
01:31:19 ♪ You bring it back to me ♪
01:31:21 ♪ You bring it back to me ♪
01:31:23 ♪ You make me see that I'm a whole ♪
01:31:26 ♪ You're my center of gravity ♪
01:31:29 ♪ Hey, na, na, hey, na, na, hey ♪
01:31:31 ♪ Without you I would float away ♪
01:31:33 ♪ Without you I would float away ♪
01:31:35 ♪ Hey, hey, hey, hey ♪
01:31:37 ♪ I would float away ♪
01:31:38 ♪ Without you I would float away ♪
01:31:40 ♪ Without you I would float away ♪
01:31:42 ♪ Hey, hey, hey, hey ♪
01:31:44 ♪ I would float away ♪
01:31:46 ♪ Hey, na, na, hey, na, na, hey ♪
01:31:49 ♪ Hey, na, na, hey, na, na, hey ♪
01:31:51 ♪ Without you I would float away ♪
01:31:53 ♪ Hey, na, na, hey, na, na, hey ♪
01:31:56 ♪ Hey, na, na, hey, na, na, hey ♪
01:31:59 ♪ Without you I would float away ♪
01:32:01 ♪ Hey, na, na, hey, na, na, hey ♪
01:32:04 ♪ Hey, na, na, hey, na, na, hey ♪
01:32:06 ♪ Without you I would float away ♪
01:32:11 [Music]
01:32:14 [Music]
01:32:17 [Music]
01:32:20 [BLANK_AUDIO]