• l’année dernière
Une petite ville de Californie, dans les années 60, le dernier jour de l'année scolaire. Tous les élèves veulent faire de cette soirée un moment mémorable, avant le départ à l'université pour les uns et vers le Viêtnam pour les autres. Au bal de l'école, Steve se chamaille avec son amie Laurie, avant, finalement, de se réconcilier avec elle. John Milner, le champion local de courses automobiles, recherche un challenger à sa hauteur et, en attendant, supporte Carol, une gamine particulièrement encombrante dont il ne parvient décidément pas à se débarrasser. Terry Fields, au volant de sa vieille Chevrolet, tente de séduire la ravissante Debbie. Celle-ci ne tarde pas à céder à ses pressantes avances...
00:00 *musique*
00:02 *musique*
00:04 *musique*
00:07 *musique*
00:09 *musique*
00:38 1, 2, 3 o'clock, 4 o'clock rock, 5, 6, 7 o'clock, 8 o'clock rock, 9, 10, 11 o'clock, 12 o'clock rock, we're going to rock around 10 o'clock tonight...
00:48 What did you say? Someone wants me! Someone roaming the streets wants me!
00:53 And I bet you're smart enough to get us a brew.
00:58 a ballpoint pen, a pint of old Harper...
01:04 OK, you got an ID for the liquor?
01:05 Nah, I left it in the car.
01:07 You'll have to get it before.
01:08 Oh, well, I... I also... I forgot the car.
01:11 We're finally getting out of this turkey camp. You just can't stay 17 forever.
01:18 You ever get tired of going steady with somebody that ain't around? I'm up for Brad.
01:25 If I had a boyfriend, he'd pound you.
01:29 What's wrong?
01:36 Go to hell.
01:37 Get your boogaloos out, baby. The Wolfman is everywhere.
01:45 Cherry bomb!
01:50 You know Toby Juarez?
01:53 We killed him last night.
01:55 Excuse me, I think we've had an accident.
01:59 Well, I won't report you this time, but next time, just watch it, will ya?
02:03 We want justice!
02:05 I can't stand it, man. I can dig it.
02:17 It's one of those great old movies about romance, racing and rock and roll.
02:21 Oh, American Graffiti.
02:32 American Graffiti. Where were you in '62?
02:36 *Musique*