• l’année dernière
D'après la collection d'essais à succès de Cheryl Strayed, \" Tiny Beautiful Things \" raconte l'histoire d'une femme dont le mariage est au bord du gouffre, à qui sa fille adresse à peine la parole et dont la carrière d'écrivaine est au point mort. Du coup, quand un ami lui propose de reprendre une rubrique de conseils, elle pense être la personne la moins indiquée pour le poste.. . alors qu'elle pourrait se révéler parfaitement qualifiée.


00:00 - So, morning.
00:01 - I got a call.
00:02 Last night, inviting me back to the land of the employed.
00:05 - Oh, is that why you brushed your hair?
00:07 - What? I always brush my hair.
00:09 - ♪ Would you believe me now? ♪
00:11 - My life is a mess.
00:13 My husband kicked me out a few days ago.
00:16 My daughter hates me.
00:18 - Hey, guys.
00:19 - What's wrong?
00:20 - You!
00:22 - What did I do?
00:25 - How did I get so far from the person I wanted to be?
00:30 - What would I tell my 22-year-old self?
00:35 - Stop worrying whether you're fat.
00:39 - Who cares?
00:40 - And stop obsessing about your nose.
00:42 Your nose is perfect.
00:43 - Don't take your mom for granted.
00:45 She won't be here forever.
00:47 - Blair Marie Pierce...
00:49 - ...is an award-winning essay writer
00:50 and soon-to-be college graduate with a 4.0!
00:53 - Go, Blair!
00:56 - You're one of the best writers I know.
00:59 An advice column is easy clicks.
01:01 - Okay, take a left.
01:02 - You should be the one doing this.
01:04 - I'm not giving anybody advice.
01:07 - What would I tell my 22-year-old self?
01:13 - Someday, you'll look back on that one Christmas
01:15 when your mother gave you a mustard yellow coat.
01:18 Don't hold it up and say it's too puffy
01:20 because your mother will be dead by spring
01:23 and that coat will be the last gift she ever gave you.
01:26 - I wish you weren't my mom!
01:28 I could die tomorrow, and if I did,
01:30 you would never forgive yourself
01:31 because that would be the last thing that you would ever say to me.
01:34 You're not the only one that could die tomorrow.
01:36 - So could I!
01:38 That is an awful thing to say to me!
01:40 - I want so much for you,
01:44 but you're not gonna get any of it
01:46 if you don't want it for yourself.
01:49 ♪ I am burning ♪
01:51 ♪ In the storm ♪
01:53 ♪ And I'm not gonna stop ♪
01:54 - What does it mean to heal?
01:56 To move on?
01:58 To let go?
02:00 ♪ And I'm not gonna stop ♪
02:02 ♪ I'm not gonna stop ♪
02:04 ♪ I'm not gonna stop ♪
02:09 ♪ If you leave the light on ♪
02:14 Sous-titres réalisés para la communauté d'Amara.org
